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The primary law in Thailand is the law of relationships, not the law of the land. Therefore, the primary path for recourse is through relationships.

You need to find someone that your neighbour would truly greng-jai and induce that person to have a word with your neighbour. It really is that simple.

Ask your wife and her family about who might be in a position to command that level of greng-jai from your neighbour.

It could be the nai-amphur, the local politician, or some other obscure figure whose ire the neighbour dares not incur.

If you can't figure out how to do this within the letter of the law then god help you.

Edited by Trembly
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If your can not walk away and your Thai family decides to stay,
then you must stay with them and show some strength.
Try to become a member at a local sport shooting club.
Wear every day a extra large black Glock T-Shirt,
wear a big mobile phone or something legal, on the right backside under your T-Shirt.
No shorts and no flip flops, long jeans and black shoes are called for.
Let your neightbor think about this bulge, invite your club members for a drink/eat.
Show your neighbor that you have relationships with local VIP's.
Buy some red Walkie Talkies, same the police use. Put them in the shops and one in your car.
Do not provoke your neighbor directly, but try to train a thai like superior smile.
CCTV is also a must. Try to visit the store of your wife not regularly clockwise.

When you come to the shop for a visit and with whom you come, must be always a surprising.
And smile. Show that there are no problems, but show also that this is your home and you are able
to defend your family. Do not stick in your shop like a mouse in a hole with a cat infront.

Unfortunately, some people understand only the language of the fittest.
Good luck.

Edited by tomacht8
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Why would OP, a farang feel like he needs to handle the situation? The Thais around him need him to do something? What is this, the god father? Are you the second coming of Micheal Corleone? Your wife's family is very wealthy and the 75 year old father was beaten but your wife's family is too scared to do anything? You are either trolling or delusional. Just stay out of it before you get yourself hurt and we are seeing you on the news.

Edited by farang000999
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I imagine the FIL is telling his friends, "Don't worry, my farang SIL who can barely speak English is consulting the farang expat population on the best course of action for our upper class family to take. Thank god we have him around!"

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"You are either trolling or delusional."

The OP asks for help and advice for his situation. But to label him as a troll or delusional I find inappropriate. Even well-intentioned advice to comment sarcastically I find also inappropriate.

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You could do what a farang did in our area which was buy a hand gun and wave it in the air the next time you see them. The only problem was the guy he waved it at was a plain clothes police officer.

All jokes aside I would think half the Thai shop holders have one dispute or another with other shops. Ignore it and give it a bit of time and they will stop.

The fact the police have become involved should bring a stop to it.

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Update: since the conflict we had 3 days ago (me telling him to stop the harassment of the employees, him calling the mafia, we calling the police), things have been improved. He stopped annoying our employees. It could be the calm before the storm, but I don't think so.

farang000999, I know my English is not good. I am sorry for that. Next time I'll communicate with you in my native language or in Thai. That will make things much easier for you.

Edited by kriswillems
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Update: since the conflict we had 3 days ago (me telling him to stop the harassment of the employees, him calling the mafia, we calling the police), things have been improved. He stopped annoying our employees. It could be the calm before the storm, but I don't think so.

What makes you think you know anything about the way a Thai drug dealer thinks or acts or what he is plotting next? Your story is so crazy and all over the place I have to wonder if you are on yaba yourself.

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Most of them just say that we should try not to escalate the problem, which I am not planning. (But, they should stop annoying the employers.)

Look which motorcycle club they are with, see which MC they have a non friendly relationship with and than hire a member of this non friendly motorcycle club as an employee of your shop.

Problem solved !


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  • 5 months later...

Threads like this one make me want to puke. It really comes out--not just from the highly questionable, "sketchy" dealings and rantings of the OP, but also the responses, many of them calling for VIOLENCE and thuggery in thinly veiled ways--how many low-life, thug, outlaw farangs there are in Thailand in general and on Thaivisa in particular.

Once you decide to live by the jungle law of the Thai thugs (which obviously mirrors the way many of you lived in your home countries, probably in many cases causing you to flee the law there), you deserve everything you get. I wish we could just dump all of you on an island and let you slowly do away with each other with your macho hoodlum prancing and preening and use of violence as an answer to all problems.

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