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Just want share what happend yesterday on my way to Pattaya! bad accident

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Hey I was going from chonburi to pattaya, in the late evening, on sukumvit road, my gf was driving, then I said whats that on the road, I got better eyes then her.

I could see from far something like bike, when we approached closer, it was bike and man lying down, I told her to stop.

All thais just look from the side, I said i go see victim, i went there gut was bad, uncontious, leg skin gone, I think he was alive.

Then I thought what to do, move bike move him, I thought dont move cuz I can finish him if spine broken, and thought about police want look at it.

It was like 40s, before i saw high speed lights approach, and people scream, I jump over hard sholder in to the side of the road in big row.

Then heard bang, I come out, and saw man under other car, and my gf scream she thought I am under the car....

Really bad and sad, mostly about thais no one help, even ppl they hit him first, they just called ambulance....

If everyone cooperate he could be alive, may b...

sorry for my eng.

May b someone can google news accident on sunday on sukumvit not far from mimosa...


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If you see a traffic accident in Thailand, you get away as fast as you can, or you could end up being blamed, the first thing Thais will do is try and find a way of getting money from you. This is not Thai bashing. It is fact.

Whatever, I would stop and try to assist anyone injured in a traffic accident, even you my cynical friend, or would you prefer that witnesses follow your reasoning and leave you there to die? No, because you believe that bad things will always happen to the other fella and not you.

What goes around comes around.

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If I could handle the look of broken limbs and blood etc then definitely stop to assist. But I'm a bit week in the stomach for such things so would probably assist in other ways such as alerting traffic.

I just couldn't sleep at night if I just left a victim laying there.

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If you haven't been there you don't know how you will react. I helped in a few accidents in Europe on the road and at the poolside. I was trained, Thais aren't, along with most people I know.


1. Ensure safety of accident victim and anyone else who has stopped.

2. Alert oncoming traffic

3. Don't move the victim unless you have some first aid training.

4. get help from ambulance/ police

5. Probably should be 1. Decide whether or not to get involved. Personal choice. I have gone both ways. 'Saving life' is not a universally accepted concept.


The most the average person can do is contact the police and maybe divert traffic away from the accident area but really the average person is not equipped to do much more than that.

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I in the past have helped farang when they have had an accident, but I'm not so sure that you should get involved with locals. One example is I was sat on the beach with my wife and a young Thai kid was playing in the sea near where we were sat. He seemed to fall over in the water and he was face down and not moving. I said to my wife that the kid was drowning and needed to help. She stopped me and said No I cant get involved. I said he's drowning he will die, and she said if you go over there and help and he does die you will get the blame for his death. Its a strange world we live in and we need to understand different countries cultural differences or we shouldn't be here. They're buddhist and they believe what will be will be. I believe the same rule applies in Singapore, help and it goes wrong and the finger is pointed at you. Fortunately for the kid his mother noticed and she picked him up by his ankle and literally shook the water out of his lungs and he was fine. Coughing and spluttering for a while but was OK.


If you see a traffic accident in Thailand, you get away as fast as you can, or you could end up being blamed, the first thing Thais will do is try and find a way of getting money from you. This is not Thai bashing. It is fact.

Another urban myth originating from the barstools!coffee1.gif

Have you experienced it first hand?

Of course he hasn't, these myths are usually perpetuated by people who have never had the experience.

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I think the first thing to do , if you notice someone unconscious in the middle of the road , would be to " protect " the scene of the accident from oncoming traffic, by placing one of those triangle shaped signals at some 50/100 meters from the victim.

Well, honestly, being in Thailand i am not sure that every car has one of those signals, but it's quite useful, and can save your life, in the case you have to change a flat tyre..


I in the past have helped farang when they have had an accident, but I'm not so sure that you should get involved with locals. One example is I was sat on the beach with my wife and a young Thai kid was playing in the sea near where we were sat. He seemed to fall over in the water and he was face down and not moving. I said to my wife that the kid was drowning and needed to help. She stopped me and said No I cant get involved. I said he's drowning he will die, and she said if you go over there and help and he does die you will get the blame for his death. Its a strange world we live in and we need to understand different countries cultural differences or we shouldn't be here. They're buddhist and they believe what will be will be. I believe the same rule applies in Singapore, help and it goes wrong and the finger is pointed at you. Fortunately for the kid his mother noticed and she picked him up by his ankle and literally shook the water out of his lungs and he was fine. Coughing and spluttering for a while but was OK.

Was the beach deserted, with no other witnesses? Anyway, the wife said in the same situation I was to save the kid. On careful reflection, I guess I will make the same conclusion.


If you see a traffic accident in Thailand, you get away as fast as you can, or you could end up being blamed, the first thing Thais will do is try and find a way of getting money from you. This is not Thai bashing. It is fact.

Another urban myth originating from the barstools!coffee1.gif

Have you experienced it first hand?

It is not a myth that if you apply first aid and the victim dies that you can be held responsible for his death.

  • Like 2

Examples please? Of obvious miscarriages of justice. Then I will believe the bar stool, or maybe not.

Sorry I can't give an example, but I'm confident that you can post proof of the opposite.

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And another pissing contest starts.

Anywhere else, there may be sense in parking up before the scene of the accident with the hazard flashers going. However, when presented with brake lights ahead, instead of lifting the foot of the gas or braking themselves, the tendency here is for drivers to just change lanes, aim for the gap and carry on at the same speed. The OP is indeed very lucky not have been killed. Debates about Thai urban myths aside, I would be extremely reluctant to be a first responder to any accident on a major highway here just for the simple reason of the very high risk of being hit by a fast car or truck trying to avoid the sensible drivers that are slowing down.


Opposite of what? Not being prosecuted of helping people? Sorry can't do that.

I didn't say anyone get prosecuted for helping people, try to read my comment again,

I said, if you apply first aid AND THE VICTIM DIES, you can be held resposible .

Keep in mind that there is no good samaritan law in Thailand.

  • Like 2

I in the past have helped farang when they have had an accident, but I'm not so sure that you should get involved with locals. One example is I was sat on the beach with my wife and a young Thai kid was playing in the sea near where we were sat. He seemed to fall over in the water and he was face down and not moving. I said to my wife that the kid was drowning and needed to help. She stopped me and said No I cant get involved. I said he's drowning he will die, and she said if you go over there and help and he does die you will get the blame for his death. Its a strange world we live in and we need to understand different countries cultural differences or we shouldn't be here. They're buddhist and they believe what will be will be. I believe the same rule applies in Singapore, help and it goes wrong and the finger is pointed at you. Fortunately for the kid his mother noticed and she picked him up by his ankle and literally shook the water out of his lungs and he was fine. Coughing and spluttering for a while but was OK.


Not my style!

I do what I believe is right and not what my Thai GF wants I do or not do. I am to mature for that. My conscience would not agree with that.whistling.gif

I had never a problem with that attitude!thumbsup.gif

Come since 1990 to TH and live in TH since 1998 with families and children.

My partners have not my education my age, my experience. Can never lead me to show a wrong behavior in my mind! tongue.png

  • Like 2

True to JBrain.

I was going to Loei and a car in front of me left the road, he went down the bank and smashed into some trees, I stopped to see what I could do.

My missus told me to get back in my car and go to the Police checkpoint about 5KMS further on, I admit I did leave the scene, but, I did make sure the guy was breathing and within a few minutes the Police were informed.

I have been involved in taking road racers to hospital many years ago, never cost me a baht.

But, I do appreciate what Brain has to say, take notice, he's right in general.


dashboard cam is so common now and it will protect you in cases of finger pointing. personally i would rather get finger pointed at me than to face my conscience the rest of my life

i can understand and condone the act of ignoring except myself. i had been through a traffic accident with a open fracture once, the horrible and state of confusion with fear is just beyond words to describe. probably will not forgive myself had i chose to ignore especially when i had been through it



I in the past have helped farang when they have had an accident, but I'm not so sure that you should get involved with locals. One example is I was sat on the beach with my wife and a young Thai kid was playing in the sea near where we were sat. He seemed to fall over in the water and he was face down and not moving. I said to my wife that the kid was drowning and needed to help. She stopped me and said No I cant get involved. I said he's drowning he will die, and she said if you go over there and help and he does die you will get the blame for his death. Its a strange world we live in and we need to understand different countries cultural differences or we shouldn't be here. They're buddhist and they believe what will be will be. I believe the same rule applies in Singapore, help and it goes wrong and the finger is pointed at you. Fortunately for the kid his mother noticed and she picked him up by his ankle and literally shook the water out of his lungs and he was fine. Coughing and spluttering for a while but was OK.


Not my style!

I do what I believe is right and not what my Thai GF wants I do or not do. I am to mature for that. My conscience would not agree with that.whistling.gif

I had never a problem with that attitude!thumbsup.gif

Come since 1990 to TH and live in TH since 1998 with families and children.

My partners have not my education my age, my experience. Can never lead me to show a wrong behavior in my mind! tongue.png


Yeah you say that now don't you. So put yourself in this position. You see the kid drowning and you run over to the shore. You pick the kid up and lay him on his back and start giving him mouth to mouth and chest compressions. You try franticly to get the boy to breathe but cannot. He goes a shade of grey then white then dead. His mother comes over and starts to hit you across the head with a bottle of Sang Som saying that you have killed her son. The BiB turn up and arrest you for the murder of a Thai kid.

  • Like 1


I in the past have helped farang when they have had an accident, but I'm not so sure that you should get involved with locals. One example is I was sat on the beach with my wife and a young Thai kid was playing in the sea near where we were sat. He seemed to fall over in the water and he was face down and not moving. I said to my wife that the kid was drowning and needed to help. She stopped me and said No I cant get involved. I said he's drowning he will die, and she said if you go over there and help and he does die you will get the blame for his death. Its a strange world we live in and we need to understand different countries cultural differences or we shouldn't be here. They're buddhist and they believe what will be will be. I believe the same rule applies in Singapore, help and it goes wrong and the finger is pointed at you. Fortunately for the kid his mother noticed and she picked him up by his ankle and literally shook the water out of his lungs and he was fine. Coughing and spluttering for a while but was OK.


Not my style!

I do what I believe is right and not what my Thai GF wants I do or not do. I am to mature for that. My conscience would not agree with that.whistling.gif

I had never a problem with that attitude!thumbsup.gif

Come since 1990 to TH and live in TH since 1998 with families and children.

My partners have not my education my age, my experience. Can never lead me to show a wrong behavior in my mind! tongue.png


Yeah you say that now don't you. So put yourself in this position. You see the kid drowning and you run over to the shore. You pick the kid up and lay him on his back and start giving him mouth to mouth and chest compressions. You try franticly to get the boy to breathe but cannot. He goes a shade of grey then white then dead. His mother comes over and starts to hit you across the head with a bottle of Sang Som saying that you have killed her son. The BiB turn up and arrest you for the murder of a Thai kid.

yeah right. negative scenario are everywhere and up to one imaginative

so put yourself in this position too. you got distracted for a couple of minutes and your kid fall in the sea and was drowning. right within meters was a couple who saw everything but did nothing. by the time you get to him, he is dead cold. inlaws smash your head with a chang for your mistake. got charged for child negligence and grieve for your kid behind the bars

  • Like 2


I in the past have helped farang when they have had an accident, but I'm not so sure that you should get involved with locals. One example is I was sat on the beach with my wife and a young Thai kid was playing in the sea near where we were sat. He seemed to fall over in the water and he was face down and not moving. I said to my wife that the kid was drowning and needed to help. She stopped me and said No I can't get involved. I said he's drowning he will die, and she said if you go over there and help and he does die you will get the blame for his death. Its a strange world we live in and we need to understand different countries cultural differences or we shouldn't be here. They're buddhist and they believe what will be will be. I believe the same rule applies in Singapore, help and it goes wrong and the finger is pointed at you. Fortunately for the kid his mother noticed and she picked him up by his ankle and literally shook the water out of his lungs and he was fine. Coughing and spluttering for a while but was OK.

Time to shop for a new wife.....Anyone that would watch a child die, and advocate doing nothing has some serious issues. And you perhaps need to take a look at your internal compass if what she said made sense to you. You are lucky the child did not die, or you would have had nightmares the rest of your life.

I never said I was going to watch a child die. I said I saw a kid drowning and his mother went and picked him out of the sea. This all happened in a matter of seconds.




I in the past have helped farang when they have had an accident, but I'm not so sure that you should get involved with locals. One example is I was sat on the beach with my wife and a young Thai kid was playing in the sea near where we were sat. He seemed to fall over in the water and he was face down and not moving. I said to my wife that the kid was drowning and needed to help. She stopped me and said No I cant get involved. I said he's drowning he will die, and she said if you go over there and help and he does die you will get the blame for his death. Its a strange world we live in and we need to understand different countries cultural differences or we shouldn't be here. They're buddhist and they believe what will be will be. I believe the same rule applies in Singapore, help and it goes wrong and the finger is pointed at you. Fortunately for the kid his mother noticed and she picked him up by his ankle and literally shook the water out of his lungs and he was fine. Coughing and spluttering for a while but was OK.


Not my style!

I do what I believe is right and not what my Thai GF wants I do or not do. I am to mature for that. My conscience would not agree with that.whistling.gif

I had never a problem with that attitude!thumbsup.gif

Come since 1990 to TH and live in TH since 1998 with families and children.

My partners have not my education my age, my experience. Can never lead me to show a wrong behavior in my mind! tongue.png


Yeah you say that now don't you. So put yourself in this position. You see the kid drowning and you run over to the shore. You pick the kid up and lay him on his back and start giving him mouth to mouth and chest compressions. You try franticly to get the boy to breathe but cannot. He goes a shade of grey then white then dead. His mother comes over and starts to hit you across the head with a bottle of Sang Som saying that you have killed her son. The BiB turn up and arrest you for the murder of a Thai kid.

yeah right. negative scenario are everywhere and up to one imaginative

so put yourself in this position too. you got distracted for a couple of minutes and your kid fall in the sea and was drowning. right within meters was a couple who saw everything but did nothing. by the time you get to him, he is dead cold. inlaws smash your head with a chang for your mistake. got charged for child negligence and grieve for your kid behind the bars


I would never leave a child unattended in the sea, thats just plain stupidity. It all happened in a matter of seconds and was over very quickly. By the way the in-laws don't drink Chang they drink Singha.


Was the beach deserted, with no other witnesses? Anyway, the wife said in the same situation I was to save the kid. On careful reflection, I guess I will make the same conclusion.


No the beach wasn't deserted, it all happened in a matter of seconds and was over really quickly.

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