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British actress Emma Thompson among invitees to reform talks in Thailand


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I guess the question is: <deleted> does she know about Thailand? You gotta live here to be remotely knowledgeable about local issues.

She's not here to understand Thailand, she's here coz she understands human rights.

That's good then, when she's here she can demand that there is a full trial put in place for all those that were involved in the 2004 drug massacres. That will include Taksin of course.

She can ask Thailand to explain why the Rohingya refugees were towed out to sea and left to drift

She can demand to be told why the 34 children of Ahmadi refugees were held behind bars at the IDC for 6 months

She can demand an explanation as to why Thailand refused citizenship to thousands of Hill Tribe people that have lived in Thailand for decades and longer.....

She going to have a long list of things to ask about eh?,

No. The government will be selective as to who it invites, those who may criticise will not be welcome. Pro government people only allowed.

The Democrat Party were invited - I'm sure they would be there to criticise, but they refused. So your point is?

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I guess the question is: <deleted> does she know about Thailand? You gotta live here to be remotely knowledgeable about local issues.

File her under - Hasn't got a clue

She is the Patron for the Refugee Council in the UK, she lobbies politicians on human rights issues and is a highly educated woman graduating from Cambridge. She uses her fame from acting to raise the profile of issues because she can. As she read English at Cambridge she is perfectly capable of pulling together information and studying the political situation in Thailand.

Of course she doesn't have the benefit of a "Thai Visa" education but no ones perfect.

Thompson graduated from Cambridge University in 1980 at the age of 21 years. That indicates a BA (English). I wouldn't consider that being highly educated even though maybe Cambridge didn't handout degrees like sweeties as many do now.

She's been known to travel and have fun too. Not sure if she's done enough work on being upwardly mobile on the Social Gathering front that you hold so dear as a pre requisite to being a good worker and being able to provide for her family. Oh and didn't she get divorced? And only a BA (English), Pah!

If only they could invite you....................

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This seems to all be about image, rather than any realistic content. An opportunity, to show that Yingluck is a world statesperson. I am sure that all that attend will be "overcome". Of course, they would be better getting Hun Sen, Mugabe, Chavez, Marcos(the one that is still alive), Tommy Suharto and that bloke from North Korea. This is a total farce, and typical of the Red Shirt Governement spin.

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This story proves what a theatre this government is putting up, having to cast actresses for their platform, who's next, Justin Bieber???

If they would get Bono or Sting, they could better move to the moon, because they would tell them the truth.

So laughable.Do you think for a moment Sting or Bono's sympathies (Sunday Bloody Sunday) would not be on the side of the redshirts murdered by the army in 2010 ? Would they change their minds after that persuasive charmer Kasit "explained" the redshirt demonstrators murdered themselves?

Scondly luvvie though she is Emma Thompson has a greater intellect and perception than either of those two gents.

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I guess the question is: <deleted> does she know about Thailand? You gotta live here to be remotely knowledgeable about local issues.

She's not here to understand Thailand, she's here coz she understands human rights.

Good old Magna Carter common law provides decisions made by a jury. Twelve good men and true.

Based on the premise, most people know the difference between right and wrong.

Dogs and babies know the difference between right and wrong.

Most people know what a human right is.

The English speaking world has had over 600 years of human rights guaranteed by the Magna Carter, to understand what those rights are. They are now getting smashed regularly by the new, corporatised government super bureaucracies.

It is not rocket science.

Whitewashing with the Amnesty Bill is a very real concern and what arises here, is that as foreigners in Thailand it is

difficult to say anything, which will ever make any difference.

One of the processes gaining a lot of ground in the West at present are the online petitions, making people's voices heard.

Without a real voice, Thais will be either brow beaten into submission or out on the streets with whatever weapon they

can grab at the time and whatever mob they can join. Along with the rent a mobs and all the others.

Emma Thompson? Should stick to acting. She's really good at it. Lets see what she says. If she says anything at all . . . .

Wasn't Magna Carter president of the United States at some point? I would like to see Blanche Carte invited.

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One must ask Emma what the reform talks are all about , bet Emma and friends don't know the full story, In this case why are outsiders invited to a purely Thai problem, this would have to be the first time outsiders have been invited and not knowing the full history ,their input will be only propaganda fodder for the PTP.bah.gif

It's quite possible that this is just a way to get some good publicity and some may not come in the end anyway. It's not necessary to have lived in Thailand to have some input and and an outsider's view can be beneficial if it's part of a broader analysis of the situation.

Why do you think that someone like Emma Thompson and the others can't find out about the situation in Thailand? I doubt there is anyone on this forum who has been present at government meetings during the entire time that there has been division in the country and across many governments plus within PAD and the redshirts. That doesn't stop us having an opinion often based on our experience outside of the kingdom.

It's not a good idea to base any appraisal of a situation on one set of views but to be honest if I had to rely on the opinion of just one person in regards to the problems in Thailand it would be the king who like those of us who have come to live here has brought his experience and understanding of life outside Thailand with him.

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Those who can't make it include Indonesian President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono; former US secretary of state Hillary Clinton; ex-United Nations secretary-general Kofi Annan; Archbishop Desmond Tutu, the winner of the 1984 Nobel Peace Prize; Jose Ramos-Horta, the former president and prime minister of East Timor and the current special representative to the secretary-general of the United Nations in Guinea-Bissau; and UN Peace Envoy to Syria Lakhdar Brahimi.

An impressive list of those who can't (would rather not?) make it.

With the attendance of that fine actress Emma Thompson and had her ex Mr Kenneth Branagh been available, we might have had a rerun of Much Ado About Nothing.

What we need at this forum is a lot of Sense and Sensibility and a lot less Pride and Prejudice.

A lot is forgiven for those final two sentences.

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This story proves what a theatre this government is putting up, having to cast actresses for their platform, who's next, Justin Bieber???

If they would get Bono or Sting, they could better move to the moon, because they would tell them the truth.

Justin Beiber is a singer, allegedly, and "probably" not an actress, otherwise good rant.

Well, apart from that last sentence? What is all that about, Bono, moon, truth?

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This story proves what a theatre this government is putting up, having to cast actresses for their platform, who's next, Justin Bieber???

If they would get Bono or Sting, they could better move to the moon, because they would tell them the truth.

So laughable.Do you think for a moment Sting or Bono's sympathies (Sunday Bloody Sunday) would not be on the side of the redshirts murdered by the army in 2010 ? Would they change their minds after that persuasive charmer Kasit "explained" the redshirt demonstrators murdered themselves?

Scondly luvvie though she is Emma Thompson has a greater intellect and perception than either of those two gents.

Predictable - making assumptions about Sting or Bono who have not pronounced on the red shirts or anything to do with 2010. Sunday, Bloody Sunday was about a massacre something far closer to Kru Se or even Tak Bai,.

If the PTP are going to invite an actress they may as well invite the surviving members of Monty Python's Flying Circus. A circus is what this is becoming.

Eric Idle could be asked to sing 'Always Look On The Bright Side'.

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One must ask Emma what the reform talks are all about , bet Emma and friends don't know the full story, In this case why are outsiders invited to a purely Thai problem, this would have to be the first time outsiders have been invited and not knowing the full history ,their input will be only propaganda fodder for the PTP.bah.gif

It's quite possible that this is just a way to get some good publicity and some may not come in the end anyway. It's not necessary to have lived in Thailand to have some input and and an outsider's view can be beneficial if it's part of a broader analysis of the situation.

Why do you think that someone like Emma Thompson and the others can't find out about the situation in Thailand? I doubt there is anyone on this forum who has been present at government meetings during the entire time that there has been division in the country and across many governments plus within PAD and the redshirts. That doesn't stop us having an opinion often based on our experience outside of the kingdom.

It's not a good idea to base any appraisal of a situation on one set of views but to be honest if I had to rely on the opinion of just one person in regards to the problems in Thailand it would be the king who like those of us who have come to live here has brought his experience and understanding of life outside Thailand with him.

Well, on the basis that Thailand is talking about raising the level of its governance to international levels, it would appear that an outsiders perspective is far more relevant than an insiders.

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Why are people so unkind?

You are all missing the point.

This will be a fabulous opportunity for intercourse between all manner of high profile people and who knows, it could result in the chance to jump into bed with a variety of influential individuals? Someone might even fall in love and become, well....even a "second wife" to someone who could pull a few strings on the International Stage.

And to those who were on the "wish list" but have previous, pressing engagements, we trust you'll have an exciting time, washing your hair, mowing the lawn, painting your nails etc.

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This story proves what a theatre this government is putting up, having to cast actresses for their platform, who's next, Justin Bieber???

If they would get Bono or Sting, they could better move to the moon, because they would tell them the truth.

So laughable.Do you think for a moment Sting or Bono's sympathies (Sunday Bloody Sunday) would not be on the side of the redshirts murdered by the army in 2010 ? Would they change their minds after that persuasive charmer Kasit "explained" the redshirt demonstrators murdered themselves?

Scondly luvvie though she is Emma Thompson has a greater intellect and perception than either of those two gents.

Predictable - making assumptions about Sting or Bono who have not pronounced on the red shirts or anything to do with 2010. Sunday, Bloody Sunday was about a massacre something far closer to Kru Se or even Tak Bai,.

Yeah, on the basis of their long record of commenting on human rights abuse, Sting and Bono are going to come out for the army snipers rather than the civilians they murdered.

Why are the usual suspects so thick these days?

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This story proves what a theatre this government is putting up, having to cast actresses for their platform, who's next, Justin Bieber???

If they would get Bono or Sting, they could better move to the moon, because they would tell them the truth.

So laughable.Do you think for a moment Sting or Bono's sympathies (Sunday Bloody Sunday) would not be on the side of the redshirts murdered by the army in 2010 ? Would they change their minds after that persuasive charmer Kasit "explained" the redshirt demonstrators murdered themselves?

Scondly luvvie though she is Emma Thompson has a greater intellect and perception than either of those two gents.

Predictable - making assumptions about Sting or Bono who have not pronounced on the red shirts or anything to do with 2010. Sunday, Bloody Sunday was about a massacre something far closer to Kru Se or even Tak Bai,.

Yeah, on the basis of their long record of commenting on human rights abuse, Sting and Bono are going to come out for the army snipers rather than the civilians they murdered.

Why are the usual suspects so thick these days?

Why can't you post without ending up with personal abuse?

If you have personal knowledge of Sting & Bono's views on 2010 - post it or stop putting thoughts & opinions into other people's heads & mouths.

BTW - repeating the old lie about army 'snipers' just about destroys any credibility of your posts.

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Those who can't make it include Indonesian President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono; former US secretary of state Hillary Clinton; ex-United Nations secretary-general Kofi Annan; Archbishop Desmond Tutu, the winner of the 1984 Nobel Peace Prize; Jose Ramos-Horta, the former president and prime minister of East Timor and the current special representative to the secretary-general of the United Nations in Guinea-Bissau; and UN Peace Envoy to Syria Lakhdar Brahimi.

An impressive list of those who can't (would rather not?) make it.


What about Al Gore? Surely he's been invited? (As long as they can find a first class seat wide enough for him).

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Predictable - making assumptions about Sting or Bono who have not pronounced on the red shirts or anything to do with 2010. Sunday, Bloody Sunday was about a massacre something far closer to Kru Se or even Tak Bai,.

Yeah, on the basis of their long record of commenting on human rights abuse, Sting and Bono are going to come out for the army snipers rather than the civilians they murdered.

Why are the usual suspects so thick these days?

Why can't you post without ending up with personal abuse?

If you have personal knowledge of Sting & Bono's views on 2010 - post it or stop putting thoughts & opinions into other people's heads & mouths.

BTW - repeating the old lie about army 'snipers' just about destroys any credibility of your posts.

You simply confirm my assessment I'm afraid.

I doubt whether the likes of Sting and Bono have any great knowledge of the events in Bangkok in 2010.The point, and it's frankly one that even the dimmest bulb should be able to grasp, is that based on past political positions they have taken - when they have studied the situation - they are going to identify with the civilians murdered rather than the politicians/general who were responsible.

Take your absurd denial of the existence of army snipers with the courts.It's not me you need to convince.

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Why are the usual suspects so thick these days?

That's abit unfait to talk about His Tonyness like that - he might be a lot of things, but he certainly isn't thick when it comes to lining his own pockets. Now, if you are talking about people, who oppose your views, it's rather sad that someone of your high intellect would revert to that type of name calling. That's my job smile.png

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Predictable - making assumptions about Sting or Bono who have not pronounced on the red shirts or anything to do with 2010. Sunday, Bloody Sunday was about a massacre something far closer to Kru Se or even Tak Bai,.

Yeah, on the basis of their long record of commenting on human rights abuse, Sting and Bono are going to come out for the army snipers rather than the civilians they murdered.

Why are the usual suspects so thick these days?

Why can't you post without ending up with personal abuse?

If you have personal knowledge of Sting & Bono's views on 2010 - post it or stop putting thoughts & opinions into other people's heads & mouths.

BTW - repeating the old lie about army 'snipers' just about destroys any credibility of your posts.

You simply confirm my assessment I'm afraid.

I doubt whether the likes of Sting and Bono have any great knowledge of the events in Bangkok in 2010.The point, and it's frankly one that even the dimmest bulb should be able to grasp, is that based on past political positions they have taken - when they have studied the situation - they are going to identify with the civilians murdered rather than the politicians/general who were responsible.

Take your absurd denial of the existence of army snipers with the courts.It's not me you need to convince.

I can confirm your 'assessment' is pure arrogant rubbish.

No, only those who have the unadulterated ignorance of human relations would assume that anyone's opinion matches their own without any knowledge of said opinion.

I'm not trying to convince you of anything - I don't talk to those too full of themselves to listen. I know it's a difficult concept to grasp, but I'm expressing my opinion. You just tell others that they're some inferior being that fails to grasp your pronouncements.

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I guess the question is: &lt;deleted&gt; does she know about Thailand? You gotta live here to be remotely knowledgeable about local issues.

This whole thing is a joke right..................?? I mean really ! What is the point here ..?? bah.gif

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Thailand is to be congratulated concerning this matter.They have taken he path of tradition in fact the best American tradition .

How you may ask ?

It's the resurrection and restoration to life of that great American institution Barnum and Baileys three ring circus.

indeed the cast of invited guests is the cream of the crop of illusionists, sleight of hand experts and clowns, tumblers and high flying trapeze artistes who can and do change their stance when performing magnificent somersaults to please their ringmaster ( puppet master) the like which the world (thankfully) has never seen before, hopefully this will be the farewell performance of the ringmaster ( puppet master) and this outmoded three ring circus which exploits animals and more so human beings and the Thai audience who are the sponsors of this resurrection of a tired old heritage. .

Sadly the ring master ( puppet master) cannot be present and thus will not be seen parading around in his top hat. ,However he is cracking the whip behind the scenes to keep himself in trim and his performers on their toes so as not to disappoint him with their public performance.

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Well the government has the weekly "PM addresses the Perople" show, although she is absent quite often.

The PM recently announced the "PR" campaign to explain the living standard uplift her programs have brought to us.

Plus we can tune into 'red shirt television' at any time to get a serving of good old downhome gospel according to thaksin.

Then we have the southern 'unrest' that requires a frequent change in personal seating as no one seems to know the standing of those attending.

Having watched this group continuely shot themselves in the foot, their request for speakers was probably intercepted as 'spam' and was blocked by several thousand potential suckers.

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