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Found ! Siberian Husky Near Emporium Mall

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This is the Husky. Beautiful dog...it's safe now with our friend who happens to be a vet...contact me if you know of anything:)

I-Pet Hospital

31 minutes ago in Bangkok, Krung Thep


ประกาศ สุนัขหลงทาง

พบโดยคุณน้ำฝน นำมาฝากไว้ที่ โรงพยาบาลสัตว์ ไอเพท ถ.พระราม4

พิกัดที่พบ : ริมถนนสุขุมวิทหน้า Emporium

วันที่ 03/08/56 เวลา 18:30น.

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Great! If the owner doesn't step up within the next week, we'll need to find a good home. I have 3 dogs already otherwise I'd bring it home myself. Your neighbor can visit the pet hospital I brought it to.. My friend owns the place and it's called iPet in Rama 4 by the Sukhumvit intersection. He can stop by and have a look and speak with the vet there for more info. My name is Derek and he can say he heard of it from me. Cheers for helping out!

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Please report it to the police or you may find yourself accused of stealing the dog..

In fact dog theft is rife in Thailand and a expensive dog like that may have been stolen, escaped and trying to find it's way home.

Maybe a few "dog found" posters in the area may be useful, or try and get a Thai friend to post on popular Thai sites also.

Someone will be dearly missing that dog and will be going through frantic attempts to locate it.

However if it is a very badly behaved dog, it may have been abandoned.

I'm not sure if dogs are frequently chipped in Thailand, has anybody tried scanning it?

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https://m.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=600683779983785&id=235216783197155&set=a.239144342804399.74082.235216783197155&__user=690164663. Sort of a long URL, but I think this one may work without logging in. @somcommlee, totally agree with you and that's why I'm having Thai friends take care of the problem. I just thought if help make it go 'viral' because I'd would be great to find the real owner. It's certainly a pure breed and very well trained too. It jumped right into my car and sat down without complaining and walked right into a kennel like it was home. Not an ounce of anger in it at all, so definitely being missed as it was well taken care of. I think they'll check today for chips ad registration and we already put it up on some Thai sites. Hopefully we can find the owner, if not, a good home at the least. Cheers everyone!

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well op.if he is anything like ours[malamute]same family someone will be grieving they are the most handsome,intelligent and loving friend that you can own.so if you cant find the owner please make sure he goes to a good home.just makes me think no collar and contact no.

seems someone doesnt care.

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Soi Dog Foundation Bangkok. They are very well known nationwide and extremely good connected…they probably, already wait for someone such as you to call in regards to that missing dog, if not they can be very helpful to reach even more people or may even have other ideas that help, they have a newsletter routine of every 2nd day I think, they could take your campaign in.

Also ask the guys @ Coconut Bangkok, to spread the word... their very well read website about everything Bangkok, reaches another, also huge and mainly younger, foreign crowd. Ask them nicely, to publish your “seeking for owner of this dog”, poster together with a plea for sharing to everyone, on their own web and all social networks they are active in... I am quite sure they will be pleased, doing it for free.

And since such campaigns show social responsibility and engagement don’ t hesitate to try the same with The Nation and Bangkok Post, it will give some polish to their image, so they might also do it for free.

Helpful could be to check the dog food shops inside and outside the malls and the closer area. Ask for permission to publish each one of the posters in their windows.

The story with Mr. Salapoo and for a better understanding of what I've meant earlier:

It was just brilliant how you completely ignored his attempt and I had more than just one, real great laughs.... you were very concerned over the dog and it’s wellbeing that you did not read between the lines….while he was waiting for your anger, confront or an argument at least, but you left him with good words, friendliness and kindness... That was really priceless!!! VERY, very much liked that and I indeed had & still have some of the greatest laughs on that one!

We all know that the (dog-eating) very interested in the dog, Korean neighbor was fantasy and an attempt to provoke and hurt you. Salapoo had zero intentions to help you, that man hates dogs and the lovely Husky, in such dangerous care.... frightening.... even if not ending up, slaughtered into parts on a dinner plate, I would fear the dog will suffer all kinds of torture for all the damage done, by countless others of the barking kind! His avatar suggests it....Sala Poo the man seems obsessed with dog shit...doggy poo in his Sala seems to have him hating dogs. these ridiculous, stinky, dirty and hairy Salapoo`ers, who have abused the precious, probably hand made with love, Garden Sala for their digestion and get rid of the shit, purpose.

That is much too much for some & lots too much of poo for Mr. Salapoo

Back to serious matters:

Seriously, should the owner can’t be located, I would be pleased to help, and I probably know a really, loving and caring, wonderful new home for him... some time ago, the beloved young Husky of a friend got lost on the mainland and could never be found, leaving him and his wife, grief stricken.... the couple really care for animals, they run an Eco-camp in Koh Chang and own huge areas of land here on the island. Most certainly is this place pure paradise for every dog and some buddies to play around are there as well.

I would also love to take him, but I have my own very agile Rottweiler, 2 cats, 1 paralyzed Thai dog saved from a road accident close to my house, just carelessly left in the middle of the road by the driver, that one is lots of work and attention, last October I saved a pregnant female, obviously left behind by former owners and almost starving to dead, who I took home to help her gaining weight and to get her thru the pregnancy and giving birth...soon after, she surprised me with a litter of 10, all of them made it... 6 are in very good homes. I am still left with the mom and the remaining 4, 9 months old, I am desperately for 7 months already, trying to find them good homes.

And for that couple mentioned, I would ONLY ask them, if the owner of the Husky seriously can’t be found. Just let me know, anytime and in any case of news, please keep me up to date.

Edited by TinaKohChang
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