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Nice Dog. Home Needed Urgently!

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Saturday afternoon this big friendly dog shows up at our house, makes friends with our animals and clearly decides we are to be its new home. My wife doesn't love dogs, we already have enough animals to look after and on top of that we're expecting a baby any day now so this one simply isn't an option.

It's been cared for and we've walked it around the area to see if we can find the owner (behaved well on a lead but nervous passing soi dogs) but no luck. A family about half a kilometer away liked it and said they'd keep it yesterday, but this morning it returned despite the fact that we're not feeding it. The shelter I called is full and I really, really don't want to do what my neighbours are urging which is to get someone to take it far away and abandon it so it's someone else's problem. It shows no sign of mistreatment, seems to be OK with cats and would make a good pet for someone able to look after it properly.



Of course if this is your dog, I'd love to hear from you right away. If anyone wants to adopt it please send me a PM or call me and we'll talk but I only have today to find him a place to go. I'm putting an ad in TV classifieds as well but please mods, let this stand at least for 24 hours.

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What a beautiful dog! I hope someone gives it a good home. We have too many animals here already and will be traveling soon for a few weeks time so not an option here either. Not helpful I know. Thanks for your efforts.


Definitely looks like it was someone's pet. Male or female? Do you think there's any benefit in checking to see if there's a microchip. (the chip in our cat is worth more than the cat!)


I hope you can find a good home for him. Nice to know there are some caring people out there.

Yes like to add to that. Looks like a lovely dog and I really hope you find him a nice home. I have recently taken an abandoned dog in so unfortunately I can't but wish you luck.



No solution yet, I'm afraid. Surely someone would like a good natured pet?

I would love to take him on but we've just got a new family member, namely an English bullterrier. His owner's wife decided she didn't want him so we took him in. I think 1 is enough.


No solution yet, I'm afraid. Surely someone would like a good natured pet?

I would love to take him on but we've just got a new family member, namely an English bullterrier. His owner's wife decided she didn't want him so we took him in. I think 1 is enough.

Ideally, it is best too have at least two dogs. Dogs are pack animals and usually we can't be with them as much as they need. Another dog can solve that problem and you have two happy pets instead of one lonely one.

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My wife barely tolerates the one, and building a new house while about to give birth places about as much strain on our family as is fair. I do hope someone steps up for this one as it's really a very nice animal.


No solution yet, I'm afraid. Surely someone would like a good natured pet?

I would love to take him on but we've just got a new family member, namely an English bullterrier. His owner's wife decided she didn't want him so we took him in. I think 1 is enough.

Ideally, it is best too have at least two dogs. Dogs are pack animals and usually we can't be with them as much as they need. Another dog can solve that problem and you have two happy pets instead of one lonely one.

Nice try but no thanks. Hmoo is not lonely anyway, he spends most of his waking hours with me.


Many of these pleas to take in stray, unwanted or abandoned pets have appeared on Thai visa and have rarely been successful.

The OP has only 2 options: either keep this beautiful dog as part of his family or cast it out to fend for it`s self and let it die suffering on the streets somewhere.

This is really up to the OP and what he considers as morally right.

If it were me, I would find a way to keep this dog, wouldn`t care what the wife thought. But of course everyone has different levels of kindness and goodwill and some care more than others.

Where there is a will and something that someone truly wants to do, than nothing is impossible.

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To me, abandoning an animal is almost unthinkable but as you know, Thais view things differently and that's largely why the country is overrun with stray, poorly cared for dogs. However, I'm happily married to a Thai who is very distressed at the idea of having yet another stray to care for and at a time when we should be rejoicing in the expectation of a new baby this is making her unhappy out of all proportion, so I'm really working hard to find it a home.

You're right that it is a moral dilemma but painful as it is, my family's well being comes in ahead of the dog's and I rather resent your implication that if I have to choose some course other than keeping the dog that my levels of kindness and goodwill don't match up to your own. If it comes to that point, I will PM you in the expectation that you'll come over and pick him up - OK?

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To me, abandoning an animal is almost unthinkable but as you know, Thais view things differently and that's largely why the country is overrun with stray, poorly cared for dogs. However, I'm happily married to a Thai who is very distressed at the idea of having yet another stray to care for and at a time when we should be rejoicing in the expectation of a new baby this is making her unhappy out of all proportion, so I'm really working hard to find it a home.

You're right that it is a moral dilemma but painful as it is, my family's well being comes in ahead of the dog's and I rather resent your implication that if I have to choose some course other than keeping the dog that my levels of kindness and goodwill don't match up to your own. If it comes to that point, I will PM you in the expectation that you'll come over and pick him up - OK?

Sorry to sound so harsh, but these are the facts and what you have just said = dog will be left somewhere to fend for it`s self, although I fully understand your dilemma.

I am unable to take this dog because we already have 5 dogs and 3 cats that were at one time unwanted and are now living a good life and well cared for.

But I know there must be some here on Thai visa who are in a situation to take this dog. It would probably make a fantastic pet for a single person or a couple who have retired here and intend to remain in Thailand.

Other as I have said; we all know the consequences for this dog.

Cannot look at this thread much longer, it`s too sad.


Please, if you have no luck, contact the guys at both Non Profit Dog Rescues; Unidog and Soidog! They will 100% help. I have one own dog, 5 foster dogs for almost a year for whom I search a very good home and former stray boy, that I^ve found on the road, badly injured from an accident and who ever since is paralyzed. My neighbor, who actually is of same nationality is freaking out for a couple of weeks, since I had overseen 2 heaps of poo in front of his garden fence, threaten to poison the dogs, so I do have too much problems myself, otherwise I would take him as a foster..

Unidog and Soidog have helped a friend who already has 4 dogs at home, and also found a paralyzed doggie last week to find a good home for him. A Thai family with a huge, walled garden close to Bangkok who already have 10 dogs took him and there he will be taken very good care of. PM me and I am getting you the details and how to contact them.

They might refuse if the think that it is you who want to get rid of the dog, sadly it happens much too often. But I am sure you will be able to clarify the situation. Please if possible leave them a small donation if they are going to help you, both organisations work really wonders, for the strays in general and especially for all the thousands that are already and those3 who will saved from the barbaric, illegal dog meat trade.



There's your answer. Leave it at BJ's house...

Many of these pleas to take in stray, unwanted or abandoned pets have appeared on Thai visa and have rarely been successful.

The OP has only 2 options: either keep this beautiful dog as part of his family or cast it out to fend for it`s self and let it die suffering on the streets somewhere.

This is really up to the OP and what he considers as morally right.

If it were me, I would find a way to keep this dog, wouldn`t care what the wife thought. But of course everyone has different levels of kindness and goodwill and some care more than others.

Where there is a will and something that someone truly wants to do, than nothing is impossible.


I will copy this and put it on various Thai dog FB sites, but I would need some more info. Where are you?

Oh I see, ok, Chiang Mai, right?! Let me try, please do not dump him, that can not be an option, he might end up terribly tortured

, slowly<to death to end in Vietnam on a bastards dinner plate.let him be around your house for a few more days, if he feels that much home, that he even returned back to you from another place.

Maybe someone is missing him, desperately trying to find him? Can you tell me more, does he listen to English commands, or only Thai?

Please keep him a few days, if needed I am paying for food! I PROMISE WE'LL EITHER FIND THE OWNER OR FIND HIM A GOOD NEW HOME!!!!! You could also show the photos to both vet clinics in Chiang Mai, maybe someone recognizes him, and they have the records of the owner.


I did show the photos around locally and visited the nearest vet but I really think the dog was abandoned. The good (I hope) news is that one of the guys working on our house said his family would like to take him on so a couple of hours ago he left, along with a big bag of dog food. I do hope that he's going to a good home - certainly the person who took him seems nice and responsible - I'll ask daily as to how he's getting on....

Thank you for your concern. If there's a follow up to this I'll post it but in the meantime let's keep our fingers crossed that he's going to be well cared for.

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I did show the photos around locally and visited the nearest vet but I really think the dog was abandoned. The good (I hope) news is that one of the guys working on our house said his family would like to take him on so a couple of hours ago he left, along with a big bag of dog food. I do hope that he's going to a good home - certainly the person who took him seems nice and responsible - I'll ask daily as to how he's getting on....

Thank you for your concern. If there's a follow up to this I'll post it but in the meantime let's keep our fingers crossed that he's going to be well cared for.

Yes the poor dogs get driven to a far away area from their home and just dumped. Absolutely sickening! Same thing happened to my dog before I took him in.

Great news that someone has taken him on. Fair play to you for doing everything you did for him! I hope the person who has taken him wants him for life and won't abandon him again.



I have a couple of dogs already, and 7 cats.

If the recent dispensation of the dog isn't working out - and you did say you would be checking on that - please contact me and I'll consider (and please note it's 'consider') taking him,

provided that

1) it doesn't cause a problem getting on with my potentially troublesome and certainly jealous alsation (male), and

2) he is as you suggest ok with the cats

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I did show the photos around locally and visited the nearest vet but I really think the dog was abandoned. The good (I hope) news is that one of the guys working on our house said his family would like to take him on so a couple of hours ago he left, along with a big bag of dog food. I do hope that he's going to a good home - certainly the person who took him seems nice and responsible - I'll ask daily as to how he's getting on....

Thank you for your concern. If there's a follow up to this I'll post it but in the meantime let's keep our fingers crossed that he's going to be well cared for.

Thank you very much for what you have tried and done for this stunning dog. Please let us know from time to time... I've just got response to one of the posts I'd placed with Unidog... if the owner would not be found, there is a lady, she has 2 year old girl, that is spayed and also would consider to take him. It is a Thai lady, living ad working in Chiang Mai. And there is also 'triffid', who posted that he would consider to take him. 2 other options, in case it will not work with the other guy. Than you once again for taking good care on him while he was with you!


Thank you very much for what you have tried and done for this stunning dog. Please let us know from time to time...

Seconded... thank you for your kind efforts to find him a home.

Reminds me a lot of the story of Koh PhaNgan's Tin Tin (and follow up), who eventually found his home in Koh Samui and later moved to Phuket.

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