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Govt's approval rating lowest in 2 years

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Govt's approval rating lowest in 2 years
The Nation

Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra

BANGKOK: -- The Yingluck government's approval rating fell to the lowest level in two years, pulled down the most by corruption issues and the rice-pledging scheme, according to a poll by Bangkok University.

The poll was conducted as the government celebrated the first two years in office in August.

Covering 1,419 respondents nationwide, the poll showed that the government was given only 4.49 points out of the 10-point score. This fell by 0.38 point from the survey six months ago and is the lowest since it took office. The poll also showed that approval rating declined in all categories. In this poll, while foreign policies won the highest rating (5.04), the economic performance won the poorest score (3.98).

Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra won 4.94 points, down by 0.48 point from the previous poll. She won the highest approval rating for her hard work and dedication (5.49), but the average score was pulled down by lack of decisiveness.

Tarnishing the government’s image the most are corruption, 19.9 per cent; the rice-pledging scheme, 19.3 per cent; and high cost of living which indicates failure in economic policies, 11.1 per cent.

In the public opinions on political parties’ performance, Pheu Thai Party won the highest approval rating (4.94), followed by 4.40 for coalition parties and 3.81 for Democrat Party.

-- The Nation 2013-08-04

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In the public opinions on political parties performance, Pheu Thai Party won the highest approval rating (4.94), followed by 4.40 for coalition parties and 3.81 for Democrat Party.

Oh my god. They haven't had any good economic news for months, and the dems still rate lower.

How are the opposition parties supposed to perform in the areas of the economy and foreign policy?

Sent from my HTC Desire HD A9191 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

They obviously need to do a much better job of marketing what they would do differently.

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Govt's approval rating lowest in 2 years

The Nation


Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra

BANGKOK: -- The Yingluck government's approval rating fell to the lowest level in two years, pulled down the most by corruption issues and the rice-pledging scheme, according to a poll by Bangkok University.

The poll was conducted as the government celebrated the first two years in office in August.

Covering 1,419 respondents nationwide, the poll showed that the government was given only 4.49 points out of the 10-point score. This fell by 0.38 point from the survey six months ago and is the lowest since it took office. The poll also showed that approval rating declined in all categories. In this poll, while foreign policies won the highest rating (5.04), the economic performance won the poorest score (3.98).

Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra won 4.94 points, down by 0.48 point from the previous poll. She won the highest approval rating for her hard work and dedication (5.49), but the average score was pulled down by lack of decisiveness.

Tarnishing the governments image the most are corruption, 19.9 per cent; the rice-pledging scheme, 19.3 per cent; and high cost of living which indicates failure in economic policies, 11.1 per cent.

In the public opinions on political parties performance, Pheu Thai Party won the highest approval rating (4.94), followed by 4.40 for coalition parties and 3.81 for Democrat Party.


-- The Nation 2013-08-04

But the same people, that are complaining about the performance of their beloved, backstabbing politicians, elect the same old creepy screwy bunch of white liar liars to office again, because they get paid for believing what they want to hear in populist policies,




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In the public opinions on political parties performance, Pheu Thai Party won the highest approval rating (4.94), followed by 4.40 for coalition parties and 3.81 for Democrat Party.

Oh my god. They haven't had any good economic news for months, and the dems still rate lower.

How are the opposition parties supposed to perform in the areas of the economy and foreign policy?

Sent from my HTC Desire HD A9191 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

They obviously need to do a much better job of marketing what they would do differently.

That would be something they need to do during an election campaign. I don't think it would do much for their "performance" halfway through the governments term.

Sent from my HTC Desire HD A9191 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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"Tarnishing the government’s image the most are corruption, 19.9 per cent; the rice-pledging scheme, 19.3 per cent; and high cost of living which indicates failure in economic policies, 11.1 per cent."

Well then ,right you are. Tarnishing the government's image..................whistling.gif

Yingluck is an attractive woman, how come she has siblings that look like Thaksin & Yaowappa?

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Isn't this expected? I'm pretty sure every party ever voted in anywhere looses some of its appeal once it is in office - there are always those that expect election promises to be immediate and no u-turns, which is pretty much always the case for a new government as unless they were also the old government, they will not know the precise picture until they are in power and have open access. They are also the target for disaffection and the media which is much less the case when in opposition (and as PTP was a new party going into the election - wasn't much of that either).

No news here. Now if it had dropped lower than the Dems, it would be news.

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"Tarnishing the government’s image the most are corruption, 19.9 per cent; the rice-pledging scheme, 19.3 per cent; and high cost of living which indicates failure in economic policies, 11.1 per cent."

Well then ,right you are. Tarnishing the government's image..................whistling.gif

Yingluck is an attractive woman, how come she has siblings that look like Thaksin & Yaowappa?

Some get the brains, some get the looks.

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In the public opinions on political parties performance, Pheu Thai Party won the highest approval rating (4.94), followed by 4.40 for coalition parties and 3.81 for Democrat Party.

Oh my god. They haven't had any good economic news for months, and the dems still rate lower.

The Dems are lower for a good reason.

The cost of living is rising rapidly and the people expect the Dems to be able to do some thing about it. Seems like the people really don't know what they did when they gave that much power to the PTP and can't understand that for the most part all the Dems can do is make sure what the PTP tries to do is legal. If it is legal they are powerless to stop them.

It is up to the people to vote with there head next time and make it known at all times that they are not happy with the red shirt backed PTP.

Any way it is just another meaningless poll. Less than 1,500 speaking for the nation. I bet they never asked any one in the southern provinces.

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"Tarnishing the government’s image the most are corruption, 19.9 per cent; the rice-pledging scheme, 19.3 per cent; and high cost of living which indicates failure in economic policies, 11.1 per cent."

Well then ,right you are. Tarnishing the government's image..................whistling.gif

Yingluck is an attractive woman, how come she has siblings that look like Thaksin & Yaowappa?

How will Yingluck look in the same age as BB. I promise you she will not make many heads spinn.laugh.png

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........You are right there is no if's and's or but's about it Abhist is the best person in Thailand for the job. He how ever can not seem to endear himself to the people like Thaksin and Yingluck can. I think it is partly because even though Yingluck is not exactly sure what is happening she is a lot cuter than Abhist. Also Abhist can not bring himself down low enough to roll in the gutter with Thaksin and his lie's. Also the memory of the average PTP voter is not that good. Come election time they will have no opinion on how bad a job the PTP red shirts did but all the goodies that they will be promised.

Abhisit has one major problem, irrespective of whether or not he is the best man for the job. He was Prime Minister in May 2010 when the Wat Pathum shootings happened. It may well be disputed to what if any extent he authorised the Army to open fire, but the fact remains he was Prime Minister when that seminal message was sent to the people of Thailand.

That is why he can't get elected, the electorate will always remember that.

Doesn't mean of course that he won't end up as PM again, just not through an election!

Edited by JAG
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In the public opinions on political parties performance, Pheu Thai Party won the highest approval rating (4.94), followed by 4.40 for coalition parties and 3.81 for Democrat Party.

Oh my god. They haven't had any good economic news for months, and the dems still rate lower.

What exactly have the Democrats done? Highlight and complain about corruption (of which they're not exactly innocent themselves), criticise the amount of money the country is losing through the rice pledging scheme, complain about inflation, campaign against Thaksin-focused amnesty... that's about it.

They are good at criticising but they don't really come up with appropriate ideas to sort these issues out. And this coming from someone who really thinks the Democrats would govern the country a whole lot better than their Peua Thai counterparts.

Also, the Democrats haven't done much to endear them to large sections of those who just don't like them, although they seem to have consolidated their support in areas that support them.

You expect them to condone those things?

I believe they have said dump the rice scam that would solve that problem. They have backed a bill designed to help bring the country together. The one written by the mother of one of the victims in the red shirt inspired attempted coup.

The biggest problem facing the country is the lack of unification and they have argued against every bill brought out by the PTP to theoretically unify the country. But really designed to give Thaksin a white wash. Every one of the Governments bills will just bring a deeper division in the country. Makes no difference if they pass or fail.

Pretty hard to do any thing in a Government that has the majority of votes and dosen't need the OK from others. Pretty hard to do any thing honest in a Government who has power and money in their own pockets as their only goal.

The only reason the PTP did as well as they did is because many people were bought and brain washed into thinking the PTP red shirts were there friends. In two more years they will feel different. It will cost the PTP a lot more money to buy their vote.

You are right there is no if's and's or but's about it Abhist is the best person in Thailand for the job. He how ever can not seem to endear himself to the people like Thaksin and Yingluck can. I think it is partly because even though Yingluck is not exactly sure what is happening she is a lot cuter than Abhist. Also Abhist can not bring himself down low enough to roll in the gutter with Thaksin and his lie's. Also the memory of the average PTP voter is not that good. Come election time they will have no opinion on how bad a job the PTP red shirts did but all the goodies that they will be promised.

I certainly am not suggesting the Dems condone any of the things they have been criticising. But I would like to see them go a little stronger in showing Peua Thai's support base just how much poorer they are becoming due to the PT policies that are failing miserably and the PT government's insistence on keeping them running. Instead they have been focusing their attention on areas that are already aware of how much PT is screwing the country. They lost the last election because PT promised to make people richer - the Dems need to not only tell these people PT are making them poorer, but also make them believe it.

I know it's hard when you have large sections of the Red-controlled areas force-fed rubbish through community leaders and radio shows like "the rice pledging scheme is benefitting the country", "Thaksin is a good man and didn't do anything wrong" and "Abhisit murdered 20 civilians in 2009 and another 91 civilians in 2010", but you have to start somewhere and I don't think the Dems have made a good enough effort to do so.

They've also not offered any meaningful solution to the problems, they've just slammed them as particularly ineffective and poorly administered. They're right to do so, but they should maybe turn round and offer some way out. "Get rid of the rice pledging scheme" isn't going to win them any friends in areas they don't have much support, but making suggestions to address farmers' needs might, even if their suggestions end up getting implemented by PT.

I agree with you that Abhisit is hands-down the best person for the job, and I also agree that certain sections of voters won't take PT's massive failings into account when the next round of get-rich-quick promises emerge prior to election time. However, that's the brunt of my point - this is exactly what the Dems should be looking to address if they want to win elections in the PT heartland.

I think the Democrats in opposition in 2005-6 were much more effective than they are right now.

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I still think she is pretty.

If she looked like her sister, what would the ratings be?

No one would care about her ratings. She wouldn't be PM if she looked like her sister.

The sister could well be next PM, regardless of looks. Don't underestimate the willingness of Thais to be swayed by promises of more money. Face (mirage) accounts for more than substance here. In this case, face won't have to be pretty.

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