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Disliking everyone you meet in Thailand...


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If the complainers stopped complaining what would the folk who complain about said complainers complain about then ?

The folk that complain about the complainers would then start complaining and the complainers that had stopped complaining would start complaining about folk that complain.

Run for the hills.

That's a bit like saying what would the fire dept/ fire brigade do if the arsonists stopped setting fires. Not likely (but always possible) they would turn to setting their own fires. Even less likely that the self-restrained arsonists would then feel the urge to extinguish fires. It would upset the natural order of things. Unlike Tom and Jerry, real mice don't turn to chasing cats ... to mix metaphors or similes or whatever.

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if you dislike Thailand and the people here dont fckn come here stay in fckn oz with other small minded pricks like your self.theres a lot of good decent people living here and if you are a Ozzie your the worst one i wouldn't like to meet and ozzies are normally cool funny layed back guys go fck ladyboys in your cast off Malaysia

The fifth grade has been good to you, hasn't it ? I'd probably work a little harder on actually interpreting the big words that adults are so fond of before banging out a response with those demonic thumbs.

I feel bad about posting this, after reading the following...

Anyway, it's good that Cobra1 has learnt to swear. It makes him look grown-up, big and clever.

Personally, I like to try and look big and clever by using big words like Australia


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as mentioned before in another thread, most male farang (i've met, briefly in most cases) living in thailand are immature, frustrated and over-dominant. i don't like them and stay away from them. i don't discuss with them and whatever they say i'll tell them "whatever" and avoid them. as far as thai are concerned, i trust them as much or as little as i trust any other person. nobody is my friend until proven to be a friend. sofar i've never been into trouble in thailand just like i've never been into trouble in the west. i do trust most soi dogs though...

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I distrust anyone that does not buy me a beer....I am a good man and I deserve it. Frankly, I will drink your beer when you are not looking, but if you buy me one beer, I will leave your beer alone..... and that would be the true measure of a man. It should always be a give and take relationship.

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I distrust anyone that does not buy me a beer....I am a good man and I deserve it. Frankly, I will drink your beer when you are not looking, but if you buy me one beer, I will leave your beer alone..... and that would be the true measure of a man. It should always be a give and take relationship.

That;s the great thing about buying rounds. You fairly quickly find out who's trustworthy and not.

"Sorry, chaps, I've come out without my wallet - I'll need to skip my round"

"It's not a problem, mate, there's a tenner, you can pay me back on Friday"

You do need to remember, on Friday, though...


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Dear OP.

I'll tell what I'll do. Next time you are at a loose end in Bangkok and wish to see another side of life, one which is in direct contrast to the one you seem to believe is all inclusive of the Ex Pat 'Community' here. I extend an invitation to you. (outer BKK Suburbs) Get in touch and come out here for a drink and BBQ in my Soi, Moo Baan. Sing along with us, as the blokes drag out their guitars and belt out numbers from CCR, Eagles, John Denver, Bee Gees, Everly Bros, Mamas and Papas, Lionel Ritchie, etc. When we are not doing that we talk about things most blokes anywhere like to talk about - Football, (even if it is English Soccer), food, work, females and sex, alcohol, music, cars, home improvement and maintenance, just about everything. Not a lot different to what most blokes at home talk about at BBQs and social gatherings. We even visit the odd Karaoke Bar or Snooker Room when we are in the mood. We consciously avoid Thai Politics though. For obvious reasons. Too polarising.

I have quite a diverse group of good friends.

One of them, who holds a Senior Management position at Saha Farm Lop Buri, at Sat Night Drinks last week he was telling me about what was going on up there, showing me the pics he personally took on his Galaxy S4 of the recent fire damage at the factory. The slaughter area destroyed, 3 machines at 2 Mil Baht each, plus all the overheads had fallen in, but the Sausage Manufacturing area survived. Another has his own Electrical, Security and Access control company with some big contracts in progress such as Mahindol Uni, another is a Childrens Toy Importer and supplies Villa Markets etc., an interior designer, a 'rag trade' wholesaler, a very, very senior government official, a pest controller, a professional driver, bookings manager for one of the most famous hotels in the Kingdom, Thai Inter Ground Crew, even a Copper. And they are all good friends. Plus their wives and children. I attend Tam Boons, Buats, Weddings, Funerals, weekends at the beach, concerts and many other social events at the invitation of my thai friends. I truly love it. Never a cross word or a blue.

I don't have much to do with other farangs here, simply because there are none around here. I can go months without talking face to face with one. Doesn't mean I am anti social. On the contrary. I am quite a sociable person. Not so good at singing though, but I do my best.

I treat everyone with respect - and, a certain amount of trust, until they may prove themselves unworthy of it.

I am not a mug. I have been traveling and living in Asia now for a total of 43 years. 30 years married to a Thai. (My 26 YO Australian/Thai son is staying with me at the moment). 10 years experience in Oz as a Thai Restaurant Owner, Since I was 16, every girl friend I ever had, bar two, were in Asia. I came very close to marrying a Filippina in 1979. I still think about her from time to time. She was a great girl. As a matter of a fact when I first came to Asia, the girls I had 'relations' with, would, if it were nowadays, qualify to be listed on a Sex Offenders Register!

How I feel, think and live my life, and what I post here about Asia/Thailand I do so, mostly from experience - not what I read here or in a book, nor what I see on (my Samsung) TV,

I would not take this forum too seriously. Narks are everywhere. Sometimes the best reaction is no reaction at all.

As I said, give me a call. (BTW, everyone here drinks Whisky & Soda, or to a much lesser extent, beer. If you want anything else then you will have to BYO. Sorry 'bout that.

In closing, The invitation is there. To quote and old Thai saying - 'Up to you'. I would like you to see that all is not as bad or stereotypical as you think. My glass if neither half full nor half empty - It's Chokkas!

Hi mate,

After reading your thread can you count me in for a beer sing-a-long and a real; good time

Cheers matey, well said!

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There is enough negativity and genuinely, sarcastic cynicism on tv to warrant me nutting out an essay on "my" Isaan rice farmer's daughter.

I have seen her father, who is the toughest and was one of the orneriest hombres you could come across, cry one time I had to leave for one of my trips back to Oz.

Reticent, reserved, reformed and we never talk but he knows me, in a way few people do.


Your wife is an Isaan farmer's daughter.

Her father is one of the "orneriest hombres you could come across". He cries when you go back to Australia.

You never talk to him, but he knows you in a way that few people do.

Deep. Seriously deep.

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"My partner would trust me with her life" Yeah, but how about something valuable? (JOKING!!!). A person is a fool to trust everyone they meet right away, even if they buy them a beer. And if can't trust anyone they meet, perhaps they are meeting the wrong people in the wrong places... Trust is like friendship: it takes time, and you can still get burned... And I have put trust in untrustworthy and been burned more back home than here, if that is worth anything.

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"My partner would trust me with her life" Yeah, but how about something valuable? (JOKING!!!). A person is a fool to trust everyone they meet right away, even if they buy them a beer. And if can't trust anyone they meet, perhaps they are meeting the wrong people in the wrong places... Trust is like friendship: it takes time, and you can still get burned... And I have put trust in untrustworthy and been burned more back home than here, if that is worth anything.

Is that because you trust people more back home than you do here?

A beer is not a big investment, but by the end of it, hopefully you know a little bit about the person. By the time you get to the kebabs, possible quite a lot.


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One thing I have learned from ThaiVisa is that even though we speak English, the British, the Australians and the Americans are nothing at all alike. I know what Thailand is like, but most of my knowledge of British and Australian people is from this website. (I have been to England once to visit a Thai friend).

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I trust Thais more (still very little) than the average (read: most, not all) farang in thailand.

Somehow the majority of farangs back in farangland are friendly, while the majority of the farang overhere are absolute scum!

i agree with the added caveat that i wouldnt even give the time of day to any middle age thai male hanging around on the street wanting to speak to me. take any farang in preference any time.

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I trust Thais more (still very little) than the average (read: most, not all) farang in thailand.

Somehow the majority of farangs back in farangland are friendly, while the majority of the farang overhere are absolute scum!

i agree with the added caveat that i wouldnt even give the time of day to any middle age thai male hanging around on the street wanting to speak to me. take any farang in preference any time.

It has been said before by a better man than I:

Here we have just a bunch of

Rascals in Paradise.

The End.

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Thais trust absolutely no one.

This is wrong, you need to go back to England or where ever!

Rascalman, I agree 100%.

As far as trusting people, Thailand is no different from anywhere else.

I just bought a car from a Thai. I asked if he could transfer the registration (blue book in my name). He said yes.

He never asked for a deposit. Next day he brought the blue book (in my name) and I paid him in cash, no receipt.

Simple and straightforward -- he gave me the car, the blue book and the key, I gave him the cash. It was trust.

Dozens of cars I have bought in several countries over the years, but I've never had such an experience, even

in my own country. The reality is: good, honest people can be found anywhere, as well as filthy rotten crooks.

Thailand is no different.

Obviously, one must be able to judge when to trust, when to get a receipt and when to walk away.

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I trust Thais more (still very little) than the average (read: most, not all) farang in thailand.

Somehow the majority of farangs back in farangland are friendly, while the majority of the farang overhere are absolute scum!

i agree with the added caveat that i wouldnt even give the time of day to any middle age thai male hanging around on the street wanting to speak to me. take any farang in preference any time.

In a tourist area in Thailand, I would probably not trust a Thai male hanging around on the street wanting to speak to me. In the provinces, I'd probably not worry at all. But if it were a farang, I'd be even more wary in any tourist area, with the possible exception of Chiang Mai.

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Mr. WW. I applauded you for a great topic. I love thaivisa…it winds me up right good.

Thanks Mamypoko - inevitably, your bouquet was immediately followed by a brickbat from the bard himself, Chicken George. I was tempted to engage him in a battle of wits, but clearly the poor fellow is completely unarmed. Some things are probably best left to sink into the cyber swamp, I guess. ;)

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You should keep your eye on the ball Mr Worldwide...and scan the field for danger....otherwise you will end up like Trott!

My advice is this....trust people on the basis of how you would at home....but trust no expats....especially desperate expats....remember the last thing they want to do is return home.

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"- avoid other Farang at all costs, especially anyone who spends time on an internet forum"

Why bother posting if you hold such a paranoid and disdainful attitude towards people who post on TV and the world in general ?


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You will never have a life anywhere@ what a waste of flesh you are.Get a balcony as soon as and do a leap! I have met happier better ajusted people in the gutter..

Your advice would be better received if it was more precisely targeted. Who specifically are you talking to? Can you imagine the mortification if the wrong chap topped hisself on your advice?

For my part, I've never met anyone in the gutter, and if I had, I hope that they and I would have the decency not to recollect it in public.

Personally, I like to think everyone has some value, if only to remind ourselves that our own misfortunes are trivial and insignificant, and that the foibles and prejudices of our own acquaintances pale in the shadow of the idiocy one can find on the internet.


Shakespeare ?

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Quote in the OP:

This isn't a plea to sugarcoat any of the 'realities' - far from it, as I've learnt a great deal in the short time I've been here.

- trust absolutey no-one

- avoid Thailand for anything beyond short-term holidays from the 'real world', and limit those to no more than 2 per year

- avoid other Farang at all costs, especially anyone who spends time on an internet forum

------------------>Doesn't the I'VE mean you? The OP?<-----------------------------

Edited by pgrahmm
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"while the majority of the farang overhere are absolute scum!"

IMHO the farangs here remind me of Las Vegas. I enjoy going to Las Vegas for the entertainment, but I do recognize (and that is not just my opinion) that America's white trash,as they call it, congregates at that place. It is a place where anybody who is nobody can feel, pretend, and make believe that he is a somebody. And many of the same types have come to Thailand, from all over the world. But one can only pretend and make believe for so long. After a while, one shows his real mantle and the "trash" in the white trash floats to the surface, where it is visible and it stinks too.

Thailand of tourism is heaven. That is what we first get to know and we fall in love with. Thailand of realism is a lot harsher. And when the harsh reality of trying to make it in a far-away land, of such contrasting cultures and business realities, it brings the worst in people (the farangs are the ones we are talking about here) and cause many of us to be concerned, suspicious and distrustful if not outright resentful of many of our western compatriots.

Would you invest your time, money and emotions with a "bloke" as some call it, whose essence of life here is his frequent visa-run, to perpetuate his illegal stay presence and work life in Thailand?

Like many of us farangs, I had been forewarned about having to beware-the-Thai-people. I now know better, that it is the farang I should beware of first. Yes I know, there are quite a few good man and women among the farangs who live here. I recognize them when I get to know them. But I also learned to quickly recognize the Las Vegas types. The ones who are nobodies pretending to be somebodies (and convincing themselves that they are).

For whatever it is worth.

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You will never have a life anywhere@ what a waste of flesh you are.Get a balcony as soon as and do a leap! I have met happier better ajusted people in the gutter..

Your advice would be better received if it was more precisely targeted. Who specifically are you talking to? Can you imagine the mortification if the wrong chap topped hisself on your advice?

For my part, I've never met anyone in the gutter, and if I had, I hope that they and I would have the decency not to recollect it in public.

Personally, I like to think everyone has some value, if only to remind ourselves that our own misfortunes are trivial and insignificant, and that the foibles and prejudices of our own acquaintances pale in the shadow of the idiocy one can find on the internet.


Shakespeare ?

nbsp sometimes but I reckon that is pure SC.

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Quote in the OP:

This isn't a plea to sugarcoat any of the 'realities' - far from it, as I've learnt a great deal in the short time I've been here.

- trust absolutey no-one

- avoid Thailand for anything beyond short-term holidays from the 'real world', and limit those to no more than 2 per year

- avoid other Farang at all costs, especially anyone who spends time on an internet forum

------------------>Doesn't the I'VE mean you? The OP?<-----------------------------

Seriously, do you not **GET** sarcasm ? Do I need an emoticon or should I simply wrap everything in HTML tags ?

<sarcasm>This is what I've learnt on TV</sarcasm>

Jesus wept - some clearly got the intent of that first post, and for some it was simply a red rag to a bull. Absolutely no accounting for thickheads, but the part about avoiding Farang on internet forums has been amply reinforced by some of the responses to this thread.

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"- avoid other Farang at all costs, especially anyone who spends time on an internet forum"

Why bother posting if you hold such a paranoid and disdainful attitude towards people who post on TV and the world in general ?

OK - you are prepared to make the effort to make that point, and yet you see nothing wrong with people who have relocated their entire lives to Thailand displaying an extremely bilious attitude to the country and it's people ? 'The world in general' exists well beyond this forum, and none of the regulars on my other Thai-based forum display the same level of pathological hatred towards the Thai people as I've seen here. If you actually took the time to read ALL of that first post, you will see that I explicitly apologised to the TVers who *do* contribute a great deal of useful information in the visa and health sections, among others - if my attitude to other Farang was as grim as you would have us believe, why would I even bother ? facepalm.gif

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"- avoid other Farang at all costs, especially anyone who spends time on an internet forum"

Why bother posting if you hold such a paranoid and disdainful attitude towards people who post on TV and the world in general ?

OK - you are prepared to make the effort to make that point, and yet you see nothing wrong with people who have relocated their entire lives to Thailand displaying an extremely bilious attitude to the country and it's people ? 'The world in general' exists well beyond this forum, and none of the regulars on my other Thai-based forum display the same level of pathological hatred towards the Thai people as I've seen here. If you actually took the time to read ALL of that first post, you will see that I explicitly apologised to the TVers who *do* contribute a great deal of useful information in the visa and health sections, among others - if my attitude to other Farang was as grim as you would have us believe, why would I even bother ? facepalm.gif alt=facepalm.gif>

Reggae music solves all problems mon....! tongue.png

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