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Obama to make statement on Syria at 1:15 p.m. EDT


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Obama will take action but only with congressional approval. I don't approve of taking action, but Obama painted himself into a corner. The allies pretty much deserted him. Politically the idea is unpopular without congressional approval as shown by a poll in another thread.

Now it's anyone's guess as to what congress will say, or how long it would take them to decide. They don't even have to discuss it it they don't want to and there are rules for that (for getting a vote to the floor) and they can just ignore it. Or, they can rush back to DC and quickly approve it.

Obama's looking like a wimp. First he's going to, then he finds himself standing alone, now he wants approval.

Who knows?

Exactly why politicians and people like you that have this sort of attitude are the crux if the problem with this country. Politics, personalities and egos should not be dictating the outcome of important issues like these.

People like me? I control nothing. We elect representatives and a POTUS to represent us, not to dictate to us.

This is Obama's problem. He said he was going to attack Syria, but when he found himself standing alone, he blinked. Talk to him about "politics...dictating the outcome of important issues like these.

C'mon, he gave in to political and media pressure. Then he got criticized for caving to political and media pressure. So f'ed up. At least call it what it is!

Alabama looking strong. Lets hope Dawg can do the same. Go Dawgs.

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The real troubling part is the US is arming the rebels, this whole Syria false flag has more to do with Russia.

Totally cool to me if you want to hate on US provided we don't give you any money, but to not pass blame to Russia for 95% of this is f'ed up beyond belief. Forget china as they have zero morals and will never do the right thing, but one would hope that Putin and Russia would step above the fray and stop supplying and backing a war criminal committing genocide. No matter what you try to convince yourself of, Russia and US are not even remotely on the same level as far as trying to do the right thing and protect people from harm.

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Exactly why politicians and people like you that have this sort of attitude are the crux if the problem with this country. Politics, personalities and egos should not be dictating the outcome of important issues like these.

People like me? I control nothing. We elect representatives and a POTUS to represent us, not to dictate to us.

This is Obama's problem. He said he was going to attack Syria, but when he found himself standing alone, he blinked. Talk to him about "politics...dictating the outcome of important issues like these.

C'mon, he gave in to political and media pressure. Then he got criticized for caving to political and media pressure. So f'ed up. At least call it what it is!

Alabama looking strong. Lets hope Dawg can do the same. Go Dawgs.

We're not disagreeing! I said he blinked!

Alabama is a good team, but I'll wish the best for Oregon. :)

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'Our eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the bomb'

How many lives has this sort of intervention cost so far?

How far do we have to go back to show the futility and how wrong it is, no matter what the excuse.

Vietnam, Korea, must stop the spread of communism.

Iraq, WMD.

Libya, they armed and supported the rebels and when Gaddafi was winning he had to be bombed.

Now Syria, once again they have armed and supported the rebels, now they have an excuse without even knowing for sure who used these chemical weapons.

Go for it bomb the crap out of them and install a rebel Govt that will be no better.

Who comes next?

The great prize Iran????

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So Obama will ask for congress's approval. I predict they will approve.

If Congress does approve (which I think they will not)

I guess Americans can stop paying taxes

Because like the old saying goes,

"No Taxation Without Representation"

Looking at US opinion today on this matter, if Congress votes yes that would mean Americans have no representation

by their elected representatives. Matters not what individual Congress Critters want. They are there to represent

their constituents, the American Citizens of their districts.

I am glad though to see Obama finally do the right thing & seek approval

albeit so late he does look incompetent ( nothing new there )

Edited by mania
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So Obama will ask for congress's approval. I predict they will approve.

If Congress does approve (which I think they will not)

I guess Americans can stop paying taxes

Because like the old saying goes,

"No Taxation Without Representation"

Looking at US opinion today on this matter, if Congress votes yes that would mean Americans have no representation

by their elected representatives. Matters not what individual Congress Critters want. They are there to represent

their constituents, the American Citizens of their districts.

I am glad though to see Obama finally do the right thing & seek approval

albeit so late he does look incompetent ( nothing new there )

Nah - he shuffled his feet deliberately so that this would fall on Labour weekend and now there's a loooooong delay, giving UN time to meet and speak, and more information to come out of Syria. Don't blame Obama -- it's Kerry and Biden that have pushed this issue far more....

Edited to add ...

You guys obviously don't play poker ;) ( or maybe you lose a lot!! ) w00t.gif

Sent from my ....

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Don't blame Obama -- it's Kerry and Biden that have pushed this issue far more....

Don't be silly. They are Obama's surrogates and are acting under his orders. They are saying exactly what he wants them to say.

Ya think ?!?!?!? w00t.gif

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Nah - he shuffled his feet deliberately so that this would fall on Labour weekend and now there's a loooooong delay,

Yes but this is labor Day weekend now.

Sept 9th is another whole week off wink.png

I think what they want is time to run around

making threats & drumming up support which is presently not there.

If the Congress was called back like they should be on Tuesday Sept 3rd

100% guaranteed vote does not pass

But give this gang a week to false flag a bit & the vote a week later

may have a better chance. Please stand by for an event this week

Well they did promise transparency & yes we can see right thru them

Edited by mania
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So Obama will ask for congress's approval. I predict they will approve

If Congress does approve (which I think they will not)

I guess Americans can stop paying taxes

Because like the old saying goes,

"No Taxation Without Representation"

Looking at US opinion today on this matter, if Congress votes yes that would mean Americans have no representation

by their elected representatives. Matters not what individual Congress Critters want. They are there to represent

their constituents, the American Citizens of their districts.

I am glad though to see Obama finally do the right thing & seek approval

albeit so late he does look incompetent ( nothing new there )

That is not the case in practice however unfortunately. Witness the passage of TARP in the face of overwhelming constituent opposition. Congress will do whatever the collective Daddy Warbucks on Wall St. tells them to do.

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That is not the case in practice however unfortunately. Witness the passage of TARP in the face of overwhelming constituent opposition. Congress will do whatever the collective Daddy Warbucks on Wall St. tells them to do.

You are 100% correct of course & the TARP you mention is when I truly realized I was no longer represented. As they voted no & 2 days later changed their ( our ) vote to yes.

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Nah - he shuffled his feet deliberately so that this would fall on Labour weekend and now there's a loooooong delay,

Please stand by for an event this week

exactly, congress is not sold on this, and at 90% polls our people sure as hell aren't, so it will take another US-->Saudi-->Rebel chemical attack to try and seal the deal, probably will be very soon.

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Currently there are reports emerging via Press T.V . ( Bear in mind that the news source is Iranian controlled) that the Syrian Rebels have acknowledged the fact that they were responsible for the recent chemical attacks which they admit they bungled in no uncertain fashion.This was at 07-00 hrs Thai time or about 04-33 hrs Iranian time today September the 1st.

The claim in the rebels statements also states that Saudi Arabia supplied the chemical agents used in the attack.

Now who is Saudi Arabia's main backer or perhaps we should say who is deeply indebted to the Saudi regime business wise, mineral fuel wise and politically wise in the region, who stands the most to benefit from this move?

Perchance the Israeli 's struck a deal with the Saudi's I don't think so, perhaps an aspiring imperial power or powers struck the deal with the Saudi's.

Whichever it may be the game plan is changing and I certainly do not think that America nor France are willing to " go it alone" Israel is not going to be openly involved in the matter as such an involvement could and I fear would plunge the region into a violent massacre of bloodletting along with plunging the worlds economies into a free fall scenario along with no doubt a large increase in international terrorism on soft targets and innocent civilians.

American strategy has got to change, Obama it seems is not wholly in favour of actions so who will win , the hawks or the doves?

Let's be fair about it, America's track record in assorted conflicts has not been the most successful of assorted campaigns over the years, perhaps the lesson might be learned that poking ones nose into other nations business is not the most tactical exercise one can participate in. Remember Vietnam among a multitude of other conflicts.Keep out of domestic matters. Germany, the U.K Italy, all have said no, common sense is prevailing I hope. America needs to wash the blood of off its hands as do its allies.

Note today's date being September the 1st, fine, however Tuesday is September the 3rd. That is the anniversary of the declaration of war on Germany by England and some of its allies at the time.

Do we need an action replay of a possible ongoing 5 year conflict as a dubious anniversary present to the world in general No I don't think so nor in truth do the majority of the peoples in this world. either..

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Looks like the time line will be very convenient........another chemical attack just as 9/11 anniversary comes along......what appears to be interesting is POTUS is busy stating he will just attack a little as a warning ......has he given any thought to the fact that they are going to fight back ...or does he think they will all just sit back and accept missiles raining down......don't think so......I think we are about to see the start of WW3........thank you Mr Obama......

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Press Tv not a credible source.

Better than NBC or CBS any day when dealing with Middle Eastern affairs...

If you're pro-Iranian and believe what the mullahs living in the 14th century think.

The joys of freedom of the press and free speech. If you are pro Thailand you can watch Channel3 or whatever. There are many more people of "other persuasions" than there are americans in the world. An open mind is a most valuable asset :)

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UN inspectors' report expected in 3 weeks

The Hague - The report by the UN weapons inspectors over suspected use of poison gas in Syria is to be presented in three weeks at the latests, the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) said Saturday evening.

"Every effort will be made to speed the process," the OPCW said in a statement.

Nine experts from the OPCW and three from the World Health Organisation visited hospitals and interviewed doctors and possible victims in Syria. The inspectors also took samples from the ground and as well as from alleged victims.

A comment by an unidentified diplomat on Friday left the impression that the team’s report would be finishered earlier. The diplomat was quoted as saying collected samples would be analyzed over a 10- to 14-day period.

Syrian Foreign Minister Walid al-Moallem said Damascus would reject any "partial report" issued before the UN chemical weapons inspectors complete their mission and analysis of samples taken is finished.

-- The Nation 2013-09-01

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I find press tv ok they tend to be very selective on how they report so you would have to watch CNN to hear the other side of the story. a good example was a short report on Thailand where they report attacks on Muslims in southern Thailand but did not mention what the Muslims were doing . as long as you know this is the type of reporting there is no problem and you end up with a better idea of what's going on.

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Press Tv not a credible source.

Better than NBC or CBS any day when dealing with Middle Eastern affairs...

If you're pro-Iranian and believe what the mullahs living in the 14th century think.

The joys of freedom of the press and free speech. If you are pro Thailand you can watch Channel3 or whatever. There are many more people of "other persuasions" than there are americans in the world. An open mind is a most valuable asset smile.png

You're preaching to the choir.

You need to go into the lion's den to tell that to the radical Islamists.

Otherwise the statement is a platitude.

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If you're pro-Iranian and believe what the mullahs living in the 14th century think.

The joys of freedom of the press and free speech. If you are pro Thailand you can watch Channel3 or whatever. There are many more people of "other persuasions" than there are americans in the world. An open mind is a most valuable asset smile.png

You're preaching to the choir.

You need to go into the lion's den to tell that to the radical Islamists.

Otherwise the statement is a platitude.

Been there - done that -- worked in Egypt for a good while -- what personal experience do you bring to the table ? wink.png

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Putin is supplying weapons for DEFENSE against aggression. To protect PEACEFUL and INNOCENT civilians against aggressors who are much more technically equipped. You may call it 'humanitarian aid".

My friend, I think you are deluded.

It's also not beyond the realms of possibility that the chemical weapons came from Putin as well.

It is a CIA / Saudi operation. The Al Qaeda are just the hired help. Follow the $$$. In this case, the petrodollar.

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