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Thai govt to embed microchips in rice sacks to prevent corruption


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Mr Niwatthamrong said rice pledging is the main task to be dealt with, for corruption has occurred.

I wonder what Yingluck will say about corruption happening in the scheme. She has already denied it a number of times.

It seems Mr Niwatthamrong is asking for a transfer to an inactive post.

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SO, for a quick practicality reality check.

20 million tons of rice in 20 kg bags is.....100 million sacks of rice. That is 100 million chips that need coding, handling, data storing and managed and then putting in/on the sack. If it were even possible for 1000 workers to do 500 sacks each a day it will take 10 months and then the next crop is in, and the next. Any guesses as to how much the Ministers 'Budget' for this will end up being? Then there is the cost of the RFID chips themselves. I know they are cheap but how cheap even at 1 baht each that's 100 Mill, surely more likely 5-10 baht each for the Thai Government, that is then 500 Mill to 1 Billion just on the chips.

These MP's may be bloody stupid and lacking in any decent education or world knowledge but they are absolute Grand Masters of the ancient oriental art of scamming. Replacing one scam and proposing another one to fix it. Utter Genius! Thailand could be a new hub of a new educational program. Thailand Hub of Criminal enterprise in business - qualifications from Bachelor's degree to PhD, weekly guest lecturers from the Government Cabinet.

Setting up a scam and then another to cover the original is a stroke of genius.

I truly wonder if this is actually in the grand scheme of things, a series of strategies designed to keep the whole corrupt thing rolling on. Plan A, followed by Plan B, C and so on.

Sounds like a realm of fantasy, but isn't this all just too good to be true?

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The microchips could be implanted in the PM, the cabinet, and those supporting people, for all of those mentioned, just add on a video chip and you will get to root of the rice scam and probably pick up a lot of info on 2 trillion Baht plus transport and a multi billion water diversion proposal.

Go to the source of the problems instead of following the numerous avenues of deception, proposed by the culprits themselves.

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They have 20mn tonnes in the warehouse, and they want to put RFID chips in it now. Good luck with that one.

As though this will stop anyone leaving a pile of them under his desk and have the computer claim that "yes, there are 20,000 rfid chips in the building currently, which means we definitely have xxxxx amount of tonnes."

"A real-time system to check rice stockpiles and radio-frequency identification (RFID) microchip embedding at rice sacks in mills are warehouses participating in the rice pledging scheme will be set up to prevent more corruption. The minister said the Public Warehouse Organization and Marketing Organization for Farmers have been assigned to conduct a feasibility study and an investment budget by the end of next month."

Obviously they are not interested in stopping any of the current corruption. It seems there is enough now, so more is not needed. The goal has been met and all the players are corrupt enough already. Perhaps what he means is, "We don't want any more corrupt players because it might bring down the house of cards". coffee1.gif cheesy.gif

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If Yingluck and her band of pirates think for one minute that bombarding us with a constant stream of scams, hoaxes, smokescreens, lies, denials, accusations, threats, half-truths, innuendos, promises and broken promises, scandals and cock-ups is going to confuse us......................................................then they are probably right. whistling.gif

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