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Never forget that many farangs in Thailand are lunatics


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Point proven I think.

Bravo .... I think.

If it's of any interest (and I'm sure it isn't), I'm probably the only person on this forum who doesn't have a Thai Chinese girlfriend.


But this is all becoming childish. You can really see now the mentality of this forum's membership.

No Andrew, it would seem you have been found out. Is this a case of you are right and all the other posters are wrong?

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To the OP. Hardened Soul has asked you a perfectly good question that I'm sure other posters on this thread would like to know, so why are you contacting him privately?

I've responded to HS in private as to do otherwise would be construed by this site's administrators as self promotion.

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Whenever I read daft OP's such as the one in this thread, I always look at the time that it was posted. This may give an indication as to the sobriety of the OP at the time. Usually the later in the evening the sillier the post. I see that this thread was started at midnight. Of course I may be completely wrong, the OP may be completely teetotal, but the posting of such vacuous twaddle at such a late hour makes me somewhat suspicious.

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I understand what the OP is saying, but it should be obvious to anyone who has spent more than a few months in Thailand. Thailand attracts a lot of men who are living on the shaky side of life and who can survive with a quasi-legal life style. They aren't really bad, but you wouldn't want to trust them with anything valuable. To do so is just silly and you get what you would expect. Some of these men might be charming and attractive but you would not want to join them in a business deal.

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Why are some of you so incredibly thin-skinned? If you are not one of the lunatics that the OP speaks of, why get so defensive about it? Surely you can't deny that Thailand does in fact attract some real looneys from farangland. The OP brought up a specific example. I can give a few myself, as can many here. The more delusional perspective would be to believe that every farang you meet in Thailand is trustworthy and mentally stable. As TV demonstrates every single day, this is not the case.

Can i take you back to the childish post you made in world news then with regards to a broken balcony and what posters might say if it happened here? I'm sure you remeber that! Purile stuff and totally unwarrented. You should look in the mirror. All you ever seem to do is try to find angles to suggest farang are in some way trying to knock thais! Its so incredibly narrow minded!

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Why are some of you so incredibly thin-skinned? If you are not one of the lunatics that the OP speaks of, why get so defensive about it? Surely you can't deny that Thailand does in fact attract some real looneys from farangland. The OP brought up a specific example. I can give a few myself, as can many here. The more delusional perspective would be to believe that every farang you meet in Thailand is trustworthy and mentally stable. As TV demonstrates every single day, this is not the case.

Can i take you back to the childish post you made in world news then with regards to a broken balcony and what posters might say if it happened here? I'm sure you remeber that! Purile stuff and totally unwarrented. You should look in the mirror. All you ever seem to do is try to find angles to suggest farang are in some way trying to knock thais! Its so incredibly narrow minded!

Childish? I thought that was one of my better moments. Not to mention being right on the money. I didn't want to bring up the Thai angle on this thread, but since you pointed it out, YES, many of the posters here can be rather hypocritical. If this thread had been about a lunatic Thai, these same guys would be falling all over themselves to agree with the OP and harping about how this country is full of lunatic locals.

But back on topic, are you personally offended by this thread?

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Why are some of you so incredibly thin-skinned? If you are not one of the lunatics that the OP speaks of, why get so defensive about it? Surely you can't deny that Thailand does in fact attract some real looneys from farangland. The OP brought up a specific example. I can give a few myself, as can many here. The more delusional perspective would be to believe that every farang you meet in Thailand is trustworthy and mentally stable. As TV demonstrates every single day, this is not the case.

Can i take you back to the childish post you made in world news then with regards to a broken balcony and what posters might say if it happened here? I'm sure you remeber that! Purile stuff and totally unwarrented. You should look in the mirror. All you ever seem to do is try to find angles to suggest farang are in some way trying to knock thais! Its so incredibly narrow minded!

Childish? I thought that was one of my better moments. Not to mention being right on the money. I didn't want to bring up the Thai angle on this thread, but since you pointed it out, YES, many of the posters here can be rather hypocritical. If this thread had been about a lunatic Thai, these same guys would be falling all over themselves to agree with the OP and harping about how this country is full of lunatic locals.

But back on topic, are you personally offended by this thread?

Not personally but if there are farangs here that are lunatics (other than the op) it may be more correct to consider them as those with a mental illness and try to understand them rather than judge them.

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OP, try being in hotel industry smile.png

Esteemed guests in cheapest rooms believe that they are VIP customers and hotel should bend backwards to service them- naturally for free.

Hotel rules should not and do not apply to them.

And should hotel not do whatever they want, you should see the reviews.

Try the condo rental or owner business if you think hotels are bad, what 2 weeks after moving in the neighbour 200 metres away on another plot of land farts loudly in the morning and you want your money back and are moving out, or "my Mum just died" yet seen a few weeks later looking for another room with another agent my Wife knows, or The Pool isnt big enough.

Never their fault........they could almost be Thai!!

Have to say most of them havent got a pot to piss in and leave the room like a shithole yet want it immaculate when starting.

Waht you dont have rooms for less than 8000 baht

My budget is 20k a month but then ask for 10k rooms etc etc etc

Just a normal day.

Me I stay out of it except to answer their dumb e mails in my Wifes name as they also try the "you dont understand " routine.

Occasionally they sink into deep self pity, death threats, one even said he was an arms dealer, turned out he was a Turkish man running a kebab shop in Australia beforehand which went bust owing money to everyone.

As a former estate agent in Pattaya I can relate to this big time....

Thailand...where the so called self claimed winners were losers back home, great place to re-invent yourself thumbsup.gif

Edited by norrona
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As a former estate agent in Pattaya I can relate to this big time....

Thailand...where the so called self claimed winners were losers back home, great place to re-invent yourself thumbsup.gif

usually re-inventing themselves as "financial advisors" or real estate brokers...rolleyes.gif

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im sorry this is such a vague load of twaddle that it was not worth the time it took to post.

it may all be true, but i fail to see the point

We've been through some of this before, haven't we?

Your first username was TinFoilHat. What was next? Was it CandyPants?

And then there was another name, wasn't there?

And now you're back as GirlDrinkDrunk.


Do you still "fail to see the point"? The thread is about farang lunatics. Take a look in the mirror.

i beg your pardon? idle speculation verging on paranoia. you could do much better andrew.

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Why are some of you so incredibly thin-skinned? If you are not one of the lunatics that the OP speaks of, why get so defensive about it? Surely you can't deny that Thailand does in fact attract some real looneys from farangland. The OP brought up a specific example. I can give a few myself, as can many here. The more delusional perspective would be to believe that every farang you meet in Thailand is trustworthy and mentally stable. As TV demonstrates every single day, this is not the case.

That's good feedback. You've got the point.

When you come face to face with madness or insanity, it's really fuc_kING scary.

Insane guys look exactly the same as you. They're every bit as tall and well dressed as you are.

They don't have a tattoo on their forehead that says "INSANE".

At first, they're just regular guys. But when you eventually see them for what they are, you realize that they're operating on a whole different playing field. And it's really quite frightening.


Fact is .... there are a lots of these guys right here in Thailand.

Although this thread's dynamics are a bit strange - but understandable given how it was opened and considering the formulation of OP's posts - I have to agree with andrew - many lunatics here in Thailand.

And I don't limit my statement to foreigners.

The country has a way of bringing out lunacy - maybe it's the sensation of freedom and control on one's own life.

In business, better to not deviate from practices that have proven safe, and make exceptions only when there's only a minimal risk.

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As a former estate agent in Pattaya I can relate to this big time....

Thailand...where the so called self claimed winners were losers back home, great place to re-invent yourself thumbsup.gif

usually re-inventing themselves as "financial advisors" or real estate brokers...rolleyes.gif

which one are you then?

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As a former estate agent in Pattaya I can relate to this big time....

Thailand...where the so called self claimed winners were losers back home, great place to re-invent yourself thumbsup.gif

usually re-inventing themselves as "financial advisors" or real estate brokers...rolleyes.gif

which one are you then?

neither one old chap....I am a dumb engineer...not smart enough to play in the cut and thrust world of financial advice or real estate, and the other problem I have is that I have morals...rolleyes.gif

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Interesting thread andrew...

I guess it depends on what part of Thailand you're doing business in, I can imagine the less desirable businessfarang can be found where there's a quick buck to be made.

Consequently a little bit of due diligence can pay off, not saying that you don't already know this.

If you're as good as you make out to be on Thai Visa (and I'm not trying to take the piss) than your reputation should be able to withstand online criticism by a businessfarang, given your Royal Thai Government work.

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As a former estate agent in Pattaya I can relate to this big time....

Thailand...where the so called self claimed winners were losers back home, great place to re-invent yourself thumbsup.gif

usually re-inventing themselves as "financial advisors" or real estate brokers...rolleyes.gif

which one are you then?

neither one old chap....I am a dumb engineer...not smart enough to play in the cut and thrust world of financial advice or real estate, and the other problem I have is that I have morals...rolleyes.gif

So do I old chap....I met an engineer once, was a complete tosser and know it all....

See what I did there rolleyes.gif

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So do I old chap....I met an engineer once, was a complete tosser and know it all....

See what I did there rolleyes.gif

What sort of Engineer ?...cos I agree with you some are real tosser know it alls, there was Chemical engineer on here a few days ago, who was a tosser and very violent to boot...thumbsup.gif

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So do I old chap....I met an engineer once, was a complete tosser and know it all....

See what I did there rolleyes.gif

What sort of Engineer ?...cos I agree with you some are real tosser know it alls, there was Chemical engineer on here a few days ago, who was a tosser and very violent to boot...thumbsup.gif

ex-pat engineer whistling.gif

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It's kind of stating the obvious to start a thread about many farang being lunatics. I have sympathy for business owners harmed by libelous comments but I think most of us enjoy the chance encounter with the occasion odd ball. My funniest ever was a few months ago - I met a guy who started explaining how he could hack iPhones in Thailand because they used True sim cards and didn't use the official 'Apple' internet. He then regaled me with his stories about cage fighting in Japan every year. I just couldn't keep a straight face.

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Was in a bar in BKK on Wed night and the old boy sitting there latched on to me and started telling me his life story. This boy was the jesus, he'd seen and done it all, only thing was he kept contradicting himself.

One minute he was involved in alcohol distribution, the next it was skin whitener and beauty products, 2 minutes later it was property development.

There seems to be one of these guys in nearly every bar in BKK. Full of shit and want to tell everyone about it.

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As a former estate agent in Pattaya I can relate to this big time....

Thailand...where the so called self claimed winners were losers back home, great place to re-invent yourself thumbsup.gif

usually re-inventing themselves as "financial advisors" or real estate brokers...rolleyes.gif

Nah one of the financial advisors stayed in one of our rooms, getting later with the rent each month and with numerous stories he left in the dead of night owing us money, I wont mention his name............ og bugger I did.... David Geary

The Wife's business not mine, mine is to whinge and gripe about Thailand ............which I thoroughly enjoyw00t.gif

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I believe you joined the forum back in 2003 or thereabouts and had a good 9 years or so on hiatus? (That's not in Malaysia btw)

If you listen carefully, you may just hear your name beeing cooed from those nether regions once more.

Only this time it's a one way ticket.

Have fun, y'hear smile.png

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I wonder what OP is doing for a living:

A dentist: Perhaps

An Air Condition installation service engineer with his own business: Perhaps

A security advisor: Perhaps

Many more options so I will stop guessing for now.

Yes some lunatics Expats here but also many sensible nice ones.

I guess I am in the middlebiggrin.png , crazy to buy a 9 mill baht house for my wifewink.png , smart to move away from the depressing climate in Denmark and saving millions of baht in taxes in the process over the yearsthumbsup.gif

Edited by guzzi850m2
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I suppose that once you (you being inflated egos in general) build your own shining pedestal and stand upon it, all 'hoi polloi' you demean are too lowly to reach your ear to whisper that you, your highness, have no clothes.

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