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Chonburi man kills his wife's adulterer for 'disrespecting him'


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French law would put this down as a Crime of Passion. But It beats me why the agrieved person can calmly commit murder,and accept that his life is virtually over,surely what someone thinks of you can't be worth this outcome? I guess we westerners will never ever understand "Face"

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Another nut- job with a gun!

Another fruitcake, unable to solve a problem like a civilized person!

RIP the victim

The shooter doesn't strike me as nuts at all. He just got pushed too far.

If some dude is nailing your wife and boasting insults about it, how would you solve this problem like a civilized person?

Dump the wife like a bucket of rotten fish and get on with my life.

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Instead of shooting him, why not beat the philanderer up or if need be Thai style it and clobber him with the nearest metal or wooden pole until he's suffered multiple fracture etc and leave it at that...less porridge for GBH or attempted murder than murder!

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Another nut- job with a gun!

Another fruitcake, unable to solve a problem like a civilized person!

RIP the victim

The shooter doesn't strike me as nuts at all. He just got pushed too far.

If some dude is nailing your wife and boasting insults about it, how would you solve this problem like a civilized person?

Well, how about shooting her instead? Same crime of passion, same face saving, same penalty, but far more logic.

The humor of this solution is in the fact that with lover dead and the husband in jail the bitch will be banging a third party in no time.

Don't get me wrong, please. I'm not approving this kind of resolution of the problem. No need to decimate the population of the Earth.

But I see no logic in killing anybody on such grounds at all. Least of all the other man. Divorce is the only correct route in cases like this.

Just a point of interest, - hubby is 50, lover is 35, and how old is the wife? If she is 20-25 this incident is no accident. It was sort of 'written'.

Edited by ABCer
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French law would put this down as a Crime of Passion. But It beats me why the agrieved person can calmly commit murder,and accept that his life is virtually over,surely what someone thinks of you can't be worth this outcome? I guess we westerners will never ever understand "Face"

His life is not over, he will most likely be out in 3 years time since he confessed and bought the murder weapon with him to the police station.

His friends and family will have a lot of respect for this guy, okay don't know how the wife fells but I sort of respect him too.

To bom-bom another mans wife is a big no-no here.

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Every action has a reaction, and with humans it's not necessarily equal and opposite.

Shagging someone's wife and then rubbing the old man's nose in it might have seemed like a good idea at the time, a bit of fun, nothing serious. But who's f###ked now?

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French law would put this down as a Crime of Passion. But It beats me why the agrieved person can calmly commit murder,and accept that his life is virtually over,surely what someone thinks of you can't be worth this outcome? I guess we westerners will never ever understand "Face"

His life is not over, he will most likely be out in 3 years time since he confessed and bought the murder weapon with him to the police station.

His friends and family will have a lot of respect for this guy, okay don't know how the wife fells but I sort of respect him too.

To bom-bom another mans wife is a big no-no here.

Agreed one should not boom boom another mans wife, but isn't there laws here where one can sue the man who boomed boomed his wife? I thought I read this somewhere, might be a better option than murder!

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Look at the body language of the alleged murderer. He sits there like he owns the place. Here's someone who looks like he's getting away with it.

Here, 'Face' is of utmost importance. By turning himself in, he gained face - might get only a few years or even probation.

Another nut- job with a gun!

Another fruitcake, unable to solve a problem like a civilized person!

RIP the victim

This from a person who doesn't understand how humanity maintains freedom.

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Another nut- job with a gun!

Another fruitcake, unable to solve a problem like a civilized person!

RIP the victim

The shooter doesn't strike me as nuts at all. He just got pushed too far.

If some dude is nailing your wife and boasting insults about it, how would you solve this problem like a civilized person?

Well, how about shooting her instead? Same crime of passion, same face saving, same penalty, but far more logic.

The humor of this solution is in the fact that with lover dead and the husband in jail the bitch will be banging a third party in no time.

Don't get me wrong, please. I'm not approving this kind of resolution of the problem. No need to decimate the population of the Earth.

But I see no logic in killing anybody on such grounds at all. Least of all the other man. Divorce is the only correct route in cases like this.

Just a point of interest, - hubby is 50, lover is 35, and how old is the wife? If she is 20-25 this incident is no accident. It was sort of 'written'.

Do you really think the wife is going to find another lover that easily? Any local guy would be afraid of getting shot; she'll probably have to get a know-nothing farang.facepalm.gif

In all seriousness, I think the guy made the more logical choice. The 'victim' learned the hard way he messed with the wrong guy's family, and his wife suffered the shock of her lover being killed. Killing his wife might have been too shocking an act: he knows her friends and family, and I'm sure to some degree still loves her. Shooting the guy who was dumb enough to run his mouth over the affair was the right call: far less traumatic for the shooter's own emotional state, and in some circles will make other men respect him.

It's certainly not a big loss to humanity.

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Another nut- job with a gun!

Another fruitcake, unable to solve a problem like a civilized person!

RIP the victim

The shooter doesn't strike me as nuts at all. He just got pushed too far.

If some dude is nailing your wife and boasting insults about it, how would you solve this problem like a civilized person?

The shooter can not be respected ... he is a nutter, because a no nutter would not have killed the other guy for the adultery reason, he would have left his wife and divorce her.

A normal person (who has a gun) would only shoot someone in order to protect and save his own live, this was not the case here, thus for killing the other guy for adultery he must be regarded as a nutter.

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the shooter is ex-police so would of known the ins and outs of the law regarding this

type of crime, and he would also have many friends still serving, hence his body language

when getting interviewed.it stood out like a sore thumb on television.

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I think face used to be something with worth quite some time ago. But it seems to have become an excuse to do whatever wished.

Let's call a spade a spade. He didn't lose face, he deliberately found a way to use a gun. Common sense out the window then wrapped up with 'but he insulted me.'

Homeboy needs a pacifier and a sippy cup. If the wife likes to ride multiple horses maybe she should go play at the open stadium instead of on private property. As for the last guy, yes, stupid for sampling outside of his plate but no excuse to be killed. Another life wasted.

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Look at the body language of the alleged murderer. He sits there like he owns the place. Here's someone who looks like he's getting away with it.

Here, 'Face' is of utmost importance. By turning himself in, he gained face - might get only a few years or even probation.

Another nut- job with a gun!

Another fruitcake, unable to solve a problem like a civilized person!

RIP the victim

This from a person who doesn't understand how humanity maintains freedom.

<deleted> are you on about?

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Look at the body language of the alleged murderer. He sits there like he owns the place. Here's someone who looks like he's getting away with it.

And his designer sunglasses are neatly cornered at the table in front of him. Very confident.

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As I mentioned if we take the story at face value then the crux to me is, after approaching the guy to remonstrate about the affair, the guy was then threatened with a gun by the wife's lover. Talk about adding insult to injury. As the info we have is the only thing we have to go on then the guy even said the lover can have her.

Gobbing off about shooting someone without backing it up can have serious consequences. As the lover found out. It's a sure bet I aren't going around threatening Thais. You never know who's packing.

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Not condoning murder but why didn't he shoot his wife? Or he took her back? Or he could accept (ignore) his wife's peccadillos as long as her lover remained silent?

Parallel Universe...

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I'll only whisper this because my moral code tells me that this guy was out of order. But I can see why he will get plenty of respect from guys who have been in his situation and not had the bottle to do anything about it.

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Not many people know but there are Thai laws that go WAY back involving men and their wives. For instance it is a very serious charge if one was to tell a guys wife that he has been cheating on her.

These laws stem back to when men were sent to fight battles and the Government did not want the men upset from personal problems. No lies. so also is it a sin to bang someone else's wife. If anyone has been to the "Thai Hell" (especially the one near Angthong) they will understand this "Adultery" and how serious is WAS in Thai culture. Yes I know all about mianoi's but this is fact.

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Not many people know but there are Thai laws that go WAY back involving men and their wives. For instance it is a very serious charge if one was to tell a guys wife that he has been cheating on her.

These laws stem back to when men were sent to fight battles and the Government did not want the men upset from personal problems. No lies. so also is it a sin to bang someone else's wife. If anyone has been to the "Thai Hell" (especially the one near Angthong) they will understand this "Adultery" and how serious is WAS in Thai culture. Yes I know all about mianoi's but this is fact.

I guess it all boils down to the power of sn@#ch. It will make men lose all reason and become idiots, causing one to kill another. Hey, forget about the wife, she is forgiven, as th sn@#ch makes all fair in the end.
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I look forward to the corroborating evidence that the deceased was taunting the murderer, and threatened him with a gun. Not just the murderer very conveniently saying that's what happened.

Mandy Rice-Davies springs to mind.

It would also be illuminating to hear the murderer's wife's side of the story.

In the meantime, TV's macho men will continue to condone murder.

God give us strength.

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Instead of shooting him, why not beat the philanderer up or if need be Thai style it and clobber him with the nearest metal or wooden pole until he's suffered multiple fracture etc and leave it at that...less porridge for GBH or attempted murder than murder!

because the lover would have come back with ten of his mates and beaten the crap out of the husband in retaliation. violence only begets violence. should have chucked her out and moved on.

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"isn't there laws here where one can sue the man who boomed boomed his wife?" My (ex) wife decided she wanted to hook up with English psychopath, and he took issue with my not wanting him to sleep with the bitch. I found this Bold and underline added by me):

Section 1523: In the case of divorce by judgment of the court on the ground as provided in Section 1516 (1), the husband or wife is entitled to compensation from the husband or wife or another woman or adulterer, as the case may be. The husband is entitled to claim compensation from any person who has taken liberties with his wife in an adulterous manner. "

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Look at the body language of the alleged murderer. He sits there like he owns the place. Here's someone who looks like he's getting away with it.

And his designer sunglasses are neatly cornered at the table in front of him. Very confident.

Wow so much Confidence the glass cost a Thai 39 Baht

If you are lucky we meer for a drink I show you my watch what would say then show off

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Another nut- job with a gun!

Another fruitcake, unable to solve a problem like a civilized person!

RIP the victim

The shooter doesn't strike me as nuts at all. He just got pushed too far.

If some dude is nailing your wife and boasting insults about it, how would you solve this problem like a civilized person?

Of course you are right; just take a gun and kill the guy- problem solved!

What a bout throwing the wife out and file a divorce?

Na...not "manly" enough!

Hey I still need a cook and house cleaner. It hard to find good workers here giggle.gif

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