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Cant find a thread on this.

Looking for help. I want to transfer around 40,000 GB sterling to my Bangkok Bank account from a UK bank account, I cannot seem to get an email address for information/contact on the Bangkok bank website. Has anyone had experience of transferring and the procedure?

I want to use this money for purchasing a condo in Thailand. I also have been told that to do this a buyer has to show the money has come from a foreign country account(Siam Legal told me this in an email) . Would appreciate help on these matters,


Make sure you ask your UK Bank to send in sterling. If they convert to baht for you in the UK you will get a much worse rate than if your Thai bank does it after receiving the sterling amount.

  • Like 2

Make sure you ask your UK Bank to send in sterling. If they convert to baht for you in the UK you will get a much worse rate than if your Thai bank does it after receiving the sterling amount.

Should you be telling such bank dirty little secrets? wink.png

Yeap, letting the sending bank convert to baht before sending makes them a nice little profit through the lower exchange rate they offer in comparison the TT Buying Exchange Rate automatically provided by Thai banks for wire transfers...about the best exchange rate the common man can get. But usually the way the sending bank offers to convert before sending they can make it sound like a real customer benefit (unfortunately it only benefits the bank at the customer's expense...the dirty little secret).


You can go through the London Branch also making the initial transfer a domestic one thus incurring less charges also,that's how I transfer money all the time.

  • Like 2

You can go through the London Branch also making the initial transfer a domestic one thus incurring less charges also,that's how I transfer money all the time.


You will probably get a better deal if you go through someone like Fairfx.

Looks them up on the net and call them, they will give you a quote and take care of all the business.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app


Swift transfer, very easy.

Not so easy selling though (i did).

I'd think twice before buying in Thai.

Just my opinion, I'd not do it again although I made a tidy profit.

Good luck.


I just transferred £60,000 from my Santander account in the UK to my Bangkok Bank account using the London office. They charged £20 in London and 500 baht in Bangkok - cheaper than using an FX company.

If you have an account with a UK bank, you can transfer funds to your Bangkok Bank account in Thailand via our London Branch using your UK bank’s online services, or instruct your local bank in person to transfer the funds to us (via Faster Payments Service or BACS) for onward transmission. Funds will be credited to the nominated account in Thailand on the next working day after we receive them in London.


  1. Log into your UK internet banking service or visit your local UK bank. You need to check with your bank what options are available to transfer funds or make a payment. Choose “Pay a Person” WITHIN THE UK. Do not choose “International Transfer”, otherwise the funds will be sent directly to the account in Thailand by your bank with their charges.
  2. Choose the payment method then quote the following relevant details into the appropriate field on your bank’s internet banking screen or money transfer form.

    Required Information

    "Clearing" Service Accounts/Details to be filled in


  1. 92 00 20 00
    (For Pounds Sterling transfers)

    • Bangkok Bank London receives the funds from your UK bank and transfers them to your account in Thailand in Pound Sterling.
    • The currency is converted from Pound Sterling to Thai Baht at Bangkok Bank, Bangkok, using its daily TT buying rate.
    • You will need to enter the account number of the final beneficiary into "the special instruction" field (see below).
    For Payee/

    First name and surname of the receiving party

    Enter the recipient’s first name and surname as shown in the recipient’s Bangkok Bank passbook. DO NOT put Bangkok Bank. Special Instruction
    (Payment Reference or
    Payment Description)

    Ten-digit account number followed by BKKBTHBK

    Enter the full 10-digit Bangkok Bank account number, followed by BKKBTHBK (the SWIFT address of Bangkok Bank in Thailand).

    (e.g. 1234567890BKKBTHBK)

  2. After you correctly enter the details, funds will be transferred into the recipient’s Bangkok Bank account in Thailand the next working day after the funds are received by Bangkok Bank in London.

This works for me all the time.

  • Like 1

Why do you say choose "transfer to A Uk person" when the money is going to another country? I use santander bank did you do all that online without contacting the bank at branch or on phone?


I just transferred £60,000 from my Santander account in the UK to my Bangkok Bank account using the London office. They charged £20 in London and 500 baht in Bangkok - cheaper than using an FX company.

If you have an account with a UK bank, you can transfer funds to your Bangkok Bank account in Thailand via our London Branch using your UK bank’s online services, or instruct your local bank in person to transfer the funds to us (via Faster Payments Service or BACS) for onward transmission. Funds will be credited to the nominated account in Thailand on the next working day after we receive them in London.


  1. Log into your UK internet banking service or visit your local UK bank. You need to check with your bank what options are available to transfer funds or make a payment. Choose “Pay a Person” WITHIN THE UK. Do not choose “International Transfer”, otherwise the funds will be sent directly to the account in Thailand by your bank with their charges.

  2. Choose the payment method then quote the following relevant details into the appropriate field on your bank’s internet banking screen or money transfer form.

    Required Information

    "Clearing" Service Accounts/Details to be filled in


  1. 92 00 20 00

    (For Pounds Sterling transfers)

    • Bangkok Bank London receives the funds from your UK bank and transfers them to your account in Thailand in Pound Sterling.
    • The currency is converted from Pound Sterling to Thai Baht at Bangkok Bank, Bangkok, using its daily TT buying rate.
    • You will need to enter the account number of the final beneficiary into "the special instruction" field (see below).
    For Payee/


    First name and surname of the receiving party

    Enter the recipient’s first name and surname as shown in the recipient’s Bangkok Bank passbook. DO NOT put Bangkok Bank. Special Instruction

    (Payment Reference or

    Payment Description)

    Ten-digit account number followed by BKKBTHBK

    Enter the full 10-digit Bangkok Bank account number, followed by BKKBTHBK (the SWIFT address of Bangkok Bank in Thailand).

    (e.g. 1234567890BKKBTHBK)

  2. After you correctly enter the details, funds will be transferred into the recipient’s Bangkok Bank account in Thailand the next working day after the funds are received by Bangkok Bank in London.

This works for me all the time.

cassdee has got it spot on -

I have recently transferred about GBP 60k using this method and works well and easily and is by far the cheapest method as I had previously used HiFX and other FX companies.

One word of advice though - my bank/building society in the UK, Nationwide, has a GBP 10k daily limit on such transfers so you need to do several transfers to switch all your money you need for the condo. But once I had set up the payee i.e. myself at BBK Branch London with my Thai BKK bank details, then all subsequent transfers took seconds with just a few clicks of the mouse.

Highly recommend you use this method.


Why do you say choose "transfer to A Uk person" when the money is going to another country? I use santander bank did you do all that online without contacting the bank at branch or on phone?

He choose "transfer to a UK person" because the first transfer is an internal UK one (from his UK bank to Bangkok Bank in London). Only later does it become an international transfer (when it goes from London to Thailand) and that part has nothing to do with the originating UK bank anyway.

The Santander FPS limit is GBP100,000 so you should be able to transfer that much online, though it may get blocked for security checks.

  • 2 weeks later...

But once I had set up the payee i.e. myself at BBK Branch London with my Thai BKK bank details,

please can you clarify what LONDON address details are needed to set up the payee at BKK London i.e. BKK london bank code, reference number?

  • 3 weeks later...

You can do all the transaction online by following the instructions I gave originally. However, if the amount to transfer is greater than the daily limit then you would need to talk with a customer service rep for approval, as I did. All smaller amounts you do direct online.

  • 4 months later...

£5000 lost in cyber-space I did a transfer from nationwide uk to bangkok bank 21 days ago still have not got ( bb say wrong details and sent back, nationwide say no !! ) bb very unhelpful over the phone cut off 3 times " so take care " i am now looking for an international banking ombudsman as i am getting nowhere


£5000 lost in cyber-space I did a transfer from nationwide uk to bangkok bank 21 days ago still have not got ( bb say wrong details and sent back, nationwide say no !! ) bb very unhelpful over the phone cut off 3 times " so take care " i am now looking for an international banking ombudsman as i am getting nowhere

I now find the problem is with my uk bank and they will now re-do the transfer for free ( your off the hook BB but your phone service still stinks )


£5000 lost in cyber-space I did a transfer from nationwide uk to bangkok bank 21 days ago still have not got ( bb say wrong details and sent back, nationwide say no !! ) bb very unhelpful over the phone cut off 3 times " so take care " i am now looking for an international banking ombudsman as i am getting nowhere

I am on this thread because I will be transferring money from the UK to Thailand via london shortly. Your post is very worrying especially to someone like me who hates Banks and other big business, they seem to try and rob (even if it's legal) the ordinary person at every turn. Try the Financial Ombudsman Service, but I have to say I found them very unhelpful and kept going round in circles, when I had an issue with my credit card company. Could you let me know how you get on? You can PM me if you like.


I just transferred £60,000 from my Santander account in the UK to my Bangkok Bank account using the London office. They charged £20 in London and 500 baht in Bangkok - cheaper than using an FX company.

If you have an account with a UK bank, you can transfer funds to your Bangkok Bank account in Thailand via our London Branch using your UK bank’s online services, or instruct your local bank in person to transfer the funds to us (via Faster Payments Service or BACS) for onward transmission. Funds will be credited to the nominated account in Thailand on the next working day after we receive them in London.


  1. Log into your UK internet banking service or visit your local UK bank. You need to check with your bank what options are available to transfer funds or make a payment. Choose “Pay a Person” WITHIN THE UK. Do not choose “International Transfer”, otherwise the funds will be sent directly to the account in Thailand by your bank with their charges.

  2. Choose the payment method then quote the following relevant details into the appropriate field on your bank’s internet banking screen or money transfer form.

    Required Information

    "Clearing" Service Accounts/Details to be filled in


  1. 92 00 20 00

    (For Pounds Sterling transfers)

    • Bangkok Bank London receives the funds from your UK bank and transfers them to your account in Thailand in Pound Sterling.
    • The currency is converted from Pound Sterling to Thai Baht at Bangkok Bank, Bangkok, using its daily TT buying rate.
    • You will need to enter the account number of the final beneficiary into "the special instruction" field (see below).
    For Payee/


    First name and surname of the receiving party

    Enter the recipient’s first name and surname as shown in the recipient’s Bangkok Bank passbook. DO NOT put Bangkok Bank. Special Instruction

    (Payment Reference or

    Payment Description)

    Ten-digit account number followed by BKKBTHBK

    Enter the full 10-digit Bangkok Bank account number, followed by BKKBTHBK (the SWIFT address of Bangkok Bank in Thailand).

    (e.g. 1234567890BKKBTHBK)

  2. After you correctly enter the details, funds will be transferred into the recipient’s Bangkok Bank account in Thailand the next working day after the funds are received by Bangkok Bank in London.

This works for me all the time.

cassdee has got it spot on -

I have recently transferred about GBP 60k using this method and works well and easily and is by far the cheapest method as I had previously used HiFX and other FX companies.

One word of advice though - my bank/building society in the UK, Nationwide, has a GBP 10k daily limit on such transfers so you need to do several transfers to switch all your money you need for the condo. But once I had set up the payee i.e. myself at BBK Branch London with my Thai BKK bank details, then all subsequent transfers took seconds with just a few clicks of the mouse.

Highly recommend you use this method.

Is using HiFX really more expensive than transferring funds from UK bank to Bangkok bank in Thailand via London?

  • 7 months later...

First name and surname of the receiving party

Enter the recipient’s first name and surname as shown in the recipient’s Bangkok Bank passbook. DO NOT put Bangkok Bank. Special Instruction
(Payment Reference or
Payment Description)

Your instructions are very clear. Thank you.

I do have one query however.

I'm sure that I have read on other threads on this site that the Thai banks are very particular that the name on the account of payee is exactly the same as on instructions from payer. So if you only put first name and surname as it asks for, and the account has full name, (including middle name), are there likely to be problems? Or is there no problem entering full name on Bangkok Bank instruction?

  • 1 year later...

I transferred via Santander and often do as suggested , and normally within 24 hours I get an sms message telling me it's been transferred into my bkk account here ...

But I forgot it was good Friday last week , and transferred £20,000 . It's Tuesday now nothing , I contacted via message to Santander who said it would go automatic ..

I'm guessing / hoping the Easter weekend has delayed and I have nothing to worry about ... But I'm worried

As I say normally no problem , but how do I contact bkk bank in London ? ..

Or do I wait as I should get an sms by weds , thinking nothing would have happened until Tuesday anyway ??

  • 2 months later...

I am a Bank Bangkok customer, we have in Thailand at Bank Bangkok a sterling account, we transfer to BBL in London and no intermediaries costs, we loose about 500 batt when money arrives in Thailand

We can then sell online and credit our Thai batt account as and when we choose works well

  • 1 month later...

Since Brexit, with the GBP falling I am trying to transfer £40k IN STERLING so that it can be stored until [?] the £ recovers, or THB falls.


Bangkok Bank tells me they make a 2% charge for having a Sterling Account- some £800 a year, if my maths is correct! OUTRAGEOUS, IMO. 

My sister is a signatory to my UK account so withdrawing the cash in person is possible. Now I try to find a way to mail it, with insurance against loss. 

ON-line of FX transfer is a no-go because conversion to THB is automatic. Have tried Bank Drafts before- they take WEEKS, no matter what banks tell you, 

plus fees amount to financial theft. Telegraphic transfer- again, conversion is automatic. 

At worst I will have a holiday in UK and do the necessary myself. 

Conclusion- banks are basically pricks.  Take your money and go. Only 100% sure way to do it. 


I transferred 40k 4 years ago, the Bank here held onto the cash for a few days until the rate fell before putting into my account. It was actually exchanged when sent so they re exchanged it costing me 800 quid, they are a law unto themselves. Complaints fall on deaf ears.

  • Like 1

Sorry to hear that. The same happened in Turkey when I used a Bank Cheque issued in Australia; it took 5 WEEKS to 'process' and cost me £500 in lost interest, charges and fees. Cheque had to be returned to Oz bank for 'certification', then to Turkish bank in Istanbul before reaching my branch in Dalaman. 

Thus my claim "Banks are pr*icks".  

Take the money and run; just remember to fill in a customs clearance form in country of origin, and make a photocopy...KEEP the orib

On 6/23/2016 at 2:27 PM, al007 said:



On 6/23/2016 at 2:27 PM, al007 said:

I am a Bank Bangkok customer, we have in Thailand at Bank Bangkok a sterling account, we transfer to BBL in London and no intermediaries costs, we loose about 500 batt when money arrives in Thailand

We can then sell online and credit our Thai batt account as and when we choose works well

I also have a BKK account- are you aware that they charge a fee of 2% of the cash in your Sterling account? 

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