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I got given a Monk bucket


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Recently I helped some foreigners and in return they bought me a plate on which there was assorted items and wrapped in orange cellophane. When they gave it to me they said "We don't know what it is but we wanted to say thank you for your help" As they were on their way to the airport I just accepted it in good faith. now I'm not sure what I should with it. Should I somehow try to give it to the local temple?

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Thanks folks.Although why karma has to be in capital letters I don't know-after all it was partly to do with karma as to why I received this gift in the first place.

The other thing I guess is protocol. I do know some good monks at a temple across the way(not the beetel chewing ones at my local temple).I am even on speaking terms with a couple of them as my (husbands)Thai family uses this temple a lot for ceremonies

.However, as a woman , I can't just front up to the temple and give this offering to the first monk I see.Maybe I'd better wait for hubby to come home in a few weeks time?

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80% of the people going to temple around here are women. Cant see the problem - go early when there is a service going on and put your gift in along with the food that will be offered to the monks (by a man) or if you want to give it direct, find an opportunity where one is sitting and push the offer towards him along the floor with outstretched arms.

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Yes AnotherOneAmerican-I could do that.

Actually when you said that it bought to mind the image of one of the monks from the temple that we use(the one that always asks me when we are going to give them T-bone steaks!instead of the normal food offerings) Anyway occasionally he gives my sister-in-law things that he's been given but doesn't want/use eg several first aid kits, glass bowls, glass plates etc.He seems to store them in a box and when he sees her he gives them to her.

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Just spoke to my husband(due to his location in a remote mining site)and he was like "Whats the problem? It was given as a gift so accept it as a gift"

So I shall unwrap it and see whats in there and not worry about luxury cars, Rolexes or karma.And if I don't know what something is I can always pass it on to the family!

Thanks for all your help.

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