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3-year old girl severely injured after fall from moving Bangkok school van


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You mean she didn't have her seatbelt on? rolleyes.gif

Oh right, she's a Thai and they don't need seatbelts in their vans and taxis.

This story is sickening. Unfortunately it has Thailand written all over it. sad.png

Edited by Salapoo
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best wishes for the little one and a speedy recovery wished!!!

Why in Godsname,doesn't ANY Thai opens his big mouth in public.

With me 80% of the students at my kids school are driven to and from school by private cars.

We almost ALL have to use the same road to and from the school to see these bloody idiots driving the rest of the kids to school.

I did my part...taking 1 driver apart (verbally)when he zigzagged through traffic and red light and we encountered at the school yard.

Now what happened is that the parents looked at my if i was some sort of alien moron but failed to support me.

Oh btw i speak Thai....more then enough to make my case(s)

You all sit there in your Western minds knocking, complaining, not understanding. You see only your way, but the majority came this way for one thing. It's about time you started with 'grengjai' to my country. I have recently joined this site, and I have studied in the west. Coming home I have a lot to be proud of.... but you wingeing lot just winge, and think it's fun. You are a disgrace in attitude to this country, my country, an dthe people of the country around you. You need to sit back and be grateful for your acceptance as a visitor. That is all you are; A visitor. Stop taking the piss out of everything your read.... mai dai.. mai dee....

Try joining Panthip forum. You would see many similar responses from Thai's regarding the same topic.

If you don't care whether or not a child of 3 years old falls out of a moving school van then I would suggest you are a disgrace to your nation.

The reason many foreigners have an opinion and voice it on this forum is because they care so much about Thailand. It is heart breaking to see such a wonderful country trip over itself so frequently.

The Thai government putting Westerners (any will do, just pick 'em off the street at random) in charge of all Health and Safety would be a start.

School vans, mini-vans and taxis with no seatbelts?? They're having a laugh, surely. I mean how did this happen, as 6th grader (12 yr old?) left in charge of the door of a vehicle that has 3 yr old kids moving around in there without seatbelts, then he buggered off to the shop, wow, how on Earth could anything like a kid falling out of the van happen. :rolleyes:

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Are you for real?Nanny staters? How about common sensers?She is three years old. The door should have been locked.

At three years old mate she should be sitting in a child seat safely belted up,that's where my kids are on any journey,as for nanny states and common sense I'm thankful I was taught or my parents were forced to abide by the rules.

Everything for you is related to your upbringing in the West, isn't it?

You live in a third world country - get real in attitude, or go home if you don't like what you experience here. Parents are not even aware of the importance of child seats, never mind if they could afford them. Good for you that you keep your own standards. Don't knock Thailand because it hasn't learned yet. You're only here because of one thing..... and it protrudes more than your brain!

What an absolutely ridiculous comment you've Made here!

I'm pretty sure they're not knocking Thailand...more the fact that something has happened that shouldn't happen ANYWHERE in the world.

This has happened out of pure stupidity and lack of common sense and out of the fault of individuals...not Thailand.

When working with children there is no room for error...everything should be 100% safe.

Shame on you for your comment

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You all sit there in your Western minds knocking, complaining, not understanding. You see only your way, but the majority came this way for one thing. It's about time you started with 'grengjai' to my country. I have recently joined this site, and I have studied in the west. Coming home I have a lot to be proud of.... but you wingeing lot just winge, and think it's fun. You are a disgrace in attitude to this country, my country, an dthe people of the country around you. You need to sit back and be grateful for your acceptance as a visitor. That is all you are; A visitor. Stop taking the piss out of everything your read.... mai dai.. mai dee....

Have I missed something here???

Why are people starting arguments about something totally irrelevant. It has nothing to do with countries.

A child has been involved in a serious accident...the issue should be that this should not happen anywhere!

1) child lock.

2) adult at the door.


Or am I just naive in thinking this should be common sense knowledge worldwide???

You are not naive at all...

But, an issue lies with the carelessness of the law and even when the law exists the enforcement is non-existent until a tragedy occurs. This is followed by an announcement of a 'crack-down' of some form or another only to be followed up with similar tragic examples within a matter of weeks.

What is really tragic about this is that so many people are innocently ignorant to many of the issues, its not really their fault that seat belts were not used, some of these parents simply don't know any better - After all, many of us grew up in a time when seat belts in the rear of our cars did not exist.

With all of that said: When society accepts that a 3 year old is being blamed for opening the door of a moving vehicle something is tragically wrong. It shouldn't take someone regarded as 'only a visitor' to recognise this flaw and 'kraeng-Jai' should not obstruct measures which may be taken or / and discussed to avoid similar issues.

Edited by richard_smith237
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You all sit there in your Western minds knocking, complaining, not understanding. You see only your way, but the majority came this way for one thing. It's about time you started with 'grengjai' to my country. I have recently joined this site, and I have studied in the west. Coming home I have a lot to be proud of.... but you wingeing lot just winge, and think it's fun. You are a disgrace in attitude to this country, my country, an dthe people of the country around you. You need to sit back and be grateful for your acceptance as a visitor. That is all you are; A visitor. Stop taking the piss out of everything your read.... mai dai.. mai dee....

Lol, you are about as Thai as a Scotch egg. Nice try though, had a couple of people fooled.

Bull's eye, my man. Bull's eye.

But let's NOT tell this genius the seven (eight?) linguistic tells he made.

Bet he pumps away to his farang buddies in BG sapeak, gas well.

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Like many other comments on this thread, mine are just speculation:

I speculate that a 3 year old is not strong enough to open the van door. I'll speculate that the van door was never properly closed in the first place. I speculate that the van door slid open under the vans movement and the little girl tried to keep it closed and fell out.

Issues here:

A School Van carrying infants without child seats, seat belts or child locks on the doors.

An infant cannot be responsible or blamed for falling out of a moving vehicle. The only adult present must be accountable for this, as mush those who permitted the child to ride in a vehicle unsafe for a child in the first place.

Recently: A friend of my Wife had her 5 year old run 10m across the car park to us. He'd unbelted himself from the car seat and opened the door. I had to get my Wife's friend to engage the child locks there and then in front of me...

It does seem to me that there are too many tragic stories all of which originate from a basic lack of responsibility, which in itself stems from a lack of accountability.

i would say that you are spot on, the door opening under acceleration. a grade 6 student (12 or 13 year old child) in charge. poor bastard.

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I think it's more likely the door hasn't been closed properly and when he's sped away it's slid open and the poor kids fell out.

Sent from my GT-P5100 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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You all sit there in your Western minds knocking, complaining, not understanding. You see only your way, but the majority came this way for one thing. It's about time you started with 'grengjai' to my country. I have recently joined this site, and I have studied in the west. Coming home I have a lot to be proud of.... but you wingeing lot just winge, and think it's fun. You are a disgrace in attitude to this country, my country, an dthe people of the country around you. You need to sit back and be grateful for your acceptance as a visitor. That is all you are; A visitor. Stop taking the piss out of everything your read.... mai dai.. mai dee....

Try joining Panthip forum. You would see many similar responses from Thai's regarding the same topic.

If you don't care whether or not a child of 3 years old falls out of a moving school van then I would suggest you are a disgrace to your nation.

The reason many foreigners have an opinion and voice it on this forum is because they care so much about Thailand. It is heart breaking to see such a wonderful country trip over itself so frequently.

While recognising that many aspects of Thailand are wonderful, we as foreigners would also love to see common sense and improvement in many areas. We have a right to an opinion, we foreigners have even jointed an 'expat' website to express this opinion.

I have a right to an opinion here, my Thai friends, Wife and her family value that opinion - I'd hazard a guess and suggest that they value my opinion of Thailand significantly more than they would yours, Sinisalom. Regardless of the visa I hold my opinion remains valid, to suggest that someone has no right to an opinion simply because they are a visitor is an example of the attitudes which hold areas of Thailand back.

I accept right to opinon. However, please remember, in all due respect, that your opinions are not Thai, and come from a different era, in effect.

Every post I read in this site is narrowed in opinion from a Western point of view, and a first world standard that I have experienced and, to add, enjoyed.

Ok, it's a site for westerners, and yet I am entitled to my opinion too, am I not?

It is not right to value your opinion, nor yours truly, as a means of your direct experience that says you are correct in your beliefs. You are not Thai, and will never have Thainess, and that's a thing you can never possibly understand - NEVER.

Caring for Thailand is exempt from first world standards, CURRENTLY, and that is something that must be accepted, like it or not. To continually knock every matter, being it the government, the police force, the army, the corruption is not the way forward. Exposure at the higest level is. So whilst everybody is making continual advances and derogatory remarks about everything wrong here..... why don't they keep it directed at the top levels, and not pathetic comments about balcony jumps, or elephant deaths........ but rather keep it all aimed at the very top?? I guess the forum would not be so interesting if dimwits couldn't take pleasure in knocking some place they care so much about??


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You all sit there in your Western minds knocking, complaining, not understanding. You see only your way, but the majority came this way for one thing. It's about time you started with 'grengjai' to my country. I have recently joined this site, and I have studied in the west. Coming home I have a lot to be proud of.... but you wingeing lot just winge, and think it's fun. You are a disgrace in attitude to this country, my country, an dthe people of the country around you. You need to sit back and be grateful for your acceptance as a visitor. That is all you are; A visitor. Stop taking the piss out of everything your read.... mai dai.. mai dee....

Try joining Panthip forum. You would see many similar responses from Thai's regarding the same topic.

If you don't care whether or not a child of 3 years old falls out of a moving school van then I would suggest you are a disgrace to your nation.

The reason many foreigners have an opinion and voice it on this forum is because they care so much about Thailand. It is heart breaking to see such a wonderful country trip over itself so frequently.

While recognising that many aspects of Thailand are wonderful, we as foreigners would also love to see common sense and improvement in many areas. We have a right to an opinion, we foreigners have even jointed an 'expat' website to express this opinion.

I have a right to an opinion here, my Thai friends, Wife and her family value that opinion - I'd hazard a guess and suggest that they value my opinion of Thailand significantly more than they would yours, Sinisalom. Regardless of the visa I hold my opinion remains valid, to suggest that someone has no right to an opinion simply because they are a visitor is an example of the attitudes which hold areas of Thailand back.

I accept right to opinon. However, please remember, in all due respect, that your opinions are not Thai, and come from a different era, in effect.

Every post I read in this site is narrowed in opinion from a Western point of view, and a first world standard that I have experienced and, to add, enjoyed.

Ok, it's a site for westerners, and yet I am entitled to my opinion too, am I not?

It is not right to value your opinion, nor yours truly, as a means of your direct experience that says you are correct in your beliefs. You are not Thai, and will never have Thainess, and that's a thing you can never possibly understand - NEVER.

Caring for Thailand is exempt from first world standards, CURRENTLY, and that is something that must be accepted, like it or not. To continually knock every matter, being it the government, the police force, the army, the corruption is not the way forward. Exposure at the higest level is. So whilst everybody is making continual advances and derogatory remarks about everything wrong here..... why don't they keep it directed at the top levels, and not pathetic comments about balcony jumps, or elephant deaths........ but rather keep it all aimed at the very top?? I guess the forum would not be so interesting if dimwits couldn't take pleasure in knocking some place they care so much about??


Less aggressive, well done. You still seem unclear about the purpose of a forum though. If you don't like what people are saying argue against their point instead of complaining about the fact people have a point of view you dislike.

Edited by angiud
fix quotes
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A terrible thing to happen and I hope this girl recovers.

I travel in vans like these quite a lot in Thailand with good drivers I'm glad to say. I have an 8 seater van in the UK with a sliding door and I've driven a number of delivery vans also with sliding doors and I doubt any of them could be opened by a child this young even if they were unlocked. The only way I can see this happening is if the door was opened electrically with a switch or if the van was accelerating at the time. The most likely scenario in my view is the door wasn't shut properly and opened during acceleration.

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You all sit there in your Western minds knocking, complaining, not understanding. You see only your way, but the majority came this way for one thing. It's about time you started with 'grengjai' to my country. I have recently joined this site, and I have studied in the west. Coming home I have a lot to be proud of.... but you wingeing lot just winge, and think it's fun. You are a disgrace in attitude to this country, my country, an dthe people of the country around you. You need to sit back and be grateful for your acceptance as a visitor. That is all you are; A visitor. Stop taking the piss out of everything your read.... mai dai.. mai dee....

Try joining Panthip forum. You would see many similar responses from Thai's regarding the same topic.

If you don't care whether or not a child of 3 years old falls out of a moving school van then I would suggest you are a disgrace to your nation.

The reason many foreigners have an opinion and voice it on this forum is because they care so much about Thailand. It is heart breaking to see such a wonderful country trip over itself so frequently.

While recognising that many aspects of Thailand are wonderful, we as foreigners would also love to see common sense and improvement in many areas. We have a right to an opinion, we foreigners have even jointed an 'expat' website to express this opinion.

I have a right to an opinion here, my Thai friends, Wife and her family value that opinion - I'd hazard a guess and suggest that they value my opinion of Thailand significantly more than they would yours, Sinisalom. Regardless of the visa I hold my opinion remains valid, to suggest that someone has no right to an opinion simply because they are a visitor is an example of the attitudes which hold areas of Thailand back.

I accept right to opinon. However, please remember, in all due respect, that your opinions are not Thai, and come from a different era, in effect.

Every post I read in this site is narrowed in opinion from a Western point of view, and a first world standard that I have experienced and, to add, enjoyed.

Ok, it's a site for westerners, and yet I am entitled to my opinion too, am I not?

It is not right to value your opinion, nor yours truly, as a means of your direct experience that says you are correct in your beliefs. You are not Thai, and will never have Thainess, and that's a thing you can never possibly understand - NEVER.

Caring for Thailand is exempt from first world standards, CURRENTLY, and that is something that must be accepted, like it or not. To continually knock every matter, being it the government, the police force, the army, the corruption is not the way forward. Exposure at the higest level is. So whilst everybody is making continual advances and derogatory remarks about everything wrong here..... why don't they keep it directed at the top levels, and not pathetic comments about balcony jumps, or elephant deaths........ but rather keep it all aimed at the very top?? I guess the forum would not be so interesting if dimwits couldn't take pleasure in knocking some place they care so much about??


Less aggressive, well done. You still seem unclear about the purpose of a forum though. If you don't like what people are saying argue against their point instead of complaining about the fact people have a point of view you dislike.

I DON'T make derogatory names if somebody doesn't like what I post. I was called a "***t" - and I just dicovered this word. I don't think I will be staying here, because it is obvious Thais are not welcome.

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Less aggressive, well done. You still seem unclear about the purpose of a forum though. If you don't like what people are saying argue against their point instead of complaining about the fact people have a point of view you dislike.

You all sit there in your Western minds knocking, complaining, not understanding. You see only your way, but the majority came this way for one thing. It's about time you started with 'grengjai' to my country. I have recently joined this site, and I have studied in the west. Coming home I have a lot to be proud of.... but you wingeing lot just winge, and think it's fun. You are a disgrace in attitude to this country, my country, an dthe people of the country around you. You need to sit back and be grateful for your acceptance as a visitor. That is all you are; A visitor. Stop taking the piss out of everything your read.... mai dai.. mai dee....

Try joining Panthip forum. You would see many similar responses from Thai's regarding the same topic.

If you don't care whether or not a child of 3 years old falls out of a moving school van then I would suggest you are a disgrace to your nation.

The reason many foreigners have an opinion and voice it on this forum is because they care so much about Thailand. It is heart breaking to see such a wonderful country trip over itself so frequently.

While recognising that many aspects of Thailand are wonderful, we as foreigners would also love to see common sense and improvement in many areas. We have a right to an opinion, we foreigners have even jointed an 'expat' website to express this opinion.

I have a right to an opinion here, my Thai friends, Wife and her family value that opinion - I'd hazard a guess and suggest that they value my opinion of Thailand significantly more than they would yours, Sinisalom. Regardless of the visa I hold my opinion remains valid, to suggest that someone has no right to an opinion simply because they are a visitor is an example of the attitudes which hold areas of Thailand back.

I accept right to opinon. However, please remember, in all due respect, that your opinions are not Thai, and come from a different era, in effect.

Every post I read in this site is narrowed in opinion from a Western point of view, and a first world standard that I have experienced and, to add, enjoyed.

Ok, it's a site for westerners, and yet I am entitled to my opinion too, am I not?

It is not right to value your opinion, nor yours truly, as a means of your direct experience that says you are correct in your beliefs. You are not Thai, and will never have Thainess, and that's a thing you can never possibly understand - NEVER.

I DON'T make derogatory names if somebody doesn't like what I post. I was called a "***t" - and I just dicovered this word. I don't think I will be staying here, because it is obvious Thais are not welcome.

I didn't call you anything like that

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You all sit there in your Western minds knocking, complaining, not understanding. You see only your way, but the majority came this way for one thing. It's about time you started with 'grengjai' to my country. I have recently joined this site, and I have studied in the west. Coming home I have a lot to be proud of.... but you wingeing lot just winge, and think it's fun. You are a disgrace in attitude to this country, my country, an dthe people of the country around you. You need to sit back and be grateful for your acceptance as a visitor. That is all you are; A visitor. Stop taking the piss out of everything your read.... mai dai.. mai dee....

Try joining Panthip forum. You would see many similar responses from Thai's regarding the same topic.

If you don't care whether or not a child of 3 years old falls out of a moving school van then I would suggest you are a disgrace to your nation.

The reason many foreigners have an opinion and voice it on this forum is because they care so much about Thailand. It is heart breaking to see such a wonderful country trip over itself so frequently.

While recognising that many aspects of Thailand are wonderful, we as foreigners would also love to see common sense and improvement in many areas. We have a right to an opinion, we foreigners have even jointed an 'expat' website to express this opinion.

I have a right to an opinion here, my Thai friends, Wife and her family value that opinion - I'd hazard a guess and suggest that they value my opinion of Thailand significantly more than they would yours, Sinisalom. Regardless of the visa I hold my opinion remains valid, to suggest that someone has no right to an opinion simply because they are a visitor is an example of the attitudes which hold areas of Thailand back.

I accept right to opinon. However, please remember, in all due respect, that your opinions are not Thai, and come from a different era, in effect.

Every post I read in this site is narrowed in opinion from a Western point of view, and a first world standard that I have experienced and, to add, enjoyed.

Ok, it's a site for westerners, and yet I am entitled to my opinion too, am I not?

It is not right to value your opinion, nor yours truly, as a means of your direct experience that says you are correct in your beliefs. You are not Thai, and will never have Thainess, and that's a thing you can never possibly understand - NEVER.

Caring for Thailand is exempt from first world standards, CURRENTLY, and that is something that must be accepted, like it or not. To continually knock every matter, being it the government, the police force, the army, the corruption is not the way forward. Exposure at the higest level is. So whilst everybody is making continual advances and derogatory remarks about everything wrong here..... why don't they keep it directed at the top levels, and not pathetic comments about balcony jumps, or elephant deaths........ but rather keep it all aimed at the very top?? I guess the forum would not be so interesting if dimwits couldn't take pleasure in knocking some place they care so much about??


Less aggressive, well done. You still seem unclear about the purpose of a forum though. If you don't like what people are saying argue against their point instead of complaining about the fact people have a point of view you dislike.

You got a free pad too? Do you have electricity to use it? Looks like it is so. Congratulations. Please tell your teacher in Prathom 1 that you made a great comment of value, here.

I don't use agression, nor sarcasm. However, you are all teaching me fast.

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We have a right to an opinion

i once had an argument with a thai about my right to an opinion, and he became very quiet when i pointed out i pay more tax in this country annually than he had his entire life.

but as others have pointed out, this is a discussion of negligence resulting in the death of a child. it is one of those things where a simple procedure undertaken by a responsible adult could have saved a life.

In terms of negligence though i don't think this is even vaguely on par with the children left in school vehicles to slow roast.

my child got into a van every morning. the teacher opened the door from the seat nearest it, the children sat in the rear seats.

i was happy with that arrangement, because i got to see her get in the van safely every day.

i opted to pick her up though.

the sad thing is, you have to offer up a certain level of trust, or you risk packing them in gauze and denying them a life.

my daughter is unlikely to experience the world i grew up in, where at the age of 6 i would walk out the door with friends and faff about until dinner unsupervised. i used to walk about 3k to school at her age and thought nothing of it. if i wre to tell her she was getting to school under her own steam here she would be terrified.

under todays culture of fear, my parents could have been considered negligent.

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You all sit there in your Western minds knocking, complaining, not understanding. You see only your way, but the majority came this way for one thing. It's about time you started with 'grengjai' to my country. I have recently joined this site, and I have studied in the west. Coming home I have a lot to be proud of.... but you wingeing lot just winge, and think it's fun. You are a disgrace in attitude to this country, my country, an dthe people of the country around you. You need to sit back and be grateful for your acceptance as a visitor. That is all you are; A visitor. Stop taking the piss out of everything your read.... mai dai.. mai dee....

Have I missed something here???

Why are people starting arguments about something totally irrelevant. It has nothing to do with countries.

A child has been involved in a serious accident...the issue should be that this should not happen anywhere!

1) child lock.

2) adult at the door.


Or am I just naive in thinking this should be common sense knowledge worldwide???

You are not naive at all...

But, an issue lies with the carelessness of the law and even when the law exists the enforcement is non-existent until a tragedy occurs. This is followed by an announcement of a 'crack-down' of some form or another only to be followed up with similar tragic examples within a matter of weeks.

What is really tragic about this is that so many people are innocently ignorant to many of the issues, its not really their fault that seat belts were not used, some of these parents simply don't know any better - After all, many of us grew up in a time when seat belts in the rear of our cars did not exist.

With all of that said: When society accepts that a 3 year old is being blamed for opening the door of a moving vehicle something is tragically wrong. It shouldn't take someone regarded as 'only a visitor' to recognise this flaw and 'kraeng-Jai' should not obstruct measures which may be taken or / and discussed to avoid similar issues.

I would point out that I grew up in the UK. During that time seat belts went from being non existent to being compulsory in the front and back but I still realise that it's stupid not to wear them.

I've seen many well educated Thais here who even after telling everyone about an accident where someone was killed due to not wearing a belt or helmet still go and ride without a helmet and drive a car without one whilst their children sit on the passenger's lap or bounce up and down on the back seat. It's almost always Thais because obviously there are so many of them but I've seen the same with western university graduates as well

The problem here is that often in vans and cabs the belts aren't available and in vans if you have a belt and use it the 8 or so passengers behind you will crush you anyway

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You all sit there in your Western minds knocking, complaining, not understanding. You see only your way, but the majority came this way for one thing. It's about time you started with 'grengjai' to my country. I have recently joined this site, and I have studied in the west. Coming home I have a lot to be proud of.... but you wingeing lot just winge, and think it's fun. You are a disgrace in attitude to this country, my country, an dthe people of the country around you. You need to sit back and be grateful for your acceptance as a visitor. That is all you are; A visitor. Stop taking the piss out of everything your read.... mai dai.. mai dee....

blah blah, send your kid to assumption or any private school and you are paying a premium for an improved level of service. that includes believing your child is safe in transport and not monitored by a 6th grader.

i don't care where you studied or what you think you know, negligence where children are concerned is not forgivable. visitor or otherwise.

So you believe all Thais should, and have the means, to send their children to a top school?

Go back to your rock please.

Negligence happens in all countries :


Yet, your drivers are so perfect, are they not?

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You all sit there in your Western minds knocking, complaining, not understanding. You see only your way, but the majority came this way for one thing. It's about time you started with 'grengjai' to my country. I have recently joined this site, and I have studied in the west. Coming home I have a lot to be proud of.... but you wingeing lot just winge, and think it's fun. You are a disgrace in attitude to this country, my country, an dthe people of the country around you. You need to sit back and be grateful for your acceptance as a visitor. That is all you are; A visitor. Stop taking the piss out of everything your read.... mai dai.. mai dee....

Have I missed something here???

Why are people starting arguments about something totally irrelevant. It has nothing to do with countries.

A child has been involved in a serious accident...the issue should be that this should not happen anywhere!

1) child lock.

2) adult at the door.


Or am I just naive in thinking this should be common sense knowledge worldwide???

You are not naive at all...

But, an issue lies with the carelessness of the law and even when the law exists the enforcement is non-existent until a tragedy occurs. This is followed by an announcement of a 'crack-down' of some form or another only to be followed up with similar tragic examples within a matter of weeks.

What is really tragic about this is that so many people are innocently ignorant to many of the issues, its not really their fault that seat belts were not used, some of these parents simply don't know any better - After all, many of us grew up in a time when seat belts in the rear of our cars did not exist.

With all of that said: When society accepts that a 3 year old is being blamed for opening the door of a moving vehicle something is tragically wrong. It shouldn't take someone regarded as 'only a visitor' to recognise this flaw and 'kraeng-Jai' should not obstruct measures which may be taken or / and discussed to avoid similar issues.

I would point out that I grew up in the UK. During that time seat belts went from being non existent to being compulsory in the front and back but I still realise that it's stupid not to wear them.

I've seen many well educated Thais here who even after telling everyone about an accident where someone was killed due to not wearing a belt or helmet still go and ride without a helmet and drive a car without one whilst their children sit on the passenger's lap or bounce up and down on the back seat. It's almost always Thais because obviously there are so many of them but I've seen the same with western university graduates as well

The problem here is that often in vans and cabs the belts aren't available and in vans if you have a belt and use it the 8 or so passengers behind you will crush you anyway

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You all sit there in your Western minds knocking, complaining, not understanding. You see only your way, but the majority came this way for one thing. It's about time you started with 'grengjai' to my country. I have recently joined this site, and I have studied in the west. Coming home I have a lot to be proud of.... but you wingeing lot just winge, and think it's fun. You are a disgrace in attitude to this country, my country, an dthe people of the country around you. You need to sit back and be grateful for your acceptance as a visitor. That is all you are; A visitor. Stop taking the piss out of everything your read.... mai dai.. mai dee....

Try joining Panthip forum. You would see many similar responses from Thai's regarding the same topic.

If you don't care whether or not a child of 3 years old falls out of a moving school van then I would suggest you are a disgrace to your nation.

The reason many foreigners have an opinion and voice it on this forum is because they care so much about Thailand. It is heart breaking to see such a wonderful country trip over itself so frequently.

While recognising that many aspects of Thailand are wonderful, we as foreigners would also love to see common sense and improvement in many areas. We have a right to an opinion, we foreigners have even jointed an 'expat' website to express this opinion.

I have a right to an opinion here, my Thai friends, Wife and her family value that opinion - I'd hazard a guess and suggest that they value my opinion of Thailand significantly more than they would yours, Sinisalom. Regardless of the visa I hold my opinion remains valid, to suggest that someone has no right to an opinion simply because they are a visitor is an example of the attitudes which hold areas of Thailand back.

I accept right to opinon. However, please remember, in all due respect, that your opinions are not Thai, and come from a different era, in effect.

Every post I read in this site is narrowed in opinion from a Western point of view, and a first world standard that I have experienced and, to add, enjoyed.

Ok, it's a site for westerners, and yet I am entitled to my opinion too, am I not?

It is not right to value your opinion, nor yours truly, as a means of your direct experience that says you are correct in your beliefs. You are not Thai, and will never have Thainess, and that's a thing you can never possibly understand - NEVER.

Caring for Thailand is exempt from first world standards, CURRENTLY, and that is something that must be accepted, like it or not. To continually knock every matter, being it the government, the police force, the army, the corruption is not the way forward. Exposure at the higest level is. So whilst everybody is making continual advances and derogatory remarks about everything wrong here..... why don't they keep it directed at the top levels, and not pathetic comments about balcony jumps, or elephant deaths........ but rather keep it all aimed at the very top?? I guess the forum would not be so interesting if dimwits couldn't take pleasure in knocking some place they care so much about??


Gee I think someone's having a lend here!!.. Sure I am not Thai...and may never know Thainess (I disagree though cos.. I don't think it exists exclusively I think it is just nationalism from Thai perspective amongst other Asians) ..but then I am not from Spain and may never know Spanish .

I don't think anyone needs to be from anywhere to understand...and respect another culture.... the "Britishness" or "Thainess" is a façade employed by those in the know to keep those "not in the know" out. Sure there is the Thai/Siam history just as there is the Italian/Roman history but people live in the 21st Century. Nobody likes losing face (we in the west call it individual pride) but its no big deal...certainly not worth killing for over a parking spot.

Stop this Thai/Farang thing...it serves no useful purpose.

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You all sit there in your Western minds knocking, complaining, not understanding. You see only your way, but the majority came this way for one thing. It's about time you started with 'grengjai' to my country. I have recently joined this site, and I have studied in the west. Coming home I have a lot to be proud of.... but you wingeing lot just winge, and think it's fun. You are a disgrace in attitude to this country, my country, an dthe people of the country around you. You need to sit back and be grateful for your acceptance as a visitor. That is all you are; A visitor. Stop taking the piss out of everything your read.... mai dai.. mai dee....

blah blah, send your kid to assumption or any private school and you are paying a premium for an improved level of service. that includes believing your child is safe in transport and not monitored by a 6th grader.

i don't care where you studied or what you think you know, negligence where children are concerned is not forgivable. visitor or otherwise.

So you believe all Thais should, and have the means, to send their children to a top school?

Go back to your rock please.

Negligence happens in all countries :


Yet, your drivers are so perfect, are they not?

I applaud you attempts to post here - but your level of understanding of English is simply too poor for you to be so aggressive. This is evident by your responses and misinterpretations of posts like the one quoted here. There was not the least hint of an inference that "Thais should, and have the means, to send their children to a top school"[sic] - simply that the quality should match the cost.

The fact that negligence happens elsewhere is no reason to ignore it. Disease happens everywhere, so should we not bother making vaccines? Starvation happens everywhere - so should we let Africa starve during draughts? Non logical argument - two wrongs (or many) don't make a right.

Edited by wolf5370
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You all sit there in your Western minds knocking, complaining, not understanding. You see only your way, but the majority came this way for one thing. It's about time you started with 'grengjai' to my country. I have recently joined this site, and I have studied in the west. Coming home I have a lot to be proud of.... but you wingeing lot just winge, and think it's fun. You are a disgrace in attitude to this country, my country, an dthe people of the country around you. You need to sit back and be grateful for your acceptance as a visitor. That is all you are; A visitor. Stop taking the piss out of everything your read.... mai dai.. mai dee....

blah blah, send your kid to assumption or any private school and you are paying a premium for an improved level of service. that includes believing your child is safe in transport and not monitored by a 6th grader.

i don't care where you studied or what you think you know, negligence where children are concerned is not forgivable. visitor or otherwise.

So you believe all Thais should, and have the means, to send their children to a top school?

Go back to your rock please.

Negligence happens in all countries :


Yet, your drivers are so perfect, are they not?

No all Thais do not have the means to go to a top school, but if you are paying for one then you should expect a certain standard of safety and not use an excuse that Thailand is a third world shit-hole to avoid any blame or responsibility. And to be honest, the government has the means to improve the standard of education and enforcement of laws that would save many Thai children from getting needlessly hurt. You obviously would rather Westerners not talk about the improvements that can be made here that would save children's lives. That attitude is part of the reason that Thailand remains a third world country, and will continue to do so for a very long time.

Due to the poor levels of education on safety and a lack of ownership of responsibility I would never let my children take a school van in Thailand, and never use the roads for long distances either. The risks due to the complete ineptitude of the majority of drivers and lack of enforcement of safety laws by corrupt and inept police is far to great.

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Are you for real? Nanny staters? How about common sensers? She is three years old. The door should have been locked.

With a pad-lock?

No, with a electric interlock to stop it being opened while van is moving, and another to stop van moving while door is open.

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More likely the door was not closed properly at last use. Those van doors are a struggle to open for anyone, a 3 year old would have a problem. Like to see the van, mabe it was pickup ( no doors )

Hard to blame the driver, I would look at someone higher. Who gave the driver his written instructions on how to be safe. As someone suggested, lock should be controlled by an adult.

If the driver was given proper instructions, he should have been told that should there be no older child present, door must be locked and he gets off his butt at each stop.

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