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Well today I made some summer sausage, from a Hi Mountain Summer Sausage Kit sent to me by a niece and her husband. I used 2 kilos of Thai beef and 1 Kilo of fatty pork, the kit has enough ingredients to make 15 kilos of meat.


I tried using my homemade sausage stuffer and the tip kept coming off, so I went to plan "B" and stuffed the meat into the PVC tube placed a spice seasoning top inside the tube and had a push stick inserted and pushed the PVC tube down and stuff the sausage, very fast and easy took a picture that did not include the push stick,

post-91962-0-05518600-1379903661_thumb.j post-91962-0-56075800-1379903712_thumb.j

Made two 3 lb links of summer sausage, they are now warming up to room temperature before I start smoking them in my homemade UDS (ugly drum smoker)

post-91962-0-24900200-1379903765_thumb.j post-91962-0-81911100-1379903821_thumb.j

I cooked and tasted a patty of the mixture and was satisfied with the results, I will smoke it until it reached an internal temperature of 156 degrees F.


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Can you post a picture of your smooker, what size is the PVC pipe, and what dors the kit contaon. Thanks.

Sent from my i-mobile IQ 6 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app


Thanks for the post, Kikoman. I love innovation, and this is a great example.

I'm not a huge sausage fan but enjoy them occasionally. This innovative approach is inspiring enough to make me want to give sausage making a try. I have a couple of questions, though (and apologies if they were answered in a previous post -- didn't have time to read them all). First, what did you use for casing -- intestine or is there a man-made type available? Second, do I need a meat grinder, or can I get away with ground/minced meat from the store. I have a blender -- will it be useful in this process?

I think a pinned thread about suggestions for alternative ingredients, recipes and equipment would be great here at TVF. We all want to have some home-country goodness sometimes, but it's not (always) available or reasonably priced, so this kind of thread would be nice.


Can you post a picture of your smooker, what size is the PVC pipe, and what dors the kit contaon. Thanks.

Sent from my i-mobile IQ 6 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

This is a picture of my smoker, I made about 2 years ago, But you can use a tin can with a hole in the bottom and insert a small electric soldering iron and fill the can with wood chips, some for sale at Home Pro. I just get a piece of mango wood, chip pieces off with a axe, soak them in water and place them in the tin can and plug in the soldering iron. you can place the smoker can into your enclosed BBQ or a barrel etc.


The PVC pipe is an 1 1/2 inch cut it off to the length you need it,


the kit contains two packets of spices and two packets of cure, 10 large casings the contents of the kit is enough to make 30 lbs (15 kilos ) of sausage. the 3rd packet in the picture is what remained of the ingredient as I used only 6 lbs of meat, the packets are to use with 15 lbs of meat.



The casings I used are man made that came with the kit, I usually use hog intestines when making regular size sausages, which I get at Makro, meat department, freezer section.

You can used minced meat from the store, I like to grind my own because I know what cuts of meat I use, and can control the required fat content. I do not want to know what left over cuts of meat they use in the minced meat. You may also use a food processor, or blender to mince your meat, be careful not to overload your machine.

There is a lot of information on sausage making on the web.


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Quoting Kikoman:

"The casings I used are man made that came with the kit, I usually use hog intestines when making regular size sausages, which I get at Makro, meat department, freezer section.

You can used minced meat from the store, I like to grind my own because I know what cuts of meat I use, and can control the required fat content. I do not want to know what left over cuts of meat they use in the minced meat. You may also use a food processor, or blender to mince your meat, be careful not to overload your machine.

There is a lot of information on sausage making on the web"

Thanks for the info. I regularly go to Makro, so I'll check out the casing (i.e. pig's intestine) situation. And of course, I'll seach the web for more sausage making tips.


Yesterday I decided to open my pack of sausage skins bought from Makro, separte them and wind them onto chopsticks cut in half.

The skins had defrosted overnight and from there on it was just a case of sitting at the table and picking and end or even a middle and slowly untangling it.

Until you get an individual one out you have no idea of the length and they varied from about 75 cm up to about 3 metres or so.

Undo it then wrap it onto a chopstick, wrap it in clingfilm then bag it in a ziploc bag. I put about 4 of varying sizes per bag and ended up with 22 separate skins.

A boring job but when I make sausages it will be easier to take one bag out then untangle them then either refreeze the lot of chuck them in the fridge and remember them later by the smell and chuck the lot away.







Great Idea, I did the same thing but did not wrap them around Chop sticks, I just untangle them and place them in separate zip lock bags in right size for single use.

Thanks for sharing!



Great Idea, I did the same thing but did not wrap them around Chop sticks, I just untangle them and place them in separate zip lock bags in right size for single use.

Thanks for sharing!


The problem I had last time is that I could never work out if the skin would be long enough or if it would have a whole in it somewhere that you never find until you are stuffing the sausages.

What do you tie them off with?

I am still looking for butchers string and meat netting in Thailand.



Try www.central,co,th, Under Home-Kitchen crafts, on page 4 you will see:


I think that is what you are looking for 150 baht, you can order it online they have all kinds of cooking supply's.



Yesterday I decided to open my pack of sausage skins bought from Makro, separte them and wind them onto chopsticks cut in half.

The skins had defrosted overnight and from there on it was just a case of sitting at the table and picking and end or even a middle and slowly untangling it.

Until you get an individual one out you have no idea of the length and they varied from about 75 cm up to about 3 metres or so.

Undo it then wrap it onto a chopstick, wrap it in clingfilm then bag it in a ziploc bag. I put about 4 of varying sizes per bag and ended up with 22 separate skins.

A boring job but when I make sausages it will be easier to take one bag out then untangle them then either refreeze the lot of chuck them in the fridge and remember them later by the smell and chuck the lot away.






maybe I'm writing something stupid, but I always believed these deentangle by themselves when they float in water.

then when you want to stuff it, just reach in and get one



Try www.central,co,th, Under Home-Kitchen crafts, on page 4 you will see:


I think that is what you are looking for 150 baht, you can order it online they have all kinds of cooking supply's.


Now that is what I am looking for.

Thanks a bunch. I will chase that up later.


Yesterday I decided to open my pack of sausage skins bought from Makro, separte them and wind them onto chopsticks cut in half.

The skins had defrosted overnight and from there on it was just a case of sitting at the table and picking and end or even a middle and slowly untangling it.

Until you get an individual one out you have no idea of the length and they varied from about 75 cm up to about 3 metres or so.

Undo it then wrap it onto a chopstick, wrap it in clingfilm then bag it in a ziploc bag. I put about 4 of varying sizes per bag and ended up with 22 separate skins.

A boring job but when I make sausages it will be easier to take one bag out then untangle them then either refreeze the lot of chuck them in the fridge and remember them later by the smell and chuck the lot away.






maybe I'm writing something stupid, but I always believed these deentangle by themselves when they float in water.

then when you want to stuff it, just reach in and get one

They may well do but what do you then do with the remainder especially as thew salt they are pack it washes away?


Yesterday I decided to open my pack of sausage skins bought from Makro, separte them and wind them onto chopsticks cut in half.

The skins had defrosted overnight and from there on it was just a case of sitting at the table and picking and end or even a middle and slowly untangling it.

Until you get an individual one out you have no idea of the length and they varied from about 75 cm up to about 3 metres or so.

Undo it then wrap it onto a chopstick, wrap it in clingfilm then bag it in a ziploc bag. I put about 4 of varying sizes per bag and ended up with 22 separate skins.

A boring job but when I make sausages it will be easier to take one bag out then untangle them then either refreeze the lot of chuck them in the fridge and remember them later by the smell and chuck the lot away.






maybe I'm writing something stupid, but I always believed these deentangle by themselves when they float in water.

then when you want to stuff it, just reach in and get one

They may well do but what do you then do with the remainder especially as thew salt they are pack it washes away?

good point. does makro sell only one size of bowels (sheep bowels would be great)? and in only one packaging size?


Yesterday I decided to open my pack of sausage skins bought from Makro, separte them and wind them onto chopsticks cut in half.

The skins had defrosted overnight and from there on it was just a case of sitting at the table and picking and end or even a middle and slowly untangling it.

Until you get an individual one out you have no idea of the length and they varied from about 75 cm up to about 3 metres or so.

Undo it then wrap it onto a chopstick, wrap it in clingfilm then bag it in a ziploc bag. I put about 4 of varying sizes per bag and ended up with 22 separate skins.

A boring job but when I make sausages it will be easier to take one bag out then untangle them then either refreeze the lot of chuck them in the fridge and remember them later by the smell and chuck the lot away.






maybe I'm writing something stupid, but I always believed these deentangle by themselves when they float in water.

then when you want to stuff it, just reach in and get one

They may well do but what do you then do with the remainder especially as thew salt they are pack it washes away?

good point. does makro sell only one size of bowels (sheep bowels would be great)? and in only one packaging size?

As far as I know that is correct. It is about a 900 g bag lurking somewhere in the freezer section.

The best way to find them is either take your wife along or perhaps on the end of a phone, print out a picture from the posts above, if your Thai is good enough then ask and if all that fails there is usually one or two good English speakers in most store, if you can find them.

  • 2 weeks later...

Yesterday (I ran out of time) and today I spent time stuffing sausages using my George Foreman meat mincer with the stuufing attachment.

Firstly I must say that using the Makro skins rolled onto a chopstick was easy, just leave it in a dish of water and feed it onto the stuffer.

Secondly putting the skin onto the stuffer is akin to putting a condom onto a limp dick.

It is hard work as first you have to open the skin, wet the stuffer and slide the skin on trying to keep the skin in the centre so you don't rip it.

Stuffing the sausage is easy for anyone with 2 or 3 pairs of hands.

Tie off the skin, feed the sausage meat making sure there are no bubbles, stop the machine, tie the sausage off, cut it off and repeat until the skin runs out and then start again.

I made 21 sausages until the third skin ran out and finishe d the rest of the meat into 8 burgers.

They taste OK but were supposed to become Cumberland sausages nut the taste was not the same.

They did however get the seal of approval from my MIL which is something that has never happened before.

The first ones I cooked were OK but I forgot to prick them in the pan, hence the term bangers.






Cumberland sausage v01.doc

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