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Police looking for English speaking interpreters


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Police interpreter: They want to know if you use LINE.

Me: No!

Police interpreter: Do you click LIKE button on Facebook

Me: NO, hate facebook

Police interpreter: They want to know if you are mentally ill

Me: Yes, me psycho falang maidee, never shower.

Police interpreter: Ok, they say you normal. Thank you. You can go home now to your girlfriend. biggrin.png

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Beware the police are renowned to chat up falang wives do not think it is worth the hassels ( of couse my wife would never stray with a man in a uniform :) )

Maybe if they offered to pay for the taxi fares to and from the police station along with 500 bhat minimum an hour then they may get he right people.

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Hubby of my wife's favorite cousin is a Senior Sergeant Major. Twice in the past 5 years I've been stopped and hassled. Both times I simply took out the phone, called him, told him, "I need a little help." hand the phone to the nearest, highest ranking officer. There is a short conversation, the phone is handed back with a smile, a wa, and "have a good day, Sir," or "ok, you can go".


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As 'farangs' we get discriminated against daily by the Thai Police and people want to send their 'partners' down there to assist them - <deleted> that!!

In all the 20 years that I have been coming to Thailand and living here I don't think I have ever been discriminated against by the police or anybody else foe that matter.

I must live in a different Thailand to you.

. Or you could simply be oblivious to the facts
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Hubby of my wife's favorite cousin is a Senior Sergeant Major. Twice in the past 5 years I've been stopped and hassled. Both times I simply took out the phone, called him, told him, "I need a little help." hand the phone to the nearest, highest ranking officer. There is a short conversation, the phone is handed back with a smile, a wa, and "have a good day, Sir," or "ok, you can go".


I presume you are against bribery and favouritism?

Guessed so.

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Police interpreter: They want to know if you use LINE.

Me: No!

Police interpreter: Do you click LIKE button on Facebook

Me: NO, hate facebook

Police interpreter: They want to know if you are mentally ill

Me: Yes, me psycho falang maidee, never shower.

Police interpreter: Ok, they say you normal. Thank you. You can go home now to your girlfriend. biggrin.png

Grow up!

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Police interpreter: They want to know if you use LINE.

Me: No!

Police interpreter: Do you click LIKE button on Facebook

Me: NO, hate facebook

Police interpreter: They want to know if you are mentally ill

Me: Yes, me psycho falang maidee, never shower.

Police interpreter: Ok, they say you normal. Thank you. You can go home now to your girlfriend. biggrin.png

On admitting to being mentally unwell, you would have been locked up until deported.

Foreigners with mental illness = instant deportation.

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Hubby of my wife's favorite cousin is a Senior Sergeant Major. Twice in the past 5 years I've been stopped and hassled. Both times I simply took out the phone, called him, told him, "I need a little help." hand the phone to the nearest, highest ranking officer. There is a short conversation, the phone is handed back with a smile, a wa, and "have a good day, Sir," or "ok, you can go".


I don't believe there is any such rank in the Thai police force.

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As 'farangs' we get discriminated against daily by the Thai Police and people want to send their 'partners' down there to assist them - <deleted> that!!

In all the 20 years that I have been coming to Thailand and living here I don't think I have ever been discriminated against by the police or anybody else foe that matter.

I must live in a different Thailand to you.

. Or you could simply be oblivious to the facts

What facts?

The poster said as farangs we get discriminated aghainst daily.

Any quotes, pointers to where he gets his "hard facts" from?

Is there ANY reference to anything at all or was it just his opinion.

I gave my opinion as it applies to me. I didn't imply that all the farangs have the same experience as me which is what the poster did, nor did I qoute any facts, just my experience.

How do you figure that I am oblivious to the facts.

Give me the facts, references, quotes, posts, in fact show where what the poster said is true and perhaps then I will believe you.

How many farangs are in Thailand? Get a survey of perhaps 20% ALL across the country and publish the results and THEN tell me.

Until then please get YOUR facts correct before posting.

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Police interpreter: They want to know if you use LINE.

Me: No!

Police interpreter: Do you click LIKE button on Facebook

Me: NO, hate facebook

Police interpreter: They want to know if you are mentally ill

Me: Yes, me psycho falang maidee, never shower.

Police interpreter: Ok, they say you normal. Thank you. You can go home now to your girlfriend. biggrin.png

I hope you were drunk or on acid when you wrote that.- Honestly.-wai2.gif

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how to get info on this recruitment?

One of wifeys friends, a police officer, called her and told her of the scheme. Sorry no further details on paper but would suggest a visit to your local station who hopefully can provide more info.

Sent from my GT-I9003 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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As 'farangs' we get discriminated against daily by the Thai Police and people want to send their 'partners' down there to assist them - <deleted> that!!

In all the 20 years that I have been coming to Thailand and living here I don't think I have ever been discriminated against by the police or anybody else foe that matter.

I must live in a different Thailand to you.

I live here, in North of Thailand, for more than 3 years and NEVER had a problem with the police, all the contrary.....but I believe that if you are doing something wrong and not willing to "donate" a few notes....or pay the fine.....you will get in trouble......like in any other country

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Senior Sergeant Major is the highest non-commisioned rank, they're the ones with the little emblem of two crossed machetes on their shoulders.

I actually did a little informal interpreting at the police station in my girlfriend's town one time. Her dad is a police officer. Some 19 year old Russian guy who looked like he hadn't had a bath or a shower in about a week wandered into the police station late one night and nobody could figure out what he wanted, so they asked me to come talk to him. Apparently he was there on holiday, he had been staying with his mom in Bangkok, got bored, and had simply walked some 60-80 km with no real destination in mind. He didn't want to file any sort of complaint, but he had no money and wanted to know if he could sleep at the police station for the night. They gave him some soap and a change of clothes, a little bit of 7-11 food, and let him sleep there the night. I guess in the morning he walked back towards Bangkok. We offered to stick him in a van but he would have none of it.

Of course, i was promptly arrested for working as a police interpreter without the correct work permit.

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As 'farangs' we get discriminated against daily by the Thai Police and people want to send their 'partners' down there to assist them - <deleted> that!!

Speak for yourself,I in no way feel discriminated against daily,two or three times a year maybe yes.

Ok, so you 2 or 3 times a year, multiply this by the other 'long term farangs' that stay here and ( we - as in 'farangs' ) get discriminated against daily as originally said.

Police here are scumbags - that's the bottom line.

Only way that catch any criminals at all in this country is through grass's - also scumbags.

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Police interpreter: They want to know if you use LINE.

Me: No!

Police interpreter: Do you click LIKE button on Facebook

Me: NO, hate facebook

Police interpreter: They want to know if you are mentally ill

Me: Yes, me psycho falang maidee, never shower.

Police interpreter: Ok, they say you normal. Thank you. You can go home now to your girlfriend. biggrin.png

I hope you were drunk or on acid when you wrote that.- Honestly.-wai2.gif

LOL. You and the other guy. You have to be drunk to have a sense of humour? Really? LOL

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As 'farangs' we get discriminated against daily by the Thai Police and people want to send their 'partners' down there to assist them - <deleted> that!!

In all the 20 years that I have been coming to Thailand and living here I don't think I have ever been discriminated against by the police or anybody else foe that matter.

I must live in a different Thailand to you.

. Or you could simply be oblivious to the facts

Some people look for discrimination in everything they do and everywhere they go

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As 'farangs' we get discriminated against daily by the Thai Police and people want to send their 'partners' down there to assist them - <deleted> that!!

In all the 20 years that I have been coming to Thailand and living here I don't think I have ever been discriminated against by the police or anybody else foe that matter.

I must live in a different Thailand to you.

Your right chum. smile.png

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