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On Rambutans and Rain


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I love Rambutans, those furry little fruit characters are good ! Recently we've had truckloads on the side of the road, I'm good for about a kilo a day. Typically 30thb a kilo, love em. Only problem, sometimes the seed remnants get stuck between the teeth, good reminder to floss regularly.

Had it with this rain. Burnt out on the wet. Looking out right now, raining. Is this not the rainiest rainy season we've had in some time? Dams should be dam full no? Water through high season no drought this coming season, right?

Eating some Rambutans and staying out of the rain.

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I prefer mangosteens and rain over hot and humid...

Mangosteens tend to be too sour for me.

And actually the anti-oxidents that they claim make the fruit the cancer fighter is in the skin. Jimi, do you eat the skins? I guess you're suppose to smoothy them up with other stuf.

Nahhhh rambutans this time of year sweet and good, get some.

Agree with you on May-April hot & humid, but otherwise prefer the late December into mid-May sun and semi dry to this nonsense we've had the last six weeks.

Today is nice though !!! HOOORAY

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I got bored of the constant rain.. googled 'reverse rain dance' .. and there was 2 million hits. I guess few others feel the same as well.

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Rainy season is my favorite, Everything is at maximum lush.

Rambutans are quite popular at my place but I prefer lychess and mangosteens.

It's not that I don't like the rainy season, it's just at this point I'm tired of the rain.

Seems it's been more than usual, no? I mean, usually July is a pretty good month sun-wise, but this year, no.

Just hope our water management geniuses are saving it up. Get to Songkran and declare drought, that one always confuses me.....

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Rainy season is my favorite, Everything is at maximum lush.

Rambutans are quite popular at my place but I prefer lychess and mangosteens.

It's not that I don't like the rainy season, it's just at this point I'm tired of the rain.

Seems it's been more than usual, no? I mean, usually July is a pretty good month sun-wise, but this year, no.

Just hope our water management geniuses are saving it up. Get to Songkran and declare drought, that one always confuses me.....

July wasn't bad and August is good too. Lots of sun, you just have to count a rainshower or 2 into your plans, especially late afternoon and evening.

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It's beautiful today, but next time the rain gets you down try the following recipe, which I call 'monsoon stew'.


btw, does anyone know of a good bakery for baguettes in Phuket Town? The ones at Tops supermarket are tougher than leather, and this stew really needs to be eaten with bread...(No, I don't want to go to Chalong or Rawai or anywhere along the bypass road)

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I remember once eating a bag of rambutans with my GF in a park. There was a monkey up a tree watching us very closely. The GF pointed it out and said it wants our food. We had been putting the empty skins back in the bag as we ate them. Once finished I said watch this and we turned our back on the bag of skins and the monkey. It was down and back up the tree with the bag in a millisecond.

Watching that monkey pull out empty skin after empty skin had me in stiches. I could see the monkey getting more and more angry, it even glared at us and you could tell it knew we had tricked it. One of those you had to be there moments but I still chuckle to myself when I think about it.

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It's beautiful today, but next time the rain gets you down try the following recipe, which I call 'monsoon stew'.


btw, does anyone know of a good bakery for baguettes in Phuket Town? The ones at Tops supermarket are tougher than leather, and this stew really needs to be eaten with bread...(No, I don't want to go to Chalong or Rawai or anywhere along the bypass road)

You could try Sacs Bakery on Chao Fa West.

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I paid 25b a kilo for 2 kilos yesterday.

Unknown to me, at the same time, my GF also bought 2 kilos at Kata for 30B a kilo, 50b for 2 kilos.

Same result, but with mine, I saw the trees they came from at the place I bought them.

Yes, truck I went by today had them at 4 kilos for 100thb.

Thats just too many at one time for me, so KB, I'll suck up getting ripped off 5 or 10 baht for just one kilo, quite o.k. really, won't ruin my day.

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Rainy season is my favorite, Everything is at maximum lush.

Rambutans are quite popular at my place but I prefer lychess and mangosteens.

It's not that I don't like the rainy season, it's just at this point I'm tired of the rain.

Seems it's been more than usual, no? I mean, usually July is a pretty good month sun-wise, but this year, no.

Just hope our water management geniuses are saving it up. Get to Songkran and declare drought, that one always confuses me.....

July wasn't bad and August is good too. Lots of sun, you just have to count a rainshower or 2 into your plans, especially late afternoon and evening.

I hope this isn't as bad as it sounds...


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Rainy season is my favorite, Everything is at maximum lush.

Rambutans are quite popular at my place but I prefer lychess and mangosteens.

It's not that I don't like the rainy season, it's just at this point I'm tired of the rain.

Seems it's been more than usual, no? I mean, usually July is a pretty good month sun-wise, but this year, no.

Just hope our water management geniuses are saving it up. Get to Songkran and declare drought, that one always confuses me.....

July wasn't bad and August is good too. Lots of sun, you just have to count a rainshower or 2 into your plans, especially late afternoon and evening.

I hope this isn't as bad as it sounds...


They're never right in their forecasts.

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50B for 3kg next to heroines monument. The sellers offered their about 15kg son as free of charge, but knowing my lack of cooking skills, I decided to decline the offer.

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50B for 3kg next to heroines monument. The sellers offered their about 15kg son as free of charge, but knowing my lack of cooking skills, I decided to decline the offer.

I've found the ones (and oilinki could hook this to your other thread "what I learned")that are still attached to the branches and sold in bushels tend to be the tastiest.

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I've found the ones (and oilinki could hook this to your other thread "what I learned")that are still attached to the branches and sold in bushels tend to be the tastiest.

I like them the same way, but for me is mainly visual reasons.

Normally I put the rambutans to the fridge, which makes the fruit nice and cool.

The other thread is generic one. Add your own learning :)

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