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Seamstress Type Person to Make "Slip Covers" for Arm Chairs


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I noticed there was some good input about seamstresses to make shirts, etc. so I was wondering if anybody out there could recommend someone to make some slip covers for 2 upholstered arm chairs?

We have a couple of very nice chairs that have faded, are dirty, etc. They match the sofa. They are not ours, they came with the house. The owner said he paid 50K THB for the pair of chairs years ago so we really can't throw them out. We got some quotes to re-upholster them and it was more than we want to pay for chairs that are not ours.

We bought some very nice fabric for the covers but have not been able to find anyone to come out, do the measurements, and then cut and stitch them together. We asked a couple of people who have made stuff for us before but they said the fabric was a little too heavy for their machine, etc.

Anyone have a recommendation?

Thanks in advance.

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Chinese market go upstairs ,ladies with sewing machines.do everything

I'm not 100% sure they do heavier fabric than is used in clothing. One lady in the village near us who has done some work for us came over to take a look and said the material was just a little heavier than her machine can handle. Also someone would have to come over and take the measurements so the covers are properly tapered to fit properly. I don't think those ladies have time for that. But it wouldn't hurt to ask. Maybe they know someone. Thanks for the suggestion.

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