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Killing A Dog?


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What's the penalty in Thailand for shooting a dog in the skull?

Next to my condo, every night this dog starts barking at a cat across the road who insists on winding the dog up.

The dog has a particularly annoying bark, it sounds like a xxxxx, and I want to shoot it in the xxxxxxx head.

A gun with a silencer would be preferable if anyone knows where I could borrow one from (nothing too fancy)

Failing that, I'd be eqaully satisfied with beheading the dog but I can't think how I can get it out from behind its gates?

Any suggestions would be welcomed.


Edited by metisdead
Inappropriate language and profanity edited out, if you do not want to see xxxx in your posts, stop using inappropriate/profane language..
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Please be kind enough to post your name and address so i can send immigration police over to round you up and send you back where you came from.

If you worried about privacy, can always PM me your details

why would you even bite? the kind of person who posts crap like this never actually accomplishes anything.

now dress the dog up as a woman, and have it give his crotch a sneaky sniff and many here would say the bitch deserved it.

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