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Tony Blair was right to say that politics needs help: Thai opinion


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Well I see at least three read the article and understood it not bad out of 33 posts.

He said

"When other panellists proposed big ideas for the world and looked to him on how politicians can help, he said, Politicians need help."

and most of the posters did not agree with him or they misread the article and thought it was an invitation to bash him and even some Thai bashing.

I swear some people are here because they are unacceptable where they come from.

Wake up people the Politicians the world over need help.

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Yes, politics does need help, particularly with a complete lack of honesty. B-liar is the last person to ask for help there.

Not only did he represent US interests (& still does) but he seemed like the best Tory leader the Labour party ever had.

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You always know when Tony is lying as his lips move. He's much loved in the US but why not as he was the best PM of Britain America ever had ?

I think he would fit in nicely in Thai politics providing he survived.

You always knew when Blair was lieing when his lips move ????. Its the same with all UK MPs, and Labour are worse than all the other parties put together. Working mans party??? not in my lifetime.

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Yes, politics does need help, particularly with a complete lack of honesty. B-liar is the last person to ask for help there.

Not only did he represent US interests (& still does) but he seemed like the best Tory leader the Labour party ever had.

That isn't quite true. I saw an astounding statistic, that at the end of Major's term, the debt to GDP ratio was only, wait for it, 31%, and by the end of Blairs escapades, it was over 37%, balllooning even further during the bailouts. He borrowed spent an astonishing amount of money during the good times, with little tangible improvement in front line services, and managed to oversee a boom in employment in the public sector.

Recent History of UK National Debt

After a period of financial restraint, from mid 1990s, public sector debt at a % of GDP fell to 29% of GDP by 2002. From 2002 – 2007 , national debt increased to 37 % of GDP. This increase in debt levels occurred despite the long period of economic expansion; it was primarily due to the government’s decision to increase spending on health and education (see: Gov’t spending in this period). There has also been a marked rise in social security spending.


In the good old days, when politicians wanted to win the election, they would cut interest rates to boost the economy. Brown and Blair came up with the rather clever marketing trick that they would give the Bank independence, whilst all the time intending to simply boost government borrowing to boost the economy instead on a drip by drip basis.

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I was about to have breakfast but seeing Blair's picture means I'll wait. I'd like to keep the food down.

Churchill was the best. He knew when to hand it over.

What about Maggie? For all her faults, she left John Major with a good economy, then Blair came and we all know what happened next.

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I was about to have breakfast but seeing Blair's picture means I'll wait. I'd like to keep the food down.

It could have been worse. It could have been his wife.

I would have probably ended up in a corner in the fetal position sucking my thumb and muttering incoherently..

She's an overweight Mrs. Beckham, the gruesome twosome.

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I was about to have breakfast but seeing Blair's picture means I'll wait. I'd like to keep the food down.

It could have been worse. It could have been his wife.

I would have probably ended up in a corner in the fetal position sucking my thumb and muttering incoherently..

She's an overweight Mrs. Beckham, the gruesome twosome.

How true.

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You always know when Tony is lying as his lips move. He's much loved in the US but why not as he was the best PM of Britain America ever had ?

I think he would fit in nicely in Thai politics providing he survived.

And you feel politics is OK the way it is?

The second worst British Prime Minister since the war........replaced by the worst.

The man is truly delusional.

You agree with a member then.

When I was taking Criminology one of my term papers was on the parole system in Canada. It turned out at one brain storming session made up of people from various positions in life the best ideas came from the business sector.

I whole heartedly agree with him politics needs help how you people can say it is OK is beyond me.

I do not know that much about his personnel life but I do know Bull Crap when I hear it and I sure did not hear it from Blair.

Blair was full of more crap than any other UK Prime Minister in my lifetime, Followed closely by the pension stealing Brown.

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Yes, politics does need help, particularly with a complete lack of honesty. B-liar is the last person to ask for help there.

Not only did he represent US interests (& still does) but he seemed like the best Tory leader the Labour party ever had.

That isn't quite true. I saw an astounding statistic, that at the end of Major's term, the debt to GDP ratio was only, wait for it, 31%, and by the end of Blairs escapades, it was over 37%, balllooning even further during the bailouts. He borrowed spent an astonishing amount of money during the good times, with little tangible improvement in front line services, and managed to oversee a boom in employment in the public sector.

Recent History of UK National Debt

After a period of financial restraint, from mid 1990s, public sector debt at a % of GDP fell to 29% of GDP by 2002. From 2002 – 2007 , national debt increased to 37 % of GDP. This increase in debt levels occurred despite the long period of economic expansion; it was primarily due to the government’s decision to increase spending on health and education (see: Gov’t spending in this period). There has also been a marked rise in social security spending.


In the good old days, when politicians wanted to win the election, they would cut interest rates to boost the economy. Brown and Blair came up with the rather clever marketing trick that they would give the Bank independence, whilst all the time intending to simply boost government borrowing to boost the economy instead on a drip by drip basis.


I wouldn't argue with what you say. My reference was to foreign 'policy' which I should have made clearer.

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It seems Thailand is a haven for the Tory party. If they are so good why are you not back home enjoying all the good things they are doing now.

You lot idolised Thatcher so let's have a look at her record shall we.

1. Over 5,000,000 unemployed

2. 2 wars

3. Pound devalued

4. Gold reserves diminished

5. Divided society

6. Poll Tax

7. Riots in the streets

8. Whole manufacturing industries destroyed

Impressive or what?

Tony Blair at least tried to create a united society and make things better. Did he make mistakes? Of course he did, and the biggest one was listening to Bush which cost him and many others dearly. However, Britain went through one of it's most prosperous periods under Blair until the world-wide financial crash hit. Oh sorry! he was to blame for that too I suppose.

You guys must be so happy now that you now have that world renowned leader and political genius that is Cameron.

Cameron is one hell of a liar, but Blair is an even bigger one

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It seems Thailand is a haven for the Tory party. If they are so good why are you not back home enjoying all the good things they are doing now.

You lot idolised Thatcher so let's have a look at her record shall we.

1. Over 5,000,000 unemployed

2. 2 wars

3. Pound devalued

4. Gold reserves diminished

5. Divided society

6. Poll Tax

7. Riots in the streets

8. Whole manufacturing industries destroyed

Impressive or what?

Tony Blair at least tried to create a united society and make things better. Did he make mistakes? Of course he did, and the biggest one was listening to Bush which cost him and many others dearly. However, Britain went through one of it's most prosperous periods under Blair until the world-wide financial crash hit. Oh sorry! he was to blame for that too I suppose.

You guys must be so happy now that you now have that world renowned leader and political genius that is Cameron.

Attacking the Conservative party and the twit currently in charge does not excuse the inpet results Blair and Brown presided over. Thatcher was voted in to fight the unions who had, due to weak ineffective previous left wing socialist governments, been allowed to make Britain the sick man of Europe. Remember the power cuts, 3 day working week, refuge collection strikes. Remember unions inflitrated by communists - like the evil Scargil and clown Red Robbo. I do. Arguably Thatcher went too far the other way,

The UK was definetly right to expel the invading Argentinan facists of Galtieri from the Falklands. The first gulf war was a UN sanctioned mission to liberate Kuwait which had been illegally occupied by Iraq, Blair definetly mislead the British public on weapons of mass destruction and his "mate" Gordon flogged off chunks of the UK gold reserves cheap.

Blair had an extremely good PR mechanism and new when to bail out, leaving Brown to face the music. Blair and his policies didn't create wealth for Britain, It was all built on the growing credit mountian supported by his liberalising of banking regulations and riding on the back of similar phenomenon in other developed countries. The financial crash showed up countries that were living on credit, with irresponsible lending based on an ever increasing value of property and the certainty of income through employment. Take away the supports and it all crashes. Blair wasn't singularly responsible, but his actions and policies severely weakend Britains ability to cope and recover from it. Brown's public statement that the days of "boom and bust cycles" were over showed the grasp this pair had on world economics, as did his selling the gold off to fund government spending.

I don't see any current dynamic leaders anywhere in Western Europe at the moment. Cameron, Clegg, Milliband, Hollande, Merkel .......... not exactly inspirational are they.

You can't sell a dream when you haven't got any money to spend. It's going to be austerity for a very very long time.

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The second worst British Prime Minister since the war........replaced by the worst.

The man is truly delusional.

The second worst after Ted Heath. I agree.

I have never been a Tory, but Heath was never the worst, it was the miners who brought him down and caused him to hold an election which Wilson won, and then led the country to bankrupcy in 1976. When Thatcher was PM the miners tried the same thing again under Scargill and Maggie sure sorted them out. I am no fan of Thatcher, but if Scargill had his way, who would have been Prime minister? With kinnock in charge at that time????? What a hypocrite that man is.

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It seems Thailand is a haven for the Tory party. If they are so good why are you not back home enjoying all the good things they are doing now.

You lot idolised Thatcher so let's have a look at her record shall we.

1. Over 5,000,000 unemployed

2. 2 wars

3. Pound devalued

4. Gold reserves diminished

5. Divided society

6. Poll Tax

7. Riots in the streets

8. Whole manufacturing industries destroyed

Impressive or what?

Tony Blair at least tried to create a united society and make things better. Did he make mistakes? Of course he did, and the biggest one was listening to Bush which cost him and many others dearly. However, Britain went through one of it's most prosperous periods under Blair until the world-wide financial crash hit. Oh sorry! he was to blame for that too I suppose.

You guys must be so happy now that you now have that world renowned leader and political genius that is Cameron.

Attacking the Conservative party and the twit currently in charge does not excuse the inpet results Blair and Brown presided over. Thatcher was voted in to fight the unions who had, due to weak ineffective previous left wing socialist governments, been allowed to make Britain the sick man of Europe. Remember the power cuts, 3 day working week, refuge collection strikes. Remember unions inflitrated by communists - like the evil Scargil and clown Red Robbo. I do. Arguably Thatcher went too far the other way,

The UK was definetly right to expel the invading Argentinan facists of Galtieri from the Falklands. The first gulf war was a UN sanctioned mission to liberate Kuwait which had been illegally occupied by Iraq, Blair definetly mislead the British public on weapons of mass destruction and his "mate" Gordon flogged off chunks of the UK gold reserves cheap.

Blair had an extremely good PR mechanism and new when to bail out, leaving Brown to face the music. Blair and his policies didn't create wealth for Britain, It was all built on the growing credit mountian supported by his liberalising of banking regulations and riding on the back of similar phenomenon in other developed countries. The financial crash showed up countries that were living on credit, with irresponsible lending based on an ever increasing value of property and the certainty of income through employment. Take away the supports and it all crashes. Blair wasn't singularly responsible, but his actions and policies severely weakend Britains ability to cope and recover from it. Brown's public statement that the days of "boom and bust cycles" were over showed the grasp this pair had on world economics, as did his selling the gold off to fund government spending.

I don't see any current dynamic leaders anywhere in Western Europe at the moment. Cameron, Clegg, Milliband, Hollande, Merkel .......... not exactly inspirational are they.

You can't sell a dream when you haven't got any money to spend. It's going to be austerity for a very very long time.

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It seems Thailand is a haven for the Tory party. If they are so good why are you not back home enjoying all the good things they are doing now.

You lot idolised Thatcher so let's have a look at her record shall we.

1. Over 5,000,000 unemployed

2. 2 wars

3. Pound devalued

4. Gold reserves diminished

5. Divided society

6. Poll Tax

7. Riots in the streets

8. Whole manufacturing industries destroyed

Impressive or what?

Tony Blair at least tried to create a united society and make things better. Did he make mistakes? Of course he did, and the biggest one was listening to Bush which cost him and many others dearly. However, Britain went through one of it's most prosperous periods under Blair until the world-wide financial crash hit. Oh sorry! he was to blame for that too I suppose.

You guys must be so happy now that you now have that world renowned leader and political genius that is Cameron.

Attacking the Conservative party and the twit currently in charge does not excuse the inpet results Blair and Brown presided over. Thatcher was voted in to fight the unions who had, due to weak ineffective previous left wing socialist governments, been allowed to make Britain the sick man of Europe. Remember the power cuts, 3 day working week, refuge collection strikes. Remember unions inflitrated by communists - like the evil Scargil and clown Red Robbo. I do. Arguably Thatcher went too far the other way,

The UK was definetly right to expel the invading Argentinan facists of Galtieri from the Falklands. The first gulf war was a UN sanctioned mission to liberate Kuwait which had been illegally occupied by Iraq, Blair definetly mislead the British public on weapons of mass destruction and his "mate" Gordon flogged off chunks of the UK gold reserves cheap.

Blair had an extremely good PR mechanism and new when to bail out, leaving Brown to face the music. Blair and his policies didn't create wealth for Britain, It was all built on the growing credit mountian supported by his liberalising of banking regulations and riding on the back of similar phenomenon in other developed countries. The financial crash showed up countries that were living on credit, with irresponsible lending based on an ever increasing value of property and the certainty of income through employment. Take away the supports and it all crashes. Blair wasn't singularly responsible, but his actions and policies severely weakend Britains ability to cope and recover from it. Brown's public statement that the days of "boom and bust cycles" were over showed the grasp this pair had on world economics, as did his selling the gold off to fund government spending.

I don't see any current dynamic leaders anywhere in Western Europe at the moment. Cameron, Clegg, Milliband, Hollande, Merkel .......... not exactly inspirational are they.

You can't sell a dream when you haven't got any money to spend. It's going to be austerity for a very very long time.

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You always know when Tony is lying as his lips move. He's much loved in the US but why not as he was the best PM of Britain America ever had ?

I think he would fit in nicely in Thai politics providing he survived.

And you feel politics is OK the way it is?

The second worst British Prime Minister since the war........replaced by the worst.

The man is truly delusional.

You agree with a member then.

When I was taking Criminology one of my term papers was on the parole system in Canada. It turned out at one brain storming session made up of people from various positions in life the best ideas came from the business sector.

I whole heartedly agree with him politics needs help how you people can say it is OK is beyond me.

I do not know that much about his personnel life but I do know Bull Crap when I hear it and I sure did not hear it from Blair.

Blair was full of more crap than any other UK Prime Minister in my lifetime, Followed closely by the pension stealing Brown.

So that is the reason you don't agree with him when he said politicians need help.

Great power of perception you have there.

It would seem most on this threads think just like you.

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It seems Thailand is a haven for the Tory party. If they are so good why are you not back home enjoying all the good things they are doing now.

You lot idolised Thatcher so let's have a look at her record shall we.

1. Over 5,000,000 unemployed

2. 2 wars

3. Pound devalued

4. Gold reserves diminished

5. Divided society

6. Poll Tax

7. Riots in the streets

8. Whole manufacturing industries destroyed

Impressive or what?

Tony Blair at least tried to create a united society and make things better. Did he make mistakes? Of course he did, and the biggest one was listening to Bush which cost him and many others dearly. However, Britain went through one of it's most prosperous periods under Blair until the world-wide financial crash hit. Oh sorry! he was to blame for that too I suppose.

You guys must be so happy now that you now have that world renowned leader and political genius that is Cameron.

Attacking the Conservative party and the twit currently in charge does not excuse the inpet results Blair and Brown presided over. Thatcher was voted in to fight the unions who had, due to weak ineffective previous left wing socialist governments, been allowed to make Britain the sick man of Europe. Remember the power cuts, 3 day working week, refuge collection strikes. Remember unions inflitrated by communists - like the evil Scargil and clown Red Robbo. I do. Arguably Thatcher went too far the other way,

The UK was definetly right to expel the invading Argentinan facists of Galtieri from the Falklands. The first gulf war was a UN sanctioned mission to liberate Kuwait which had been illegally occupied by Iraq, Blair definetly mislead the British public on weapons of mass destruction and his "mate" Gordon flogged off chunks of the UK gold reserves cheap.

Blair had an extremely good PR mechanism and new when to bail out, leaving Brown to face the music. Blair and his policies didn't create wealth for Britain, It was all built on the growing credit mountian supported by his liberalising of banking regulations and riding on the back of similar phenomenon in other developed countries. The financial crash showed up countries that were living on credit, with irresponsible lending based on an ever increasing value of property and the certainty of income through employment. Take away the supports and it all crashes. Blair wasn't singularly responsible, but his actions and policies severely weakend Britains ability to cope and recover from it. Brown's public statement that the days of "boom and bust cycles" were over showed the grasp this pair had on world economics, as did his selling the gold off to fund government spending.

I don't see any current dynamic leaders anywhere in Western Europe at the moment. Cameron, Clegg, Milliband, Hollande, Merkel .......... not exactly inspirational are they.

You can't sell a dream when you haven't got any money to spend. It's going to be austerity for a very very long time.

| am getting the feeling from most of the posters here that they think if Blair had not been the PM England would be in great financial shape now. The world recession would not have touched them.coffee1.gif

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It seems Thailand is a haven for the Tory party. If they are so good why are you not back home enjoying all the good things they are doing now.

You lot idolised Thatcher so let's have a look at her record shall we.

1. Over 5,000,000 unemployed

2. 2 wars

3. Pound devalued

4. Gold reserves diminished

5. Divided society

6. Poll Tax

7. Riots in the streets

8. Whole manufacturing industries destroyed

Impressive or what?

Tony Blair at least tried to create a united society and make things better. Did he make mistakes? Of course he did, and the biggest one was listening to Bush which cost him and many others dearly. However, Britain went through one of it's most prosperous periods under Blair until the world-wide financial crash hit. Oh sorry! he was to blame for that too I suppose.

You guys must be so happy now that you now have that world renowned leader and political genius that is Cameron.

Attacking the Conservative party and the twit currently in charge does not excuse the inpet results Blair and Brown presided over. Thatcher was voted in to fight the unions who had, due to weak ineffective previous left wing socialist governments, been allowed to make Britain the sick man of Europe. Remember the power cuts, 3 day working week, refuge collection strikes. Remember unions inflitrated by communists - like the evil Scargil and clown Red Robbo. I do. Arguably Thatcher went too far the other way,

The UK was definetly right to expel the invading Argentinan facists of Galtieri from the Falklands. The first gulf war was a UN sanctioned mission to liberate Kuwait which had been illegally occupied by Iraq, Blair definetly mislead the British public on weapons of mass destruction and his "mate" Gordon flogged off chunks of the UK gold reserves cheap.

Blair had an extremely good PR mechanism and new when to bail out, leaving Brown to face the music. Blair and his policies didn't create wealth for Britain, It was all built on the growing credit mountian supported by his liberalising of banking regulations and riding on the back of similar phenomenon in other developed countries. The financial crash showed up countries that were living on credit, with irresponsible lending based on an ever increasing value of property and the certainty of income through employment. Take away the supports and it all crashes. Blair wasn't singularly responsible, but his actions and policies severely weakend Britains ability to cope and recover from it. Brown's public statement that the days of "boom and bust cycles" were over showed the grasp this pair had on world economics, as did his selling the gold off to fund government spending.

I don't see any current dynamic leaders anywhere in Western Europe at the moment. Cameron, Clegg, Milliband, Hollande, Merkel .......... not exactly inspirational are they.

You can't sell a dream when you haven't got any money to spend. It's going to be austerity for a very very long time.

| am getting the feeling from most of the posters here that they think if Blair had not been the PM England would be in great financial shape now. The world recession would not have touched them.coffee1.gif

The world recession would still be there, it's just the government wouldn't have had to write blank cheques in the billions of quid to cover up bankers incompetence. Although, of the bankers hadn't caused the mess presumably the world wouldn't have had the enormous drop in growth.

Funnily, the g7 countries with relatively well regulated financial services industries have got through this mess quite well.

Edited by Thai at Heart
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Well I see at least three read the article and understood it not bad out of 33 posts.

He said

"When other panellists proposed big ideas for the world and looked to him on how politicians can help, he said, Politicians need help."

and most of the posters did not agree with him or they misread the article and thought it was an invitation to bash him and even some Thai bashing.

I swear some people are here because they are unacceptable where they come from.

Wake up people the Politicians the world over need help.

Yeah right - and how many can you name that ever listen???

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Well I see at least three read the article and understood it not bad out of 33 posts.

He said

"When other panellists proposed big ideas for the world and looked to him on how politicians can help, he said, Politicians need help."

and most of the posters did not agree with him or they misread the article and thought it was an invitation to bash him and even some Thai bashing.

I swear some people are here because they are unacceptable where they come from.

Wake up people the Politicians the world over need help.

Yeah right - and how many can you name that ever listen???

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You always know when Tony is lying as his lips move. He's much loved in the US but why not as he was the best PM of Britain America ever had ?

I think he would fit in nicely in Thai politics providing he survived.

Blair spent quite a lot of time in the US in the company of the Clintons. They taught him how to get elected. He always came across to me as a second hand car salesman. Too slick and oily for my liking.

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Blair said""There are good and bad governments. You can learn from us."

YES, his Government started off good,and ended up a bad Government.

And now perhaps he can advise Yingluck how to make £50,000,000 once you leave office!

Edited by MAJIC
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I was about to have breakfast but seeing Blair's picture means I'll wait. I'd like to keep the food down.

Churchill was the best. He knew when to hand it over.

There is nobody I respect more than Churchill but you are completely wrong.He did not know when to hand it over.His heir apparent Anthony Eden, intelligent, charming and handsome, was kept waiting far too long.When he finally took over Churchill was sadly past it.Eden, frustrated at the excessive wait was a poor PM - culminating in the Suez debacle.

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