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Thai court jails Iranian pair over botched Bangkok bomb plot


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As a hater of double standards I was sorry to see this verdict. really they should have been paid 7.5 million baht each at the very least for having been detained in prison for 5 months, if not given a party list MP status as well.

[rimshot, crash] HEYYYOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHH!!!!!! [loud laughter, followed by applause]

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Moradi, who appeared in court in a wheelchair, had argued in his defence that he had accidentally found bombs in the Bangkok property and was trying to dispose of them safely when they detonated.

Right. Dispose of them safely by going out to a crowded street and trying to catch a taxi.

Note to self: when I find explosives, leave them where they are for someone else to dispose of.

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Well done, Thailand, for this tough sentencing.

ALL countries should send a strong message against terrorism.

Shame on some European countries which seem a bit soft on the two most evil types of terrorism; Islamist and Neo-Nazi. For example, Britain is too soft on potential Islamist terrorists (eg. even giving some of them asylum) ; and Russia has been riddled with Neo-Nazi scum for many years now; and has been doing hardly anything about it.

Edited by JemJem
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I couldn't be happier. Death would have been too good for the bastards, I like the idea of them rotting in a Thai Jail, just a shame the second one still has his legs but hey, neither of them will be chucking bombs around for a long time to come and who knows, they may catch some nasty disease and take a few years to expire just before they get parole.

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No terrorism charges?

Legs blown off (by self) and a life long sentence in a high security Thai prison; any real need for more charges?

Guess if they didn't think 2010's mob was terror, what on earth would be?!

I am happy it was his legs and not perhaps your kids. coffee1.gif

agree i have no sympathy for the guy ...imagine if he had thrown it at innocent people ...in situations like this u always have to consider if it was u or yours that were going to get it ..cheers

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I couldn't be happier. Death would have been too good for the bastards, I like the idea of them rotting in a Thai Jail, just a shame the second one still has his legs but hey, neither of them will be chucking bombs around for a long time to come and who knows, they may catch some nasty disease and take a few years to expire just before they get parole.

agree ..as far as im concerned though now he has shortened up so to speak he can put it to good use ..re bj ...no sympathy for the rotten so and so ...i wonder if he has stopped to think for a moment if a child had lost his legs because of his actions ...i bet he couldnt care less .......

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  • 7 months later...

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"Two other suspects are believed to have returned to Iran."

...and they've been plotting their return and revenge since.

I think that last sentence in the report is the most troubling.

From OP: "...were among five Iranians suspected of involvement in the blasts"

"Two other suspects are believed to have returned to Iran."

What's the latest on the one that should be extradited from Malaysia? And are there proceedings to extradite the two suspects who fled to Iran? One is a woman, who allegedly used her name to rent the house where the bombs were being made.

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