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Financial or loving relationship; which do you have?


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Thai women give a lot more and expect a lot more in relationships which while making them far more passionate than your typical farang girl, also leaves them vulnerable and after a negative experience, may lose the ability to give 100% in future relationship.

If you feel your wife isn't passionate with you, don't automatically assume she just loves your money. Thai women fall in love very easily but are also very loyal. If you've lived together for some time, the only reason she wouldn't be in love with you is if she loves someone else.

It's far more likely that she does love you but she's afraid to be passionate because she doesn't want to be hurt again - I see this a lot in Thai girls - it will take a lot of hard work to encourage her to be truly passionate with you. If you're not very strong minded, you're probably better off finding a girl without the baggage - there's plenty to choose from.

ANYONE can pull a 39 year old Thai hooker...young, old, fat, ugly. ANYONE.

Especially if they have 1,000B in their pocket.

I reckon anyone (young, old, fat, ugly) can pull his 39 yr old Thai hooker. ;)

Edited by wprime
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Nobody '"told" me anything. I'm now getting advise from somebody who isn't looking to boost their ego with a narcy attitude, someone who speaks wisely, instead of giving the bullish generic response. I'm 24, not 60, there are plenty of girls under 30 in England to choose from, you are clearly failing to understand that I don't want a girl my own age, I don't care about stereotypes. "Thai girls are for old smelly men" blah blah blah. Stop being a media puppet

There's also plenty of girls under 30 in Thailand who are good looking, educated, fashionable and well dressed, have decent jobs and are not bar girls that a 24 year old guy like yourself has relatively easy access to....so why chose a 39 year old bar girl?

Don't kid yourself that you love each other it was obvious from your post in the other thread you don't and you have no idea what you think yourself anyway.

BTW I live in Thailand and have dated many Thai girls so you don't have to tell me about media stereotypes. I know the reality of women in Thailand.

It's a personal challenge, any lad can walk into a bar in my home city and pull, where is the challenge in that? Trying to make it work with a 39 yr old thai hooker who knows all the tricks, is a challenge, if I fail I fail, but ill try my best to get inside her head, get her hooked and not allow her to play the money game with me, if she does that's when I call it quits and move on, but for the time being all is kosher

ANYONE can pull a 39 year old Thai hooker...young, old, fat, ugly. ANYONE.

Especially if they have 1,000B in their pocket.

Young women out of the question, wherever they are from. I plan to keep her on little money as I am only 24 with limited money, so i have to use my personality to keep her going. I understand if I were an older bloke it would be easy as I'd have money to keep her sweet, that's not a challenge though, the situation I am in does though.

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O and don't forget, as a 39 year old, she needs me a whole lot more than I need her, so i wear the trousers. ANYONE can pull ANY bargirl, if the bar girl is 18, fat fred can have her, if the bar girl is 50 fat fred can have her too. There is more chance of an 18 yr old pro shagging many guys a week when her fella is out of the country, a 39 yr old will shag far less because as you say "she is old". Whats your beef with me falling for a 39 yr old women? Do you know this women personally to pass judgement, matey? I do, I have researched her vigorously, spoken to her daughter, her friends, translated all her Facebook messages going back two years, I've seen her passport and what country's she's been to, and for how long etc etc, if she did plan to lie to me then she has no chance because I already know so much. Question after question means she will slip up and the truth is always revealed. Next?

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...I have researched her vigorously, spoken to her daughter, her friends, translated all her Facebook messages going back two years, I've seen her passport and what country's she's been to, and for how long etc etc, if she did plan to lie to me then she has no chance because I already know so much. Question after question means she will slip up and the truth is always revealed. Next?

Next, indeed. I feel sorry for the poor lady in question.

When will you be satisfied that your girlfriend is the real deal? I reckon never.

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It's a personal challenge, any lad can walk into a bar in my home city and pull, where is the challenge in that? Trying to make it work with a 39 yr old thai hooker who knows all the tricks, is a challenge, if I fail I fail, but ill try my best to get inside her head, get her hooked and not allow her to play the money game with me, if she does that's when I call it quits and move on, but for the time being all is kosher

So, you're just playing a game? Purposely trying to 'get inside her head' and 'get her hooked'.

For your own sense of having achieved something? For fun? To big up yourself?

Life's not a competition you can win prizes at.

Still, maybe you will learn that at some point.

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It's a personal challenge, any lad can walk into a bar in my home city and pull, where is the challenge in that? Trying to make it work with a 39 yr old thai hooker who knows all the tricks, is a challenge, if I fail I fail, but ill try my best to get inside her head, get her hooked and not allow her to play the money game with me, if she does that's when I call it quits and move on, but for the time being all is kosher

So, you're just playing a game? Purposely trying to 'get inside her head' and 'get her hooked'.

For your own sense of having achieved something? For fun? To big up yourself?

Life's not a competition you can win prizes at.

Still, maybe you will learn that at some point.

Don't get me wrong i love this women, but like everyone says on here, the bar girls are just trying to manipulate men's hearts. 1. for money or 2. for face. At this point I don't believe she is but I'm ready for it when or if it comes, with my own broken promises, I won't allow her to break my heart. I genuinely hope she is real and it doesn't become a full blown game, I would like her to be my full time gf but if she wants to start the manipulation game, I'm ready for it

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I think the fact university students DO not use the ramblings of the experts in this forums for any research is a good indication of the quality of posters in here...

I have never ever read such a load of dribble regarding woman and there sex appetite, there cunningness, there desire to ripe men off etc etc.

And why do you think that is so ???? :-)

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Young women out of the question, wherever they are from. I plan to keep her on little money as I am only 24 with limited money, so i have to use my personality to keep her going. I understand if I were an older bloke it would be easy as I'd have money to keep her sweet, that's not a challenge though, the situation I am in does though.

Ill keep you posted chuck, like I said if I fail, I fail, not a problem then I have to accept that I will probably have to settle for a girl my own age, in my own country, but if I succeed then I have beaten the bar girl system

Don't get me wrong i love this women, but like everyone says on here, the bar girls are just trying to manipulate men's hearts. 1. for money or 2. for face. At this point I don't believe she is but I'm ready for it when or if it comes, with my own broken promises, I won't allow her to break my heart. I genuinely hope she is real and it doesn't become a full blown game, I would like her to be my full time gf but if she wants to start the manipulation game, I'm ready for it

Mate clearly you are mentally and emotionally unstable if you want to run the gauntlet and play games with a 39 year old bar girl who's had more life experience than you'll ever know.

You're just playing with fire and it does seem like 'playing' is the right word...some silly little 'challenge' to beat the bar girl system. blink.png

Why would you even want to try and turn a hooker into a respectable girlfriend who loves you?

Especially as I said when there's plenty of legit women (younger and similar ages) in Thailand and elsewhere that at 24 shouldn't be an issue for you to meet.

According to yourself you can walk into any pub back home and pick up a girl so you'll have no problem most places around the world.

Also why would finding a women your own age be such a problem? You're like the opposite of most guys.

This is a question that perplexed me for a while. As I , and others have stated before, in Thai culture a woman is getting 'old' after she hits 30. Biologically speaking I have read that women hit a sexual peak later than men, in their mid thirties.....

Why any man would actually make a point of going after an older bar girl is beyond belief. There are literally millions of Thai women in their 30's and 40's that havent had sex for ages. Would they be up for it? What the hell do you think? This is a topic that is close to my heart....and other places. If you can speak Thai reasonably well, you arent a fat, over the hill alcoholic with a red nose, scrub up alright after a sh*t, shower and shave then meeting 'cougars' is not very hard. Why settle for a woman that has had sex for money with umpteen amount of men when there a women out there that are tired of using the bum gun as a masturbatory device, a pillow or their fingers....I mean, how can that NOT seem like a good idea?

Exactly. I know a few over 30 girls here in BKK with good jobs, earn decent money, nice cars / houses and they can't get boyfriends.

They'd happily snap up a young 24 year old stud like the bloke above but he seems set on playing silly games with bar girls that will end in tears.

He loves her of course after spending 10 whole days in her company whilst on holiday as a paying customer. clap2.gif

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O and don't forget, as a 39 year old, she needs me a whole lot more than I need her, so i wear the trousers. ANYONE can pull ANY bargirl, if the bar girl is 18, fat fred can have her, if the bar girl is 50 fat fred can have her too. There is more chance of an 18 yr old pro shagging many guys a week when her fella is out of the country, a 39 yr old will shag far less because as you say "she is old". Whats your beef with me falling for a 39 yr old women? Do you know this women personally to pass judgement, matey? I do, I have researched her vigorously, spoken to her daughter, her friends, translated all her Facebook messages going back two years, I've seen her passport and what country's she's been to, and for how long etc etc, if she did plan to lie to me then she has no chance because I already know so much. Question after question means she will slip up and the truth is always revealed. Next?


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  • 2 weeks later...

I think the fact university students DO not use the ramblings of the experts in this forums for any research is a good indication of the quality of posters in here...

I have never ever read such a load of dribble regarding woman and there sex appetite, there cunningness, there desire to ripe men off etc etc.

And why do you think that is so ???? :-)

BECAUSE its TRUE, most men have not got the faintest idea of women and there workings.

JimBaaaa....sounds like your trying to justify your love for her.

Over 6 years now and on my 3rd TGF and there getting younger and better educated, seems obvious to me that SERCURITY LOVE SEX AND MONEY are all inter twined with a Thai girl.

The current TGF comes from humble background put herself through university has a Masters and works as an accountant displays all of SLSM in one, sometimes I find it difficult to be with her as she doesn't hide it.

The previous 2 weren't so open about it but it was there.

In the end like any relationship anywhere in the world you need to trust your feelings have your limits be consistent, open for dialogue and change and not drag pervious baggage into the new relationship.

As a farang we have to at least acknowledge that there is a good possibility that security and money come before love in a western Asian relationship, its well ingrained in Asian culture and certainly was in western before women became independent.

In the end if your asking advice for a matter of the heart in here your in trouble.

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O and don't forget, as a 39 year old, she needs me a whole lot more than I need her, so i wear the trousers. ANYONE can pull ANY bargirl, if the bar girl is 18, fat fred can have her, if the bar girl is 50 fat fred can have her too. There is more chance of an 18 yr old pro shagging many guys a week when her fella is out of the country, a 39 yr old will shag far less because as you say "she is old". Whats your beef with me falling for a 39 yr old women? Do you know this women personally to pass judgement, matey? I do, I have researched her vigorously, spoken to her daughter, her friends, translated all her Facebook messages going back two years, I've seen her passport and what country's she's been to, and for how long etc etc, if she did plan to lie to me then she has no chance because I already know so much. Question after question means she will slip up and the truth is always revealed. Next?

I think it's funny that you think you wear the trousers.

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It's a personal challenge, any lad can walk into a bar in my home city and pull, where is the challenge in that? Trying to make it work with a 39 yr old thai hooker who knows all the tricks, is a challenge, if I fail I fail, but ill try my best to get inside her head, get her hooked and not allow her to play the money game with me, if she does that's when I call it quits and move on, but for the time being all is kosher

So, you're just playing a game? Purposely trying to 'get inside her head' and 'get her hooked'.

For your own sense of having achieved something? For fun? To big up yourself?

Life's not a competition you can win prizes at.

Still, maybe you will learn that at some point.

Don't get me wrong i love this women, but like everyone says on here, the bar girls are just trying to manipulate men's hearts. 1. for money or 2. for face. At this point I don't believe she is but I'm ready for it when or if it comes, with my own broken promises, I won't allow her to break my heart. I genuinely hope she is real and it doesn't become a full blown game, I would like her to be my full time gf but if she wants to start the manipulation game, I'm ready for it

So it's not a personal challenge, you're not trying to get inside her head and get her hooked?

You say you genuinely hope she's real, but at the same time, you say that you won't allow her to break your heart.

That means that you aren't being real, because you're holding back so that she won't break your heart.

If both of you hold back through fear of heartbreak, it is just a game, and you're both playing it.

Anyway, I hope you both find enough in each other so you can find the courage to stop playing and start being happy.

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