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Girlfriend threatening Suicide


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My girlfriend who has been living on and off with me for 5 years is threatening suicide She actually tried it 10 years ago but failed

She is pressured by her job her future she is depressed but I am not sure she will listen to me

Is there some type of help she can get here .

Doctors or suicide telephone line . She is at the very least in a bad way and needs some help

Any suggestions and please don't be nasty about your commments


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I'd like to help but it's difficult to know where to start, where are you located might help?

Many Thai females, especially poor undeducated rural girls use the threat of suicide as a lever, it's usually nothing more than a cry for help or a sign of real insecurity. It used to be very common to see young girls with shallow slash marks on the underside of their forearms, typically self inflicted following the break up with a boyfriend, is that the sort of suicide attempt you were refering to?

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Where are you OP?

I've encountered the false threat before ( my pals gf ), my ex said at the time that that woman was needing temple time.

Obviously her family should be informed, it's not your burden alone and you may find someone swooping in to take control, but aside from that she are stating that she is depressed, so a call to a Doctor wouldn't go wrong either.

Get on with it.

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Temple time ? They will be taught all about gucci handbags and the need to speak in tongues like a deity all for a price .Anyway do you really wanna be on or off with someone whos not the full quid .Time to find something or someone more stable buddy .Maybe sexy pancake ?

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Is this actually depression or is she trying to munipulate something ?

Depending where you are there are doctors, but any good one you will have to pay and probably sift through all the as good as scam artists.

Other than that try the temple at least it may calm her down and help to think someone is helping her.

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Any girl who threatens suicide is bad news. Big time. Nevermind a hotline, does she have any family? I'd contact them pronto.

Good advice, and what about some expert help? If she is depressed, then take her to the Doctors, I wish you both all the best.

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I found this link that might help you. http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/ency/article/001554.htm

Interestingly enough, it says that only 10% of people that threaten or try to commit suicide actually succeed.

Good luck - can't be easy living with that situation.

There is no way of knowing for sure which way it will go.

Statistically, 90% female suicides are unsuccessful.

The cases tend to be attempts to manipulate.

Statistically, 90% of male suicides are successful.

But this is statistics. In each case - go figure.

You can't run and leave this to a chance - nasty feeling of guilt for life.

Cannot advise - I don't have information.

Family is not the best to turn to. You don't know what are her reasons.

Get her to talk to a professional Psychologist (NOT PSYCHIATRIST!!)

Good luck to you and to her.

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I'd like to help but it's difficult to know where to start, where are you located might help?

Many Thai females, especially poor undeducated rural girls use the threat of suicide as a lever, it's usually nothing more than a cry for help or a sign of real insecurity. It used to be very common to see young girls with shallow slash marks on the underside of their forearms, typically self inflicted following the break up with a boyfriend, is that the sort of suicide attempt you were refering to?

This is true. However, some are not bluffing or anything of the sort.

I am sorry to say I know this for a fact.

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OP: Tried sending you a PM but PM function on this app has been playing up all day...

I have only a moment...

I have a great deal of sympathy for you and of course for your girl: I've been there. I wish I had some information for you but when I dealt with this about 25 years ago, there was very little help or even information available to me and it was pretty useless.

I suggest you contact a poster named Sheryl. I suspect she might be able to give you some sort of contact information or suggestion.

I wish you luck and strength.

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must admit had this one a few times from various nut jobs, i just ask them to do it away from the house so as not to get me in bother with police, present nut job sms me all time saying killing her self and baby, i don't know any other route to take as they rarely mean it, and getting into trying to stop them gets even more messy in my experience.

As stated a Ralph Lauren bag and a trip on a private jet may perk her up if your near certain sissaket temple.

Prozac is available over the counter at pharmacies

Edited by marstons
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Depending on where you are, will get you different answers. Irrespective, you need to get to her seen by a suitably qualified MHP. Most of the large Hospitalsmwill have a Psychiatrist.

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The thing with Thai is that some will actually follow through with it.

If you off, might be easier to walk away, though personally if i loved her i would help.

Here are some suggestions

1. Take her to temple, either daily or put her in for a month, it helps to relax and perhaps "see the light"

2. Speak with Monk and ask for help

3. There is/are help offices, i know there is one in Pattaya(not sure if its good for you, but no doubt have others)

4. Doctor would be a wise choice, though i do not have much faith in Thai professionals in this field

5. Last, start to put some prozac into her drinks or food.

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The thing with Thai is that some will actually follow through with it.

If you off, might be easier to walk away, though personally if i loved her i would help.

Here are some suggestions

1. Take her to temple, either daily or put her in for a month, it helps to relax and perhaps "see the light"

2. Speak with Monk and ask for help

3. There is/are help offices, i know there is one in Pattaya(not sure if its good for you, but no doubt have others)

4. Doctor would be a wise choice, though i do not have much faith in Thai professionals in this field

5. Last, start to put some prozac into her drinks or food.

Apologies for altering, but to me this seems your best advice.

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Dear OP, Please seek medical advise. I hope you are in a big city. If you happen to be in Chiang Mai, I can suggest a doctor. Personally, I would disregard all the adivise which suggests a temple, as monks have no training, in anything, and are just really laymen, but now monks, who have no special skills, in anything at all. Why people would suggest that, is just beyond my reasoning. These are just farmers or anyone, they have no training in ANYTHING, and you would be risking your freinds life, based on their opinions.

You need a psychiatrist ...there are not a lot of them in Thailand, that is why I hope you are in a big city.

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The thing with Thai is that some will actually follow through with it.

If you off, might be easier to walk away, though personally if i loved her i would help.

Here are some suggestions

1. Take her to temple, either daily or put her in for a month, it helps to relax and perhaps "see the light"

2. Speak with Monk and ask for help

3. There is/are help offices, i know there is one in Pattaya(not sure if its good for you, but no doubt have others)

4. Doctor would be a wise choice, though i do not have much faith in Thai professionals in this field

5. Last, start to put some prozac into her drinks or food.

The last statement is ridiculous and dangerous. The administration of new anti depressants to patients with depression can increase suicidal ideation, hence it is important that the person is assessed correctly before commencing any medication. Some people should be a lot more careful about what they post.

This should be a Doctor, and or support from a Monk.

Prozac is an anti depressant, it is not new nor an experimental drug.

Prozac does not increase suicidal ideation, and if you notice it was last on the list of my suggestionsrolleyes.gif

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Dear OP, Please seek medical advise. I hope you are in a big city. If you happen to be in Chiang Mai, I can suggest a doctor. Personally, I would disregard all the adivise which suggests a temple, as monks have no training, in anything, and are just really laymen, but now monks, who have no special skills, in anything at all. Why people would suggest that, is just beyond my reasoning. These are just farmers or anyone, they have no training in ANYTHING, and you would be risking your freinds life, based on their opinions.

You need a psychiatrist ...there are not a lot of them in Thailand, that is why I hope you are in a big city.

Monks are spiritual leaders and their opinion and advice outweighs by far anything any doctor says, especially in Thailand.

And we are not talking about 1 month monks, but the ones who devoted their entire life to temple

Edited by lemoncake
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The thing with Thai is that some will actually follow through with it.

If you off, might be easier to walk away, though personally if i loved her i would help.

Here are some suggestions

1. Take her to temple, either daily or put her in for a month, it helps to relax and perhaps "see the light"

2. Speak with Monk and ask for help

3. There is/are help offices, i know there is one in Pattaya(not sure if its good for you, but no doubt have others)

4. Doctor would be a wise choice, though i do not have much faith in Thai professionals in this field

5. Last, start to put some prozac into her drinks or food.

The last statement is ridiculous and dangerous. The administration of new anti depressants to patients with depression can increase suicidal ideation, hence it is important that the person is assessed correctly before commencing any medication. Some people should be a lot more careful about what they post.

This should be a Doctor, and or support from a Monk.

Prozac is an anti depressant, it is not new nor an experimental drug.

Prozac does not increase suicidal ideation, and if you notice it was last on the list of my suggestionsPosted Image

First of all, are you sure? Because some people who are perhaps more qualified would disagree.

Secondly, what possible difference does it make that it was last on the list? If it's a bad idea, why is it on the list? If isn't a bad idea, what significance does it position have?

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The thing with Thai is that some will actually follow through with it.

If you off, might be easier to walk away, though personally if i loved her i would help.

Here are some suggestions

1. Take her to temple, either daily or put her in for a month, it helps to relax and perhaps "see the light"

2. Speak with Monk and ask for help

3. There is/are help offices, i know there is one in Pattaya(not sure if its good for you, but no doubt have others)

4. Doctor would be a wise choice, though i do not have much faith in Thai professionals in this field

5. Last, start to put some prozac into her drinks or food.

The last statement is ridiculous and dangerous. The administration of new anti depressants to patients with depression can increase suicidal ideation, hence it is important that the person is assessed correctly before commencing any medication. Some people should be a lot more careful about what they post.

This should be a Doctor, and or support from a Monk.

Prozac is an anti depressant, it is not new nor an experimental drug.

Prozac does not increase suicidal ideation, and if you notice it was last on the list of my suggestionsrolleyes.gif

First of all, are you sure? Because some people who are perhaps more qualified would disagree.

Secondly, what possible difference does it make that it was last on the list? If it's a bad idea, why is it on the list? If isn't a bad idea, what significance does it position have?

Significance is drugs do not eradicate the problem, but only fix it short term and is not an ideal solution, however is an option in the mean time or while in search of a perm solution

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