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In danger of being a nation run by thieves: Thai editorial


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Death pennelty for taking money might help !

How about an award of 10% to whistleblowers. Give the poor people a chance to get a few million and it would go away!

Edited by gosompoi
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So what's new. Every government here ever in power has been the same. Of course each time there is a change the losers bitch about the new guys because they know what they did and now they are losing out.

The hypocrisy is as bad as the corruption.

Don't know how they will ever stop it here as it is seen as acceptable practice by too many folks.

Need to educate people - but which pig at the trough is ever going to do that?

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What about the education system here where money is syphoned off by school directors that is meant for school improvements, teacher's pay, learning material. One instance relayed to me where a school was given several million baht to build a library in the down time - on return, teachers found no library, but director found a new BMW. Thailand is dragging so far behind other ASEAN countries in English language understanding, it will be a total joke.

The problem is no accountability.

In the top countries for student test scores the world ranking of the top five include Singapore, Hong Kong, South Korea...... you get the idea but Thailand is 56!

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"The applicants are required to be "evidently honest" and show their credentials in supporting the fight against corruption. "

Not just foreign fishermen that the govt is going to have to bring into Thailand then.

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What on earth are they thinking??! Finding honest and ethical persons, empowering them to ferret out corruption? Putting them in well published locations at well published times???

I think these brainiacs coming up with these schemes are just trying to kill off the last honest Thai in Thailand...

Imho, the only way to get rid of corruption is to instill values in the children from an early age, and once they become adults, hopefully they can effect some change.

Edited by klauskunkel
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Join the club. Perhaps, after a long and costly series of exercises (maybe a few trips here and there in the region and the world), a few minor officials will be put on trial, and lots of reports will be written, but not much will change. In reality I do not believe that Thailand is any more or less corrupt than any other country. It is just in the west that the corruption is better hidden and overlooked. Good luck guys, and remember to duck just in case you do accidentally uncover real corruption of any truly important.

Utter crap!!! Just about any cop in Thailand is 100% corrupt. Try to even think about what they do in ,say Australia, and they would be out of a job and probably in jail quick smart. Yes some aussie cops become arrogant bullies, but corruption on the scale of Thailand would be impossible.

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What about the education system here where money is syphoned off by school directors that is meant for school improvements, teacher's pay, learning material. One instance relayed to me where a school was given several million baht to build a library in the down time - on return, teachers found no library, but director found a new BMW. Thailand is dragging so far behind other ASEAN countries in English language understanding, it will be a total joke.

The problem is no accountability.

School directors!!!!!!!!!

I have taught a quite a few schools now and the problem is not only endemic but EXPECTED behaviour as he/she has earned the right to bleed whatever they can!

I could post many a story here about my own findings and situations I have witnessed in schools here with the 'seniors' (I hate to put them in this class) but I am so bored, frustrated and tired of the whole daylight, ongoing scam! L-O-S, my ar*e!

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So what's new. Every government here ever in power has been the same. Of course each time there is a change the losers bitch about the new guys because they know what they did and now they are losing out.

The hypocrisy is as bad as the corruption.

Don't know how they will ever stop it here as it is seen as acceptable practice by too many folks.

Need to educate people - but which pig at the trough is ever going to do that?

Yeap. That's the thing. When you decide to put a stop to it, who gets caught in the net & "purged", and who gets amnesty or grandfathered? I think the constitution says this; you think it says that. The discussion always ends with each political wing blaming the other, both being just about equally culpable, and so nothing changes.

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Many posters on TV combine bribery and corruption together, when in fact they are two distinctly different practices.

Bribery is a specific offence which concerns the practice of offering something, usually money, to gain an illicit advantage.

Corruption is an abuse of a position of trust in order to gain an undue advantage.

Admittedly they often go hand-in-hand, but it would be nice to have clarity in some arguments.

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Things can only improve when the average Thai starts to give a bugger about their country, currently there is little evidence of this.

Ironic this behaviour from such a xenophobic nation!

I think they do give a 'bugger' but the problem is so ingrained in their culture, they choose to accept it as part of daily life. 'Mai pen arai' is the normal attitude to any wrong doing that happens.

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" in danger of being ", oh no this is too much, my sides can't handle anymore splitting.

They wished, at least then they might be able to do something about it. As it is, graft business as ususal

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I think the writer of this editorial does not even follow the news. In danger of becoming? It seems Thailand passed that road marker many years ago. Without a complete change of mindset, corruption will never stop. Jailing big names and educating the masses on the evils of corruption would be a good start.

Yep ! A classic example is the 800,000 Baht for a retirement visa con. I know one guy in Udon who paid 40k ( no money in the bank). Another in KK that paid 25k ( same thing), and the cheapest 12,500 in Buriram ( with a letter from the local bank manager saying he had the cash!). Gov officials.........................really trustworthy yeah!

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Have anyone actually noticed these jobs being advertised as available, or did the government just find the candidates internally among the Pheu Thai party members?

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In my home country government corruption is legal. Our elected officials are allowed to accept campaign "donations" form private interprize. The government prints up and circulates billions of counterfiet notes into the economy every year and tells us about it.

If there is so much corruption in Thailand, at least it is ilegal and some effort has to be put into covering it up. I think it's great that they even acknowlege the problem and are trying to address it.

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"corruption boils down to simple greed and never knowing how much is enough." simple answer: never enough. The way I see it this: if the commission actually was able to make some headway, a few random murders of members would send the message loud and clear to back off and take some bribes. If they don't get whacked, then that seems evidence they aren't doing anything. I thought the percentage of Thais who think corruption is okay is much higher. Until that changes (and I doubt if it will) nothing else will matter much. Too short sighted to understand the corrosive effects of corruption on their daily lives.

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That's an awful lot of inactive posts.

S-s-s-s-okay bigbamboo in another ten years the Han Chinese from Beijing will come hopping down that 4 lane bunnie trail they've carved, tunneled, bridged and paved from Luang Nam Tha to the Mae Nam Kong.

They'll be looking for food; the one thing they need more than oil.

They already have the water thing sorted, n'est-ce pas ?

There will be changes made then, I guess.

Maybe I'm being too seeliat.

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It has already happened years ago. This country is digging it's own grave literally and figuratively. I won't be around for that scenario. It is precisely this corruption issue, and many social ills in this LOScams that has driven me away.

The novelty wore off a long time ago.

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I believe Thailand is on the path to implosion. They know the problem and can't/won't fix it and the AEC is breathing down their necks along with the trade agreement sponsored by the US.

Going down in flames. No solution to absolute corruption.

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What is better? covert corruption practiced by the West, or overt corruption practiced by Thailand ?Much of the same to me! If you cannot afford the best lawyer

you are stuffed in both scenarios.

But I will qualify my statement that I would have a better chance of justice in the practices of the West.

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The best business in Thailand is to be a politician followed by being a policeman. When a public project is run by those that pay the "highest bid" instead of qualifications, the public gets screwed. This is evident when visiting the airport, or riding the BTS with limited cars and increasingly expensive or sidewalks that last a few months before the bricks start popping to name just a few projects. I wonder when Thais will say enough is enough.

Looks like being a monk can be a pretty sweet and lucrative job as well!

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What is the going price for the position of commissioner these days? Just wondering, if this work is on the "Thai-Only" list otherwise we could get some professional crooks from Cosa Nostra, the Mafia, Yakuza or any other similar organisation to assist with wonderful results, I clue ya!

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It has already happened years ago. This country is digging it's own grave literally and figuratively. I won't be around for that scenario. It is precisely this corruption issue, and many social ills in this LOScams that has driven me away.

The novelty wore off a long time ago.

Careful, I can here the 'go home crew' stirring!biggrin.png

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