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" Who do you call to catch dangerous dogs in Ubon? "

Crocodile Dundee ? as he can handle crocs i'm pretty sure he can take care for the dog.... biggrin.pngbiggrin.png


Why do you consider this dog dangerous? I've lived in Thailand 8 years and never had a problem. Do as many Thais do, carry a stick. The dogs usually go the other way...

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I just stare hard at them and threaten them with,"Go away!".They then calm down and leave you alone.

But we should feel sorry for these dogs the way they are treated in Thailand. There seems to be animal hospitals everywhere but no help for these dogs. They just starve to death or die of a terrible illness. If everyone handed these stray dogs into some government run authority,they could be "put to sleep" and save a lot of suffering.


Like to carry a stick. Other than that, I made a deal with the local dogs and snakes: If you don't bite me, I won't bite you! Seems to work so far.Talking of snakes, I was told that snakes on 2 legs are far more dangerous to the average Farang than the other ones. Probably just a rumor.


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Keep in mind I love dogs. Grew up in farmland, and hunted deer, elk, caribu, and black bear. Also, 6'4 and around 230#.

Having stated that, never been so scared in my life as u was roughly a month ago while walking down road at base of mountains outside hua hin.

Out of jungle, forest came a pack of soi dogs. They flat out appeared to want to eat me alive. Scared shitless. I first id'd alpha male as I've been taught and charged and growled at top of my lungs. Dam thing just got madder. Now only about 8-10 ft away. I looked around and by miracle, a large surveyors stake was across ditch. I jumped over, grabbed stake and came back out to road. Dogs surrounding me again but better than being in bushes.

Again, as I've read and been taught, I went after the large obvious alpha male, beating my club on ground, roaring like a frickun cave man. I'm telling ya, it just pissed him off more. I'll see those teeth till day I die as he snarled and growled, slowly tracking my every step and keeping just out of reach of my club. I finally slowly retreated, not turning my back for 300 meters as I left what I'm sure was "their turf"........

Would love advice on what you would do if this were to happen to you. I love to walk. Do 4-5 miles a day. Honestto God, never walked for two weeks after this encounter. Now, sadly avoid mountains and back to being main roads flatlander. I'm sure of only one thing. If I would have let that lead dog get a bite into me his pack would have taken me to the ground in seconds.

So...... Again, I'm big dude, stick, roaring, taking on lead dog all good but sure as hell did not scare this dog one bit. It was like he was losing face to his pack if he let me go. PS..... Good survival therapy just getting this of my chest. Truly scared me to death. Any advice on what I should have done different would be greatly appreciated.

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Be carefull all dogs belong to someone in a strange sort of way. What you see as a stray could be someone's friend.

If a dog is owned by someone, no matter in what strange sort of way it may be, then that owner should show responsibility to both the dog and their neighbors and keep it off public land. If it is on public land then it is a stray and should be "taken care of" especially if it is dangerous. Anyone who disagrees please come forward and let the dog bite you and then see how you feel.

  • Like 1

Keep in mind I love dogs. Grew up in farmland, and hunted deer, elk, caribu, and black bear. Also, 6'4 and around 230#.

Having stated that, never been so scared in my life as u was roughly a month ago while walking down road at base of mountains outside hua hin.

Out of jungle, forest came a pack of soi dogs. They flat out appeared to want to eat me alive. Scared shitless. I first id'd alpha male as I've been taught and charged and growled at top of my lungs. Dam thing just got madder. Now only about 8-10 ft away. I looked around and by miracle, a large surveyors stake was across ditch. I jumped over, grabbed stake and came back out to road. Dogs surrounding me again but better than being in bushes.

Again, as I've read and been taught, I went after the large obvious alpha male, beating my club on ground, roaring like a frickun cave man. I'm telling ya, it just pissed him off more. I'll see those teeth till day I die as he snarled and growled, slowly tracking my every step and keeping just out of reach of my club. I finally slowly retreated, not turning my back for 300 meters as I left what I'm sure was "their turf"........

Would love advice on what you would do if this were to happen to you. I love to walk. Do 4-5 miles a day. Honestto God, never walked for two weeks after this encounter. Now, sadly avoid mountains and back to being main roads flatlander. I'm sure of only one thing. If I would have let that lead dog get a bite into me his pack would have taken me to the ground in seconds.

So...... Again, I'm big dude, stick, roaring, taking on lead dog all good but sure as hell did not scare this dog one bit. It was like he was losing face to his pack if he let me go. PS..... Good survival therapy just getting this of my chest. Truly scared me to death. Any advice on what I should have done different would be greatly appreciated.

If you can get a can of pepper spray, teargas spray or teargas gun you can go walking in their turf again.

You must take into consideration where the wind is going to, or choose a day when it isn't windy.

(Even a simple can of mosquito spray will do. Or a big syringe filled with gasoline.)


Appreciate advice but I'm no chicken sh.... By a long ways but I'm also not going back. Keeping in mind I love dogs....... I would take nothing short of two glocks w extra 15 round clips before I ventured back onto what this dog knows, feels is his turf.

As you noted, pepper spray great if wind is right, when though "in a dog fight" w enemy coming at you from 360 degrees and risk of blinding yourself, not a good option.

I am dead serious when I am still asking...... What would you have done...... Tragically. I have a good friend that spent two weeks visiting an older. 70'ish friend in hospital here who darn near was eaten alive by a totally different pack........ Crippled for life as calves torn to shreds.

That is reality, anyone who loves dogs, as I do..... Loves dogs....... These though are more like being hunting in Alaska and being attacked by a pack of wolves. Only problem of course is you have no gun. Only a stick.......and they sure as hell, trust me. Are not afraid of it.

Truly love to hear what others would do. "Both short term and long term"

For those that would call these family pets or strays, well all I can say is YOU HAVE NEVER RAN INTO A "REAL" PACK OF SOI DOGS.

  • Like 1

Appreciate advice but I'm no chicken sh.... By a long ways but I'm also not going back. Keeping in mind I love dogs....... I would take nothing short of two glocks w extra 15 round clips before I ventured back onto what this dog knows, feels is his turf.

As you noted, pepper spray great if wind is right, when though "in a dog fight" w enemy coming at you from 360 degrees and risk of blinding yourself, not a good option.

I am dead serious when I am still asking...... What would you have done...... Tragically. I have a good friend that spent two weeks visiting an older. 70'ish friend in hospital here who darn near was eaten alive by a totally different pack........ Crippled for life as calves torn to shreds.

That is reality, anyone who loves dogs, as I do..... Loves dogs....... These though are more like being hunting in Alaska and being attacked by a pack of wolves. Only problem of course is you have no gun. Only a stick.......and they sure as hell, trust me. Are not afraid of it.

Truly love to hear what others would do. "Both short term and long term"

For those that would call these family pets or strays, well all I can say is YOU HAVE NEVER RAN INTO A "REAL" PACK OF SOI DOGS.

May be the pack was hungry , take some snacks with you, it might do the trick , even just the cheapest dog biscuits or some pork bones

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I just stare hard at them and threaten them with,"Go away!".They then calm down and leave you alone.

But we should feel sorry for these dogs the way they are treated in Thailand. There seems to be animal hospitals everywhere but no help for these dogs. They just starve to death or die of a terrible illness. If everyone handed these stray dogs into some government run authority,they could be "put to sleep" and save a lot of suffering.

They dont put animals to sleep i nThailand,and one can hand in a dog to any Wat/temple.


Keep in mind I love dogs. Grew up in farmland, and hunted deer, elk, caribu, and black bear. Also, 6'4 and around 230#.

Having stated that, never been so scared in my life as u was roughly a month ago while walking down road at base of mountains outside hua hin.

Out of jungle, forest came a pack of soi dogs. They flat out appeared to want to eat me alive. Scared shitless. I first id'd alpha male as I've been taught and charged and growled at top of my lungs. Dam thing just got madder. Now only about 8-10 ft away. I looked around and by miracle, a large surveyors stake was across ditch. I jumped over, grabbed stake and came back out to road. Dogs surrounding me again but better than being in bushes.

Again, as I've read and been taught, I went after the large obvious alpha male, beating my club on ground, roaring like a frickun cave man. I'm telling ya, it just pissed him off more. I'll see those teeth till day I die as he snarled and growled, slowly tracking my every step and keeping just out of reach of my club. I finally slowly retreated, not turning my back for 300 meters as I left what I'm sure was "their turf"........

Would love advice on what you would do if this were to happen to you. I love to walk. Do 4-5 miles a day. Honestto God, never walked for two weeks after this encounter. Now, sadly avoid mountains and back to being main roads flatlander. I'm sure of only one thing. If I would have let that lead dog get a bite into me his pack would have taken me to the ground in seconds.

So...... Again, I'm big dude, stick, roaring, taking on lead dog all good but sure as hell did not scare this dog one bit. It was like he was losing face to his pack if he let me go. PS..... Good survival therapy just getting this of my chest. Truly scared me to death. Any advice on what I should have done different would be greatly appreciated.

Must have been a horrible experience.Had it twice but single dog each time,and that was mind blowing scary.I lost my voice for nearly 12 hours with screaming


Keep in mind I love dogs. Grew up in farmland, and hunted deer, elk, caribu, and black bear. Also, 6'4 and around 230#.

Having stated that, never been so scared in my life as u was roughly a month ago while walking down road at base of mountains outside hua hin.

Out of jungle, forest came a pack of soi dogs. They flat out appeared to want to eat me alive. Scared shitless. I first id'd alpha male as I've been taught and charged and growled at top of my lungs. Dam thing just got madder. Now only about 8-10 ft away. I looked around and by miracle, a large surveyors stake was across ditch. I jumped over, grabbed stake and came back out to road. Dogs surrounding me again but better than being in bushes.

Again, as I've read and been taught, I went after the large obvious alpha male, beating my club on ground, roaring like a frickun cave man. I'm telling ya, it just pissed him off more. I'll see those teeth till day I die as he snarled and growled, slowly tracking my every step and keeping just out of reach of my club. I finally slowly retreated, not turning my back for 300 meters as I left what I'm sure was "their turf"........

Would love advice on what you would do if this were to happen to you. I love to walk. Do 4-5 miles a day. Honestto God, never walked for two weeks after this encounter. Now, sadly avoid mountains and back to being main roads flatlander. I'm sure of only one thing. If I would have let that lead dog get a bite into me his pack would have taken me to the ground in seconds.

So...... Again, I'm big dude, stick, roaring, taking on lead dog all good but sure as hell did not scare this dog one bit. It was like he was losing face to his pack if he let me go. PS..... Good survival therapy just getting this of my chest. Truly scared me to death. Any advice on what I should have done different would be greatly appreciated.

Must have been a horrible experience.Had it twice but single dog each time,and that was mind blowing scary.I lost my voice for nearly 12 hours with screaming

Hope it was not high pitch female screaming, or the dog would loose the hearing for longer than 12 hourslaugh.png


dogs r a prob here in los ...the biggest hurdle is the effen do gooders .. glad u got away unbitten ...have personally seen several dog attacks over the years ....mate witnessed the attack on the tourist in jomtien several years back ....he died of his injuries ....




And sorry to hear it has happened to others...... But I know it has and suspect many more that not want to admit it for fear of tree hugger types not wanting to admit it even happens.

For those I can only pray it not happen to them as they short on moxey and would be eaten alive as they tried to make friends w what is truly a fricken wild animal. To pretend or want to believe they are simply a stray dog that needs, wants some dog biscuits is crazy. Again, I know this works if stray dog just hungry but I promise, these are "not" simply stray dogs. They are territorial wild animals and again, to think otherwise is to only show ignorance that they exist. I hate to imagine if I was a woman and or child coming up the road. I sure as hell would not tell them to throw them dog food.

Question still remains unanswered, just what the hell would you do. Both short and long term. I truly ask both w all sincerity.


Hi Sawadeka,

I sympathise and I'd like to hear an answer too.

A few weeks ago I found myself in a similar, though much less extreme situation than yours, on the campus of Chiang Mai University. It was holiday, so there were few Thai students/teachers around the campus and I'd gone for a walk. Then, near the engineering faculty a couple of dogs from a pack saw me and soon afterwards another 3 or 4 joined them. Growling, barking, in running and then stalking posture. I tried to walk calmly away, while trying to find a fallen branch with which to defend myself and found a fairly weak one.

The pack got to within about 10 yards, but then fortunately their territory seemed to stop and they lost interest. I got away.

As usual on this forum there are the morons who post their facetious replies, but this is a serious warning to you who think this is such a safe country: well, it is so long as you realise the dangers out there. Remember that dogs were basically wolves at some point in the past.

I own a heavy walking stick and I might be taking that out next time. I wish I still had my old rifle!


get a bb gun with ceramic pellets , works a treat , they wont come near u again ...... stings like hell for a while ......

  • Like 1

Keep in mind I love dogs. Grew up in farmland, and hunted deer, elk, caribu, and black bear. Also, 6'4 and around 230#.

Having stated that, never been so scared in my life as u was roughly a month ago while walking down road at base of mountains outside hua hin.

Out of jungle, forest came a pack of soi dogs. They flat out appeared to want to eat me alive. Scared shitless. I first id'd alpha male as I've been taught and charged and growled at top of my lungs. Dam thing just got madder. Now only about 8-10 ft away. I looked around and by miracle, a large surveyors stake was across ditch. I jumped over, grabbed stake and came back out to road. Dogs surrounding me again but better than being in bushes.

Again, as I've read and been taught, I went after the large obvious alpha male, beating my club on ground, roaring like a frickun cave man. I'm telling ya, it just pissed him off more. I'll see those teeth till day I die as he snarled and growled, slowly tracking my every step and keeping just out of reach of my club. I finally slowly retreated, not turning my back for 300 meters as I left what I'm sure was "their turf"........

Would love advice on what you would do if this were to happen to you. I love to walk. Do 4-5 miles a day. Honestto God, never walked for two weeks after this encounter. Now, sadly avoid mountains and back to being main roads flatlander. I'm sure of only one thing. If I would have let that lead dog get a bite into me his pack would have taken me to the ground in seconds.

So...... Again, I'm big dude, stick, roaring, taking on lead dog all good but sure as hell did not scare this dog one bit. It was like he was losing face to his pack if he let me go. PS..... Good survival therapy just getting this of my chest. Truly scared me to death. Any advice on what I should have done different would be greatly appreciated.


Keep in mind I love dogs. Grew up in farmland, and hunted deer, elk, caribu, and black bear. Also, 6'4 and around 230#.

Having stated that, never been so scared in my life as u was roughly a month ago while walking down road at base of mountains outside hua hin.

Out of jungle, forest came a pack of soi dogs. They flat out appeared to want to eat me alive. Scared shitless. I first id'd alpha male as I've been taught and charged and growled at top of my lungs. Dam thing just got madder. Now only about 8-10 ft away. I looked around and by miracle, a large surveyors stake was across ditch. I jumped over, grabbed stake and came back out to road. Dogs surrounding me again but better than being in bushes.

Again, as I've read and been taught, I went after the large obvious alpha male, beating my club on ground, roaring like a frickun cave man. I'm telling ya, it just pissed him off more. I'll see those teeth till day I die as he snarled and growled, slowly tracking my every step and keeping just out of reach of my club. I finally slowly retreated, not turning my back for 300 meters as I left what I'm sure was "their turf"........

Would love advice on what you would do if this were to happen to you. I love to walk. Do 4-5 miles a day. Honestto God, never walked for two weeks after this encounter. Now, sadly avoid mountains and back to being main roads flatlander. I'm sure of only one thing. If I would have let that lead dog get a bite into me his pack would have taken me to the ground in seconds.

So...... Again, I'm big dude, stick, roaring, taking on lead dog all good but sure as hell did not scare this dog one bit. It was like he was losing face to his pack if he let me go. PS..... Good survival therapy just getting this of my chest. Truly scared me to death. Any advice on what I should have done different would be greatly appreciated.

I used to carry a small spray bottle with Dettol in it, give them a quick spray around the eyes and no more problems, does them no permanent harm, stings a bit as it does us, might even help with a few of the virus's around the head area, also used to carry it on my pushie....


Been bitten on two occasions here. First time was on bike in Bang Saen, second was walking past a bitch I had passed many times. Perhaps it was that I smelled differently, as was in final stages of recovering from Dengue fever? Not fun. Rocks are good, and just bending over like to pick one up sometimes can send them the message. And can do from a distance. Luckily I am from the land of baseball, where we do learn to throw fairly well as boys.



Great one, made me laugh, I also from land of football. Basketball, baseball. Can still throw a football fifty yds and was a pitcher in baseball. Sadly no boulders around or I would have gone for the cave its head in attempt.

What really bothered me was when I picked up and started beating ground w large surveyors stake it had the affect of only making him more aggressive. Sadly, all I could or can think is that beast had taken on a man w a club and won. It's the only thing that makes sense. It just pissed him off. Flat out enraged him even more.

Someone suggested a bb gun w pellets. W all sincerity, nu one, thanks and appreciate all great advice but nu two, unless I managed to take out an eye on first shot. I suspect this animal was going nowhere. Nu three, is it even legal. Been here several yrs and not know anyone carrying a gun? Keep in mind I sure as heck can handle one. Just not want problems of obvious kind if not legal. I can empty a 15 round glock in 6 seconds and reload in 2. As noted prior, I would still want one in each hand to knock back this pack. Guessing not to politically correct though and of course not legal. .


you can buy BB guns in many places , Phuket in particular , my mate has two pistols that look like the real thing , gas filled , all sorts of different models ...we carried them in our rear luggage packs on the Harley , just in case ..we had an altercation, with an irate machete waving ,pickup driver once ....we only use them after a few beers for target practice and a bit of fun ... but i can assure you they hurt and have some serious accuracy .... legal ? who cares? i would rather give the dog a welt it will never forget than be in the hospital ......


Appreciate advice but I'm no chicken sh.... By a long ways but I'm also not going back. Keeping in mind I love dogs....... I would take nothing short of two glocks w extra 15 round clips before I ventured back onto what this dog knows, feels is his turf.

As you noted, pepper spray great if wind is right, when though "in a dog fight" w enemy coming at you from 360 degrees and risk of blinding yourself, not a good option.

I am dead serious when I am still asking...... What would you have done...... Tragically. I have a good friend that spent two weeks visiting an older. 70'ish friend in hospital here who darn near was eaten alive by a totally different pack........ Crippled for life as calves torn to shreds.

That is reality, anyone who loves dogs, as I do..... Loves dogs....... These though are more like being hunting in Alaska and being attacked by a pack of wolves. Only problem of course is you have no gun. Only a stick.......and they sure as hell, trust me. Are not afraid of it.

Truly love to hear what others would do. "Both short term and long term"

For those that would call these family pets or strays, well all I can say is YOU HAVE NEVER RAN INTO A "REAL" PACK OF SOI DOGS.

i think you did what one could pretty much.

i had in a city enviroment encounter with pack of dogs, and it can get real scarry real quick...and yes, i am and was a dog owner since child.

what i do, apart from a stick ( if if there is no stick) i try some stones, the larger the better...this simple weapon helps keep a bigger distance than a stick, usually.

well aimed can take out the fight from most dogs about up to 8-10m away, and spare you getting them stick lenght.

luckily there is almost always something to throw..if not stone something else.


For the nuisance bike chasers, I have a water pistol loaded with 50/50 water and vinegar. A squirt in the face does wonders. (Water pistol stored in a way as to not leak, and kept in a plastic bag in case it does.

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