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Police looking for English speaking interpreters


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Wasn't there a posting awhile back on the news that the police were given funding to learn English and this was going to be accomplished in 6 months? For ASEAN of course!

For you and the OPs information ASEAN ( Association of Southeast Asia Nations ) was founded in 1967 over 40 years ago,

you are I think confusing ASEAN with AEC ( ASEAN Economic Community ) which is scheduled to come into being in 2015.


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In 2005, I visited koh chang, every other police man I ran across asked to have a picture with me. They all had cameras, my then wife obliged them and took most of the pictures.

On the Pontu boat leaving the island, there more of them asking for pictures, this time my wife will snap with theirs then with ours. I had more police in my pics than with my wife.

They probably thought I was a star athlete or a movie star, being black, well built and with a swagger.

Most cops I met in 13 years there were all decent enough to me. Except one that fined me 1000 for speeding and wrote 200 where they write amount in words.

Edited by MegaRanter
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The Government program (stimulated by Asean - AEC) to increase English language skills in the police force and in immigration was announced in a news article published here on TV several months ago. The announcement did not speak of Interpreters, but to jump start an English language capability in the police department it would seem to be compatible with the announcement. I understood the article to mean finding select personnel to sent to language schools. Also I believe the article spoke of other languages - not sure which ones ... I can't find the specific article I speak of - but here are three similar ones...




Edited by JDGRUEN
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The Government program (stimulated by Asean - AEC) to increase English language skills in the police force and in immigration was announced in a news article published here on TV several months ago. The announcement did not speak of Interpreters, but to jump start an English language capability in the police department it would seem to be compatible with the announcement. I understood the article to mean finding select personnel to sent to language schools. Also I believe the article spoke of other languages - not sure which ones ... I can't find the specific article I speak of - but here are three similar ones...




At the Rajabhat University in my Province, we recently trained selected police in English skills for ASEAN and we are following up with a training DVD to be distributed to the police stations in the area.

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In 2005, I visited koh chang, every other police man I ran across asked to have a picture with me. They all had cameras, my then wife obliged them and took most of the pictures.

On the Pontu boat leaving the island, there more of them asking for pictures, this time my wife will snap with theirs then with ours. I had more police in my pics than with my wife.

They probably thought I was a star athlete or a movie star, being black, well built and with a swagger.

Most cops I met in 13 years there were all decent enough to me. Except one that fined me 1000 for speeding and wrote 200 where they write amount in words.

You will have to fight many of us for photo with a cop of the year award. coffee1.gif .............................laugh.png

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As 'farangs' we get discriminated against daily by the Thai Police and people want to send their 'partners' down there to assist them - <deleted> that!!

In all the 20 years that I have been coming to Thailand and living here I don't think I have ever been discriminated against by the police or anybody else foe that matter.

I must live in a different Thailand to you

Agreed, I haven't experienced discrimination rom the BIB, often the opposite. They generally though are consistent on collecting tea money - from everybody.

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As 'farangs' we get discriminated against daily by the Thai Police and people want to send their 'partners' down there to assist them - <deleted> that!!

Speak for yourself,I in no way feel discriminated against daily,two or three times a year maybe yes.


Ok, so you 2 or 3 times a year, multiply this by the other 'long term farangs' that stay here and ( we - as in 'farangs' ) get discriminated against daily as originally said.


Police here are scumbags - that's the bottom line.


Only way that catch any criminals at all in this country is through grass's - also scumbags.

Presumably if your house was burgled or maybe car or motorcycle stolen you wouldn't want anyone to give the police any relevant information as to who the thief was because they're scum.

I worked for the police back in the UK and many crimes were solved with the help of the public. They weren't scum but a useful part of a civilised society.

Sent from my GT-I9003 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Hubby of my wife's favorite cousin is a Senior Sergeant Major. Twice in the past 5 years I've been stopped and hassled. Both times I simply took out the phone, called him, told him, "I need a little help." hand the phone to the nearest, highest ranking officer. There is a short conversation, the phone is handed back with a smile, a wa, and "have a good day, Sir," or "ok, you can go".


I don't believe there is any such rank in the Thai police force.

Yes there is such a rank, it's a non-commissioned officer. In thai it is dap tamruat.

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Hubby of my wife's favorite cousin is a Senior Sergeant Major. Twice in the past 5 years I've been stopped and hassled. Both times I simply took out the phone, called him, told him, "I need a little help." hand the phone to the nearest, highest ranking officer. There is a short conversation, the phone is handed back with a smile, a wa, and "have a good day, Sir," or "ok, you can go".


I don't believe there is any such rank in the Thai police force.


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In 2005, I visited koh chang, every other police man I ran across asked to have a picture with me. They all had cameras, my then wife obliged them and took most of the pictures.

On the Pontu boat leaving the island, there more of them asking for pictures, this time my wife will snap with theirs then with ours. I had more police in my pics than with my wife.

They probably thought I was a star athlete or a movie star, being black, well built and with a swagger.

Most cops I met in 13 years there were all decent enough to me. Except one that fined me 1000 for speeding and wrote 200 where they write amount in words.

Oh dear........................ very tempted but managed to get control of myself.

Great story mate!

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As 'farangs' we get discriminated against daily by the Thai Police and people want to send their 'partners' down there to assist them - <deleted> that!!

In all the 20 years that I have been coming to Thailand and living here I don't think I have ever been discriminated against by the police or anybody else foe that matter.

I must live in a different Thailand to you.

Be reassured you are not alone in "your Thailand"biggrin.png

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As 'farangs' we get discriminated against daily by the Thai Police and people want to send their 'partners' down there to assist them - <deleted> that!!

I certainly am not discriminated against. Quite the opposite actually.

I remember in 1998 teaching policemen English before the Asian games, they said that all policemen should understand basic English.

More recently, I was asked to help the CSD as there was a lot of problems with farang criminals in Isarn.

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There are many to be found among retirees. I have a friend who retired here decades ago and his Thai - speaking & reading is better than most Thais, but as a 'retiree' he cannot work, so the Police cannot use him.

The old Immigration Website claimed there are 6 million foreigners in Thailand on long term visas. A large percentage have been here for decades and speak Thai.

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I know things happen, the same as any country where government workers receive little pay, and sometimes

where they are paid good pay. I have probably been treated better than the average Thai, Not any worse,

I am a farang.

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As 'farangs' we get discriminated against daily by the Thai Police and people want to send their 'partners' down there to assist them - <deleted> that!!

Hmm. Well, if you saw what walks around on Bangla Rd. in Patong, you might be more understanding.

Personally, I wish they would discriminate at the immigration desk when the scum arrive and send tem back on the next flight.

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As 'farangs' we get discriminated against daily by the Thai Police and people want to send their 'partners' down there to assist them - <deleted> that!!

Speak for yourself,I in no way feel discriminated against daily,two or three times a year maybe yes.

Ok, so you 2 or 3 times a year, multiply this by the other 'long term farangs' that stay here and ( we - as in 'farangs' ) get discriminated against daily as originally said.

Police here are scumbags - that's the bottom line.

Only way that catch any criminals at all in this country is through grass's - also scumbags.

OK if police are scumbags many tourists in LOS are scumbags too bah.gif probably more in % than tourists in any other countries facepalm.gif

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Hubby of my wife's favorite cousin is a Senior Sergeant Major. Twice in the past 5 years I've been stopped and hassled. Both times I simply took out the phone, called him, told him, "I need a little help." hand the phone to the nearest, highest ranking officer. There is a short conversation, the phone is handed back with a smile, a wa, and "have a good day, Sir," or "ok, you can go".


I don't believe there is any such rank in the Thai police force.

It's easy enough to verify that the rank indeed exists before venturing out on one foot...

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I have been treated very well by the local police since moving here about two years ago.

I live in a very rural, farm area in north east Thailand where there are very few farangs.

I'm guestimating about 10 of us within a 50 km circle..

Not the rude eurocentric, egotistical farangs of Bangkok, Pattaya, Phuket and so on.

Most are here do to marriage to a Thai and try to respect the local customs and people.

I've had higher ranking police buy me lunch and beers in a cafe, for no real reason except to be friendly.

The same officer recently asked me to help teach English to his men. at a very good rate of pay.

I've had police officers insist I join them at parties I have not been invited to and then had them poor whiskey for me and offer to take back stage

photos of the dancers for me!

I'll admit that I once paid a fine for no helmet and one for no DL, but I consider both fines warranted and reasonable.

Most police I have met here seem so be pleased to meet a foreigner who is respectful and considerate.

I think the way you are treated by Thai police has a lot too do with how you behave and respect their culture and has a lot to do with the number of farang scum bags in your area and how they have behaved in the past..

If you have a problem with Thai police, maybe you are the problem!

Or maybe you are just in the farang tainted part of Thailand.

Edited by willyumiii
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Anyone have any further information on this? All provinces?

I live in Roi Et Province. Have been coming to Thailand for 16 years or so and have not been discriminated against the few times I've been stopped, usually when driving.

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As 'farangs' we get discriminated against daily by the Thai Police and people want to send their 'partners' down there to assist them - <deleted> that!!

Speak for yourself,I in no way feel discriminated against daily,two or three times a year maybe yes.

Ok, so you 2 or 3 times a year, multiply this by the other 'long term farangs' that stay here and ( we - as in 'farangs' ) get discriminated against daily as originally said.

Police here are scumbags - that's the bottom line.

Only way that catch any criminals at all in this country is through grass's - also scumbags.

It takes one to know one!

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As 'farangs' we get discriminated against daily by the Thai Police and people want to send their 'partners' down there to assist them - <deleted> that!!

Speak for yourself,I in no way feel discriminated against daily,two or three times a year maybe yes.

Ok, so you 2 or 3 times a year, multiply this by the other 'long term farangs' that stay here and ( we - as in 'farangs' ) get discriminated against daily as originally said.

Police here are scumbags - that's the bottom line.

Only way that catch any criminals at all in this country is through grass's - also scumbags.

Presumably if your house was burgled or maybe car or motorcycle stolen you wouldn't want anyone to give the police any relevant information as to who the thief was because they're scum.

I worked for the police back in the UK and many crimes were solved with the help of the public. They weren't scum but a useful part of a civilised society.

Sent from my GT-I9003 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Was broken into here several years back, know what the police did.......SFA

Had a motorbike stolen, know what the police did......SFA

Know what help we got from the public......SFA

The grasses don't do it here for the good of the public, they do it for cash. If they thought they could make 20 baht selling Grandpa Somboon then guess wot, he'd get sold

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In 2005, I visited koh chang, every other police man I ran across asked to have a picture with me. They all had cameras, my then wife obliged them and took most of the pictures.

On the Pontu boat leaving the island, there more of them asking for pictures, this time my wife will snap with theirs then with ours. I had more police in my pics than with my wife.

They probably thought I was a star athlete or a movie star, being black, well built and with a swagger.

Most cops I met in 13 years there were all decent enough to me. Except one that fined me 1000 for speeding and wrote 200 where they write amount in words.

Oh dear........................ very tempted but managed to get control of myself.

Great story mate!

nice way to get mug shots without you knowing smile.png

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Police interpreter: They want to know if you use LINE.

Me: No!

Police interpreter: Do you click LIKE button on Facebook

Me: NO, hate facebook

Police interpreter: They want to know if you are mentally ill

Me: Yes, me psycho falang maidee, never shower.

Police interpreter: Ok, they say you normal. Thank you. You can go home now to your girlfriend. biggrin.png

Working with law people, the court( in a North-eastern province) invited me to interpret for 1 hour in the court room, they paid me 2,000 baht...truly.......tongue.png .

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Police interpreter: They want to know if you use LINE.

Me: No!

Police interpreter: Do you click LIKE button on Facebook

Me: NO, hate facebook

Police interpreter: They want to know if you are mentally ill

Me: Yes, me psycho falang maidee, never shower.

Police interpreter: Ok, they say you normal. Thank you. You can go home now to your girlfriend. biggrin.png

Working with law people, the court( in a North-eastern province) invited me to interpret for 1 hour in the court room, they paid me 2,000 baht...truly.......tongue.png .

Blimey, you speak Thai ? I need a job like that. thumbsup.gif

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As 'farangs' we get discriminated against daily by the Thai Police and people want to send their 'partners' down there to assist them - <deleted> that!!
Speak for yourself,I in no way feel discriminated against daily,two or three times a year maybe yes.



Ok, so you 2 or 3 times a year, multiply this by the other 'long term farangs' that stay here and ( we - as in 'farangs' ) get discriminated against daily as originally said.


Police here are scumbags - that's the bottom line.


Only way that catch any criminals at all in this country is through grass's - also scumbags.


Presumably if your house was burgled or maybe car or motorcycle stolen you wouldn't want anyone to give the police any relevant information as to who the thief was because they're scum.

I worked for the police back in the UK and many crimes were solved with the help of the public. They weren't scum but a useful part of a civilised society.

Sent from my GT-I9003 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app


Was broken into here several years back, know what the police did.......SFA


Had a motorbike stolen, know what the police did......SFA


Know what help we got from the public......SFA


The grasses don't do it here for the good of the public, they do it for cash. If they thought they could make 20 baht selling Grandpa Somboon then guess wot, he'd get sold

We had a breakin about 18 months ago too. Police came out and dusted for fingerprints, even had a visit from the head cop at the local station. A few months later had a letter from him that unfortunately the prints yielded no matches.

People in the village were very sympathetic and offered police a few leads with no prompting or offer of reward.

Shame that you're so cynical about people offering information as my experience is far different to yours in that there are many decent citizens here trying to do something to cut the crime.

Sent from my GT-I9003 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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  • 3 weeks later...

I have to agree with all the positive statements about about the Thai police. I stayed in Udon Thani for many years and in any of the dealings I had with the police, ie., roadside checks, I found the police very polite and accomodating and I'm not the easiest person to deal with at times. I have never felt intimidated whatsoever by the police, wherever I've been in Thailand.

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Hubby of my wife's favorite cousin is a Senior Sergeant Major. Twice in the past 5 years I've been stopped and hassled. Both times I simply took out the phone, called him, told him, "I need a little help." hand the phone to the nearest, highest ranking officer. There is a short conversation, the phone is handed back with a smile, a wa, and "have a good day, Sir," or "ok, you can go".

Posted Image

A lowly sgt major? Not even an officer? You better not be counting on much help should you ever get into any real trouble.

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As 'farangs' we get discriminated against daily by the Thai Police and people want to send their 'partners' down there to assist them - <deleted> that!!

Hmm. Well, if you saw what walks around on Bangla Rd. in Patong, you might be more understanding.

Personally, I wish they would discriminate at the immigration desk when the scum arrive and send tem back on the next flight.

I saw them recently on Bangla. Won't be back.

I tend to avoid the police if I can but if I'm stood next to one at a road crossing or, as happened a couple of months ago they were in my hotel corridor as a farang had trashed his room, I generally smile but say nothing.

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As 'farangs' we get discriminated against daily by the Thai Police and people want to send their 'partners' down there to assist them - <deleted> that!!

In all the 20 years that I have been coming to Thailand and living here I don't think I have ever been discriminated against by the police or anybody else foe that matter.

I must live in a different Thailand to you.

. Or you could simply be oblivious to the facts

What facts?

The poster said as farangs we get discriminated aghainst daily.

Any quotes, pointers to where he gets his "hard facts" from?

Is there ANY reference to anything at all or was it just his opinion.

I gave my opinion as it applies to me. I didn't imply that all the farangs have the same experience as me which is what the poster did, nor did I qoute any facts, just my experience.

How do you figure that I am oblivious to the facts.

Give me the facts, references, quotes, posts, in fact show where what the poster said is true and perhaps then I will believe you.

How many farangs are in Thailand? Get a survey of perhaps 20% ALL across the country and publish the results and THEN tell me.

Until then please get YOUR facts correct before posting.

I suppose he ignores the fact what an obnoxious trolling meany look he has and just attributes it to the fact that he's a farang and the police are racist something that some black ppl in america like to use.

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