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Bus Packed With Tourists Crashes Into Surat Thani Bridge

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It might help, in order to prevent such accidents, to install 100 meters and 50 meters before the bridge a device with wooden bars hanging at a hight of 2.8 meters. The bus would have hit the bars with a bang and have warned the driver of the danger ahead.

I do not blame the driver too much for his mistake. Imagine you drive the bus at night and heavy rain under an unsecuerd bridge like that. You had to concentrate so hard on the street and might easily overlook the obstacle above your bus. And yes, he concentrated on the leading car infront of his bus. Don't understand why he ran away.

And, as one wrote before, please give a GPS to all bus drivers to help them to find their right way. Would have been much cheaper to prevent this accident, than to pay for the damage of material and loss of face.

To the injured persons, a quick and total recovery.

GPS might help to find the right way, but will not tell how high is the bridge and when driver concerntrating on the GPS, Booooom another accident happens.whistling.gif width=19 alt=whistling.gif>

Enter the dimensions of the bus to the GPS system and it will not happen.

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These bus companies are really going to have to do some soul searching and hire more intelligent drivers. Also they might think about installing a GPS system so the driver can concentrate on driving, not trying to figure out where he is.

And of course he did the classic runner, which they all seem to do unless the driver is dead...

"More intelligent drivers." They'll have to wait until 2015 when the Burmese flock here to work. coffee1.gif

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The driver fled the scene

I don't know why they include that bit as it is de rigueur and expected. Not wanting to face the music or owning up to one's mistakes is not culture, it is weakness. Pathetic!

and he was probably drunk

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I haven't a clue what you see relevant to my post in that....please explain.

Not when riding a m/cycle and your front wheel disappears into a 1 foot deep hole in the highway. or your car wheel hits it and you buckle your wheel, main highway from Udon to Khorat--your eyes need to be on the surface rather than anticipating other road users actions. POlice should report road conditions as well as local highway departments. if a local person does it, it is binned --
Agree These bus companies ARE totally responsible for the welfare of it's fare paying passengers.
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Another undertrained driver without the skills to drive a bus

He was trained...he ran away from the scene of the accident just like his company probably trained/told him to do in such events.

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The driver fled the scene

I don't know why they include that bit as it is de rigueur and expected. Not wanting to face the music or owning up to one's mistakes is not culture, it is weakness. Pathetic!

and he was probably drunk

As ever posters display their complete ignorance of the situation but hey! why should that stop them from posting wild unsupported accusations???

Drivers run from the accident because they HAVE to get to the insurance company first - if the police come first they will simply lock him up - the insurance rep will stand bail and "arrange" a deal with the police - so until he is there it is vital that the driver isn't - whether you consider this to be appropriate or not it is a fact of life in Thailand - and something you need to bear in mind if you are ever involved in an accident - i'm not suggesting you flee, but MAKE SURE you have an insurance rep on the scene ASAP. some posters obviously don't seem to be aware of that.

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"GPS modules cost only 3000 baht

drivers like to flee the scene in stead of helping victims

a blood test should be taken

fleeing the scene should be punished with at least 5 years in jail as a starter

driver probably bought his licence ...

GPS modules cost only 3000 baht

drivers like to flee the scene in stead of helping victims

a blood test should be taken

fleeing the scene should be punished with at least 5 years in jail as a starter

driver probably bought his licence ..."

No basis for this opinion as it is based on fallacy

Edited by wilcopops
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Owner of the bus was not diligent in employing a driver.

Owner of the bus was not diligent in employing a driver.

...and how do you justify this comment? Were you there at the interview? Are you au fait with some law? Why not tell us?

Edited by wilcopops
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I haven't a clue what you see relevant to my post in that....please explain.

Not when riding a m/cycle and your front wheel disappears into a 1 foot deep hole in the highway. or your car wheel hits it and you buckle your wheel, main highway from Udon to Khorat--your eyes need to be on the surface rather than anticipating other road users actions. POlice should report road conditions as well as local highway departments. if a local person does it, it is binned --

Agree These bus companies ARE totally responsible for the welfare of it's fare paying passengers.

Sorry for this post getting mixed up with yours--posting is a problem here of late. presume it is TV that has the prob
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The driver fled the scene

I don't know why they include that bit as it is de rigueur and expected. Not wanting to face the music or owning up to one's mistakes is not culture, it is weakness. Pathetic!

and he was probably drunk

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I haven't a clue what you see relevant to my post in that....please explain.

Not when riding a m/cycle and your front wheel disappears into a 1 foot deep hole in the highway. or your car wheel hits it and you buckle your wheel, main highway from Udon to Khorat--your eyes need to be on the surface rather than anticipating other road users actions. POlice should report road conditions as well as local highway departments. if a local person does it, it is binned --

Agree These bus companies ARE totally responsible for the welfare of it's fare paying passengers.

Sorry for this post getting mixed up with yours--posting is a problem here of late. presume it is TV that has the prob

I haven't a clue what you see relevant to my post in that....please explain.

Not when riding a m/cycle and your front wheel disappears into a 1 foot deep hole in the highway. or your car wheel hits it and you buckle your wheel, main highway from Udon to Khorat--your eyes need to be on the surface rather than anticipating other road users actions. POlice should report road conditions as well as local highway departments. if a local person does it, it is binned --

Agree These bus companies ARE totally responsible for the welfare of it's fare paying passengers.

Sorry for this post getting mixed up with yours--posting is a problem here of late. presume it is TV that has the prob

es - I'm having all sorts of problems with "quotes" - duplicates, no highlights etc. etc.

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The driver fled the scene

I don't know why they include that bit as it is de rigueur and expected. Not wanting to face the music or owning up to one's mistakes is not culture, it is weakness. Pathetic!

and he was probably drunk

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es - I'm having all sorts of problems with "quotes" - duplicates, no highlights etc. etc.

Sorry for this post getting mixed up with yours--posting is a problem here of late. presume it is TV that has the prob

Sorry for this post getting mixed up with yours--posting is a problem here of late. presume it is TV that has the prob

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The article goes on to say:

'Mr. Anurak claimed he did not notice the bridge in front of him, which was only 2.8 metres high above ground, as he was focusing with the leading car. Moments later, his tour bus, height 3.3 metres, crashed squarely into the bridge.'


What was he looking at …………….the numberplate of the car in front?blink.png

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As ever posters display their complete ignorance of the situation but hey! why should that stop them from posting wild unsupported accusations???

Drivers run from the accident because they HAVE to get to the insurance company first - if the police come first they will simply lock him up - the insurance rep will stand bail and "arrange" a deal with the police - so until he is there it is vital that the driver isn't - whether you consider this to be appropriate or not it is a fact of life in Thailand - and something you need to bear in mind if you are ever involved in an accident - i'm not suggesting you flee, but MAKE SURE you have an insurance rep on the scene ASAP. some posters obviously don't seem to be aware of that.

The driver fled the scene

I don't know why they include that bit as it is de rigueur and expected. Not wanting to face the music or owning up to one's mistakes is not culture, it is weakness. Pathetic!

and he was probably drunk

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Another driver with no cae for human life, instead of having a heart and helping the passengers his first idea was to run away. I cant belive these people. And what was he thinking? did he think that bridge was made of foam?

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The driver fled the scene

I don't know why they include that bit as it is de rigueur and expected. Not wanting to face the music or owning up to one's mistakes is not culture, it is weakness. Pathetic!

and he was probably drunk

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Sorry but in my opinion you are completely wrong. For 8 years in Canada and the USA I owned and drove a motor home that was 45' long and 8 1/2' high. Believe me I made a point of knowing my route wherever I went. There was never a question on if I would meet an overpass below my height. The important thing in Thailand is Bahts for the owner and lots of them. Other than that who cares.

Totally agree . . . Money is the goal. Any means of reaching the goal is what's acceptable.

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Any news on the staff member's safety that has to crawl down the gang-way at night removing unwanted items such as cash, credit cards and cameras from the tourists bags. Hazardous job at the best of times.

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If using any form of ferry service I'd go this way..

1) Seatran

2) Lomprayah

3) Longtail, even if its splitting in half, driver is threatening you with a pistol and freebasing yaba

4) Songserm...

But its usually Lomprayah due to booking agency by my house.

I would give ANYTHING for NakhonchaiAir to operate a bus service out here. When I traveled from BKK to Khon Kaen they were literally the best bus and service I'd been on anywhere in the world, drove on the correct side of the road, didn't speed and had 2 drivers. But these services are reserved for mainly thai areas, the crap buses are for farang.

Took one of these buses from Hat Yai to Chumpon and it was the worst ride of my life. Not suprised in the slightest that this happened.

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These bus companies are really going to have to do some soul searching and hire more intelligent drivers. Also they might think about installing a GPS system so the driver can concentrate on driving, not trying to figure out where he is.

And of course he did the classic runner, which they all seem to do unless the driver is dead...

A lot of drivers do runners for fear of attack from passers by etc. It is well known how Thais hunt in packs, also Thais and intelligence do not mix.

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Comon sense, common sense, common sense, where art thou? 3.3 meter high bus; 2.8 meter high bridge. What's the problem here? LOL

It appears that common sense is not common. What is common to you and me may not be common for some one else.

Common sense in Thailand is not in abundance, especially on the roads.

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Another outsourced freelance Thai driver. And he flees!! No assistance to injured tourists - The driver flees!! This Thai driver fleeing accidents is a national disgrace for Thailand. Tourists will eventually get the idea that the risk of tour travel in Thailand far exceeds the joy of the experience and they will stay away. The driver "flees!" Shame on Thailand and its culture of fleeing accident scenes with injured and/or dead in distress.

May I mention this again, there is a chance the driver fled for fear of attack from an angry mob. It just takes one Thai to attack and the rest join in, and the first person to attack knows this.

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