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How dare you write about such a theme??? Baht Bus topics are the sole proprietory rights of JingThing!!! cheesy.gif

I'm sure Jingthing won't mind if I have my tuppence worth. If you get on a baht bus heading past Big C towards the Dolphin roundabout, how do you know if they are turning left into Beach Road or going straight ahead? they are all the same colour.

Ask them? Bai Soi Song mai?

Asking them can be problematic, as many baht bus drivers interpret your innocent question as a request for a private fare, which is what they really want, at much, much more than 10 baht. Some of them will continue north on 2nd Road into Naklua, all the way to the market, for 10 baht. Others will not, instead turning left at the Dolphin, to loop back south on Beach Road. If I don't want to be hassled, I will not ask; instead I hop on and hope for the best, if I want to go into Naklua. If the driver won't go, I hop off, pay 10 baht, walk past the Dolphin, and hop on another baht bus to finish the trip for another 10 baht. Of course it's silly and inefficient, but TIT, after all.

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How dare you write about such a theme??? Baht Bus topics are the sole proprietory rights of JingThing!!! cheesy.gif

I'm sure Jingthing won't mind if I have my tuppence worth. If you get on a baht bus heading past Big C towards the Dolphin roundabout, how do you know if they are turning left into Beach Road or going straight ahead? they are all the same colour.

Ask them? Bai Soi Song mai?

Asking them can be problematic, as many baht bus drivers interpret your innocent question as a request for a private fare, which is what they really want, at much, much more than 10 baht. Some of them will continue north on 2nd Road into Naklua, all the way to the market, for 10 baht. Others will not, instead turning left at the Dolphin, to loop back south on Beach Road. If I don't want to be hassled, I will not ask; instead I hop on and hope for the best, if I want to go into Naklua. If the driver won't go, I hop off, pay 10 baht, walk past the Dolphin, and hop on another baht bus to finish the trip for another 10 baht. Of course it's silly and inefficient, but TIT, after all.

Probably doesn't still work with the way the drivers now mercilessly seek charter hires but a few years back when I used to use them the accepted way of finding out which way they were going was to beckon them to stop and then point either left, right or straight ahead as they approached. If they were going your way they stopped, if not they just drove on by.

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How dare you write about such a theme??? Baht Bus topics are the sole proprietory rights of JingThing!!! cheesy.gif

I'm sure Jingthing won't mind if I have my tuppence worth. If you get on a baht bus heading past Big C towards the Dolphin roundabout, how do you know if they are turning left into Beach Road or going straight ahead? they are all the same colour.

Ask them? Bai Soi Song mai?

Asking them can be problematic, as many baht bus drivers interpret your innocent question as a request for a private fare, which is what they really want, at much, much more than 10 baht. Some of them will continue north on 2nd Road into Naklua, all the way to the market, for 10 baht. Others will not, instead turning left at the Dolphin, to loop back south on Beach Road. If I don't want to be hassled, I will not ask; instead I hop on and hope for the best, if I want to go into Naklua. If the driver won't go, I hop off, pay 10 baht, walk past the Dolphin, and hop on another baht bus to finish the trip for another 10 baht. Of course it's silly and inefficient, but TIT, after all.

All wrong. In fact, there's a rudimentary system.

To determine the route, you use the baht bus hand signals. If you want a bus that's going straight, then when a bus approaches you point your arm straight ahead. If it's going straight, it will stop but otherwise continue on past you. Similarly, if you want a bus that will turn, whether onto Beach Rd or Pattaya Klang, you indicate with your arm a turn in the appropriate direction. If it's going to turn in the direction indicated, it will stop for you but otherwise not. This works even at Pattaya Thai if you want a bus going straight all the way into Naklua.

If you closely observe the Thais, you'll see how they use the signals.

Of course, a driver may change his mind (if so, you have a case for not paying; I've even had a driver apologize for changing course, believe it or not). Or he may not believe you are really giving a signal or not care, or may even suddenly be chartered by other parties. You may ride along on the charter free if you wish. smile.png

But even though it's not a perfect system--typical Third World fashion--it's usually workable nonetheless.

If you ask the driver--you can, if you do it right--you don't state or imply any particular destination. That would mean a charter. You just ask where he's going: "Pai nai, krab?" If he indicates, say, straight on (the usual route), hop in. If he insists on asking you where you want to go, you just use the hand signal w/o giving any particular destination. So you've indicated a usual route. And you'll get a positive or negative answer.

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Has anyone noticed Bus Stops on Thapraya Rd opposite Pan Pan Restaurant and also 20meters up fromPan Pan which is desolate It appears they are stops for Baht Buses

.Signage has about 12 set numbers on them which I assume are for certain buses. Never seen any stop outside Pan Pan.

Is this new or have I missed something-why would they allocate only certain baht buses.

Also I have seen up to 20 tour buses parked daily on Thapraya-obviously the new unofficial Bus Station .



Anyone remember a few years ago the Mayor was going to cut the number of baht buses by 50%?

Looks like that plan worked out as well as his anti-jet ski scam idea.

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Has anyone noticed Bus Stops on Thapraya Rd opposite Pan Pan Restaurant and also 20meters up fromPan Pan which is desolate It appears they are stops for Baht Buses

.Signage has about 12 set numbers on them which I assume are for certain buses. Never seen any stop outside Pan Pan.

Is this new or have I missed something-why would they allocate only certain baht buses.

Also I have seen up to 20 tour buses parked daily on Thapraya-obviously the new unofficial Bus Station .

There's a discussion about them here:



Why are there no Tuk Tuks in Pattaya ? every other town has them - Sri Ratcha / Chonburi

Why is there is not a Tram / Trolley bus system in large towns in Thailand ? Where most roads are flat as pancakes. Bangkok, Chiang Mai, Korat ?

My observation only so these are rhetorical questions no need for an answer....


Anyone remember a few years ago the Mayor was going to cut the number of baht buses by 50%?

Looks like that plan worked out as well as his anti-jet ski scam idea.

I remember, though that plan ended with a large brown envelop landing on his desk cheesy.gif


I`ve been lucky so far, live in naklua but usually go out in Central Pattaya and return by bahtbus.

I ask in Thai if they are going to naklua, either get an affirmative nod from the driver or a negative response.

Sometimes asked by the driver which soi

I never state I want to go to naklua though, merely ask if they are going there.

Works well, 10 baht.

Sometimes don`t bother asking and if it turns left on to Beach Road, I get off and either walk in naklua or catch another bahtbus.

There does seem to be more empty ones passing by though, obviously just looking for charters.


My only comment is that I wish they would only stop at designated stops as the (now defunct) bus service did. I've seen them stop 5 times in 50 meters. Of course you'd have to train the passengers to walk a little which might actually be the hardest part.



How dare you write about such a theme??? Baht Bus topics are the sole proprietory rights of JingThing!!! cheesy.gif

I'm sure Jingthing won't mind if I have my tuppence worth. If you get on a baht bus heading past Big C towards the Dolphin roundabout, how do you know if they are turning left into Beach Road or going straight ahead? they are all the same colour.

You don't know, they do what they want... for some people it is an absolute catastrophe... for others that's the fun about it

I haven't ridden a baht bus for quite a while, but I used to use the same signals that Thais use to get on the correct one.

If you want to take the next right turn (at major intersection), stand facing across the road, raise your left arm and point across the road to signal the bus - if he's taking the next right turn he'll pick you up, if not he'll pass you by.

If you want to take the next left turn, stand facing into the traffic and point over your left shoulder with your right hand - if he's going left he'll stop.

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