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Thailand has a new popular sensation - Hitler

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Let this be a lesson to the world, about the true mentality and the lack of respect many Thais have for foreigners, countries and cultures. However, this is an excellent opportunity for business investment as one can see, simple minds can easily be manipulated.

not to minimize the very bad taste and probably lack of education of some of the mentioned people

yes we just noticed how even superior minds can also be manipulated, let's forget about Vienam, and others.

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The images prompted a renewed outburst of anger, followed by a heavily worded statement from Kentucky Fried Chicken saying they were considering suing the restaurant.

Wow talk about irony considering KFC is the Auschwitz for chickens.whistling.gif


Let this be a lesson to the world, about the true mentality and the lack of respect many Thais have for foreigners, countries and cultures. However, this is an excellent opportunity for business investment as one can see, simple minds can easily be manipulated.

not to minimize the very bad taste and probably lack of education of some of the mentioned people

yes we just noticed how even superior minds can also be manipulated, let's forget about Vienam, and others.


Let this be a lesson to the world, about the true mentality and the lack of respect many Thais have for foreigners, countries and cultures. However, this is an excellent opportunity for business investment as one can see, simple minds can easily be manipulated.

not to minimize the very bad taste and probably lack of education of some of the mentioned people

yes we just noticed how even superior minds can also be manipulated, let's forget about Vienam, and others.

Not many people know that 'Swastika' and 'Sawas Dee Ka' come from the same root. The Nazi's had a strange obsession with Hindu mythology. Contrary to popular belief, 'Aryans' are not blonde haired and blue eyed people, but are in fact the natives of Iran and Afghanistan. 'Iran' is even derived from 'Aryan'.

Of course the average Thai doesn't know any of this. They just see a guy with a funny moustache sticking his arm up.

Do farang know?


Let this be a lesson to the world, about the true mentality and the lack of respect many Thais have for foreigners, countries and cultures. However, this is an excellent opportunity for business investment as one can see, simple minds can easily be manipulated.

not to minimize the very bad taste and probably lack of education of some of the mentioned people

yes we just noticed how even superior minds can also be manipulated, let's forget about Vienam, and others.

Not many people know that 'Swastika' and 'Sawas Dee Ka' come from the same root. The Nazi's had a strange obsession with Hindu mythology. Contrary to popular belief, 'Aryans' are not blonde haired and blue eyed people, but are in fact the natives of Iran and Afghanistan. 'Iran' is even derived from 'Aryan'.

Of course the average Thai doesn't know any of this. They just see a guy with a funny moustache sticking his arm up.

Do farang know?

So, so many Thais are just clueless about history and perceptions beyond the borders of their little Thailand universe.

Planet Thailand giggle.gif

That is correct but you cannot blame them for their " not knowing", maybe ore interesting is to note the more and more upcoming ,"uprising" Neo Nazi groups in so called " syphylized countries", where education is available. And no I did not spell wrongly, I did on purpose


Easily influenced about anything if they can get popularity due to low class education especially in English.When you don't know how to read and communicate in English so their mind is corrupted with anything that can suit them.Thailand is one bad example of American allies.The Americans never educate them to respect about past history.

One lots of uneducated bastards...


Let this be a lesson to the world, about the true mentality and the lack of respect many Thais have for foreigners, countries and cultures. However, this is an excellent opportunity for business investment as one can see, simple minds can easily be manipulated.

The Japanese have killed more then 13 million Chinese civilians during world war 2 and committed a wide range of war atrocities but have, with the help of the USA and for various reasons known to those involved, been able to keep a lid on that for over 68 years.

Yes, simple minds can easily be manipulated, whether Western or Thai.


I think this is a lack of teaching history in the schools.

A lack of brain cells may also have something to do with it.

I think the number of brain cells is OK it's just that most of them have been moved to inactive posts.


Let's have a sense of perspective please. Stalin is not reviled, and Mao is still a hero in some quarters ( and they probably killed more people than Hitler ), not to forget Guavera, Begin ( a terrorist that went on to become a PM, like Mugabe ) and others. Hitler was a very bad man in a world full of very bad men but not unique by any means.

If you don't get upset by them, why pick on Hitler?

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I have seen the swastika T-shirts in 3 malls here in Manila recently as the trend is starting to spread. It must also be noted that this symbol is thousands of years old and maybe westerners should better educate themselves on the origins of the swastika and stop giving its meaning over to Hitler. Hitler is long dead and it is time to restore the symbol back to it religious meanings. As the world war 2 generation dies off lets free up the symbol and allow the kids to wear it and not expect them to bow down to western dogma.


I have seen the swastika T-shirts in 3 malls here in Manila recently as the trend is starting to spread. It must also be noted that this symbol is thousands of years old and maybe westerners should better educate themselves on the origins of the swastika and stop giving its meaning over to Hitler. Hitler is long dead and it is time to restore the symbol back to it religious meanings. As the world war 2 generation dies off lets free up the symbol and allow the kids to wear it and not expect them to bow down to western dogma.

The specific graphic design of the NAZI swastika is not religious. It symbolizes the fascist movement started by Hitler in Nazi Germany.


I would say to SlipperyLobster , that it's an insult to dogs , to refer to Hitler as a dog .

This fashionable Thai phase , emphasises the ignorance of Young Thais today and Thais in general .

They probably have no idea who Hitler was , or what he did . Thailand was occupied and sided with the Japanese , allies of Hitler and Nazi Germany in WWII . Thailand was for a brief period under British Rule at the end of WWII , I'm told Thailand was offered to Britain as a spoil of war and Britain refused . If it were merely a joke , it would be a sick joke , expression of black humour .


Let's have a sense of perspective please. Stalin is not reviled, and Mao is still a hero in some quarters ( and they probably killed more people than Hitler ), not to forget Guavera, Begin ( a terrorist that went on to become a PM, like Mugabe ) and others. Hitler was a very bad man in a world full of very bad men but not unique by any means.

If you don't get upset by them, why pick on Hitler?

Your use of "perspective" is rather ironic.

* It's an odd and rather distasteful moral equivalency you try to employ with your group. To suggest there are no degrees of wrongdoing is simply illogical and ugly moral relativism.

* Hitler was unique as are the others in you list and they have little in common between them (Hitler and his nemesis Uncle Joe being closer than the rest, mind you). Unless you think their lives and the consequences of their actions can be reasonably reduced to the most simplistic terms (ie they were bad, lots of people died).

* As for you rod assumption at the end, speaking for myself, I don't get upset by them (I don't even know what that means - upset by the fact that they once lived? No. Upset, to varying degrees, by what they did? Yes.), but I do and would object strongly to any suggestion that (with the possible exception of Begin) they were heroic or somehow not that important because they deeds are long past and the have been lots of other bad people before and since.

There have been some lame and ugly attempts to dismiss this incident - which by the way, I don't see as a huge deal - and yours goes on that list I should think.


Murdering 12 million Jews (or suspected Jews) is okay; but then Thailand is severely insulted if SNL makes a parody video about learning Thai in order to pick up hookers in Bangkok!!

I'd like to see them parade through Cambodia praising Pol Pot. Whatever happened to them would be well deserved.

I would like to see them parading exactly what they are parading in ANY country outside this one!

Thailand has a very strange 'Cultural Elite' bemused by the Hitler.

Makes one wonder about the 'Culture' thing in a Thai context...


I would say to SlipperyLobster , that it's an insult to dogs , to refer to Hitler as a dog .

This fashionable Thai phase , emphasises the ignorance of Young Thais today and Thais in general .

They probably have no idea who Hitler was , or what he did . Thailand was occupied and sided with the Japanese , allies of Hitler and Nazi Germany in WWII . Thailand was for a brief period under British Rule at the end of WWII , I'm told Thailand was offered to Britain as a spoil of war and Britain refused . If it were merely a joke , it would be a sick joke , expression of black humour

I don't think Thailand was officially "occupied" by Japan, though it was probably a puppet state, thus allowing Thailand to claim today that it was never occupied.

Thailand was an ally of Japan and ruled itself during the war. It certainly allowed passage of Japanese troops. There is an interesting article in Wikipedia about it.


Simple just DO NOT USE THIS BUSINESS.no matter how good or bad their food is. I will tell all my Thai family and their friends NOT to use this because of the total lack of respect in glorifying such a name synonymous with evil and cruelty and mass killing of human beings just because of their culture and religion. Hitler would have been no friend of Thai people either so lets be sure of that fact. Something I thought Thais were against as they rightly preach tolerance in the Buddhist faith. BOYCOTT HITLER RESTAURANTS, as quite revolting and disrespectful to all decent people to use such a name. Heck even the German people are understandably so against what he stood for and embarrassed by his name too,

Why are the Thai's so uneducated about the world and it's relatively recent history and events that saw Thailand abused and mistreated too back in the 1940s. TIme they educated their children much better, and if they cannot do it then stop being so dogmatic and employ many farang teachers who would love such teaching jobs to the huge benefit of the Thai children too. I say this not because I am anti Thai as I am most certainly not, but because I do actually care about Thailand and it's people and so against the Thai elite ruling class who suppress them so blatantly for their own ends.

Che was a different story as all he was against was Capitalism, which I have to say I am too in it's current greedy selfish extreme form, lacking all the Lasez Faire it should respect and practice. Mind you I feel that Socialism is also not the answer either, as sensibly there is a progressive intelligent centre way forward without any need for destructive extremes. I care about people and happiness not greedy "money no matter what" attitude so rife in this sick world and the cause of destroying millions of ordinary folks lives !!!..

Boycott it, as if I would of ever set foot in the place.


Hitler was a mass murderer, yes. It is sad to see young and uneducated people idolize him. Totally agree...

BUT - I see people proudly wearing Obama shirts... Despite his empty words blabla like Change (What has changed? Definitely nothing to the better under his administration), and Yes We Can! (Can what? Bomb the $hit out of civilians and hundreds of thousands of innocent children? Can get hundreds of thousands of Americans live in tents now?). You can see how many civilians have been killed by drone strikes under this "glorious" string puppet Obama alone: http://www.thebureauinvestigates.com/category/projects/drones/ (these are the drone strike numbers only and do not include the millions of civilians american soldiers killed in action)

Why wear Obama's T-shirt? Is he a better person because he managed to kill only 2, 4 or 8 million of civilians during his "reign"? People, especially Americans should better keep their holes shut as each one of us westernes are guilty, and this just because we don't have the guts to stand up and forever stop our governments and politicians from causing havoc and destrucion all over the world. We could, but we are just too comfy right now in our air-con mansions, sitting on our sofas with a nice, cold beer and some chips watching NFL or Oprah on our flat screens...

I see people with CHE caps, shirts and tattoos... Was he a saint? F#ck NO! And there would be hundreds of others whose images are printed on stamps, bank notes, coins, shirts, bags, watches, even have been carved in stone - others, who (altogether) were responsible for so many millions of dead civilians that the sheer numbers would make Adolf Hitler look like a altar boy in comparison...

Not saying that Hitler was any greater than a <deleted> cockroach, but do me and the world a favour and stop the hypocrisy. Thanks!

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Let this be a lesson to the world, about the true mentality and the lack of respect many Thais have for foreigners, countries and cultures. However, this is an excellent opportunity for business investment as one can see, simple minds can easily be manipulated.

not to minimize the very bad taste and probably lack of education of some of the mentioned people

yes we just noticed how even superior minds can also be manipulated, let's forget about Vienam, and others.

Not many people know that 'Swastika' and 'Sawas Dee Ka' come from the same root. The Nazi's had a strange obsession with Hindu mythology. Contrary to popular belief, 'Aryans' are not blonde haired and blue eyed people, but are in fact the natives of Iran and Afghanistan. 'Iran' is even derived from 'Aryan'.

Of course the average Thai doesn't know any of this. They just see a guy with a funny moustache sticking his arm up.

Do farang know?

Do Thais?


There are two threads running here both about Adolf Hitler. Herr Alois Schickelgruber seems to be more controversial and popular than Dear Brother Number One.

A nice but controversial change.

Ignorance is bliss sometimes.


It just shows the ignorance of world history that Thais know. There is no world history taught in this country and that is why they are so isolated and not ready for ASEAN. If kills me to see this going on in this country with so many good people but once again, they have no clue. Even the government has no clue and will not step in to curb this idiotic new fad!


This journalist criticises the ignorance of Thais yet he himself reveals his own ignorance of history. Where does this "12 million people during the Holocaust" come from? The Holocaust is a reference to the Jewish victims of WW2. Everyone knows the true number as its repeated ad nauseam in the western media. The forgotten victims of Hitler include 20-30 million Russians, 13,684,692 civilian losses according to Wikipedia. How can he be so careless with the facts and then criticise others for ignorance?

The article was published in "Christian Science", that should give you a clue as to the ignorance of the author. How can one put Science and Christian so close to each other and keep a straight face these days? Guess these days they add up natural deaths over the decades to add up to 12 million, anything to beef up the numbers.

The author goes ignorantly on saying Thailand was "largely unaffected by WWII". Yeah, right.

Thailand has learned to move on from bad events in the past, something 'offended' people here can't do for some reason. This stuff happened 70 years ago, the Jerries are the good guys now, move on please...

* I share your apparent disdain for Christianity but the fact is The Christian Science Monitor is a non-religious and well regarded publication which has earned several Pulitzer Prizes...[snip]...

The Christian Science Monitor is also the newspaper which published an untrue and libellous story on the 25th April 2003, stating that it had documentary evidence that George Galloway (UK anti-Iraq war MP) had received "more than ten million dollars" from the Iraqi regime. However, on the 20th June 2003, the Monitor reported its own investigation had concluded the documents were sophisticated forgeries, and apologised. Galloway rejected the newspaper's apology, asserted that the affair was a conspiracy against him, and continued a libel claim against the paper.

The Christian Science Monitor settled the claim, paying him an undisclosed sum in damages, on the 19th March 2004. It emerged that these documents had first been offered to the Daily Telegraph, but they had rejected them. The documents' origin remains obscure.



Not many people know that 'Swastika' and 'Sawas Dee Ka' come from the same root. The Nazi's had a strange obsession with Hindu mythology. Contrary to popular belief, 'Aryans' are not blonde haired and blue eyed people, but are in fact the natives of Iran and Afghanistan. 'Iran' is even derived from 'Aryan'.

Of course the average Thai doesn't know any of this. They just see a guy with a funny moustache sticking his arm up.

are you competing for the Nobel prize in history? whistling.gif


Agreed. In Thailand, we foreigners are expected to respect things that are sensitive to Thais....such as the Monarchy, Temples, dress codes and behavior. When it comes to marriage, we dump tons of money on the family of the bride for the honor. In return we should expect similar courtesies/respect for issues that are sensitive to us. Hitler was a dog, no doubt about that. Nothing was ever funny or fashionable about his sadistic methods. As for Che, although an enemy to capitalism, he had a certain aura to him that might seem fashionable to some people (not to me!) But please stop with the Hitler/Nazi Fad.

Could not have said it better. I'm sick of pretending to respect this 'culture' what is Thai culture? an emulation of other cultures, (white skin lotion, Japanese+Korean pop crapture, material consumption, etc etc) since MOST Thais are incapable of any original thoughts, perceptions or innovations.

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