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Chulalongkorn Fine and Applied Arts Faculty dean apologizes for Hitler graduation mural


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Not really an apology...an explanation of good and bad superheroes.

My view it either needs a full apolgy...with no conditions or none.

Since when did you classify Adolf Hitler as a fictional superheroe alongside Capt America, Hulk and Superman? Is the dean of this Arts college really that stupid to not know that Hitler was a real live person and sad part of World history? His apology is just another example of Thai ignorance of the real world around them.

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I am outraged and disgusted that a faculty of fine art can produce such a rubbish mural.

Hulk looks more like Gromit, Capt America looks like Cartman and who on Earth is the fat thing with the yellow star? Supercommie??

Behind the picture of Superman at 70 appears to be a snowman with lipstick - what's that all about?

The student in front could have just been asked "Where is that really tall building?" and she is replying "Over there and its this tall"

Not even SNL ( Saturday Night Live) comedy show would attempt to show the world how stupid Thais present themselves as college grad students with a mural of Hitler behind them just out of respect to not offend the rest of the world.

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I am outraged and disgusted that a faculty of fine art can produce such a rubbish mural.

Hulk looks more like Gromit, Capt America looks like Cartman and who on Earth is the fat thing with the yellow star? Supercommie??

Behind the picture of Superman at 70 appears to be a snowman with lipstick - what's that all about?

The student in front could have just been asked "Where is that really tall building?" and she is replying "Over there and its this tall"

Not even SNL ( Saturday Night Live) comedy show would attempt to show the world how stupid Thais present themselves as college grad students with a mural of Hitler behind them just out of respect to not offend the rest of the world.

British prince Harry wore a nazi uniform to a party and the world did not come to an end.

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I am a Jew and the few Thais I do tell I am Jewish do not even know what a Jew is. I could not believe the first one I told I thought they were joking. I bet all the nationalities on here know what a Jew is, except if you are Thai. The Thai education is generally an insult to the people, keeping them uneducated to not take on in adult life the Thai elite. As many of my friends say Thais are only one step out of the jungle. But with internet access in most cities it is surprising they still don't know what a Jew is.

I would guess that 99.99% of Asians don't know what a Jew is. I would further venture that more than 50% of Western people have knowledge of the word itself and none or little other knowledge of Jews.

If you are so distressed by this you should start a campaign to teach Asians.

It doesn't help your cause to insult Thais for not having this knowledge.

I would be happy enough if they just worked out that celebrating Hitler is just about as dodgy a ground as you can be on.

Either you're ignorant or a neo Nazi. Neither a good position to be in.

I don't know wjhat is jew is as well..enlighten me please. Isn't it one who is a racially direct descendant of ancient Judah/Israel? It is not simply someone who converts...keeping Thais educated? Maybe, you mean brainwashed or conditioned?

Actually you don't need to know the details of Judaism to realise that supporting Hitler is a very disturbing trait. Largely you could replace Judaism with any ism. He hated a group and planned to murder them all, man woman and child.

People can sympathise with all sorts of things, but aryanism, genocide, eugenics and everything else he stood for is in my eyes at least, largely indefensible. It is to a great extent inhuman.

I am sure pol pot was a great guy, Mao also face to face, until they decided to murder you. but to be carried along with anything to do with Nazism is to say it mildly, very wrong.

Edited by Thai at Heart
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Many complaining about this may remember Price Harry of the UK Parading around at a Uni party in Nazi regalia.

I presume he knew what he was doing!

Prince Harry was severely reprimanded and was reminded of his family members that died in service to his country.

Therein lies the difference. A mistake was made, grown ups intervened and he learnt a valuable lesson and sincerely apologized.

The general population knew right from wrong and spoke up. Prince Harry accepted responsibility.

The outrage in respect to the mural is attributable to;

1. It occurred on a university campus and was allowed to remain for quite some time indicating a tacit approval.

2. No "grown-ups" intervened to correct the behaviour.

3. There has not been an apology by the responsible parties and no one has taken responsibility, i.e. stepped up and done the right thing.

4. No one in Thailand in a position of moral authority, or leadership said anything. One would think that one of these holy men monks would have suggested that such a display was inappropriate. No political leader spoke out. One can forgive some Thai politicians as they are inherently ignorant, but Yingluck was educated in the USA, albeit for a short time and Abhisit grew up in the UK and knows all about WWII. His grammar school has a memorial for those who gave their lives in WWII and he attended a memorial event to commemorate Nov. 11 every year while he was a student.

The Thais still do not get it, and the idiocy of the behaviour had to be addressed by foreigners.

Maybe the Thais have been desensitized by the more recent history of slaughter of 3 million Vietnamese, Cambodians and Lao and the even more recent slaughter of hundreds of thousands of Iraqis.

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Many complaining about this may remember Price Harry of the UK Parading around at a Uni party in Nazi regalia.

I presume he knew what he was doing!

Prince Harry was severely reprimanded and was reminded of his family members that died in service to his country.

Therein lies the difference. A mistake was made, grown ups intervened and he learnt a valuable lesson and sincerely apologized.

The general population knew right from wrong and spoke up. Prince Harry accepted responsibility.

The outrage in respect to the mural is attributable to;

1. It occurred on a university campus and was allowed to remain for quite some time indicating a tacit approval.

2. No "grown-ups" intervened to correct the behaviour.

3. There has not been an apology by the responsible parties and no one has taken responsibility, i.e. stepped up and done the right thing.

4. No one in Thailand in a position of moral authority, or leadership said anything. One would think that one of these holy men monks would have suggested that such a display was inappropriate. No political leader spoke out. One can forgive some Thai politicians as they are inherently ignorant, but Yingluck was educated in the USA, albeit for a short time and Abhisit grew up in the UK and knows all about WWII. His grammar school has a memorial for those who gave their lives in WWII and he attended a memorial event to commemorate Nov. 11 every year while he was a student.

The Thais still do not get it, and the idiocy of the behaviour had to be addressed by foreigners.

Maybe the Thais have been desensitized by the more recent history of slaughter of 3 million Vietnamese, Cambodians and Lao and the even more recent slaughter of hundreds of thousands of Iraqis.

Bad things happen all over the world. That isn't much of a reason to give their perpetrators any adulation.

It's quite a stretch to trivialise genocide

Edited by Thai at Heart
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Many complaining about this may remember Price Harry of the UK Parading around at a Uni party in Nazi regalia.

I presume he knew what he was doing!

Prince Harry was severely reprimanded and was reminded of his family members that died in service to his country.

Therein lies the difference. A mistake was made, grown ups intervened and he learnt a valuable lesson and sincerely apologized.

The general population knew right from wrong and spoke up. Prince Harry accepted responsibility.

The outrage in respect to the mural is attributable to;

1. It occurred on a university campus and was allowed to remain for quite some time indicating a tacit approval.

2. No "grown-ups" intervened to correct the behaviour.

3. There has not been an apology by the responsible parties and no one has taken responsibility, i.e. stepped up and done the right thing.

4. No one in Thailand in a position of moral authority, or leadership said anything. One would think that one of these holy men monks would have suggested that such a display was inappropriate. No political leader spoke out. One can forgive some Thai politicians as they are inherently ignorant, but Yingluck was educated in the USA, albeit for a short time and Abhisit grew up in the UK and knows all about WWII. His grammar school has a memorial for those who gave their lives in WWII and he attended a memorial event to commemorate Nov. 11 every year while he was a student.

The Thais still do not get it, and the idiocy of the behaviour had to be addressed by foreigners.

Maybe the Thais have been desensitized by the more recent history of slaughter of 3 million Vietnamese, Cambodians and Lao and the even more recent slaughter of hundreds of thousands of Iraqis.

Bad things happen all over the world. That isn't much of a reason to give their perpetrators any adulation.

It's quite a stretch to trivialise genocide

Bring me Prince Harry and I will personally chastise him. Following that I will attend to the Thais who offended.

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Next time this sort of thing happens in Thailand, and of course IT WILL, I suggest the Weisenthal Center contact the German ambassador to Thailand and propose that they send a message of complaint JOINTLY. I would be surprised if the German ambassador would object to that. I think that would be a stronger message. That the modern country of Germany has NO TOLERANCE for heroic depictions of Hitler and Nazism. This is of course COMPLETELY DIFFERENT than anything to do with Mao, as Mao is REVERED by the current government and the majority of people in today's China, right or wrong, I would say wrong. I reckon that the vast majority of Thai people including the "cultural elite" don't fully appreciate that modern German people for the most part of course are NOT proud of Hitler.

Hopefully a story like that would hit the German and other European newspapers. I'm sure they would like to know how they are treated with contempt by their hosts on their next holiday to Thailand.

The only time we will hear about Thailand in the news is if something bad happens, like natural disaster or a coup.

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Many complaining about this may remember Price Harry of the UK Parading around at a Uni party in Nazi regalia.

I presume he knew what he was doing!

Prince Harry was severely reprimanded and was reminded of his family members that died in service to his country.

Therein lies the difference. A mistake was made, grown ups intervened and he learnt a valuable lesson and sincerely apologized.

The general population knew right from wrong and spoke up. Prince Harry accepted responsibility.

The outrage in respect to the mural is attributable to;

1. It occurred on a university campus and was allowed to remain for quite some time indicating a tacit approval.

2. No "grown-ups" intervened to correct the behaviour.

3. There has not been an apology by the responsible parties and no one has taken responsibility, i.e. stepped up and done the right thing.

4. No one in Thailand in a position of moral authority, or leadership said anything. One would think that one of these holy men monks would have suggested that such a display was inappropriate. No political leader spoke out. One can forgive some Thai politicians as they are inherently ignorant, but Yingluck was educated in the USA, albeit for a short time and Abhisit grew up in the UK and knows all about WWII. His grammar school has a memorial for those who gave their lives in WWII and he attended a memorial event to commemorate Nov. 11 every year while he was a student.

The Thais still do not get it, and the idiocy of the behaviour had to be addressed by foreigners.

Maybe the Thais have been desensitized by the more recent history of slaughter of 3 million Vietnamese, Cambodians and Lao and the even more recent slaughter of hundreds of thousands of Iraqis.

I'd say the chances are better that they just don't give a sh!t.

They people upset aren't Thais after all. They'll probably aplogize profusely (already have actually) while thinking those demanding it are stupid.

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When I went to University, we did some pretty silly stuff, but we were careful not to be unnecessarily offensive. The difference is, the school didn't condone much of what we did and it certainly would have taken action against us.

The fact that this mural was allowed is unbelievable.

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Many complaining about this may remember Price Harry of the UK Parading around at a Uni party in Nazi regalia.

I presume he knew what he was doing!

Prince Harry was severely reprimanded and was reminded of his family members that died in service to his country.

Therein lies the difference. A mistake was made, grown ups intervened and he learnt a valuable lesson and sincerely apologized.

The general population knew right from wrong and spoke up. Prince Harry accepted responsibility.

The outrage in respect to the mural is attributable to;

1. It occurred on a university campus and was allowed to remain for quite some time indicating a tacit approval.

2. No "grown-ups" intervened to correct the behaviour.

3. There has not been an apology by the responsible parties and no one has taken responsibility, i.e. stepped up and done the right thing.

4. No one in Thailand in a position of moral authority, or leadership said anything. One would think that one of these holy men monks would have suggested that such a display was inappropriate. No political leader spoke out. One can forgive some Thai politicians as they are inherently ignorant, but Yingluck was educated in the USA, albeit for a short time and Abhisit grew up in the UK and knows all about WWII. His grammar school has a memorial for those who gave their lives in WWII and he attended a memorial event to commemorate Nov. 11 every year while he was a student.

The Thais still do not get it, and the idiocy of the behaviour had to be addressed by foreigners.

Maybe the Thais have been desensitized by the more recent history of slaughter of 3 million Vietnamese, Cambodians and Lao and the even more recent slaughter of hundreds of thousands of Iraqis.

I'd say the chances are better that they just don't give a sh!t.

They people upset aren't Thais after all. They'll probably aplogize profusely (already have actually) while thinking those demanding it are stupid.

Screw the apologies, learn something would be enough.....

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A dean of a collage in any country does not know who Hitler is or what he did or why this maybe a problem?

A dean of a collage in any country sees Hitler in a student mural and does nothing?

Collage students don't know what the problem is?

Students are doing a Nazi salute in front of all the people attending the graduation?

I try to make my friends understand Thailand but they all think I am exaggerating.

Maybe this mural should be at the airport so when the next group of Euro bankers come into town they will feel really welcome.

Has the IMF seen this yet? Good luck with that! smile.png

I was out shopping with the G/F some time ago, she wanted a dvd for later. I bought a copy of Schindler's List. She was couldn't believe it, when I told her it was a true story.


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ignoring the hitler in the banner, that is some impessive art work done by graduates from fine and applied arts . . .

You seriously think so?

It looks like middle school level work to me.

I don't see any indication of artistic talent in it.

One only has to look at the subject matter of the art work on the hundreds of double decker tour buses to see we are not living in a land where there is a great deal of creativity in the decorations. Most are copies of Japanese anime style scenes and characters. I look forward to the day when I see a bus with some Dali images or even Picasso or Van Gogh. Or even more imaginative creations like I have seen on European buses.


Even has a picture of Uncle Joe.

Edited by ratcatcher
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Many complaining about this may remember Price Harry of the UK Parading around at a Uni party in Nazi regalia.

I presume he knew what he was doing!

Yeah, I remember what Prince Harry of the UK did and I thought he was an As*hole (as well) for doing it.

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Next time this sort of thing happens in Thailand, and of course IT WILL, I suggest the Weisenthal Center contact the German ambassador to Thailand and propose that they send a message of complaint JOINTLY. I would be surprised if the German ambassador would object to that. I think that would be a stronger message. That the modern country of Germany has NO TOLERANCE for heroic depictions of Hitler and Nazism. This is of course COMPLETELY DIFFERENT than anything to do with Mao, as Mao is REVERED by the current government and the majority of people in today's China, right or wrong, I would say wrong. I reckon that the vast majority of Thai people including the "cultural elite" don't fully appreciate that modern German people for the most part of course are NOT proud of Hitler.

Hopefully a story like that would hit the German and other European newspapers. I'm sure they would like to know how they are treated with contempt by their hosts on their next holiday to Thailand.

The only time we will hear about Thailand in the news is if something bad happens, like natural disaster or a coup.

Similarly about Germany and Europe. Thais only read news of these places following disasters like economic collapses, floods and train crashes.

The German ambassador would not take instructions from organizations in other countries and the government of Germany would be unlikely to escalate this incident.

Edited by Netizen
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Screw the apologies, learn something would be enough.....

That's clearly a bridge too far.

I mean honestly, it's like being the best man at the wedding and making a speech about the groom's stag night in pattaya, and then wondering why you take flack.

Hitler is way beyond any recognition. If he had prevailed, more than half the contributors on here tonight probably wouldn't be here. Maybe he had a hatred of the welsh/celts also. That counts me out.

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There are comics and movies about the Superhero's some by Marvel but what I cannot understand is where do the students in Thailand get the idea that Hitler was a hero. Has there ever been any books, magazines or movies about him that made him out as a hero. Is this something to do with the Groucho Marx black comedy. Anybody got any ideas it's way beyond me.

Thats the point though isn't it? Hitler is little more than a comic figure to most Thai's.

Though it isn't an intentional ridicule of Hitler, nevertheless they've reduced him to the level of hello kitty and scooby doo. It is hard to take offence, though of course, people will.

It seems an awful lot easier for some to make excuses.

But then this is Thailand, and Thais must not be held accountable for their own actions - they are like children - simple innocents.

If any of these guys had any knowledge, understanding of what the holocaust was, then my tone would be different. But as everyone seems to be wanting to make clear they haven't. Some people just don't know any better. I just find it hard to be offended.

Use the opportunity to show them the error of their ways? For sure. But something to get angry over? Not for me - and not in this case.

Interestingly, the few Thais I have discussed this issue with (all educated), feel exactly the same way as you. In general, I just got a shrug or blank look like "what's the big deal?" As you correctly say, Hitler's just another cute Scooby Do. The depth of Thais' disinterest, lack of empathy or benightedness with affairs outside Thailand astounds me often, though it shouldn't....

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Someone above mentioned "Hitler Chic." Apparently it has become a popular meme among the youth. Google it and you get some interesting articles. Here is one:


I for one would like to talk to the students who did the mural. Just perhaps they knew what they were doing.

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Maybe the Thais have been desensitized by the more recent history of slaughter of 3 million Vietnamese, Cambodians and Lao and the even more recent slaughter of hundreds of thousands of Iraqis.

I'd say the chances are better that they just don't give a sh!t.

They people upset aren't Thais after all. They'll probably aplogize profusely (already have actually) while thinking those demanding it are stupid.

Screw the apologies, learn something would be enough.....

Thais have learned from this. They learned farangs have very long toes.

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What's the lesson here....

They need to bone up and TEACH what Hitler (mass murderer/terrorist/torturer/world warlord) did and the 1,000,000's killed/exterminated..+ dead soldiers and civilians ...just as a lesson from this mural....

Let's see - you have Hitler up there with a group of comic book super heros.....get real.....

Don't they have history classes? Even if not a current event the backlash from this should light the fire of truth. Just one sheet of statistics the students would be graded on would suffice so the truth be known.

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What's the lesson here....

They need to bone up and TEACH what Hitler (mass murderer/terrorist/torturer/world warlord) did and the 1,000,000's killed/exterminated..+ dead soldiers and civilians ...just as a lesson from this mural....

Let's see - you have Hitler up there with a group of comic book super heros.....get real.....

Don't they have history classes? Even if not a current event the backlash from this should light the fire of truth. Just one sheet of statistics the students would be graded on would suffice so the truth be known.

Course; genocide 101. Maybe after getting a degree in genocide studies (if it doesn't make them suicidal) they can pursue careers as guides in genocide museums.

p.s. "bone up" may have a different connotation in USA,

Edited by Netizen
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