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Father of Canadian slain in Pai in 2008 says Thai suspect has pleaded guilty


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Is he in jail for murdering his wife or on bail pending appeal, does anybody know?

I think he was on bail for the wife's murder when he killed the Canadian. Either that or he was on bail when he killed his wife. Another nutter with a gun.

despite the accusation of the crime the courts allowed bail; it was only a matter of days into his bail that he took a lump of wood and beat his pregnant 18 year old wife to death and then proceeded in the attempt to cover up her murder by saying she had run away. Her body was later discovered by villagers in a shallow grave.


Thai Policeman Finally Confesses to Murdering Leo Del Pinto After 5 Years

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Where is there any official report that says the presumably now ex-policeman has been in custody through all of this?

In the end, if he's really sentenced and really serves real time for the Del Pinto murder, it will be the rarest of the rare cases here.

If the guy had just left his girlfriend alone, he probably never would have been touched for the Del Pinto killing... Sad....

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A disgrace it took 5 years. heads should roll

Only 5 years, it must have been fast tracked !

Where we come from Blether a case in the High Court has to start within 80 days of being charged, it used to be concluded within 80 days until a clerical error allowed two armed robbers to walk so the procedure was amended,

Or the evidence was weak. I couldn't care less what the victim's father has to say. He isn't the judge or a juror.

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A disgrace it took 5 years. heads should roll

Only 5 years, it must have been fast tracked !

Where we come from Blether a case in the High Court has to start within 80 days of being charged, it used to be concluded within 80 days until a clerical error allowed two armed robbers to walk so the procedure was amended,

Or the evidence was weak. I couldn't care less what the victim's father has to say. He isn't the judge or a juror.

If the evidence was weak why did it take five years to find that out ? Thai courts are usually slow to convict but fats to exonerate depending on who and what's involved.

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Cops here are pathetic in the extreme. I doubt that I have ever seen one doing anything vaguely related to police work in a western sense. They direct traffic poorly and add to the gridlock by pulling people over for non-existent offences, and these are their good points. Buddha help you if you ever need their assistance, as they are loath to move off their lazy behinds unless you pay them.

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Where is there any official report that says the presumably now ex-policeman has been in custody through all of this?

In the end, if he's really sentenced and really serves real time for the Del Pinto murder, it will be the rarest of the rare cases here.

If the guy had just left his girlfriend alone, he probably never would have been touched for the Del Pinto killing... Sad....

Further concrete evidence that murders of Thai nationals and foreigners are treated differently and with incredible bias by the wholly corrupt police force, especially when the perpetrator is one of their own, as it so often is.

Do as the Thai people do and keep well away from them at all times and never ever make the mistake that they are in some way here to help or assist you.

As usual their modus operandi is the pursuit of money and material wealth and nothing more and in many cases they will act irrationally and like children when they are perceived to have lost face and or are drunk.

Once again; they are dangerous and unpredictable so STAY AWAY!

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A disgrace it took 5 years. heads should roll

Only 5 years, it must have been fast tracked !

Where we come from Blether a case in the High Court has to start within 80 days of being charged, it used to be concluded within 80 days until a clerical error allowed two armed robbers to walk so the procedure was amended,

Or the evidence was weak. I couldn't care less what the victim's father has to say. He isn't the judge or a juror.

Yup, only about 40 witnesses. Weak indeed.

@NongKhaiKid, I think it is / was 110 days but I do remember the case you are talking about. It was a leap year that year and the court clerk miscounted. laugh.png

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A disgrace it took 5 years. heads should roll

Only 5 years, it must have been fast tracked !

Where we come from Blether a case in the High Court has to start within 80 days of being charged, it used to be concluded within 80 days until a clerical error allowed two armed robbers to walk so the procedure was amended,

Or the evidence was weak. I couldn't care less what the victim's father has to say. He isn't the judge or a juror.

Yup, only about 40 witnesses. Weak indeed.

@NongKhaiKid, I think it is / was 110 days but I do remember the case you are talking about. It was a leap year that year and the court clerk miscounted. laugh.png

So many experts on here, most who had never even been to Thailand when this murder happened. But now they are experts! Sometimes these things take time. At least this is not as bad as the UK, The murder of Stephen Lawrence anyone? When it comes to police corruption on these sort of cases the Thai police don't hold a candle to the West. Some 'experts' on here would do well to remember this before posting their silly comments, which lets face it, are only designed to add to their 'likes' quota.!

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@exsexyman, that's an absurd trolling post.

There were plenty of eyewitnesses to that crime, including one of the victims, including Bangkok tourists that confirmed the story when they got out of town.

Comparing that to the complex Stephen Lawrence trial is absurd., truly absurd.

Your comment that the Western police are more corrupt than the Thai police should be pinned next to every post you make.

Edited by theblether
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Let us not forget that a few members on here tried to protect the reputation of this scumbag and his colleagues in the Pai police who tried their hardest at the time to get him off the hook for killing Leo del Pinto and trying to kill Carly Reisig in a drunken act of cowardice.

They should be ashamed of themselves.

Yet another disgusting episode in the history of the Thai Police and hopefully justice has finally been served.

Unfortunately had the Thai police not been so thoroughly corrupt and eager to protect one of their own his wife may have yet lived as he would have been in jail and unable to commit her murder.

Her blood is on their hands.

"Her blood is on their hands".

Problem for Thailand is for most of us in the western world we have a moral conscience to torture us, while these corrupt scum would soap it off on the day and move on to their next cash opportunity.

I wonder if this piece of scum had not murdered his wife whether he would have still been convicted with the death of the Canadian? .

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@exsexyman, that's an absurd trolling post.

There were plenty of eyewitnesses to that crime, including one of the victims, including Bangkok tourists that confirmed the story when they got out of town.

Comparing that to the complex Stephen Lawrence trial is absurd., truly absurd.

Your comment that the Western police are more corrupt than the Thai police should be pinned next to every post you make.

Arrogant nonsense. The murderers of Stephen Lawrence were protected by corrupt Metropolitan police officers for years, far longer than the murderer of the Canadian lad in Chiang Mai. The father of the main culprit, a career criminal and gangster had corrupt Metropolitan police officers in his pocket as has been subsequently shown. There was nothing 'complex' about the trial of these racist killers when justice was finally done, just about everybody in south London knew for years who the guilty parties were, they were openly boasting about it. It has recently been disclosed that the witness to the murder was subjected to years of harassment by the police in London in an attempt to discredit hm. Likewise the family of the victim were subjected to illegal phone tapping etc in a crass attempt to discredit them. There is no difference between police corruption in the UK and police corruption in Thailand, that was the point i was making. Of course i realise there are not too many 'Likes' to be had by pointing this out, but that is more your territory! As for your last comment,ie, suggesting what should be pinned to every post i make. i will not dignify that with a response, save to say your arrogance is out there for all to see. To the Mods, i realise a lot of this is off topic, but i hope you will allow me to respond to being accused of being an absurd troll! It is patently obvious that the blether's definition of a troll is someone who disagrees with him in his all knowing point of view. Perhaps the admin staff at Thai Visa should introduce their own version of Godwin's Law, which would decree that as soon as a poster calls another one a troll they are deemed to have lost the argument!

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^^ Launching into another stupid personal attack are we? How many is that this week?

Off topic as you are, you have forgotten to point out that there was a Private Prosecution and Lawrence's killers were acquitted due to lack of evidence. The MacPherson report that ripped into the Metropolitan Police supported the acquittal, the acquittal was based upon the fact that the only eye witness's testimony was unreliable.

The lack of evidence was the primary reason why the trial was not ordered by the CPS, and the rash decision by the Lawrence family to move to a PP seriously back fired.

It's one thing knowing who committed a crime, it's another thing proving it.

Comparing that case to this one is absurd, this happened in broad daylight, in front of dozens of witnesses.


Re your further rant, when you launch into a personal attack then you are trolling. When you continuously launch into personal attacks then you are constantly trolling, when you launch into continuous personal attacks against the same member across different forums then you are stalking and trolling.

The truth is I don't normally bother as I wrote you off as a no mark ages ago, it's just the absolute absurdity of that post that deserved being pointed out.

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Sorry to go off topic a bit but...what do you all think would happen in the US to a wealthy former star athlete's wife, who hit a thai national in her mercedes SUV, and fled the scene of the accident, leaving the Thai man to die? Answer: She got 41 months, and must serve two thirds. Now in jail. My condolences to the Del Pinto Family. I'm sure they would just like to have their son back.

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Canadian Father brings justice home from Thailand in case of killer off-duty PAI policeman

The Calgary father and his wife spent 10 days in the Asian country to watch the final court proceedings, and they laid a wreath near where Leo was gunned down in the street.

Leo Del Pinto, a 25-year-old backpacker, was shot dead by an off-duty, plainclothes officer in the tourist village of Pai in 2008. His friend, Carly Reisig, was also hit but survived.

The officer first insisted Leo attacked him and the shooting was an accident. However, subsequent witness testimony, a pathologist’s examination and reports from Thailand’s human rights commission cast doubts on those claims.

Finally, in July, Sgt. Uthai Dechawiwat pleaded guilty to killing Leo more than five years after the slaying.

Dechawiwat was already serving a 25-year sentence for clubbing his 18-year-old pregnant wife to death. full story from Calgary Herald.

6075800_f260.jpg Leo Del Pinto

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I think a lot of backpackers with "funny hair" and little money, should re-evaluate how welcome they are in Pai. So soon they forget about the random piss tests, and the campaign to "take back Pai from foreigner."

I'm a foreigner who has lived in Pai for 10 years and never heard of said 'campaign' - could you elaborate?

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A disgrace it took 5 years. heads should roll

Only 5 years, it must have been fast tracked !

Where we come from Blether a case in the High Court has to start within 80 days of being charged, it used to be concluded within 80 days until a clerical error allowed two armed robbers to walk so the procedure was amended,

Or the evidence was weak. I couldn't care less what the victim's father has to say. He isn't the judge or a juror.

You need incarcerated yourself for such a foul, trolling comment.

If you don't care what he says, why'd you read the article?!

Edited by gemini81
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