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Thai wife just got US citizenship

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Thai wife is divorcing me but just got US citizenship. She claims that now that she has US citizenship that she can only go back to Thailand for a month. (with our 3 year old son) This seems fishy to me. Can't she just enter Thailand with her Thai passport and stay as long as she wants? Does she have to give up her Thai citizenship?

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Son was born in US and I believe she has added him to her house registry in Thailand. She has taken him over there in the past in excess of three months I guess getting him a visa while she was there. According to that link it seems like she could enter with her Thai passport...

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Our divorce isn't final yet and she applied a month before serving me divorce papers. They did not call me into the interview. However she might have messed up because at the last minute she tried to get her name changed back to her maiden name for her passport. They still have not sent her a letter for the ceremony which is long overdue and may have raised some red flags.

Edited by Yager
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Son was born in US and I believe she has added him to her house registry in Thailand. She has taken him over there in the past in excess of three months I guess getting him a visa while she was there. According to that link it seems like she could enter with her Thai passport...

This maybe the wrong forum but there are issues you need to consider here. I'd be objecting to any plan to get your son dual nationality for example. That could land him with a draft problem when he comes of age.

There was a thread recently in regards to a UK - Thai national that wanted to join the UK navy and I believe he was refused as he had to wait till his draft age had passed in Thailand.

I'm only mentioning that because you mentioned that your sons name is on the house registry. As far as I know if he is a US only citizen then he cannot own land in Thailand. There's maybe far more to this than you expect, we have a forum that deals with marriage and divorce issues, it might be better getting the topic moved there so that you can get some expert advice.

ps. I know a Thai / UK dual national, she arrives and leaves Thailand on her Thai passport, vice versa in the UK.

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You would be correct (referring to the article). There are literally thousands of Thais who have dual citizenship. I know a few and they all travel freely in and out of Thailand.

To the OP, your wife (or ex) would only be correct if she arrived in Thailand on her US passport. But if she arrived with her Thai passport (which she is allowed to do), she can stay as long as she wants.

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As I understand it, your wife can apply for US citizenship after living in the USA with her green card for three years.

At that point, how long does it take before she gets citizenship?

3 years if married prior to application or something like that, or 5 if you were married on a K1.

Going through the process right now w/ the wife ( who's not divorcing me thumbsup.gif .. you know after the green card, your no longer a factor if she is granted citizenship or not..) and currently having to put up w/ doing time over here for 1 more year, been here 2 now. ( and it BLOWS!)

After waiting for the 3, or 5, then the old shuffle of govt forms begins anew, $$$ cha-ching, interview, written test, ability to read and understand angrit ( this is a freebee since have of this is done in the interview)

Forms approved, rubber stamp.. another tax payer joins the ranks.

4 months possibly.

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Sounds like she used you and intended to divorce you since she applied 1 month before filing papers if it were me I would send the documents to immigration and tell them you think she planned it all along and dont let your son out of your site. While he is in the US you are in control once in Thailand you are F$#$ED if she wants to mess with you.

She has proven she has lied to you so put your emotions aside and smell the coffee


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As I understand it, your wife can apply for US citizenship after living in the USA with her green card for three years.

At that point, how long does it take before she gets citizenship?

Yes, if on a green card it takes 3 years if married to a US citizen, five years if not, to apply for US citizenship. How long it takes depends upon a variety of issues. However, you can make immediate application for a green carded spouse if the American spouse has legitimate foreign employment that is considered in the interest of the US--normally, any foreign employment by a US company or an affiliate company. In that case, the citizenship process is quick--I have done it with two foreign wives, one took only ten days, the other a month.

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As I understand it, your wife can apply for US citizenship after living in the USA with her green card for three years.

At that point, how long does it take before she gets citizenship?

By the way, the wife may not be lying to you even if she does use her Thai passport if the child has only a US passport--in that case the child is the one who has to leave in 30 days.

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She is likely basing the 30 days on what son will be allowed with visa exempt entry. But son is a Thai national and can obtain Thai passport for new entry and live in Thailand as Thai or extend stay on basis of being Thai. Being on blue home register does not indicate ownership but only of being Thai and registered as living there.

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My child was born here in Thailand. In order for her to get a US passport, a DNA

test was done by the USA embassy to prove she was my child. Since your son was

born in the USA, upon his return to Thailand would Thailand require a DNA test

with the mother to prove the child is the offspring of a Thai citizen? Just curious.

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As I understand it, your wife can apply for US citizenship after living in the USA with her green card for three years.

At that point, how long does it take before she gets citizenship?

Yes, if on a green card it takes 3 years if married to a US citizen, five years if not, to apply for US citizenship. How long it takes depends upon a variety of issues.

Like what? She is currently a housewife with a toddler. I am not US military or government.

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I would not worry about the wife getting citizenship. That is punishment enough. smile.png

She just committed to pay taxes the rest of her live where ever she is. Have fun.

The kid is the worry and i would think that the child can only travel if you give your consent.

I am not from the us, but that is how it is done in my country.

When we traveled with the kids it did not matter which passport we used as long as it is the same one for leaving and entering.

They don't need a visa when they accompany parents until they are 18. So the only limit on staying is what kind of visa and passports the wife has. If she has a Thai passport she can stay as long as she wants and that does also is true for the kid.

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I wonder if she meant that if she leaves now before getting the US passport. Since she is not yet a citizen as you stated, I wonder if there is a restriction from the US for leaving.

I would contact your divorce lawyer and tell him exactly what she is doing and plans. He will have a legal strategy to protect your rights as a father if that is what you are afraid of.

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As I understand it, your wife can apply for US citizenship after living in the USA with her green card for three years.

At that point, how long does it take before she gets citizenship?

Yes, if on a green card it takes 3 years if married to a US citizen, five years if not, to apply for US citizenship. How long it takes depends upon a variety of issues.

Like what? She is currently a housewife with a toddler. I am not US military or government.

Well, government bureaucracy is high on the list, but actually some pretty mundane reasons: like how busy is the office with which you deal, what types of responses you/she made on the paperwork, how quickly you respond to any of their queries, etc. If some of your responses trigger a deeper background investigation. Also, if you were married only a short period of time, or have not lived together in the US long enough, or she did not stay long enough in the US, questions of legitimacy may arise---which may be a problem. I am not sure of the exact time frame, but there is a minimum time for all of those issues. As I said, I managed to get 10 day and one month waiting periods for citizenship for my two foreign spouses, but that was based on my legitimate overseas employment by a US firm.

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You are a better man than I am for helping your Ex. I would call immigration on her and have her citizenship revoked.

You can't just get someones citizenship revoked. For that matter you can't even get their green card revoked.

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How can she legally take the child out of the country without the father's consent???????????

The US does not require a father's permission for a mother to take a child out of country---there is no such law in most countries where a women has equal rights

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You have to be crazy to get usa citizenship these days. You got now fatca, fbar, Obama care, electronic exchange informations, tax on self income if over 600$ and more surprises to come for these next 10 years. This country is collapsing from everywhere. There are over 110millions of citizen already looking for non existent jobs but not counted as they are out of "their computer system". Their 7% or 8% unemployment rate is in reality 30 or 40%.

80% percent of jobs created this year are part time only. 2014 I predict 90% once Obama care will be in full effect.

Usa is becoming the number one flipping burger job country.

Here In Europe and Thailand, usa guys line up in front of usa embassies to relinquish green card, USA citizenship(waiving their 460$ shouting" please take my money now and give me my freedom back") ... They realized it s better to be off the USA than in the USA.

Thai banks and all "FFI" will soon get rid of all USA citizen. There will be no place for us resident where to put their money except in your mattress. IRS will seize 50% of your money if not reported.

Usa will seize 30%of your income if your thai bank is not fatca compliant.

These nuts have even created this year or last year an exit tax and are spending billions of $ to run after a few guys.

They even release dangerous convicts from federal jails and replaced them with tax evaders who owned a few bucks of lollipops to irs.

Usa don't want people leaving anymore(so many left already, by several hundred thousand) . USA want get them back in usa and they must come back with their thai money. Of course! They want all your money...

It costs now more to pay tax experts than living relax in Thailand.

I bet Thai citizen have to pay Obama care when they have already free healthcare.

Anyway she screwed herself apparently and soon she will be back in Thailand indefinitely.

Time is ticking... Tick tick....

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