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Financial or loving relationship; which do you have?


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Been in a relationships for some time now we are both still young I myself being 31 and she turning 29 next month, We really don’t talk much about money these days as it’s not that important for us and we help one and other with all the bills 50/50 in all honesty and that’s how things should be done in this day and age.

Even when we go out for a meal like a date night we take it in turns on picking up the bill plus we are not that bothered about partying these days and would rather put our money away for the future for when we do decided we want children ..

I will also be getting married to her soon because we love one and other not because of any financial gains or for a Uk passport for that matter as she would like to stay in Thailand same as I would like to stay in Thailand too there will be no big fancy wedding or dowry as everybody is financially okay..

I’ve also been back in the United Kingdom since the end of April and only got two more weeks to go now and really can’t wait to be back home in Thailand and the reason I say that because been living in Thailand for 10 years now..

Just about everything has changed in the United Kingdom these day’s cost of living is so high these days it’s kind of shocking in all fairness compared to what you may earn from you monthly wage even if you wanted to go out it’s something in the region of about 10,000THB also you got people on welfare and I’m shocked how people can survive in the United Kingdom you have young people who can’t get a job or in some cases are homeless but anyway I think I have said what I’ve wanted to say .. It will just be good to get back to Thailand for us ..

Yours sounds like a mutually beneficial relationship. Again, I probably need to find an older girl who can support herself. (Maybe if I say it enough, it will sink in and I will start to practice it).

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The obvious solution, then, is not to be a bummer.

... on that point, I agree with you 100%

Take care of yourself and, in turn, you (might be) taken care of.

It's a man's nature to seek an attractive woman, or more correctly, a woman he is attracted to ... I'm no woman ... but I'm sure it's a two-way street.

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I too had the same problems as the OP with many relationships here over the years. Always trying some angle or another, be it financial or general scheming. Deceit? Plenty of them know all about that. Not one worked in a bar but these ladies knew how to work a man and that is why they were all dumped eventually.

It took me a a long time to find a really good one.

33 years old.

The only twin I've ever met in my life (she has a twin sister).

Caring, attentive. Full on the lips kisses. Snuggled up in bed every night. Holding hands everywhere even in the house.

Great with my friends.

Able to laugh and joke.

Good financially.

She has a good hearted family too.

Treated me with great care especially with any health problems.

A good homemaker too.

Problems? Yes, she has a few. Especially her 'hot heart' that created some problems but nothing that could not be resolved. None of us are perfect.

She was a great lady. Sadly and with a heavy heart, I have to leave her behind.

This one I would have married and coming from me, that is a great compliment to her.

If she finds another man, I sincerely hope he appreciates how good she is and what a great heart she has too.

Sad story. Sorry you had to leave her behind. But if she is as good as you say she is, she will find another good man to take care of her. I hope you are able to find happiness again too.

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Been in a relationships for some time now we are both still young I myself being 31 and she turning 29 next month, We really don’t talk much about money these days as it’s not that important for us and we help one and other with all the bills 50/50 in all honesty and that’s how things should be done in this day and age.

Even when we go out for a meal like a date night we take it in turns on picking up the bill plus we are not that bothered about partying these days and would rather put our money away for the future for when we do decided we want children ..

I will also be getting married to her soon because we love one and other not because of any financial gains or for a Uk passport for that matter as she would like to stay in Thailand same as I would like to stay in Thailand too there will be no big fancy wedding or dowry as everybody is financially okay..

I’ve also been back in the United Kingdom since the end of April and only got two more weeks to go now and really can’t wait to be back home in Thailand and the reason I say that because been living in Thailand for 10 years now..

Just about everything has changed in the United Kingdom these day’s cost of living is so high these days it’s kind of shocking in all fairness compared to what you may earn from you monthly wage even if you wanted to go out it’s something in the region of about 10,000THB also you got people on welfare and I’m shocked how people can survive in the United Kingdom you have young people who can’t get a job or in some cases are homeless but anyway I think I have said what I’ve wanted to say .. It will just be good to get back to Thailand for us ..

Yours sounds like a mutually beneficial relationship. Again, I probably need to find an older girl who can support herself. (Maybe if I say it enough, it will sink in and I will start to practice it).

A relationship requires a lot of work and commitment. I wish you all the best in finding happiest..

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the problem is the big age difference, it might boost your ego getting some one half your age but you really need to question why they are with you. My wife is in her forties, I am 60 but look & act like I am in my forties and we get on great, many same interests, enjoy being with each other and tend to do a lot together. I do not have money, in fact she earns more than me, our relationship has never been about money, it is based on love, makes all the difference and it is why we enjoy each others company. If you want to have a good relationship it needs to be based on feelings not ego. Just look at the amount of oldies(60 plus) with girls young enough to be their daughters/grandkids and you soon get your answer of why they dont work out, great for you self image and ego but when you cannot give them what they want/need(apart from money) it falls flat.

The good ones are out there but you have to look outside bars and clubs, I was lucky at a chance meeting and we just hit it off from the start. If you have hobbies etc try looking at places where you can practice them and see if you cant find someone with the same likes, bars will only give you sex and money chasers in most cases. For a great relationship you need to have a partner that feels the same way about you as you do about her, usually someone closer to your own age or with the same interests that is mature enough to know what life and love involves, someone that does base their life/love on your finances.

Good advice, and to start, maybe I can find someone who actually finds me attractive (maybe impossible) or a good enough guy to be around. I know that a 20 or 30 year old girl is not going to find me attractive. But at least I would like to find a girl who doesnt call me fat and ugly every day. That would be nice.

Yes you were lucky. My only wish in life is to never have to go through another breakup or divorce.

As to finding someone with similar interests, I dont have so many interests, so I am open to exploring her interests. I dont mind going to temple, celebrating the holidays, and being part of Thai culture.

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All depends how desperate you are to have a female companion.

If you are willing to settle for the first woman who will have you, its likely financial.

If you are willing to take your time, there could be a real love match out there for you.

in the end most get what they deserve

Yes thats the key issue for me, I am getting what I deserve. Trying to date a gorgeous sexually promiscuous 32 year old has just not worked for me, but since I insist on dating younger girls, I am getting what I deserve. Misery.

Im a glutton for punishment and keep coming back for more. Someone get me off of this train! My family and friends have tried their best to no avail.

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All depends how desperate you are to have a female companion.

If you are willing to settle for the first woman who will have you, its likely financial.

If you are willing to take your time, there could be a real love match out there for you.

in the end most get what they deserve

Yes thats the key issue for me, I am getting what I deserve. Trying to date a gorgeous sexually promiscuous 32 year old has just not worked for me, but since I insist on dating younger girls, I am getting what I deserve. Misery.

Im a glutton for punishment and keep coming back for more. Someone get me off of this train! My family and friends have tried their best to no avail.

You've taken the first step by posting this topic.

You know you have a problem, that's the first step to fixing it.

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If this is indeed not a wind up, I suggest you just give dating women nearer your own age a go. There are many out there that are still attractive well into their late forties and beyond. If I were a 60 year old, I would be more than happy if I had a 45 year old girlfriend. Thai women can take a long time to mature. I actually find Thai women older than myself attractive because of this. A Thai woman under the age of 25 may as well be a 16 year old when compared to the West. A woman that has had to take care of herself, knows the harsh realities of life, has been let down...whatever! is going to be someone that will be a whole lot less annoying than a younger one that thinks things will just fall in her lap. If I were a single man now.....oh yeah....but I am not....

I would have a lot of fun..

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After more than 20 years of marriage I would have to say that our relationship is financial.

My wife is still working and her businesses are bring in a reasonable amount each month.

But if she stopped working, or the money dried up I'd be leaving her in a moment. She needs to keep me in a style to which I have become accustomed.

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Well....most relationships have a financial component. To live life you need money. I have a 5 year old son, I need to provide for him, I need to work. If I stopped work and just sat on my ass drinking Thai whiskey my wife would probably end up leaving me for a man that can provide some level of security. My wife also works but, me being a farang means that my earning potential is more. Is this an advantage for my wife or any other Thai woman for that matter? Sure it is. Men have always needed to provide for women, 1000 years ago when they went out to collect berries, we went out to hunt for meat....even then we were providing more, in relation to the calories/energy we could provide for our family. Having a man that can provide is still a huge part of a relationship for any woman. Ok, it is changing and women are now becoming more equal blah blah blah. You have to be a realist about such matters. I personally dont have a problem with it.

Now, did my wife look at me solely through the eyes of a prehistoric hunter gatherer when she first met me? Possibly in some ways. However, I am only 5 years older than my wife. By the time I met her my Thai was pretty reasonable and meeting up, chatting, having dinners was all pretty easy stuff for me. I was and still am a reasonably attractive bloke...even if i do say so myself. I would say that all things considered my wife thought...

1 He doesnt look too bad

2 He is around my age

3 He can speak Thai well enough

4 He isnt a lunatic and knows how to handle himself within the contect of Thai culture

5 He has a job, and is therefore somewhat responsible.

As far as passion goes, yes there DEFINITELY has been and still is in our relationship. We have been married for 8 years now. After having a kid and being with the same person for a long time though.... the flame does die a little, that is inevitable. I however dont expect everyday to be the best day of my life.....man! I am a realist about such things. Perhaps the frequency is not the same but the quality is definitely better.

Fear not. There are some very decent Thai women out there, inspite of what others on this board will tell you from their caravans in Palookasville.

How dare u insult my caravan..................and Austin Allegro.............chocolate brown!!


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Been married for 16 years - courted 2 years before that. My wife came from a very conservative upbringing (military family) - she was very reserved at first (holding hands in public was as risqué as she was willing to be) bear in mind that two decades ago Bangkok was quite a different place with far fewer westernised kids. She was 19 and I was 25 when we married. We are probably far more cuddly and passionate now than we were in our first few years I'd say. He still use the "l" word a lot, still hug, etc. She no longer feeds me off a single shared plate or runs to get me a water (although she does look after me, just not like a servant - but I probably killed that part anyway by being happy to make her a cuppa instead of ordering her to!). She doesn't (and never has) smoke or drink and is very family orientated (our family over her extended family) - she work, drives, and is and independent women in all respects. We are both loyal to each other and have never wandered.

We met through family (my best friend, a Thai I went to school with, married her aunt who was just a few years her senior) and were chaperoned constantly when together until we were engaged (almost 2 years later). She had never had a boyfriend, though had turned down two requests for marriage (she's quarter Chinese - her dad being half Chinese and grandmother full Chinese down to the wrapped feet, black teeth and bettlenut habbit!) and was privately educated, so marriage proposals came in the Chinese form of parents of said boy turning up and discussing it with her parents, but her father was adamant she would have the last say - and she said "no" both times. (thank fully). She also turned down a proffered Fin guy (a set up attempt by another aunt living in Finland). We met by accident really - I was on holiday with my friend and his wife (we had just sold a business we owned together and were celebrating with a trip to Thailand) - and unbeknownst to me his wife had arranged to try and set me up with a school friend of hers (another Chinese girl) - but while in Bangkok we spent quite a lot of time on the Navy base with my wife's family - and we hit it off (even while surrounded by her family) - it was the good familial reference her aunt put in that allowed us to court!

He English was fair (ish) at the time - she taught 5-7 year olds at a private kindergarten having just finished college, and that included basic English - I knew some Thai having had a Thai school friend and a Thai restaurant by then. So, wasn't so hard communicating. She came back home with me when we were married and studied English and nursing - she passed all EFL courses up to (but not including) TEFL (to actually teach it) within 3 years (ex-PM Ted Heath gave her her last certificate) - today she is absolutely fluent and holds dual nationality - and works private and NHS nursing contracts.

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After more than 20 years of marriage I would have to say that our relationship is financial.

My wife is still working and her businesses are bring in a reasonable amount each month.

But if she stopped working, or the money dried up I'd be leaving her in a moment. She needs to keep me in a style to which I have become accustomed.

Sorry for your Farang Wifetongue.png

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Thai's like other females have enough passion and kiss and hug enough if you have the right one. Remember they need some excitement too a guy twice their age is going to satisfy them financially but physically its a different story.

For the right guy Thai females are as passionate as your western wives, thing is because there is a smaller income gap in the west females more often then not go for real attraction not money. Here because of the large income gap they often go for money and act like they don't care about the other stuff (just have an extra guy when their sponsor isnt watching).

You can make sure you are not one of those guys by not offering them money then you rule out the money part (if you want a relation based on attraction). If you are ok with spending money on a real sexy girl that pretends to love you and says age is just a number and i like your big belly then so be it. Good valid choice but make sure she does not find a way to get your money without you (like divorce when you just build a house). Keep baiting the hook and you will be fine.

As long as its your choice and your aware of what your doing and the risks you can go either way. I would not mind baiting the hook and giving money for a real sexy young one but id know she would not stand next to me when the money is gone. (and accept that of course)

This is an awesome post. Maybe its time I did a reality check and I need to start dating older women if that will solve the passion problem.

Excellent post by Robblok........

I visited a friend recently who has a wife that's in a compatible age band. My friend is 64, I'm not too sure of his wife's age but I'm guessing around 50. Every day is the same for this gentleman, he's met with a kiss and a cuddle every morning. I watched her fussing around in the morning making sure everything was just so for him when he got up, ( she's an early bird ), and all through the day the key component of the relationship was in place........

He was always in her mind.

She was always one step ahead of him, always making sure he was okay. Sure she was capable of pulling his ear too but it was done in jest. She can't get over the fact that he still can't eat spicy food, he can't get over the fact that she can eat so much food full stop.

I sat back and watched both of them going about their business, and their business was always each other. This wasn't a one way street. I loved watching them interact, and I complimented them both on many occasions. That man freely admits that he could take or leave Thailand, but what he has with his wife he could never leave.

There's no worse feeling than feeling that your doing everything you can, but you are still alone. I think that's a feeling you are used to. The answer is two fold.

Find a partner that is age compatible......and once you find her pay attention to that most obvious of things, are you in her mind?

Does she call you when she's out and ask do you want anything? Does she fuss about needing to go down to Tesco Lotus because she's worried she's going to run out of your favourite food? Does she wander over and give you a cuddle? Does she walk up to you while your on the laptop and put her hand on her shoulder as she watches the screen with you? The one I like best as I think it's beautiful and comical, does she guide you across the road, holding you cos she's scared you'll get knocked down? On that subject, is she always at you to be careful about life in Thailand?

There's a long list of indicators as to whether or not you have a genuine relationship, every man in a loving relationship here will have his own little treasured moment that he loves about his wife.

Mercedes Girl ( my lady ) is actually older than me. She would do anything for me, I love the care and attention that she shows me. Love it. Of course I'll come on here and moan about her talking too much but hey nobody is perfect.

All of the best relationships I see here are age compatible, we did a poll on TV last year and age compatibility band was a lot narrower than you would expect.

If you truly want that feeling again, change the age band you are dating, and give yourself a chance. There are many professional and business women in Thailand in their 40's and 50's looking for a gentleman for companionship and love. They're lonely, they want the same thing you do. Go after them, go after an equal.

Find an equal and you've knocked it off, good luck.

You and your friend are lucky men. There are plenty of men out there, me for one, who try to show love and affection and not get it back in return. My ex gf I would do anything for her. Took care of her family and son, but she just did not reciprocate and was cruel to me in many ways including multiple infidelities. I think you and your friend are probably good guys and treat your women well, or at least I hope you do. In the future I will try not to take my gf for granted, and try to be romantic with her more. But its hard when nothing is coming back.

But, sometimes, you need to harden up. Especially at the beginning of the relationship. Do not give in too easily over her / her friends expectations of you taking them out and paying for everything and doing what they want.

There are many men out here with romance in their heart who would love to be cuddled and kissed and treated with genuine affection.

There are many women out here too who would like the same, but often they bow to peer pressure and begin the games.

I don't think any of us have the real answer for you or others like you who want some genuine affection in return.

All I can say is that you will know when you are getting it, especially after past experiences where you have not had a reciprocal relationship.

Respect - Mutual respect helps too.

Sometimes like many of us, you simply have to keep dipping your toe in the water until you do find a genuine one. And in many many cases I think the more genuine ones are older. Definitely nothing under 30.

But, good luck in your quest.

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the problem is the big age difference, it might boost your ego getting some one half your age but you really need to question why they are with you. My wife is in her forties, I am 60 but look & act like I am in my forties and we get on great, many same interests, enjoy being with each other and tend to do a lot together. I do not have money, in fact she earns more than me, our relationship has never been about money, it is based on love, makes all the difference and it is why we enjoy each others company. If you want to have a good relationship it needs to be based on feelings not ego. Just look at the amount of oldies(60 plus) with girls young enough to be their daughters/grandkids and you soon get your answer of why they dont work out, great for you self image and ego but when you cannot give them what they want/need(apart from money) it falls flat.

The good ones are out there but you have to look outside bars and clubs, I was lucky at a chance meeting and we just hit it off from the start. If you have hobbies etc try looking at places where you can practice them and see if you cant find someone with the same likes, bars will only give you sex and money chasers in most cases. For a great relationship you need to have a partner that feels the same way about you as you do about her, usually someone closer to your own age or with the same interests that is mature enough to know what life and love involves, someone that does base their life/love on your finances.

Good advice, and to start, maybe I can find someone who actually finds me attractive (maybe impossible) or a good enough guy to be around. I know that a 20 or 30 year old girl is not going to find me attractive. But at least I would like to find a girl who doesnt call me fat and ugly every day. That would be nice.

Yes you were lucky. My only wish in life is to never have to go through another breakup or divorce.

As to finding someone with similar interests, I dont have so many interests, so I am open to exploring her interests. I dont mind going to temple, celebrating the holidays, and being part of Thai culture.

mate, I dont consider myself good looking either and I am a little bit over weight but you never know. As my wife says, she wanted a husband that treated her well and was not a drinker/womanizer/butterfly which a lot of thai men are. She didnt want someone her age because she says they are not mature enough and have very different attitudes to women in general, Basically they want someone that isnt a piss head, only wants to be with one woman and will be there for them as they grow old together. Honesty plays a big part too, my wife knew my life story from the start, after failed marriage in Australia I didnt want to go through all the crap again so I told her everything about me, hiding exactly who/what you are from them will not help, just be yourself and if it takes off you are on the right track.

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The obvious solution, then, is not to be a bummer.

... on that point, I agree with you 100%

Take care of yourself and, in turn, you (might be) taken care of.

Yep. To me, it's all so obvious.

If you're fat or ugly or badly dressed (or a combination of the above), of course no girl will want you.

Sure, if you are a bummer then you may get "something", but she'll be a pig. She'll either be desperate (because she's got no cash), or she'll be a decade or two past her sell by date.

And she just won't like you.


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Thai's like other females have enough passion and kiss and hug enough if you have the right one. Remember they need some excitement too a guy twice their age is going to satisfy them financially but physically its a different story.

For the right guy Thai females are as passionate as your western wives, thing is because there is a smaller income gap in the west females more often then not go for real attraction not money. Here because of the large income gap they often go for money and act like they don't care about the other stuff (just have an extra guy when their sponsor isnt watching).

You can make sure you are not one of those guys by not offering them money then you rule out the money part (if you want a relation based on attraction). If you are ok with spending money on a real sexy girl that pretends to love you and says age is just a number and i like your big belly then so be it. Good valid choice but make sure she does not find a way to get your money without you (like divorce when you just build a house). Keep baiting the hook and you will be fine.

As long as its your choice and your aware of what your doing and the risks you can go either way. I would not mind baiting the hook and giving money for a real sexy young one but id know she would not stand next to me when the money is gone. (and accept that of course)

This is an awesome post. Maybe its time I did a reality check and I need to start dating older women if that will solve the passion problem.

Excellent post by Robblok........

I visited a friend recently who has a wife that's in a compatible age band. My friend is 64, I'm not too sure of his wife's age but I'm guessing around 50. Every day is the same for this gentleman, he's met with a kiss and a cuddle every morning. I watched her fussing around in the morning making sure everything was just so for him when he got up, ( she's an early bird ), and all through the day the key component of the relationship was in place........

He was always in her mind.

She was always one step ahead of him, always making sure he was okay. Sure she was capable of pulling his ear too but it was done in jest. She can't get over the fact that he still can't eat spicy food, he can't get over the fact that she can eat so much food full stop.

I sat back and watched both of them going about their business, and their business was always each other. This wasn't a one way street. I loved watching them interact, and I complimented them both on many occasions. That man freely admits that he could take or leave Thailand, but what he has with his wife he could never leave.

There's no worse feeling than feeling that your doing everything you can, but you are still alone. I think that's a feeling you are used to. The answer is two fold.

Find a partner that is age compatible......and once you find her pay attention to that most obvious of things, are you in her mind?

Does she call you when she's out and ask do you want anything? Does she fuss about needing to go down to Tesco Lotus because she's worried she's going to run out of your favourite food? Does she wander over and give you a cuddle? Does she walk up to you while your on the laptop and put her hand on her shoulder as she watches the screen with you? The one I like best as I think it's beautiful and comical, does she guide you across the road, holding you cos she's scared you'll get knocked down? On that subject, is she always at you to be careful about life in Thailand?

There's a long list of indicators as to whether or not you have a genuine relationship, every man in a loving relationship here will have his own little treasured moment that he loves about his wife.

Mercedes Girl ( my lady ) is actually older than me. She would do anything for me, I love the care and attention that she shows me. Love it. Of course I'll come on here and moan about her talking too much but hey nobody is perfect.

All of the best relationships I see here are age compatible, we did a poll on TV last year and age compatibility band was a lot narrower than you would expect.

If you truly want that feeling again, change the age band you are dating, and give yourself a chance. There are many professional and business women in Thailand in their 40's and 50's looking for a gentleman for companionship and love. They're lonely, they want the same thing you do. Go after them, go after an equal.

Find an equal and you've knocked it off, good luck.

I know who you are talking about. thumbsup.gif

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The obvious solution, then, is not to be a bummer.

... on that point, I agree with you 100%

Take care of yourself and, in turn, you (might be) taken care of.

Yep. To me, it's all so obvious.

If you're fat or ugly or badly dressed (or a combination of the above), of course no girl will want you.

Sure, if you are a bummer then you may get "something", but she'll be a pig. She'll either be desperate (because she's got no cash), or she'll be a decade or two past her sell by date.

And she just won't like you.


Most Asian women would marry a chair if the price was right..wai2.gif

Funny, but wrong.

Why do you think all the sex tourists on this forum come to Thailand?

Seriously, why do you think they court little Thai girlies rather than the more attractive girlies in, let's say, Japan or Korea?

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My Philipina wife loves me for my ability to make money. She did look after me 1 time that I was out of work and even gave me beer money to go for a few afternoon cold ones when I was bored. But it was a matter of time and I was still actaully paying all of the bills that time. Like to think when I eventually retire, if rather, that she will be supportive and let me have that happy hour on occaison but you never know? The raging jealousy she has, that does not seem to go away after 6 years, makes me think there must be some love. Or maybe it's just protecting her ATM machine?

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My Philipina wife loves me for my ability to make money. She did look after me 1 time that I was out of work and even gave me beer money to go for a few afternoon cold ones when I was bored. But it was a matter of time and I was still actaully paying all of the bills that time. Like to think when I eventually retire, if rather, that she will be supportive and let me have that happy hour on occaison but you never know? The raging jealousy she has, that does not seem to go away after 6 years, makes me think there must be some love. Or maybe it's just protecting her ATM machine?

Only you can decide. smile.png

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The raging jealousy she has, that does not seem to go away after 6 years, makes me think there must be some love. Or maybe it's just protecting her ATM machine?


Jealously is not a sign of love! I'm not sure it is protection of ATM either. My opinion, based on my experiences obvioulsy, is that people who cheat, always think their partner is cheating. Now that is my idea from Western ideas/relationships, with people I would consider equals. I am willing to concede that ladies who grow up in countries like Thailand/ PI, suffer more problems from men, so maybe it is more realistic for them?

On the other hand, maybe the men here, could say if they think they cheat on women, more or less, than Thai men, PI men, overall, or not?

It is an annoying thing to live with, and no matter if the lady is jealous, or not jealous, probably doesn't change what the man is actually doing in his life ..cheating a lot, a little, not at all. Or does it? If it does, please let me know, because I am of the non-jealous mode, but maybe I should change my ways next time around? Does having a freaky police-woman checking every little thing, or throwing tantrums, really improve the situation?

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I don't worry about it because mine's different ... and I guess having said that I'll stick to the Visa section.

From Raiders of the Lost Ark:

Sallah: [As Dr. Jones tosses a date then Sallah catches the date in mid-air and points to dead monkey] Bad dates.

Edited by JLCrab
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Sometimes it takes a while for passion to develop.

Once they take a dump with the bathroom door wide-open you're in the clear though and anything goes.

My wife is 23 years younger than me ,we have a son of 19 in university ,we laugh and joke every day , and as someone earlier said ,when she leaves the bathroom door open ,then its love ,well it must be love smile.png.pagespeed.ce.CwSpBGGvqN.png

Wow, I really don't understand this one at all! Passion develops once she "takes a dump" or this is a sign of love?? Bathroom door open??

Can anyone here say they ENJOY viewing that? Does that make your lady more feminine in your eyes? Because I am always hearing about how much more "feminine" Thai ladies are. I would think most men could do without knowing anything about that ...I certainly consider it something to do in private, as in WHY NOT do it in private, if you can? I can't think of anything positive that would add to anyone's life, and I can think of how it could look crude, and unattractive, and not sexy, and, and, and ...WHY do it?

Does it make any of you feel better when you see nose picking also?? Maybe I just live on a different planet?

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Sometimes it takes a while for passion to develop.

Once they take a dump with the bathroom door wide-open you're in the clear though and anything goes.

My wife is 23 years younger than me ,we have a son of 19 in university ,we laugh and joke every day , and as someone earlier said ,when she leaves the bathroom door open ,then its love ,well it must be love smile.png.pagespeed.ce.CwSpBGGvqN.png

Wow, I really don't understand this one at all! Passion develops once she "takes a dump" or this is a sign of love?? Bathroom door open??

Can anyone here say they ENJOY viewing that? Does that make your lady more feminine in your eyes? Because I am always hearing about how much more "feminine" Thai ladies are. I would think most men could do without knowing anything about that ...I certainly consider it something to do in private, as in WHY NOT do it in private, if you can? I can't think of anything positive that would add to anyone's life, and I can think of how it could look crude, and unattractive, and not sexy, and, and, and ...WHY do it?

Does it make any of you feel better when you see nose picking also?? Maybe I just live on a different planet?

I took it as a joke - my Mrs (after 16 years) would never take a dump with the door open - she'd have a go if I did too . In fact she has got out of the bath and waited dripping in the bedroom (in a robe of course) whilst I have taken a seat on the throne - and has demanded I do the same.

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