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"No Russian Mafia in Pattaya" – Chief of Banglamung District

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The cops can't be serious. The Russian Mafia is alive and thriving, they need to be rooted-out and sent packing back to Putin and the KGB.

Might as well crack down on the Indian Mafia at the same time and send them back to the home of Slum Dog Millionaire.

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... cheesy.gif


My best guess is that the right pockets have been filled with the appropriate stuff... conditio sine qua non

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What exactly were they doing that led to you coming to the conclusion they were Russia Mafia? Or did someone just tell you they were?

A few tattoos, short hair, east European accent......Yup! must be mafia. They <deleted> wish.

So a few Ruskie hookers might have a pimp, or they might peddle some dope but that doesn't make them mafia they're nothing more than punks

Lucky Luciano must be up there laughing his head off calling that dross in Pattaya "The Mafia"

Maybe a definition would be helpful for you.


[mah-fee-uh, maf-ee-uh] noun

1. a hierarchically structured secret organization allegedly engaged in smuggling, racketeering, trafficking in narcotics, and other criminal activities in the U.S., Italy, and elsewhere.

2. a popular spirit of hostility to legal restraint and to the law, often manifesting itself in criminal acts.

b. a 19th-century secret society, similar to the Camorra in Naples, that acted in this spirit.
3. any small powerful or influential group in an organization or field; clique.
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It's the same as saying, there are no accidents in Thailand........ Or they are blind to see, or the Russians are very good in hiding it, or the money talks. you choose.

The money talks. And when money talks, everyone else in the room shuts up.

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They don't even try to project any credibility.

If they wanted to say something slightly more believable they could say something like they've got the Russian mafia problems under control with more "crackdowns" to follow.


There may not be any mafia, but they are free to do what they want business wise.

The Russian run market near me in Pratumnak and opposite Nova Beach View Condo, that I have moaned about in the past, was openly selling booze the last two "dry" days.Complete with a Russian DJ blaring out music both nights.


That they aren't committing crimes, breaking in, robbing people and dealing drugs only means there are no lowlife Russians taking over Pattaya.

But the Maffia does it in subtile ways, by taking over venues to whitewash their in Russia by crime made money, but that is to much to understand for Pattaya officials.

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That they aren't committing crimes, breaking in, robbing people and dealing drugs only means there are no lowlife Russians taking over Pattaya.

But the Maffia does it in subtile ways, by taking over venues to whitewash their in Russia by crime made money, but that is to much to understand for Pattaya officials.

I reckon they understand.

Ca-ching, ca-ching.


Why are they denying this? We all know it's part of the Cultural Exchange Program: Russian Mafia comes to Pattaya, Thai Mafia goes to sister-city in Russia.


You must be Russian... other nationalities seem to dislike of them. In 6 years in Thailand I've never met anyone who has admitted to a liking of them !!.

Its also funny to see that beside all mafia are working in secret ...many here think to know in what business they are involved ... All mafia are involve in prostitution,drugs etc ... Can be Russian, Italian, Chinese, Thai I dont think the Russian mafia is more active than another in Pattaya or Phuket. But I noticed many Thai visa guys dont like russian at all .... well I like Russian very much ....


Making broad absolute statements like this just makes Thailand and Thai LE look like total fools. They could have made it look a bit more reputable by saying something like "we're looking into the matter and making sure all LOCAL and FOREIGN organized criminal activity is kept in check in order to make Pattaya a safer place blah blah blah...."

Its all about appeasing the "phu-yai's" in the Ministry of Interior and Ministry of Tourism with these farcical statements meant for PR but obviously a total load of manure even to the most naive. Next they'll be defining "mafia's' as requiring membership of more then 100 gang members who must all have prior criminal convictions therefore validating their statement!



Russia is a big country with many diverse people. I like some Russians and dislike others, same as Germans. The issue with the Russians in Pattaya that I see is that their large demographic numbers are changing the city into having a strong Russian flavor. I'd prefer that no foreign group has that kind of power to change the flavor. Except Mexicans. I would love that.

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R&R base for the Yanks out of 'Nam in the 60's hasn't looked back since. As Wilde said "America, the only country to have gone from emergence to decadence without an intervening period of civilisation; well they certainly did a full job on Pattaya.

Just up the road we have Jontiem, Beach Tower, Ocean Tower, East Tower etc, absolutely no doubt that it's Russian - funded, built and run. Size design layout. Now think, Rus Mafia wants to expand away from Russia, so you take a pile of cash to Thailand - where land, labour and materials are cheap, and you build a mega Russian sized hotel complex right on the beach, complete with four pools,half a dozen restaurants, shopping arcade, seven bars, evening entertainment. No one needs to set foot outside - except for the organised coach trips. You then set up a travel agency - holiday shop in Russia and fill the place up with Russian tourists...... who spend all their holiday roubles in your hotel; having been paid legally for the holiday booking etc in Russia.

Which coincidentally is exactly what The Mob did with Vegas.

The locals (authorities) love you because you're bringing in cash and providing jobs - and probably paying a few local 'consultants'

That is the Russian Mafia, smart and sophisticated; t's crossed, i's dotted, police sweet, politicians pocketed.

The ones that get the cheap headlines are about as Russian Mafia as a bunch of drunken football hooligans, I don't doubt they have aspirations and like to think of themselves as such, but I expect if they make too many waves they will be removed. Although in all probability Pattaya is just far enough away from Jontiem not to sour the cream.

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Russian organised crime is undoubtedly active in Thailand. Mainly as a money laundering haven. But once you have a base for money laundering, you need a resident population to look after your interests, and a resident population to consume products and services that are funded by laundered money.

It's a classic merry-go-round. Now we are seeing more and more regular Russian tourists and families. Also seeing more and more petty crime committed by Russians. The petty criminals are not mafia - the mafia are really the big boys with the big dollars. As they gain a foothold you'll see more and more involvement in general petty crime and organised rackets.

I've said it before in other threads - Thailand will regret allowing the mafia to grow in strength. Right now the Russians are paying off the BIB. Before too much longer the BIB will be operating only with the approval of the Russian Mafia. The BIB will be allowed to pick up their street corner bribes, but the big stuff will be controlled more and more by the Russians. They will also begin influencing politics and political corruption in time.

The BIB, and the Thai mafia are kindergarten level in terms of bloodthirstiness compared to the Russians. The Russian mafia have no style, no class, and take no prisoners.


Plenty of tiny businesses operating in the Naklua area by Russians physically working in them, like motorcycle rental, restaurants, massage, travel shops. If you are abiding by the law you have nothing to fear, if not, you should face the consequences. Forfeiture of assets and deportation would be a good start.


Reading some of the posts here is beyond ridiculous.

So many experts on Russian Mafiacheesy.gif

So many know exactly how Russian Mafia operates, i wonder if all the experts learned it from the moviesw00t.gif

I have said it before and will say it again

Russian Mafia does not exist in Thailand, and the little wanna be's are not mafia.

Russian Mafia is not interested in making $1 here and there, Thailand does not have the market for them to make money

Russian Girls are not in demand, and even the ones who do get customers the income is tiny compared to what they make in other countries.

There is no market for drugs as that is already controlled by the locals.

There are Russians who have come here and opened up businesses, only they opening businesses serving Russians, while too many others are opening bars.

Russian Mafia DOES NOT launder money in Thailand, because if the experts had any idea, it is every very hard to take money out of Russia,

Real Estate market is not exactly the safest investment here, it does not make money

Pattaya Officials are correct there is not Russian Mafia, just Russian businesses

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I can't believe there isn't criminal Russian money laundering in Thailand.

There are individuals from all over the world who launder little money from criminal activity's back home, its certainly not Mafia or real laundering


I think Russian mafia come here on holiday and do a little organized crime just out of habit.

Thai police would love a piece of the action if they can find them.

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Hold on a moment and listen to what he said. "There are no Russian Mafia in Pattaya".

He did not suggest that there are no Russians, or even that there are no Russians involved in crime, or even organised crime.. he just said that there are no Russian Mafia in Pattaya.

I'm sure the REAL Russian Mafia are NOT in Pattaya, unless you mean the odd connected guy taking his family on holiday there.

It's kind of sad that a lot of people see the occasional Russian plastic gangster and confuse him with the real deal, believe me its not the same!

Are these the family holiday guys you have in mind?

Pattaya Police arrest Russian-led Hit Squad paid to kill Estonian Realtor - See more at:


Well now, a Peruvian wants to kill a Estonian..... oh yes, I see the Russian connection now... must be mafia!


Reading some of the posts here is beyond ridiculous.

So many experts on Russian Mafiacheesy.gif

So many know exactly how Russian Mafia operates, i wonder if all the experts learned it from the moviesw00t.gif

I have said it before and will say it again

Russian Mafia does not exist in Thailand, and the little wanna be's are not mafia.

Russian Mafia is not interested in making $1 here and there, Thailand does not have the market for them to make money

Russian Girls are not in demand, and even the ones who do get customers the income is tiny compared to what they make in other countries.

There is no market for drugs as that is already controlled by the locals.

There are Russians who have come here and opened up businesses, only they opening businesses serving Russians, while too many others are opening bars.

Russian Mafia DOES NOT launder money in Thailand, because if the experts had any idea, it is every very hard to take money out of Russia,

Real Estate market is not exactly the safest investment here, it does not make money

Pattaya Officials are correct there is not Russian Mafia, just Russian businesses

Ok, here's some interesting reading. It's a US Embassy report on relationships between Thailand and Russia, including an analysis of Russian mafia growth in Thailand.

The report is 4 years old, but well worth a read. Perhaps you can find more reasons to debunk the generally held belief that the Russian mafia is in fact operating in Thailand after you've read some facts. One assumes that the US Embassy would not be telling porkies or basing their opinions on rumour and speculation.

You may come to realise that you're not thinking outside the square and associate mafia with small time crime or owning a gogo on Walking Street.

G2G involvement also breeds a base for increased corruption which will include the Russian mafia. Nor I'm sure have you considered the increasing economic toes that are developing. When two corrupt countries develop economic associations, corruption and organised crime go hand in hand.

And don't forget, the face of Russian organised crime is actually tacitly respectable - you can only put the cash in so many warehouses. Putting it in banks of even neutral countries is risky. Eventually you have to make it work for you.

Did you know that there is no Thai law restricting the importation of Thai currency into Thailand by any person?. You could bring a 40' container full of 1,000 baht notes and there is no law being broken.

And the Russian crime bosses are involved in many multi national organisations based all over the world - as are the US mafia. The new face of organised crime.

Take the time to read the report here --------> http://www.theguardian.com/world/us-embassy-cables-documents/238045


Did you know that there is no Thai law restricting the importation of Thai currency into Thailand by any person?. You could bring a 40' container full of 1,000 baht notes and there is no law being broken.

This is irrelevant, because it's certainly illegal to take Baht notes out of Thailand in any quantity, and they are only printed in Thailand. So how would they get anywhere else to be able to be shipped back?

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