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some neighbors and house guests are better than others


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I came back from my morning bike ride today to find this fellow on the driveway. I don't know anything about them except that they're venomous to a degree. But so is a bee. or ant.

He's caused me no harm and I'm just not partial to killing creatures. Any spider or gecko I find in the house if I can capture it gets escorted outside as I figure they aren't paying me any rent. I don't kill them.

Would I be wrong to take this fellow to a field a ways away from the house and release him?

Based on theories I've read from past forum posts regarding size and potential sting significance, this big fellow should not hurt at all.



I didn't get closer with my foot as I have no clue as to how fast they can move. I really just wanted a size reference. He was no Speedy Gonzalas but I wasn't going to take a chance.


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If you can find a place where there is some fallen down trees or rotting wood release her there. I've been stung a couple of times much like a bee sting, not a pleasing experience, and was usually moving wood in the old wood pile.

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Any spider or gecko I find in the house if I can capture it gets escorted outside as I figure they aren't paying me any rent.

They both keep the flies and mosquitoes down; so in a way are paying you rent!

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Anyone here in the country has seen dozens of these in the last 6 days. I believe they are males migrating as in mate seeking. I see many squished in the road and eaten up by something the next day.

If you are steady and have good Kwan and critter skills, you can gently place your hand,palm up in front of a traveling black scorpion and it will climb in and over your hand to continue it's journey.

Slow and deliberate and non threatening is the subtle approach. This works well for most desert tarantulas too, but don't blow air on them or they will think its a T-wasp attacking them, at the very least a few leg strokes of back fur will clog your sinus. Good luck.

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here in the desert we search for them using an ultra violet (black lifht) lamp.. its really cool, u do it at night.

The desert ? If my wife found it the poor thing would have been "dessert".......................whistling.gif

ps, While working in the deserts in central Australia years ago doing oil and gas exploration I was stung by lots of creepy-crawlies. The scorpion that ambushed me in my swag one night and stung me on the gonads was bad, but the centipede that got me on the back of my arm, between the shoulder and the elbow was the worst pain ever experienced. When I see a centipede now I run away squealing like a girl. giggle.gif

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I get house guests and have some neighbors that I wish that I could put in a bin and release them somewhere far away without any directions home! They have two legs and can talk! No doubt they most likely feel the same about me!

Edited by wayned
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