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British Tourist Arrested For Theft In Pattaya

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Looking at the Mars bars in the photo,he must have a sweet tooth, there are times when I could kill for a Mars Bar! but hey I always pay.


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Talk about a fashion crime...chosing to steal one's clothing from the styles on offer at Big C!

I guess his funds were low and still awhile before his old age pension kicks in...so <deleted> is he doing living/visiting Pattaya?

It is perfect! One singha singlet, a pair of baggy combat shorts, a pair of flip-flops and 2 pairs of skivvies and Pattaya Expat uniform sorted for another year!

Come on guys, non of us know his circumstances, mental health could be a factor.

But for the grace of god.......


Look I don't hate Brits. I think there is a real problem with Brits in Pattaya and something needs to be done or their reputation will continue to be tarnished! Why else is there a TV program in Britain about this very topic. Throughout this whole time I have not insulted one Brit on this forum but only stated true facts while others have called the Brits complete <deleted>. How to solve this problem? What is going on in the UK that is causing many Brits to flock to Thailand and Pattaya especially.


Ha ha big news.

Anyone ever heard of compassion?

As you throw insults at this guy, look at yourself. Quality tourists in Pattaya !!!!! DONT have the need to increase their self image.


So not only Russians are doing simple thefts in Pattaya , the Brits are doing it too, good to know....

And you are from.....................? ............coffee1.gif.pagespeed.ce.Ymlsr09gMJ.gif alt=coffee1.gif width=32 height=24> ...............smile.png

Norway , everyone is rich there so I doubt you wll find a Norwegian doing this unless he is crazy and drunk.

I love Norway! One of the best spots on the Planet!


Yep, and another one bites the dust.

Giving us farangs the name and tag we deserve, thnx mate!!!!

Who's us? You talk like we are members of your Falong club LOL


From one Brit to Another- Hope you get what coming to you. Its no wonder we are hated all over the world.

You been "all over the world" and checked this then? Or just sounding off?

Just another one who opens his mouth before opening his mind . . .


So not only Russians are doing simple thefts in Pattaya , the Brits are doing it too, good to know....




Same Same but different


sent by skyaslimit using thaivisa forum mobile app.


From one Brit to Another- Hope you get what coming to you. Its no wonder we are hated all over the world.

The British holiday makers (as I believe you are referring to) are hated all over the world because of excessive drunkiness, rather than theft.


Yes a nice little stay in a Thai jail and send him home.

There must be a good chance that he hasnt got the money to fly home, id bet there are many like this who are stuck in Thailand.

Well a nice long stay in jail for him then. When I lived in Bangkok I had 3 different guys (strangers not friends) ask me for money to buy a plane ticket home because they had their money stolen or some other pathetic story. Would I help not a chance. All 3 were drunk. If you can't afford a plane ticket you can't afford beer.

If I were approached by a sober Brit in the same situation I would be incredulous. Sober Brit in LOS? Fat chance!


Yes a nice little stay in a Thai jail and send him home.

There must be a good chance that he hasnt got the money to fly home, id bet there are many like this who are stuck in Thailand.

I don't think you need money to get deported.. . after his stay in the monkey house, his family or friends, or the good old uk

government will help him 5555... I stand corrected if this is not the case.. smile.png

The UK government will not help him unless he was born overseas.

  • Like 2

So not only Russians are doing simple thefts in Pattaya , the Brits are doing it too, good to know....

And you are from.....................? ............coffee1.gif ...............xsmile.png.pagespeed.ic.4tUibSscbZ.webp

Norway , everyone is rich there so I doubt you wll find a Norwegian doing this unless he is crazy and drunk.

That's about 75% of the Norwegians that I have met

You haven't been to Yorkshire then?


The post says he is a tourist so he should have a return ticket.. good riddens to back rubbish but maybe there is more to this than meets the eye? I'd like to know why he stole in the first place.


From one Brit to Another- Hope you get what coming to you. Its no wonder we are hated all over the world.

You been "all over the world" and checked this then? Or just sounding off?

I will open by saying some of my best friends are Britz but an Irish politician I believe Parnell in the House of Commons over 100 years ago stated "The English have angered half the world and annoyed the rest." Or words to that effect.

No wonder he said that, the English had been persecuting the Irish for 800 years.


So not only Russians are doing simple thefts in Pattaya , the Brits are doing it too, good to know....

And you are from.....................? ............coffee1.gif ...............xsmile.png.pagespeed.ic.4tUibSscbZ.webp

Norway , everyone is rich there so I doubt you wll find a Norwegian doing this unless he is crazy and drunk.

That's about 75% of the Norwegians that I have met

Agreed! I'd say it's even a higher percentage. Crazy's already very serious. But crazy and drunk pretty much sucks.Don't bash on Vikings though.-w00t.gif


Look I don't hate Brits. I think there is a real problem with Brits in Pattaya and something needs to be done or their reputation will continue to be tarnished! Why else is there a TV program in Britain about this very topic. Throughout this whole time I have not insulted one Brit on this forum but only stated true facts while others have called the Brits complete wanke_rs. How to solve this problem? What is going on in the UK that is causing many Brits to flock to Thailand and Pattaya especially.

Overtaxed, seeing their hard earned money given away overseas, weather etc.


From one Brit to Another- Hope you get what coming to you. Its no wonder we are hated all over the world.

I think your hated because you tried colonizing the world and telling everyone what to do.. kinda like what america does today.

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Yes a nice little stay in a Thai jail and send him home.

There must be a good chance that he hasnt got the money to fly home, id bet there are many like this who are stuck in Thailand.

There is a good chance he has no money so ...his ticket home would be to get arrested and deported home...all expense paid flight home. great scam.


I think the cost of a ticket home would not be funded by any government, Thai or British, without some guarantor underwriting that.

And the man would be expected to repay that, so what is saved ? For it to be any different would mean empty cells at Immigration in Bangkok which is hardly the case. Any known case of a free ride home that anyone knows about ?


Yes a nice little stay in a Thai jail and send him home.

There must be a good chance that he hasnt got the money to fly home, id bet there are many like this who are stuck in Thailand.

There is a good chance he has no money so ...his ticket home would be to get arrested and deported home...all expense paid flight home. great scam.

As far as I'm aware, he will be detained here in Thailand until his family or friends pay his plane fare. The UK Embassy won't.


Yes a nice little stay in a Thai jail and send him home.

There must be a good chance that he hasnt got the money to fly home, id bet there are many like this who are stuck in Thailand.

There is a good chance he has no money so ...his ticket home would be to get arrested and deported home...all expense paid flight home. great scam.

Article says he a tourist. If he is from Britain he would've needed a return or onward ticket to get here. More like a sad klepto like the russkies a few weeks back, Can't resist a "bargain". Lock him up till his flight, deport and blacklist.


From one Brit to Another- Hope you get what coming to you. Its no wonder we are hated all over the world.

I think your hated because you tried colonizing the world and telling everyone what to do.. kinda like what america does today.

Or the alternative view - Britain was the world's first policeman, a mantle picked up by the US after WW2. Too world wars protecting freedom had a massive impact on the UK, in monetary, population and talent. The US has paid a heavy price for taking up the role, which it continues to do. Thankless job, as all police roles are.

Do you think any other countries were capable of this?? What is frightening is what will happen if the US relinquishes the role.

Fed up listening to all the PC rewriting of history crap by trendy liberals. Get real.

I didn't know your eyes could listen? and no false statements have been made.

Get your ears checked.


From one Brit to Another- Hope you get what coming to you. Its no wonder we are hated all over the world.

You been "all over the world" and checked this then? Or just sounding off?

I will open by saying some of my best friends are Britz but an Irish politician I believe Parnell in the House of Commons over 100 years ago stated "The English have angered half the world and annoyed the rest." Or words to that effect.

No wonder he said that, the English had been persecuting the Irish for 800 years.

Jeez, one who believes what a neo-terrorist anti-British parliamentarian said over 100 years ago (do you think he might have been biased) and one whose still living in the past. Eire has been independent a long time. If you want to learn try researching how the various European powers treated their colonies. You might learn something if you open your mind. (Clue - Congo/Belgians; Indo-China-France).

Criminals and Kleptos exist in all countries. Some quiet wealthy people seem to want to steal from shops, their employers. or the state. It's a human phenomenon not aligned to a particular country or race.

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Go easy on the Brits, hard times back in the old country. Poor SOB had to come to Thailand for basic amenities.

Basic amenities like beer and bar girls? tongue.png

And FWIW, I don't think the Brits that hang around drunk in Pattaya and Phuket are typical of Brits. I also don't think that Brits are hated all over the world.

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Just another typical Brit in Thailand.

No, the typical Brit is a lot more likely to be a drunk than a thief.

Indeed there are a lot of British visitors who sadly seem to drink to excess. But "typical" - don't think so. It's like saying typical Irish are fighting drunks (several of my Irish friends don't drink alcohol) or that typical Scots are mean (probably the most hospitable part of the UK).

I see lots of "quality" tourists these days, pissed and dressed really smart. Go to certain resorts in EU - Spanish and Greek Islands. Certain resorts attract a certain type of person. Pattaya - a haven for those seeking cheap booze and women. Hardly surprising they get some kleptos, druggies, steroid addicts and thugs in the mix is it?

And, they come from lots of countries. But, not typical of their country (hopefully).

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