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Longest You Have Gone Without Going Back Home


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....I would be interested in hearing from anyone who has not returned to their home country for a long stretch of time, and their reason .....

30 years...

Came to the U.S. in 1973, I went back to Bangkok in 1975 and then I didn't go back again

until October of last year (2005). I didn't really have a good reason why either, I simply

forgot about it. But since then, I gone again in March '06 and I'm going agin in October.

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2 years and 8 months was the longest, then I had to return to the U.K. for a funeral, then less than a year later back again.....for another funeral....hope they don't come in threes, the air-fare is usually 36,000 baht for short notice.

The first time was very strange, new buildings, new shops, closed-down pubs, but when I found my drinking buddies, they were all still exactly the same; it seems everyone in the U.K. is in a state of permanent depression, brought on upon, by; mortgage payments, credit card debt, unhappy, yet stable relationships and everyone loathes and detests their job.

Two weeks was enough, I felt like a kid on Christmas Eve, waiting to fly back to the L.O.S.

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Just a boy at ayear and a half. However, the way I am feeling now is that if I never see the U.K. again, it will be too soon. Simply cannot stand the place...

The tiiimmmes they arent a changing. :o

Edited by baboon
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Baboon I couldn't agree more I left the UK in April 2004 and been here ever since and I have no intention at the moment of returning, I dont miss it at all.

My wife is 4month pregnant maybe one day I take my offspring to UK but wait and see there are better places in the world.

And its surprising how many THai kids dont see past there village oustskirts so I will be busy when kids old enough to understand to educate them in there own Country.

Las year I took my wives niece 12yrs nad her friend then 14yrs to Pattaya, we went to Jomtiem Beach the 14yr old had never seen a beach or an ocean.

WE all had a great time.


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Baboon I couldn't agree more I left the UK in April 2004 and been here ever since and I have no intention at the moment of returning, I dont miss it at all.

My wife is 4month pregnant maybe one day I take my offspring to UK but wait and see there are better places in the world.

And its surprising how many THai kids dont see past there village oustskirts so I will be busy when kids old enough to understand to educate them in there own Country.

Las year I took my wives niece 12yrs nad her friend then 14yrs to Pattaya, we went to Jomtiem Beach the 14yr old had never seen a beach or an ocean.

WE all had a great time.


Get ready for the abuse from the U.K. lovers, brother!....... :o

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hey Noel i understand exactly where you coming from, on my way home to canada the last 2 times, ive had to drink big bottles of sangsom at the seattle airport on the way home just to stomach the foulness that exists here..i can only imagine england.. jesus

Cheeky bastard :o

Steady up Noodles, 'cheeky' is a bit strong... :D

mmm ###### (dam.....n) is blocked but not bastard wonder why?

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Hey N47HAN...simple - dam...n is a "curse word" whereas "bastard" is an illegitimate child. (I guess thats the reason anyway...)

As for the OPs question - a few have got it right - and if you didn't notice, maybe you guys are not paying attention (or suffering from a heavy dose of "mai pen rai"... hehe) - the question asks how long is the longest time since you went home, and I guess the longest stretch for me recently was being in the UK for 6 months - that equalled my record of being in Saudi without coming home for 6 months.

"Home" for me is, of course, here in Thailand!

I am somewhat confused by the references by some posters to being away from home for many years - I guess they mean that they never adopted the place in which they live, as their home.

Sad that...

I visit the country of my birth regularly because my parents still live there, as does my brother and his family, but I have no desire to live there myself...

By the way, cooL_guY_corY, I heard that there are a couple of good things that come out of Seattle... a coffee company, and flights to anywhere else... :o

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When I first came here I met a man who had arrived in Thailand on a company assignment in 1953 and had never returned to his home country (UK). That must have been 1981, so that guy had not returned home for 28 years. I thought at the time that there must have been something that was keeping him from returning home. It wasn't money, because he had a good job here. Myself, I like to go back at least once a year to visit my parents, siblings, nieces, nephews, etc. I would be interested in hearing from anyone who has not returned to their home country for a long stretch of time, and their reason for not doing so if they care to share.



1. Whereever I hang my hat is home.

2. Both my parents have passed away. I still have brothers and sisters at "home" (Massachusetts) but we all have our own lives.

3. As the song by the BeeGees (spelling?) said, "Massachusetts is one place I have been"

4. What I feel as my "family" is in Thailand.


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I suspect there is a multitude of reasons why people don't return home for long periods or ever:

1. on the run from the law check :o

2. not want to spend the cash

3. not have the cash to spend check :D

4. no family left back home check :D

5. laziness check :D

6. family blacksheep check :D

7. obsessed with thailand

8. disowned family

9. can't stomach long flights check :D

I'm sure there are more

I grew up moving around alot, and after I left home in 95 my family continued moving around.

result, no hometown, no home country.

Nowhere to go home to!

So I quite happily hang my hat wherever I lay my head and call that home.

Europe, though, is my background, and I´ve not lived there properly since 1999. The last time I did spend 6 months there was in 2003, but again, in a new unknown location I would never call home again.

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I will be going back to England where i grew up on tuesday, I'm only going back to see some old friends. the last time i was there was four years ago,

i'm a bit like Kayo i suppose as my parents moved around a bit also, I have heard they have been living in India for sometime now but i dont know where. They forgot to tell me they were going.

So where ever i lay my hat (or mobile phone)

I will return here in 3 weeks.

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First trip back in 3 years scheduled soon. Like it here and don't miss much back home. I stayed in communication FAR more with the family online than I did with them in the USA

Greer ... re-read the Original Post :o

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I usually go back to the UK every 3 months for a week. That's because I have 2 elderly (and ill) parents, and 3 young children under 10 years old from my previous marriage.

My 2 elder brothers help to care for my parents, as does the UK social services. So that helps a lot. But my mother has had a couple of strokes and often doesn't remember me. She still thinks I'm living in England and married to my previous wife. So that's a bit hard.

My father is 87 and was recently diagnosed with cateracts. My brothers were too busy to help him on the day of his operation. So I flew 10,000 km back to the UK to help out. And then flew back again the next day....

I love to visit my kids. They miss me a lot and it's very likely that they will be flying to Phuket for holidays when they are older.

But when I'm in the UK, I miss my Thai wife and our 2 kids as well!! (But my wife can't come with me to visit the UK, thanks to those b**stards at the UK embassy who seem to think she is an economic migrant!)

I've got used to the 12 hour flights now.

I think things can only get better in the future, when my kids are all a bit older and can travel more easily.


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I have not been in my original country for more than 3 years and hopefully it will take some more years before I have to go there for a visit. Thailand is my home now and that's it! :D:D:D

I have two daughters and two grandchildren and that would be the only reason to go back but....

It is a long flight, it cost a lot to go there and to spend 3-4 weeks there and there is absolutely nothing more than my daughters that I want to see.

So I think it's better to send them money so they can take their families and come here for a good holliday and we all will enjoy the time.

They have been here 3 times each so far and around 15 of my friends have been here and some still "plan to come" (they have been doing that for 5 years now).

No, I would hate to spend 250 bath on a cup of coffee, 600 bath on a whiskey (3 cl), 100 bath to take the bus 5 blocks etc etc etc. :o

/Cheap Charlie

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Left Australia 1980 on a round the worlkd trip. Arrived in Thailand in 1982 and finally completed the loop in 1997.

Reason - I came to love this place and the way it did things. I also fell in love with one special lady, got a job and had a family. Thailand gave me a place to call 'home'. It gave me a life.

Went back in 2001 to stay for a while and to see if I could 1/ live there again and 2/ take care of some bucsiness.

Well business is taken care of and I am back here. Things change.


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But when I'm in the UK, I miss my Thai wife and our 2 kids as well!! (But my wife can't come with me to visit the UK, thanks to those b**stards at the UK embassy who seem to think she is an economic migrant!)

I've got used to the 12 hour flights now.

I think things can only get better in the future, when my kids are all a bit older and can travel more easily.


Sorry about your wife, mate. Funny how there seems to be plenty of room for everyone else.

Mind you, why would you want to take her? Has she upset you in some way? Must have, for you to want to inflict the U.K. on the poor woman!

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6 years now and I hope it becomes 60 years..... could never associate myself with my "mother country".... but sometimes I read an online newspaper of my country of origin then I smile and I'm happy that I'm not there.......Life is very good here

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2 years since the last visit, 1997 was the last time I lived in Aust but most of those years were spent in Korea and Singas.

My wife and I are talking about going to visit my parents, but in truth we are trying to get them to come visit us.

In our 4 years of marriage we have been back twice, both times we cut the trip short.

! reason is that I have stayed totally out of the tax system, the other reason is why go back????

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I suspect there is a multitude of reasons why people don't return home for long periods or ever:

1. on the run from the law

2. not want to spend the cash

3. not have the cash to spend

4. no family left back home

5. laziness

6. family blacksheep

7. obsessed with thailand

8. disowned family

9. can't stomach long flights

I'm sure there are more

How about this:

Can't stand the ignorance of the US population? This is getting significantly more troublesome every year, in my opinion. I am SO tired of it, not sure how much more I can stomach.

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