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Tai Chi in Chiang Mai


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While we are not elderly, we would like to take up some form of non-strenuous exercise that would make sense in the climate here.

Have any TV members had experience - good or bad - with Tai Chi teachers or groups in Chiang Mai?

Any information would be appreciated.

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A friend of mine did the course here:


She recommended it to me but unfortunately I don't have the time to do a course.

She came back the next year for a refresher course. And I think last year she had some private tuition. (She visits once a year)

So she's been about 3 times there.

If I have time I will go for a course as I have forgotten most of the moves. They teach the Yang style which is what I learned before.

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There used to be a LOT of Tai Chi going on in the mornings, in various areas. One was the park in the S.W. corner of the Old City. I don't know if they are still active.

Thanks. That sounds like what you see in Lumpini Park in Bangkok.

What we really wanted was some instruction.

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There used to be a LOT of Tai Chi going on in the mornings, in various areas. One was the park in the S.W. corner of the Old City. I don't know if they are still active.

This is still going on every morning from about 6am till 7am - I do not participate but enjoy the music and elegant movement. There appears to be 2 different groups both quite large - I would suggest going down for a walk one morning and chatting to them - there are farangs in the group.

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There used to be a LOT of Tai Chi going on in the mornings, in various areas. One was the park in the S.W. corner of the Old City. I don't know if they are still active.

Thanks. That sounds like what you see in Lumpini Park in Bangkok.

What we really wanted was some instruction.

You can get it there. My wife used to play with them, and they taught her the movements. Each morning someone would coach her in the next move of the form. My wife didn't speak Thai at the time.) But be advised that this is a bastardized style of Tai Chi. I used to teach Yang style and what they did was 'based' on that style but with many differences. If one is doing it just for exercise and good health, theirs is a very effective art.

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I wish I was like BonnieandClyde but I am not.

I am getting on in years and have at least three different ailments with a possible fourth that would interfere with group learning.

I Tried group learning when I just had one years ago and was unable to follow the rest of the group as I did not have the needed flexibility. So I have often wondered about a private tutor.

Does any one know of one and the probable cost?

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I wish I was like BonnieandClyde but I am not.

I am getting on in years and have at least three different ailments with a possible fourth that would interfere with group learning.

I Tried group learning when I just had one years ago and was unable to follow the rest of the group as I did not have the needed flexibility. So I have often wondered about a private tutor.

Does any one know of one and the probable cost?

We're not big on large group activities either. But maybe for different reasons than yours.

If we find a good instructor for small groups and individuals at a reasonable cost we'll send you a PM HD.

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I wish I was like BonnieandClyde but I am not.

I am getting on in years and have at least three different ailments with a possible fourth that would interfere with group learning.

I Tried group learning when I just had one years ago and was unable to follow the rest of the group as I did not have the needed flexibility. So I have often wondered about a private tutor.

Does any one know of one and the probable cost?

We're not big on large group activities either. But maybe for different reasons than yours.

If we find a good instructor for small groups and individuals at a reasonable cost we'll send you a PM HD.

One of the reasons Tai Chi is so popular in groups around the world is that when practicing Tai Chi (correctly) there is a massive flow of energy (Chi) around you. You create it, experience it, and re-integrate it within yourself. (It's easier to feel than to explain.) You are more energized when you finish the exercise than when you began (if done correctly.) When doing it in a large group, you get the benefit of other people's energy as well as your own. It magnifies the power of the movements, and thus magnifies the energy that you can assimilate and experience. Doing Tai Chi alone in a forest clearing or alone in a park is great. Doing it together with a group takes the feeling to a whole different dimension. The bigger the group, the greater the energy produced, and the more an individual is able to take within.

(If it's NOT being done correctly, instead just waving arms, moving slowly, bending the knees, looking like Tai Chi, etc., there is no Chi energy flowing, but you still get the benefits of exercising the body.)

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I wish I was like BonnieandClyde but I am not.

I am getting on in years and have at least three different ailments with a possible fourth that would interfere with group learning.

I Tried group learning when I just had one years ago and was unable to follow the rest of the group as I did not have the needed flexibility. So I have often wondered about a private tutor.

Does any one know of one and the probable cost?

We're not big on large group activities either. But maybe for different reasons than yours.

If we find a good instructor for small groups and individuals at a reasonable cost we'll send you a PM HD.

One of the reasons Tai Chi is so popular in groups around the world is that when practicing Tai Chi (correctly) there is a massive flow of energy (Chi) around you. You create it, experience it, and re-integrate it within yourself. (It's easier to feel than to explain.) You are more energized when you finish the exercise than when you began (if done correctly.) When doing it in a large group, you get the benefit of other people's energy as well as your own. It magnifies the power of the movements, and thus magnifies the energy that you can assimilate and experience. Doing Tai Chi alone in a forest clearing or alone in a park is great. Doing it together with a group takes the feeling to a whole different dimension. The bigger the group, the greater the energy produced, and the more an individual is able to take within.

(If it's NOT being done correctly, instead just waving arms, moving slowly, bending the knees, looking like Tai Chi, etc., there is no Chi energy flowing, but you still get the benefits of exercising the body.)

In affect I would be wasting my time with it as my body is unable to twist certain ways.

I might just as well go for walks.

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Many years ago I told a teacher of mine that "my body could not bend in the ways you want me to." Had a physical problem when I was young. The teacher told me, "Just keep trying as much as you can." I improved my flexibility and range of motion enormously. Not like most people but more than half way again between what I could do before and now.

I am not saying you would also benefit in the same way. Bit it may be possible. It doesn't have to be Tai Chi. It can be similar or related exercises.

Just my thoughts.

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Many years ago I told a teacher of mine that "my body could not bend in the ways you want me to." Had a physical problem when I was young. The teacher told me, "Just keep trying as much as you can." I improved my flexibility and range of motion enormously. Not like most people but more than half way again between what I could do before and now.

I am not saying you would also benefit in the same way. Bit it may be possible. It doesn't have to be Tai Chi. It can be similar or related exercises.

Just my thoughts.

lots of interesting and reaching claims about Tai Chi

I have tried it and like it but a lot of activities involving balance and motion seem similar. I guess its better for people who can't do more physical activities.

Is there any scientific proof behind Chi? Does waving an imaginary cat over your head in a special pattern produce this magical energy?

Other than looking kind of stupid it's fun to do. Really seems to annoy my relatives when I do it.

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I wish I was like BonnieandClyde but I am not.

I am getting on in years and have at least three different ailments with a possible fourth that would interfere with group learning.

I Tried group learning when I just had one years ago and was unable to follow the rest of the group as I did not have the needed flexibility. So I have often wondered about a private tutor.

Does any one know of one and the probable cost?

We're not big on large group activities either. But maybe for different reasons than yours.

If we find a good instructor for small groups and individuals at a reasonable cost we'll send you a PM HD.

One of the reasons Tai Chi is so popular in groups around the world is that when practicing Tai Chi (correctly) there is a massive flow of energy (Chi) around you. You create it, experience it, and re-integrate it within yourself. (It's easier to feel than to explain.) You are more energized when you finish the exercise than when you began (if done correctly.) When doing it in a large group, you get the benefit of other people's energy as well as your own. It magnifies the power of the movements, and thus magnifies the energy that you can assimilate and experience. Doing Tai Chi alone in a forest clearing or alone in a park is great. Doing it together with a group takes the feeling to a whole different dimension. The bigger the group, the greater the energy produced, and the more an individual is able to take within.

(If it's NOT being done correctly, instead just waving arms, moving slowly, bending the knees, looking like Tai Chi, etc., there is no Chi energy flowing, but you still get the benefits of exercising the body.)

Thanks for that thought-provoking reply.

The points you bring up are certainly worth considering.

Your intelligent and well-informed posts suggest that you have benefited from your travels.

That is exactly what we would like to do as well.

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CobraSnakeNecktie said;

I have tried it and like it but a lot of activities involving balance and motion seem similar.

Yes, many do 'appear' similar, but with the exception of Ba Gwua and Hsing-I (XingYi,) none of the other internal Martial Arts or exercise forms utilize or free up Chi energy.

Qigong (Chi Kung,) gets the Chi moving so it can be used for healing, and is good exercise, but not nearly as good for exercise as Tai Chi, and unlike Tai Chi, is NOT a Martial art.

I guess its better for people who can't do more physical activities.

It's excellent for people who can't do more physical activities. It's also an excellent addition to more strenuous exercise programs as it is also a dynamic meditation method.

Is there any scientific proof behind Chi?

Quite a lot. It's even been photographed using a method developed by Semyon Davidovich Kirlian and his wife Valentina Khrisanovna. I've seen some of the plates and they are fascinating! Chi energy can be measured and quantified in the laboratory as well. The use of Chi energy is the basis acupuncture, a healing art going back thousands of years. There is also the 'black art' of Dim Mak, the martial art dedicated to using Chi energy to cause disruption to the body with just a touch. It's believed in Martial Arts circles that this was the method used to disrupt the heart rhythm and muscle tissue of Bruce Lee. His autopsy revealed the results but doctors could never figure out the cause...

Does waving an imaginary cat over your head in a special pattern produce this magical energy?

Unfortunately not. But why not try it for yourself? But do understand... it is NOT something magical. It's quite ordinary, and something everyone can experience. You don't have to go off and live in a cave for 40 years living on bread and water to be able to make use of Chi. I can teach a person to experience their Chi energy in about 5 minutes, and they can produce it at will this way but not put it to use. Only experience it. Once you actually experience Chi energy, it's difficult to say it doesn't exist. I submit that if you actually ARE doing Tai Chi, and NOT experiencing the flow of Chi energy, you aren't doing it correctly. If you question its existance, it's obvious you aren't feeling it. The movement is only doing what any movement will do for a body. It's not difficult to do correctly, but it does take being taught by someone who knows the precise body positioning. In Tai Chi, a miss is as good as a mile. Simply having the knee forward of the toe so that the tibia and fibula aren't absolutely vertical will prevent the flow of Chi... THIS is perfect form. Anything else is just body movement.

Edited by FolkGuitar
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back in the 70s i studied with Master Kuo, in Chinatown in SFO. He only taught from 3-6 am...in the park, when it still had grass instead of concrete.

anyways... even though we went thru and were taught certain motions (movements), the master always told me it would be probably 2 yrs of just stretching before i could do a move correctly...THEN he said he would personally teach me.

Until that point (when i could touch my nose to my toe, among other things)... his highly ranked pupils taught us.

I have often thought about picking it up again, as i personally believe that i benefited from the exercise and movements back then. Lets see what comes out of this discussion on TV

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Many years ago I told a teacher of mine that "my body could not bend in the ways you want me to." Had a physical problem when I was young. The teacher told me, "Just keep trying as much as you can." I improved my flexibility and range of motion enormously. Not like most people but more than half way again between what I could do before and now.

I am not saying you would also benefit in the same way. Bit it may be possible. It doesn't have to be Tai Chi. It can be similar or related exercises.

Just my thoughts.

Thank you for the concern

I just wish it was possible. It is my ankle and it does get a lot of use in normal walking but it is unable to twist enough to do the Thai Chi I was shown in a group. That is why I have considered a private teacher. They would be able to allow me the time to come close to what they want me to achieve. Also I was new and it would seem to me they expected way to much learning in one session. I went twice and realized I was not going to be able to learn their way at the rate they wanted to teach it. That was 8 years ago and I have developed two new problems that I think (I am very unsure of that) would not hinder me from doing it in fact might help the problems. However they would for sure slow me down.sad.png

After reading FolkGuitar I now realize it would do me no good any how.sad.png

Kind of like a self pity party.wink.png

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Thank you for the concern

I just wish it was possible. It is my ankle and it does get a lot of use in normal walking but it is unable to twist enough to do the Thai Chi I was shown in a group. That is why I have considered a private teacher. They would be able to allow me the time to come close to what they want me to achieve. Also I was new and it would seem to me they expected way to much learning in one session. I went twice and realized I was not going to be able to learn their way at the rate they wanted to teach it. That was 8 years ago and I have developed two new problems that I think (I am very unsure of that) would not hinder me from doing it in fact might help the problems. However they would for sure slow me down.sad.png

After reading FolkGuitar I now realize it would do me no good any how.sad.png

Kind of like a self pity party.wink.png

Back up, Dolly! It WOULD do you good! Even if you can't do all the moves perfectly, the fact that you are moving at all is going to be a step in the right direction towards better health. Anything that gets us up off the couch for a few minutes is going to help, even if we already took a walk around the moat beforehand. If you need to modify the movements to fit your body, so be it. As the other poster said, you might find your range of motion increasing over time.

As for the speed learning of the group you were in.... Pffffffffffffffftttttttttt!!! They shouldn't have been moving at that pace. Sounds as if it was a "10-week Learn Tai Chi" program. Traditional Yang style (there is also Chen, Wu, and Hau styles) has 103 moves. Taught correctly, you should be able to learn them in about two years. A fellow named Chen Man Ching removed many of the repeated postures into a consolidated "Yang Short Form" with what is thought to be 64 moves, but there is some wiggle room here. Some folks say it's really 62 moves and others say 63. Anywhy, I learned fairly quickly. It took me 16 months of daily practice, classes three times a week, and a couple of trips to the teacher's teacher in NYC's Chinatown area before I was doing the whole form properly. Actually, I was 'doing' the whole form sooner (after about a year, but not properly.) Your class was moving too fast for anyone to learn it right!

If you join the group in the park, someone will show you ONE MOVE... You work on getting that one RIGHT while 'playing along' with the rest of them. Don't worry about looking out of place. Most of the people have no clue what they are doing. It's like a group of folks on a cruise ship deck trying to the Mambo along with the Dance Leader... 90% are out of step but enjoying themselves. You enjoy yourself too! Work on getting the ONE move down right. Maybe it will take you two or three weeks to do it. No harm, no foul. When it's right, add it into your 'dance,' and let someone show you the second move. If I remember correctly, they are doing a form with 28 moves. Maybe it will take you about a year to internalize it all. But you will be healthier after the first day...

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