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Zimmerman not guilty in Trayvon Martin death: Florida jury

Lite Beer

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The jury got it right, and good on them for not buckling to political pressure for a guilty verdict.

I would agree that the jury got it right given the parameters, but where was this "political pressure for a guilty verdict" other than in your own mind or on Fox News?

I don't see anyone criticising the jury.

Good grief, there are protests all over the US criticising the jury.

Statements from politicians "Trayvon was hunted down in the street like a rabid dog"

"Killed for walking while black in a gated community"

and lets not forget the president of the US saying that "Trayvon was like his son".

Seems pretty political to me.

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Some of the attempts at concealing racist tendencies on this thread are almost laughable.

I'd like to ask one question. The general consensus seems to be:

( a ) If both were African American, this wouldn't have gone to trial.

( b ) If it had been an African American adult killing a white teen, the rednecks would want him strung up from the nearest tree.

But what if it had been a white adult killing an unarmed white teen?

I'm guessing then it would be about the right of curtain twitching wannabes to carry firearms and poke their noses into other peoples' business.

The whole race issue is what has got Zimmerman absolved of any responsibility, that and a crap prosecution case and a defence able to manipulate all kinds of deceptions and half-truths to finish the job off.

The truth of the matter is that Zimmerman is responsible for murdering someone's child and eventually he will pay the price.

The only one that used racist language was Trayvon.

The jury has ruled it was self defence, not murder.

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He had a long pathetic history of wasting 911's time. He was basically a PEST. REPEATED numerous calls about young black boys in his community. One case of a VERY YOUNG black boy. False alarms as was the boy he killed. OF COURSE he was racially profiling young black boys! That is a known fact. Yes there was crime in his community and yes the crims were largely black, but don't act like he wasn't profiling young black boys. Because he was. If you want to be honest, say it was LOGICAL to do that, not play games that he wasn't doing that.

Did it ever occur to you that the possibility exists that they happened to be black?

Are you suggesting that he turned the other way when they were not black? It sounds like it.

Where is your proof?

It is important to call you out on these and many other accusation you make merely on the basis of assumption of what someone else is thinking.

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I wonder what percentage of people who saw Zimmerman for the first time when they watched any of the trial were surprised to see that Zimmerman really is Hispanic and not a white guy?

Obama is half white but he would have a hard time trying to convince someone he isn't black. Zimmerman may be half white but he would have just as hard of a time trying to convince someone he isn't Hispanic.

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I wonder what percentage of people who saw Zimmerman for the first time when they watched any of the trial were surprised to see that Zimmerman really is Hispanic and not a white guy?

Obama is half white but he would have a hard time trying to convince someone he isn't black. Zimmerman may be half white but he would have just as hard of a time trying to convince someone he isn't Hispanic.

At the beginning it was a case of the media trying to say he was white, even using weasel words like "a pale skinned Hispanic" I guess that when they finally realised he was actually Hispanic it was too late to back down.

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The jury got it right, and good on them for not buckling to political pressure for a guilty verdict.

I would agree that the jury got it right given the parameters, but where was this "political pressure for a guilty verdict" other than in your own mind or on Fox News?

I don't see anyone criticising the jury.

Good grief, there are protests all over the US criticising the jury.

Statements from politicians "Trayvon was hunted down in the street like a rabid dog"

"Killed for walking while black in a gated community"

and lets not forget the president of the US saying that "Trayvon was like his son".

Seems pretty political to me.

I see people criticising the system and the verdict, but not the jury. If they'd found him guilty, now THAT would have been an absurd result, given the constraints they were under.

You might find the odd emotive "How the hell did the jury find him not guilty" from an individual, but that does not constitute "political pressure".

Not to mention the fact that the jury were sequestered.

I don't think anyone can criticise the jury for coming to this verdict. The evidence to convict was just not there.

Added: And if they had convicted him I couldn't see it surviving the first appeal.

Edited by Chicog
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He had a long pathetic history of wasting 911's time. He was basically a PEST. REPEATED numerous calls about young black boys in his community. One case of a VERY YOUNG black boy. False alarms as was the boy he killed. OF COURSE he was racially profiling young black boys! That is a known fact. Yes there was crime in his community and yes the crims were largely black, but don't act like he wasn't profiling young black boys. Because he was. If you want to be honest, say it was LOGICAL to do that, not play games that he wasn't doing that.

When the prosecution played some of those old 911 calls for the jury, expert observers were declaring it a win for the defense because it showed that Zimmerman was a concerned citizen. When the defense asked the 911 operator about Zimmerman's voice, his tone, etc, the operator said he heard no malice or anger. The 911 calls likely helped Zimmerman more than they hurt. The jury said "not guilty" so I guess those experts were right.

Were you able to watch or listen to any of the trial live? Or just watched sound bites and read media accounts?

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Some of the attempts at concealing racist tendencies on this thread are almost laughable.

Your attempts to scream "racism" simply because someone disagrees with you is not laughable at all. bah.gif

You'll note I said "some"....

Stuck a nerve, did I?

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Some of the attempts at concealing racist tendencies on this thread are almost laughable.

I'd like to ask one question. The general consensus seems to be:

( a ) If both were African American, this wouldn't have gone to trial.

( b ) If it had been an African American adult killing a white teen, the rednecks would want him strung up from the nearest tree.

But what if it had been a white adult killing an unarmed white teen?

I'm guessing then it would be about the right of curtain twitching wannabes to carry firearms and poke their noses into other peoples' business.

The whole race issue is what has got Zimmerman absolved of any responsibility, that and a crap prosecution case and a defence able to manipulate all kinds of deceptions and half-truths to finish the job off.

The truth of the matter is that Zimmerman is responsible for murdering someone's child and eventually he will pay the price.

Saying "what if" merely is an admonition of ignoring the facts and attempting to distract people's minds away from those facts.

What deceptions and half truths?

How is George responsible?

Was it George's responsibility to lay there and allow Trayvon to have his way with George's head until Trayvon decided to cease and desist; leaving us all to wonder whether Trayvon would have carried out permanent bodily damage or even death to George?

Is that what you are saying?

Would you please comment on Trayvons behavior at the moment he threw the punch and got George on his back, as well as throughout the beating that he was administering on George's face and head and explain to me why one punch would not have been good enough to get a point across (I am being lenient here), and rather instead Trayvon felt compelled to batter George up until he was shot?

Would you also comment on your thoughts of how long you might expect Trayvon to have continued to batter George had George not had a gun? So, how much of a severe beating is enough for this racist to get from the child?

Clearly you are condoning the battering. So, how much would have been satisfactory to you to teach this racist a lesson?

I am a racist, by measure of the black community. How long should I receive a battering?

It is vitally important to hear (read) your response because I am sincerely interested in your interpretation of the severity of beatings that racists should receive at the hands of others (notice the absence of the racial profile in describing the batterer).

Please do tell and cease and desist with your reverse psychology and simply come clean on this.

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He had a long pathetic history of wasting 911's time. He was basically a PEST.

He was a "pest" that many people in the community respected, because he helped them and made them feel safer. He was trying to prevent crime. There were witnesses at the trial that testified to that. He did report some black men - as well as white men and Hispanics - because there had been quite a few break ins in the area and many of the suspects had been black.

That "pest" did nothing illegal and he did a lot that was right.

The news reports I read is that his calls were almost all about BLACK men. Why run away from the truth that he was profiling?

Why is it people still rely on news reports to form their opinions? There was a trial. It lasted over 2 weeks. There were witnesses. The prosecution brought witnesses and the defense was able to cross-examine them. The defense brought witnesses and the prosecution was able to cross-examine them. A lot of evidence was given. The jury sat through the whole thing live, sometimes more than 10 hours a day. Anything that appeared in the press before is as meaningless as what Kim Kardashian named her baby.

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He had a long pathetic history of wasting 911's time. He was basically a PEST.

He was a "pest" that many people in the community respected, because he helped them and made them feel safer. He was trying to prevent crime. There were witnesses at the trial that testified to that. He did report some black men - as well as white men and Hispanics - because there had been quite a few break ins in the area and many of the suspects had been black.

That "pest" did nothing illegal and he did a lot that was right.

The news reports I read is that his calls were almost all about BLACK men. Why run away from the truth that he was profiling?

Really? How very interesting. So please do tell how many black men I can report to 911 before it becomes racial profiling. I need to know the number so I do not offend anyone. Isn't that what you are implying?

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US Justice Department to open new case against Zimmerman who shot dead black teenager

WASHINGTON: -- The US Justice Department can open a civil rights case against George Zimmerman, 29, who was found last Sunday not guilty for shooting dead of unarmed black teenager Trayvon Martin, 17. Meanwhile some US cities saw clashes between Afro-American and the police during the peaceful marching against the acquitting judgement.

The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), an African-American civil rights organization,started a petition on the website MoveOn.org calling for the Justice Department to open a civil rights case against Zimmerman. "The most fundamental of civil rights - the right to life - was violated the night George Zimmerman stalked and then took the life of Trayvon Martin," NAACP President Benjamin Todd Jealous wrote in the petition addressing to Attorney General Eric Holder.

"Experienced federal prosecutors will determine whether the evidence reveals a prosecutable violation of any of the limited federal criminal civil rights statutes within our jurisdiction," the Justice Department said in the statement released after the acquitting judgement. Justice added that it will determine "whether federal prosecution is appropriate in accordance with the department's policy governing successive federal prosecution following a state trial."

Zimmerman, a neighborhood watch volunteer, claimed that on the night of February 26, 2012 an unarmed teenager knocked him to the ground, punched him, straddled him and slammed his head into the concrete. Zimmerman had licensed Kel Tec 9mm pistol and after the fight he shot Martin once in the heart, killing him. While prosecutors said that Zimmerman, who is white and Hispanic, wrongly suspected Martin of being a criminal because he was black.

Voice of Russia, the Tampa Tribune, AFP, CNN, the Washington Post, Reuters, RT, dpa

Full story: http://english.ruvr.ru/news/2013_07_15/US-Justice-Department-to-open-news-case-against-Zimmerman-who-shot-dead-black-teenager-2715/

-- THE VOICE OF RUSSIA 2013-07-15

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I didn't say it was racist. I said it was PROFILING. Lets not run from the facts. He profiled the victim that night but the victim was actually legally there and really just on his way home with the Skittles. I am not suggesting profiling is always wrong. Personally I think the Florida law is wrong. I think the law should require the killer in a self defense defense to take REASONABLE PRECAUTIONS to avoid a conflict. Then in this case not listening to the 911 guy who suggested he not stalk the victim and then he did, that would create culpability in the killer for not following that direction. In Florida, the law doesn't ask that but in some states their self defense laws do.

Edited by Jingthing
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He had a long pathetic history of wasting 911's time. He was basically a PEST.

He was a "pest" that many people in the community respected, because he helped them and made them feel safer. He was trying to prevent crime. There were witnesses at the trial that testified to that. He did report some black men - as well as white men and Hispanics - because there had been quite a few break ins in the area and many of the suspects had been black.

That "pest" did nothing illegal and he did a lot that was right.

The news reports I read is that his calls were almost all about BLACK men. Why run away from the truth that he was profiling?

Would it be profiling to say that most of the shootings in Chicago are by black men?

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this shows Chicago alone this year until July 13th. More than 90% are gunshot homicides and more than 90% of the victims are black people. This has nothing to do with racism but facts.


BTW - when someone mentions all the gun deaths in America, be sure to point out it is mostly black-on-black violence and apparently that means it doesn't count. Our "real" gun homicide rate is very low. Unlike Al Sharpton and his race-baiting allies in the media, I for one believe black-on-black violence does count and was hoping that with Obama's election in 2008 he would be a better role model for young blacks than the gangsta rappers. "Carry books and not guns and maybe someday you can also be President!". If Obama had a son, in all likelihood he would have been born in Chicago. That alone would make me think that he would pay more attention to the violence that goes on there on a near daily basis. I just can't understand why he doesn't reach out more to the communities in his own adopted hometown?

I hope all that isn't considered off-topic. I haven't posted much at all until the last couple days, been mostly a lurker. Thaivisa has a way of sucking you in and now I can see how some of you have thousands of posts. I think I will go outside now. :-)

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Reverse racism. Now that you have a black president with his black henchman attorney general. No other color can kill a black man. That's just not allowed! And the NAACP, another racist organisation. They don't seem to be whining about the black people murdering each other everyday. But they'll raise hell if someone else kills a black man.

Throwing back Obama's own words for this trial. 'You lost. Get over it!'


US Justice Department to open new case against Zimmerman who shot dead black teenager

WASHINGTON: -- The US Justice Department can open a civil rights case against George Zimmerman, 29, who was found last Sunday not guilty for shooting dead of unarmed black teenager Trayvon Martin, 17. Meanwhile some US cities saw clashes between Afro-American and the police during the peaceful marching against the acquitting judgement.

The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), an African-American civil rights organization,started a petition on the website MoveOn.org calling for the Justice Department to open a civil rights case against Zimmerman. "The most fundamental of civil rights - the right to life - was violated the night George Zimmerman stalked and then took the life of Trayvon Martin," NAACP President Benjamin Todd Jealous wrote in the petition addressing to Attorney General Eric Holder.

"Experienced federal prosecutors will determine whether the evidence reveals a prosecutable violation of any of the limited federal criminal civil rights statutes within our jurisdiction," the Justice Department said in the statement released after the acquitting judgement. Justice added that it will determine "whether federal prosecution is appropriate in accordance with the department's policy governing successive federal prosecution following a state trial."

Zimmerman, a neighborhood watch volunteer, claimed that on the night of February 26, 2012 an unarmed teenager knocked him to the ground, punched him, straddled him and slammed his head into the concrete. Zimmerman had licensed Kel Tec 9mm pistol and after the fight he shot Martin once in the heart, killing him. While prosecutors said that Zimmerman, who is white and Hispanic, wrongly suspected Martin of being a criminal because he was black.

Voice of Russia, the Tampa Tribune, AFP, CNN, the Washington Post, Reuters, RT, dpa

Full story: http://english.ruvr.ru/news/2013_07_15/US-Justice-Department-to-open-news-case-against-Zimmerman-who-shot-dead-black-teenager-2715/

-- THE VOICE OF RUSSIA 2013-07-15

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George? So familiar. Let's not kid ourselves. The killer Zimmerman has become a poster child hero of the white right wing gun maniac Fox News saturated American contingent.

Yes. George; and Trayvon. Those are their names aren't they?

Those last comments... are you angry?


Funny how it works when it is the other way around isn't it?

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He will make a ton of money and justifiably so. He was wronged by both a dishonest media and a corrupt justice system. A malicious prosecution case is pretty much assured as the prosecution purposely withheld evidence about Trayvon's criminal activities. Any civil case against him will have very little chance of winning because he can invoke the stand your ground law in defense which gives him lots of protection. He deserves some good luck for a change and things are looking up.

. Makes you happy then? A killer and profiler getting away with it?cheers some folks up after their failed prediction of the defeat of the President last November
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Some of the attempts at concealing racist tendencies on this thread are almost laughable.

I'd like to ask one question. The general consensus seems to be:

( a ) If both were African American, this wouldn't have gone to trial.

( b ) If it had been an African American adult killing a white teen, the rednecks would want him strung up from the nearest tree.

But what if it had been a white adult killing an unarmed white teen?

I'm guessing then it would be about the right of curtain twitching wannabes to carry firearms and poke their noses into other peoples' business.

The whole race issue is what has got Zimmerman absolved of any responsibility, that and a crap prosecution case and a defence able to manipulate all kinds of deceptions and half-truths to finish the job off.

The truth of the matter is that Zimmerman is responsible for murdering someone's child and eventually he will pay the price.

Saying "what if" merely is an admonition of ignoring the facts and attempting to distract people's minds away from those facts.

What deceptions and half truths?

How is George responsible?

Was it George's responsibility to lay there and allow Trayvon to have his way with George's head until Trayvon decided to cease and desist; leaving us all to wonder whether Trayvon would have carried out permanent bodily damage or even death to George?

Is that what you are saying?

Would you please comment on Trayvons behavior at the moment he threw the punch and got George on his back, as well as throughout the beating that he was administering on George's face and head and explain to me why one punch would not have been good enough to get a point across (I am being lenient here), and rather instead Trayvon felt compelled to batter George up until he was shot?

Would you also comment on your thoughts of how long you might expect Trayvon to have continued to batter George had George not had a gun? So, how much of a severe beating is enough for this racist to get from the child?

Clearly you are condoning the battering. So, how much would have been satisfactory to you to teach this racist a lesson?

I am a racist, by measure of the black community. How long should I receive a battering?

It is vitally important to hear (read) your response because I am sincerely interested in your interpretation of the severity of beatings that racists should receive at the hands of others (notice the absence of the racial profile in describing the batterer).

Please do tell and cease and desist with your reverse psychology and simply come clean on this.

I don't believe the "battering" was as bad as it's made out to be. I offered public domain medical evidence in an earlier post, but it was deleted.

The rest of the "battering" is a defendant's version with no-one else to give any contradictory evidence.

And without that evidence, the prosecution were unable to prove their case beyond reasonable doubt.

What are you asking me to "come clean" on?

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Interesting piece of misreporting. A headline that says "US Justice Department to open new case against Zimmerman who shot dead black teenager"

followed by narrative that says "The US Justice Department can open a civil rights case against George Zimmerman".


Excuse the fonts, TV's editor ain't so hot...

Edited by Chicog
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We're probably going to see the biggest race polarization since the Rodney King police beating case. On one side, Fox News has already issued an opinion piece that the trial should never have taken place. On the other side, the NAACP is outraged and wants the Feds to prosecute Zimmerman.

Get the popcorn ready....

Rodney King, oh yea thats the guy who was on parole for robbery then run from the police in a high speed chase endangering many life's then the police beat him for acting like a criminal then he sued for $3.8 million which he won then he kept on getting DWIs and things like that until he died. Sure I remember him,

Edited by rotary
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No-one really knows what happened that night. Only 1 person, really.

I find it odd that so many people have picked a side in this case, when no-one could really know.

Isn't that a bit naive?

You can't pick a side?

How about this...

On your backside being battered to death... or on topside dong the battering and no end in sight if we remove the gun from the picture?

How's that for choosing a side?

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No-one really knows what happened that night. Only 1 person, really.

I find it odd that so many people have picked a side in this case, when no-one could really know.

Isn't that a bit naive?

You can't pick a side?

How about this...

On your backside being battered to death... or on topside dong the battering and no end in sight if we remove the gun from the picture?

How's that for choosing a side?

There's nothing naive about acknowledging an objective fact: only Mr. ZImmerman has a chance of knowing exactly what happened and why.

Your emotive language and imaginative descriptions of what MIGHT be the truth don't change that.

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Some of the attempts at concealing racist tendencies on this thread are almost laughable.

I'd like to ask one question. The general consensus seems to be:

( a ) If both were African American, this wouldn't have gone to trial.

( b ) If it had been an African American adult killing a white teen, the rednecks would want him strung up from the nearest tree.

But what if it had been a white adult killing an unarmed white teen?

I'm guessing then it would be about the right of curtain twitching wannabes to carry firearms and poke their noses into other peoples' business.

The whole race issue is what has got Zimmerman absolved of any responsibility, that and a crap prosecution case and a defence able to manipulate all kinds of deceptions and half-truths to finish the job off.

The truth of the matter is that Zimmerman is responsible for murdering someone's child and eventually he will pay the price.

Saying "what if" merely is an admonition of ignoring the facts and attempting to distract people's minds away from those facts.

What deceptions and half truths?

How is George responsible?

Was it George's responsibility to lay there and allow Trayvon to have his way with George's head until Trayvon decided to cease and desist; leaving us all to wonder whether Trayvon would have carried out permanent bodily damage or even death to George?

Is that what you are saying?

Would you please comment on Trayvons behavior at the moment he threw the punch and got George on his back, as well as throughout the beating that he was administering on George's face and head and explain to me why one punch would not have been good enough to get a point across (I am being lenient here), and rather instead Trayvon felt compelled to batter George up until he was shot?

Would you also comment on your thoughts of how long you might expect Trayvon to have continued to batter George had George not had a gun? So, how much of a severe beating is enough for this racist to get from the child?

Clearly you are condoning the battering. So, how much would have been satisfactory to you to teach this racist a lesson?

I am a racist, by measure of the black community. How long should I receive a battering?

It is vitally important to hear (read) your response because I am sincerely interested in your interpretation of the severity of beatings that racists should receive at the hands of others (notice the absence of the racial profile in describing the batterer).

Please do tell and cease and desist with your reverse psychology and simply come clean on this.

I don't believe the "battering" was as bad as it's made out to be. I offered public domain medical evidence in an earlier post, but it was deleted.

The rest of the "battering" is a defendant's version with no-one else to give any contradictory evidence.

And without that evidence, the prosecution were unable to prove their case beyond reasonable doubt.

What are you asking me to "come clean" on?

Perhaps you may be right, but would you like to let me demonstrate whilst sitting on top and you can tell me to stop when we get your face to match his? I mean that in a scientific sense, and no offense otherwise.

Would you then tell me that you are not as bad as I made you out to be?

You say the rest of the battering is the defendants version with no one else to give any contradictory evidence.

Alrigtht, how about if we remove the gun and allow me to continue battering your face, and as far as you are concerned, you have no idea when I am going to stop. Tell me what the result could be in all likelihodd as you are being battered. The evidence is being administered all over your face and head. Do you have any ideas as to how long I am going to continue battering you, and what elements will you use to determine that you are getting fed up or scared for your life that we are nearing the possibility that I may not stop? What is going through your mind now?

This is a good start for coming clean; by answering a direct question in the line of reasoning it is being asked.

How long are you going to let me batter you, and when you decide it is enough (whether after the first punch or after you are losing consciousness) and what are you going to try to do about it.

Are you beginning to understand now, that this is what it is all about?

The remainder of this trial merely consists of elements of argument which exist on a daily basis and will never be solved. But the matter of being battered without any indication of easing off puts a bit more clarity on the issue, and has nothing to do with black or white in the mind of the one losing consciousness or realizing that it is leading there fast.

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Did Trayvon Marti n get a fair trial?

Police did not arrest Zimmerman until 44 days after the shooting, much valuable crime scene evidence was not collected.

Who was responsible for the confrontation, Trayvon was just walking home from the 7-11 and Zimmerman profiled him as a criminal just by his looks.’

Zimmerman failed to abide by 911 instructions “to not follow Trayvon, Police were on the way” Zimmerman stated “these guys always get away”.

Up to this point Trayvon did not do anything he was just walking home.

Zimmerman followed Trayvon and a fight happened, that Trayvon bested Zimmerman and put him in fear for his life.

Comparison of the combatants

Trayvon a 158 lb,17 year old schoolboy with no special defense training history.

Zimmerman 195 lb, with over a year of MMA combat training sessions at three times per week immediately prior to the shooting. He lost 90 lbs during that year of MMA training and was down to his desired fighting weight

Since the shooting Zimmerman put on 100 lbs, which is not the physical condition he was at on the day of the shooting.

Zimmerman had a 37 lb weight advantage plus a year of MMA “ground and pound” MMA combat training

Was trial decided by a jury of his peers?

Population of Sanford is a minority majority population.

Hispanic 18.4 %

White 49.7%

Black 27.0%

Native American 0.4%

Asian 2,8%

Others 1.7%

Pool of Jury: 500 the last 23 remaining were:

16 Whites

4 Back

2 Hispanic

1 Asian

Each side lawyers had 10 jurors they could eliminated for any reason!

Results: 5 Anglo females, I Hispanic female.

The dye for acquittal was cast before the trial began.

What next, the Federal government will look into if Trayvon’s civil right were violated.

Trayvor’s family to file a ‘Wrongful Death” suit much as the Brown and Goldman family filed in the O.J. Simpson case, where the Civil “Preponderance of the Evidence” is a lot easier to prove then the Criminal “Beyond a Shadow of a Doubt” .

To assure Zimmerman cannot write a book or gain financially because of Trayvon Death

To make sure Zimmerman will never again freely be able to walk the streets, as he killed Trayvon for doing!

Keep Zimmerman from receiving any money because of his lawsuit against the TV s news Station,

Zimmerman’s problems at not over, they are just beginning!

In the years I have been on the TV forum, I have heard of Falang’s complaints about being discriminated against in Thailand.

They do not know what real discrimination is!


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