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The Chinese......Another View.


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Regarding the bargain basement Chinese apologists version of history, the pain , death and suffering the Chinese government/dictatorship

has visited up the Chinese people makes anything done in the colonial period look like minor stuff.

While it is certainly easy to bash China on many different levels ( Tibet, repression, crap products) , I would like to add my personal

experiences traveling there. It is important to form the distinction between a people and their government. Exactly like Thailand, saddled with

a horrible government, yet if you travel in rural Thailand you will meet wonderful people. China is the same. I traveled by myself

on a motorcycle in central China for three months. The friendliness shown to me was astonishing. People going way out of their

way to help me countless times. If I was eating with Chinese friends at a restaurant, they would not EVER let me pay for anything.

I would eat in restaurants by myself. When I tried to pay the bill one time, the old woman at the cashier desk refused my money,

and told me in broken english she was proud I had chosen her restaurant..... And yes did meet up with a bit of greed here and

there. A medium level hotel that tried to charge me for bottled water when the word complimentary was written on the bottle. Was a great

scene at the reception desk with me pulling out my dictionary to show them the meaning of the word...... :-)

The other part that amazed me was watching CCTV in my hotel room, and watching virtually a nightly recap of the horrors that

Japan wreaked upon China in WW2. China is keeping this issue on the front burner in the minds of the people. I had the

overwhelming sense that there is a big payback headed towards Japan.

Regarding Chinese tourists, yes they can be a bit noisy, and are certainly making a bit of a bad reputation for themselves.

As Thai people, Chinese people, and Japanese people all think they are the master race, it is always a bit amusing to see

their worlds collide , and they try to decide who is the most superior.......

Regarding theblether invading China, I had no idea such powerful people existed on TV....

So what do u think of china now? I actually think it's rather unfair that you being a foreigner get so many perks when ironically foreigners probably think worse of china compared to the chinese themselves.

Anyway i find the part ironic in this statement.

As Thai people, Chinese people, and Japanese people all think they are the master race, it is always a bit amusing to see

their worlds collide , and they try to decide who is the most superior.......

How about white ppl thinking that too? I mean they have an entire forum dedicated to that called stormfront.

What a minute:

That actually is a half decent site, and they put out quite a few good YouTube videos.

Their research is accurate, usually, even though you may not like their politics.

So, always worth reading or watching.

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Fair points Lawrence. You have the benefit of a western education and a life experience outside of the confines of mainland China.

Many mainland Chinese people don't.

My experience of work and life in Beijing left me with a feeling of reluctance on their part to embrace western thinking and methods. To put it simply and without wishing to be prejudicial, an obstinacy to embrace different thinking.

I am unsure why there are times when the west think its important to think western

I am unconvinced it benefits the general public with little interaction with foreigners.

What's western thinking really ? liberal and civil rights, free press and an ability to vote and eating sausages, beans and cornflakes ? :-)

The Chinese who are well connected to the net knows that liberal rights seems important and yet the protests does not lead to better standards of living,

Free in Australia where one owners owns all the papers and openly supported the opposition and directed the press ? They chuckle at it and compare it to theirs and are no different

As for the ability to vote like the west, they see Iraq and Afghanistan which were "liberated" by the west yet remains unsafe for woman to shop at markets or play on streets and they think maybe the CCP is no that bad. Anyhow I cannot see the logistics of having 1.3 billion people voting without the west claiming there are spoiled votes, invalid ballot stuffing or the likes. I believe they just decide its not the way things will work for them

Freedom of speech have any importance ?? The power of the old days of monopoly ownership of newspapers have been long been bypassed by information being freely exchanged on the internet. Oh cannot do that in China due to the Great Chinese Firewall.......

Sorrie to say that is for the most bits of people who actually go to the web for news have found proxies around the Great Wall ...lots of friends there who still use Facebook and the likes ...

So why is YouTube, Facebook and Twitter blocked by the CCP so that you need a virtual private network or other methods to get round it?

And why is the Chinese equivalent of Twitter (Weibo) heavily censored?

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Fair points Lawrence. You have the benefit of a western education and a life experience outside of the confines of mainland China.

Many mainland Chinese people don't.

My experience of work and life in Beijing left me with a feeling of reluctance on their part to embrace western thinking and methods. To put it simply and without wishing to be prejudicial, an obstinacy to embrace different thinking.

I am unsure why there are times when the west think its important to think western

I am unconvinced it benefits the general public with little interaction with foreigners.

What's western thinking really ? liberal and civil rights, free press and an ability to vote and eating sausages, beans and cornflakes ? :-)

The Chinese who are well connected to the net knows that liberal rights seems important and yet the protests does not lead to better standards of living,

Free in Australia where one owners owns all the papers and openly supported the opposition and directed the press ? They chuckle at it and compare it to theirs and are no different

As for the ability to vote like the west, they see Iraq and Afghanistan which were "liberated" by the west yet remains unsafe for woman to shop at markets or play on streets and they think maybe the CCP is no that bad. Anyhow I cannot see the logistics of having 1.3 billion people voting without the west claiming there are spoiled votes, invalid ballot stuffing or the likes. I believe they just decide its not the way things will work for them

Freedom of speech have any importance ?? The power of the old days of monopoly ownership of newspapers have been long been bypassed by information being freely exchanged on the internet. Oh cannot do that in China due to the Great Chinese Firewall.......

Sorrie to say that is for the most bits of people who actually go to the web for news have found proxies around the Great Wall ...lots of friends there who still use Facebook and the likes ...

So why is YouTube, Facebook and Twitter blocked by the CCP so that you need a virtual private network or other methods to get round it?

And why is the Chinese equivalent of Twitter (Weibo) heavily censored?

If the content is read not accurately can have social unrest that a developing country may have difficulty controlling ..most of the stuff written by the west is hardly complimentary of the Chinese ..would you really like your citizens to read this daily

Even if Facebook is allowed and twitter I am unsure what is the take up rate as most Chinese can't write in English ...and for them qq is the site to go and in fact having used both qq is superiority functionality and social apps to Facebook in many ways

Similarly the Brits and most of the western countries have more electro is cams on their daily people than really necessary ? Why the need for this if you trust the general population to behave ?

Singapore a well developed country by any standards still bans periodicals and magazines and blocks sites ...so they are communist too ?

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Again, and for the last time, it is about allocation of time and resources. My desire to learn Chinese is zero.

And my desire for my daughter to spend vast amounts of time to learn Chinese is also hovering at zero.

Think I will have her learn coding..... :-)

And for a person who says they can speak and write Chinese, you should certainly know it is a picture based

language....Wait I guess on a internet board you can say anything you want.....


"The character is the equivalent of an English word. Since Chinese is a pictographic language, it contains pictures or characters. There are approximately 50,000 Chinese characters.

Never mind EWO. Simplified mandarin is easier than traditional. Another of Mao Zedong's great ideas.

Because thought and language are inextricably linked, many linguistic experts believe that this was a diservice to the society.

Sorry, sir.

But, what poppycock!

If anything, the simplified Chinese characters are more difficult to learn, and they read more slowly because it is easier for good readers to read traditional characters faster.

Also, learning traditional characters and simplified characters does not really change the difficulty level of learning Chinese.

And simplified characters did not improve the literacy rate.

That Mao was a true menace.

TO PROVE MY point, the simplest written language is just binary code, machine language maybe. So if you want to give yourself a headache, try reading War and Peace in binary.

Subtle, nuance and irony are not strong suits for the Chinese. Literary success is not applauded highly in China. In fact there is a tendency for creative literary expression to be repressed.

Sound to me like you have been reading too much Hong Lou Meng

"Dreams of Your Red Chamber"

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Some of the stuff written by the Chinese on social media is hardly complimentary to China also.

Facebook, Twitter and YouTube don't work for anybody in Beijing unless you take active steps to get over the Great Wall.

Good Afternoon.

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Some of the stuff written by the Chinese on social media is hardly complimentary to China also.

Facebook, Twitter and YouTube don't work for anybody in Beijing unless you take active steps to get over the Great Wall.

Good Afternoon.

Good that you recognize that there are divisive views in China...not every one likes the government irrespective of the propaganda

again no different from an irate citizen in the midwest or anywhere else in the world venting their frustrations about an inept government

Again ...no different from the west ? Aussies go to the polls today not knowing if the next Abbot is a better pm than Rudd

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Some of the stuff written by the Chinese on social media is hardly complimentary to China also.

Facebook, Twitter and YouTube don't work for anybody in Beijing unless you take active steps to get over the Great Wall.

Good Afternoon.

Good that you recognize that there are divisive views in China...not every one likes the government irrespective of the propaganda

again no different from an irate citizen in the midwest or anywhere else in the world venting their frustrations about an inept government

Again ...no different from the west ? Aussies go to the polls today not knowing if the next Abbot is a better pm than Rudd

But the good people of Australia get to choose. It's called Democracy.

Sorry. Good Evening.

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Some of the stuff written by the Chinese on social media is hardly complimentary to China also.

Facebook, Twitter and YouTube don't work for anybody in Beijing unless you take active steps to get over the Great Wall.

Good Afternoon.

Good that you recognize that there are divisive views in China...not every one likes the government irrespective of the propaganda

again no different from an irate citizen in the midwest or anywhere else in the world venting their frustrations about an inept government

Again ...no different from the west ? Aussies go to the polls today not knowing if the next Abbot is a better pm than Rudd

But the good people of Australia get to choose. It's called Democracy.

Sorry. Good Evening.

They don't have coups in Australia?

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Both my kids are learning Chinese at their school and also the weekends.

I want to learn too as it might come in handy one day.

Is it worth it though if all the Chinese are learning English?

Yes, but they are learning English so that they can get good jobs teaching your kids Chinese.

GD right it is worth it,

I love speaking and reading Chinese.

But can your kids speak it?

Actually, the 10 y/o can speak quite well but the younger one can't but she's only been learning for a short time. She can, however speak some Korean as she went to a Korean kindergarten. They both seem to be much better at writing. They said I can go along to the Sat/Sun classes with them which might be fun. The writing looks pretty complicated but I used to think the same with Thai - just a case of putting some time into it.

The better you help your children to learn foreign languages, probably the more they will thank you when they reach the age to find jobs, or apply for university, or just live in this multi-cultural world of ours.

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Some of the stuff written by the Chinese on social media is hardly complimentary to China also.

Facebook, Twitter and YouTube don't work for anybody in Beijing unless you take active steps to get over the Great Wall.

Good Afternoon.

Good that you recognize that there are divisive views in China...not every one likes the government irrespective of the propaganda

again no different from an irate citizen in the midwest or anywhere else in the world venting their frustrations about an inept government

Again ...no different from the west ? Aussies go to the polls today not knowing if the next Abbot is a better pm than Rudd

But the good people of Australia get to choose. It's called Democracy.

Sorry. Good Evening.

Sorry. The Aussies get fined if they don't go to vote ..for me that's not a choice but to strike a cross on a ballot paper to avoid paying a fine.

If you look at the voting system in china it's not indifferent from USA...it's all by provinces / states or electoral votes and from that the main party rules ...you can call it rubber stamping voting but the last few USA elections have been boring ...some states are already dead red / blue state which means you don't get to choose or your vote matters little ...

You think the CCP is a one party rule ...frankly I have Chinese intellectuals from Tsinghua university who asked me what's the difference from the US 2-party rotation for them it's having just one more choice and its not always for the better.

Even Hong Kong which largely have been left alone after 1997 and used as a democracy experiment shows the HK people the hurting facts, you can vote for your governor in british colonial rule or have one chosen and rubber stamped by Beijing ...all have not managed to solve the traffic, the high cost of living and housing. In fact without the mainland Chinese tourists eager to shop there, most of its service sector would have collapsed on local consumption pattern alone.

Not surprising the voter turnout in the last USA election was hardly a majority ...shows even if you have the choice to choose most americans acted again like the Chinese ...they are indifferent as they know voting for one or the other makes no difference ..most governments are ineffective in some measurements than the other

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This current CCP group of leaders know they are unpopular and the Internet community of the young will soon want an alternative voice

The question is the balance ...you can have trials, remove gift giving and even punish the higher ups but at the end of the day human nature is skeptical and most think its insincere or not enough so having a choice does not make people any happier

It's still the basics that counts in happiness .. family , love, education for the kids and a safe home (or many beer) and in this you have to at least give some credit to the CCP for uplifting the country out of poverty to its current state

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Points taken Lawrence. No system is perfect.

But sure as eggs are eggs, and Australian chickens live in coops, I don't think it's healthy for 20% of the World's population to be controlled by the bully boys who drive counterfeit black Buicks in Beijing.

Personally, I would vote against them.

But. What has it got to do with me?

China has no bearing on me or my family's lives in Thailand, the UK, the US or Australia.


Hang on. China does have a bearing.......

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What you do not seem to understand is that the outrage people voice always comes from the myth that the British were comparing Chinese to Dogs in the park.

This just is not true, as you can see from the image you posted.

This image does not even state that Chinese or foreigners are not allowed in the park, only that unaccompanied children are not allowed. The outrage is misplaced, and is a crock of sh__T, I still say.

There have been many cases throughout history of one country occupying the lands of another country and then barring the new "foreigners" from many places and privileges.

Don't get so bent out of shape about history you just learned this decade, but see it in perspective instead.

It is things like the forced importation of opium to China that the British should feel guilty about.

Although, some people do enjoy having a bit of opium, now and again.

Happy Pipe Dreams

What does item 1 say? The Gardens are reserved for the foreign community.

You must have a reading comprehension problem if you can grasp the context.

My point remains, that a country occupied and abused over the centuries will develop under those influences. It is you who needs to put it in perspective. This is something former colonial occupiers do not get. They left a legacy of pain and suffering that still damages countries today. No better example of this is the legacy of Residential schools in Canada that the former British colonial masters imposed upon the native peoples. It screwed up the natives but good. One sees similar in Australia. And in China, the same approach of Chinese ghettos and restricted areas applied.

You don't get it do you? Foreigners come into a country and then set about telling the locals that they must accept the religion of the colonial power(s) and that parts of the country are no longer theirs. In the meantime, the foreigners extract the wealth of the country leaving the occupied people nothing. And you wonder why there is resentment and a nationalistic furor? Even my family who benefited from the European colonial rule acknowledges this. We had lavish homes, and Chinese servants. The best education, That disappeared after the Japanese took over, but some of the furnishings my family sent out are considered museum pieces. They probably paid a pittance for sculpted wood furniture hand crafted over years. I still can't get over the ivory handled cutlery, that aside from being illegal today is worth a king's ransom. I have no guilt, as I did not participate in the enslavement, exploitation and the abuse of the Chinese. However, I can appreciate their resentment of the French and British due to the 2nd Opium war, and I can certainly understand the hatred of the Japanese for what was done, and I can see the resentment of the USA because of the American

involvement in the Boxer Rebellion and its support of the corrupt Chinese Nationalist government.

Know how the Chinese rebels were treated after the 8 nations breached the Peking walls?


Some things don't change over time, and some countries keep repeating their mistakes.

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This current CCP group of leaders know they are unpopular and the Internet community of the young will soon want an alternative voice

The question is the balance ...you can have trials, remove gift giving and even punish the higher ups but at the end of the day human nature is skeptical and most think its insincere or not enough so having a choice does not make people any happier

It's still the basics that counts in happiness .. family , love, education for the kids and a safe home (or many beer) and in this you have to at least give some credit to the CCP for uplifting the country out of poverty to its current state

My understanding is that the country is still mired in poverty and that there are plenty of people paying snakeheads to escape it - BMWs don't indicate the absence of poverty.

There's not much focus on terrorism in China, but I think there is plenty there to make the deep South look like a Sunday school picnic


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Some of the stuff written by the Chinese on social media is hardly complimentary to China also.

Facebook, Twitter and YouTube don't work for anybody in Beijing unless you take active steps to get over the Great Wall.

Good Afternoon.

Good that you recognize that there are divisive views in China...not every one likes the government irrespective of the propaganda

again no different from an irate citizen in the midwest or anywhere else in the world venting their frustrations about an inept government

Again ...no different from the west ? Aussies go to the polls today not knowing if the next Abbot is a better pm than Rudd

But the good people of Australia get to choose. It's called Democracy.

Sorry. Good Evening.

Sorry. The Aussies get fined if they don't go to vote ..for me that's not a choice but to strike a cross on a ballot paper to avoid paying a fine.

If you look at the voting system in china it's not indifferent from USA...it's all by provinces / states or electoral votes and from that the main party rules ...you can call it rubber stamping voting but the last few USA elections have been boring ...some states are already dead red / blue state which means you don't get to choose or your vote matters little ...

You think the CCP is a one party rule ...frankly I have Chinese intellectuals from Tsinghua university who asked me what's the difference from the US 2-party rotation for them it's having just one more choice and its not always for the better.

Even Hong Kong which largely have been left alone after 1997 and used as a democracy experiment shows the HK people the hurting facts, you can vote for your governor in british colonial rule or have one chosen and rubber stamped by Beijing ...all have not managed to solve the traffic, the high cost of living and housing. In fact without the mainland Chinese tourists eager to shop there, most of its service sector would have collapsed on local consumption pattern alone.

Not surprising the voter turnout in the last USA election was hardly a majority ...shows even if you have the choice to choose most americans acted again like the Chinese ...they are indifferent as they know voting for one or the other makes no difference ..most governments are ineffective in some measurements than the other

The apathy of the electorate is no excuse for totalitarianism. It is a justification for education.


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Both my kids are learning Chinese at their school and also the weekends.

I want to learn too as it might come in handy one day.

Is it worth it though if all the Chinese are learning English?

Yes, but they are learning English so that they can get good jobs teaching your kids Chinese.

GD right it is worth it,

I love speaking and reading Chinese.

But can your kids speak it?

Actually, the 10 y/o can speak quite well but the younger one can't but she's only been learning for a short time. She can, however speak some Korean as she went to a Korean kindergarten. They both seem to be much better at writing. They said I can go along to the Sat/Sun classes with them which might be fun. The writing looks pretty complicated but I used to think the same with Thai - just a case of putting some time into it.

The better you help your children to learn foreign languages, probably the more they will thank you when they reach the age to find jobs, or apply for university, or just live in this multi-cultural world of ours.

I don;t expect thanks from my children. And that;s certainly not the reason that we drive their education, Sometimes, it's not about what we receive, but rather what we give.


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Very interesting Trainman, I share your experience of being warmly welcomed by my Chinese hosts, and have some amazing stories of their hospitality. many people have a perception of the Chinese being a dour bunch, to me they are a bunch of warm hearted nutters that drink like madmen. Oh, and the women? Wow, no wonder you were romantically involved biggrin.png

You have to say Bleth; there is an awful lot of scrumcious totty in that country, blows your mind.

Ever got in a lift in an office building in Beijing at 9am?

Spot the number of young women wearing glasses and with exceptionally poor complexions.

They are in the majority.

Give me Bangkok and Thailand any day.

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FYI chinese isn't a torturous language based on pictures and i can speak and write both in english and chinese perfectly fine so i suppose it takes a certain intelligence to master chinese.........

You're kidding no-one but yourself

don't blame anyone else if you don't have the brains to master chinese and mind you speaking chinese is easy cos most of the words are mono syllabic.

Mind explaining to me why so many asians and ppl can easily speak english but if you manage some simple chinese phrase that a 5 yr old kid can speak you expect applause?

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Regarding the bargain basement Chinese apologists version of history, the pain , death and suffering the Chinese government/dictatorship

has visited up the Chinese people makes anything done in the colonial period look like minor stuff.

While it is certainly easy to bash China on many different levels ( Tibet, repression, crap products) , I would like to add my personal

experiences traveling there. It is important to form the distinction between a people and their government. Exactly like Thailand, saddled with

a horrible government, yet if you travel in rural Thailand you will meet wonderful people. China is the same. I traveled by myself

on a motorcycle in central China for three months. The friendliness shown to me was astonishing. People going way out of their

way to help me countless times. If I was eating with Chinese friends at a restaurant, they would not EVER let me pay for anything.

I would eat in restaurants by myself. When I tried to pay the bill one time, the old woman at the cashier desk refused my money,

and told me in broken english she was proud I had chosen her restaurant..... And yes did meet up with a bit of greed here and

there. A medium level hotel that tried to charge me for bottled water when the word complimentary was written on the bottle. Was a great

scene at the reception desk with me pulling out my dictionary to show them the meaning of the word...... :-)

The other part that amazed me was watching CCTV in my hotel room, and watching virtually a nightly recap of the horrors that

Japan wreaked upon China in WW2. China is keeping this issue on the front burner in the minds of the people. I had the

overwhelming sense that there is a big payback headed towards Japan.

Regarding Chinese tourists, yes they can be a bit noisy, and are certainly making a bit of a bad reputation for themselves.

As Thai people, Chinese people, and Japanese people all think they are the master race, it is always a bit amusing to see

their worlds collide , and they try to decide who is the most superior.......

Regarding theblether invading China, I had no idea such powerful people existed on TV....

So what do u think of china now? I actually think it's rather unfair that you being a foreigner get so many perks when ironically foreigners probably think worse of china compared to the chinese themselves.

Anyway i find the part ironic in this statement.

As Thai people, Chinese people, and Japanese people all think they are the master race, it is always a bit amusing to see

their worlds collide , and they try to decide who is the most superior.......

How about white ppl thinking that too? I mean they have an entire forum dedicated to that called stormfront.

What a minute:

That actually is a half decent site, and they put out quite a few good YouTube videos.

Their research is accurate, usually, even though you may not like their politics.

So, always worth reading or watching.

so u think stormfront is actually a good site where you see farangs constantly praising themselves as the master race?

I suppose chinese/japanese and east asians should start one too there are many good facts to back it up but somehow i feel you wouldn't agree. No wonder many ppl say westerners are racists and arrogant. It's actually true.

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The better you help your children to learn foreign languages, probably the more they will thank you when they reach the age to find jobs, or apply for university, or just live in this multi-cultural world of ours.

I don;t expect thanks from my children. And that;s certainly not the reason that we drive their education, Sometimes, it's not about what we receive, but rather what we give.


It is good for children to learn to thank their parents and be appreciative for what their parents provide.

This is the Chinese way, and it works.

Respect for parents, and the whole lineage.

Also, they will learn that when they are appreciative and show appreciation for the gifts they have been given,

Then they are able to feel happier about what they have,

And will be less likely to ask for more,

So they will be happier,

And more satisfied with life in general,

This is the Chinese way.

Parents should provide for their children as part of the obligation for the decision to bring the children into this world.

And also, if one cares about this world after we are gone,

Then it is necessary for us to educate our children, and teach them well.....


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Nevermind Guangxi folks. There will be other things that will occupy our minds with regard to China in the future.

The role of the "worlds-policeman" of the US is coming to an end. To be replaced by the Chinese-World-Police. The younger ones of us and especially their children, will think back to the time when the US was the "Worlds-Policemen" bound by democratic rules and regulations. = All in all a friendly Policeman.

The new World-Policemen will be handling the "problems of the world" in a different way. In a very different way.

So, let's enjoy the "Pax-Americana" as long as it lasts. What is to follow is nothing but scary. My words.


Not in your lifetime. China is nothing more than a copier and a lapdog which provides cheap labor to manufacture things invented elsewhere. The inventors make the real money. China TOTALLY lacks the abilitly to create. They make Iphones and Nike shoes for the real money boys.

What is starting to happen is that China's labor, and the cost of shipping raw materials and then shipping back finished products is rising. The US hasn't forgotten how to manufacture and some companies are moving back. LINK LINK And I could go on.

Another thing is productivity and again, invention. For years China has manufactured much of the clothing for the US and other countries. Some guys in the US just invented a complete assembly line that makes clothes without human intervention. It's all computerized. Good bye China. Then there's 3D printing which will take a lot of jobs in manufacturing from China. A lot.

China has peaked and is slipping at the same time it builds mountains of debt. It's wallowing. Watch it fail.

True. but only half the story.

McDonalds, Starbucks and General Motors want to sell their stuff to as many of the potential 1.4 billion Chinese consumers as they can. The west may not need Chinese manufacturing, but they need Chinese


Ah, but where do the Chinese get the money to buy these things (again that they didn't invent and don't make the big money on) as their manufacturing and exporting slips? China has made money exporting. They lose money importing. Their manufacturing is slipping.

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What does item 1 say? The Gardens are reserved for the foreign community.

You must have a reading comprehension problem if you can grasp the context.

Maybe I do, and maybe I don't.

But what does what you wrote here mean, exactly:

"You must have a reading comprehension problem if you can grasp the context."

I do thank you, though, for posting that interesting image of the guys in the stocks, with their heads sticking out the top.

Where did you find that one?

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It's ages since we've had a good racial profiling thread. Welcome back, one and all...

Aren't Thais and Chinese the same race - Asian? Did you mean nationality or ethnicity?

I am of the human race.

And you can find my profile on TVF here:


But I do not like profiling of any kinds, within, without, above or beyond race.

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What you do not seem to understand is that the outrage people voice always comes from the myth that the British were comparing Chinese to Dogs in the park.

This just is not true, as you can see from the image you posted.

This image does not even state that Chinese or foreigners are not allowed in the park, only that unaccompanied children are not allowed. The outrage is misplaced, and is a crock of sh__T, I still say.

There have been many cases throughout history of one country occupying the lands of another country and then barring the new "foreigners" from many places and privileges.

Don't get so bent out of shape about history you just learned this decade, but see it in perspective instead.

It is things like the forced importation of opium to China that the British should feel guilty about.

Although, some people do enjoy having a bit of opium, now and again.

Happy Pipe Dreams

What does item 1 say? The Gardens are reserved for the foreign community.

You must have a reading comprehension problem if you can grasp the context.

My point remains, that a country occupied and abused over the centuries will develop under those influences. It is you who needs to put it in perspective. This is something former colonial occupiers do not get. They left a legacy of pain and suffering that still damages countries today. No better example of this is the legacy of Residential schools in Canada that the former British colonial masters imposed upon the native peoples. It screwed up the natives but good. One sees similar in Australia. And in China, the same approach of Chinese ghettos and restricted areas applied.

You don't get it do you? Foreigners come into a country and then set about telling the locals that they must accept the religion of the colonial power(s) and that parts of the country are no longer theirs. In the meantime, the foreigners extract the wealth of the country leaving the occupied people nothing. And you wonder why there is resentment and a nationalistic furor? Even my family who benefited from the European colonial rule acknowledges this. We had lavish homes, and Chinese servants. The best education, That disappeared after the Japanese took over, but some of the furnishings my family sent out are considered museum pieces. They probably paid a pittance for sculpted wood furniture hand crafted over years. I still can't get over the ivory handled cutlery, that aside from being illegal today is worth a king's ransom. I have no guilt, as I did not participate in the enslavement, exploitation and the abuse of the Chinese. However, I can appreciate their resentment of the French and British due to the 2nd Opium war, and I can certainly understand the hatred of the Japanese for what was done, and I can see the resentment of the USA because of the American

involvement in the Boxer Rebellion and its support of the corrupt Chinese Nationalist government.

Know how the Chinese rebels were treated after the 8 nations breached the Peking walls?


Some things don't change over time, and some countries keep repeating their mistakes.

There was good colonialism, and then there was bad colonialism. Countries colonized by the French were left

stripped. Virtually all former colonies of the British are now successful economic powers. America, Australia,

Canada, and Singapore spring to mind. Because they left behind the greatest gift of all, the rule of law.

If the British had in fact colonized China, then China would most certainly would be most powerful country

in the world right now.

"However, I can appreciate their resentment of the French and British due to the 2nd Opium war, and I can certainly understand the hatred of the Japanese for what was done, and I can see the resentment of the USA because of the American

involvement in the Boxer Rebellion and its support of the corrupt Chinese Nationalist government."

Well, given the level of atrocities that the Japanese inflicted upon China in WW2, and the fact that America's entry into the war saved them from being a new colony of Japan, I would think that people in China would be singing praises of America. Ah gratitude, such a difficult thing to find. Oh wait did we enter that war too late too? Euro trash in bars are always telling me America entered the war against Hitler too late........

Interesting photo of the Chinese men in stocks. Here let me see if I can find a photo of Japanese soldiers during the rape of Nanking, throwing Chinese babies in the air and catching them on bayonets......

Edited by EyesWideOpen
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What you do not seem to understand is that the outrage people voice always comes from the myth that the British were comparing Chinese to Dogs in the park.

This just is not true, as you can see from the image you posted.

This image does not even state that Chinese or foreigners are not allowed in the park, only that unaccompanied children are not allowed. The outrage is misplaced, and is a crock of sh__T, I still say.

There have been many cases throughout history of one country occupying the lands of another country and then barring the new "foreigners" from many places and privileges.

Don't get so bent out of shape about history you just learned this decade, but see it in perspective instead.

It is things like the forced importation of opium to China that the British should feel guilty about.

Although, some people do enjoy having a bit of opium, now and again.

Happy Pipe Dreams

What does item 1 say? The Gardens are reserved for the foreign community.

You must have a reading comprehension problem if you can grasp the context.

My point remains, that a country occupied and abused over the centuries will develop under those influences. It is you who needs to put it in perspective. This is something former colonial occupiers do not get. They left a legacy of pain and suffering that still damages countries today. No better example of this is the legacy of Residential schools in Canada that the former British colonial masters imposed upon the native peoples. It screwed up the natives but good. One sees similar in Australia. And in China, the same approach of Chinese ghettos and restricted areas applied.

You don't get it do you? Foreigners come into a country and then set about telling the locals that they must accept the religion of the colonial power(s) and that parts of the country are no longer theirs. In the meantime, the foreigners extract the wealth of the country leaving the occupied people nothing. And you wonder why there is resentment and a nationalistic furor? Even my family who benefited from the European colonial rule acknowledges this. We had lavish homes, and Chinese servants. The best education, That disappeared after the Japanese took over, but some of the furnishings my family sent out are considered museum pieces. They probably paid a pittance for sculpted wood furniture hand crafted over years. I still can't get over the ivory handled cutlery, that aside from being illegal today is worth a king's ransom. I have no guilt, as I did not participate in the enslavement, exploitation and the abuse of the Chinese. However, I can appreciate their resentment of the French and British due to the 2nd Opium war, and I can certainly understand the hatred of the Japanese for what was done, and I can see the resentment of the USA because of the American

involvement in the Boxer Rebellion and its support of the corrupt Chinese Nationalist government.

Know how the Chinese rebels were treated after the 8 nations breached the Peking walls?


Some things don't change over time, and some countries keep repeating their mistakes.

There was good colonialism, and then there was bad colonialism. Countries colonized by the French were left

stripped. Virtually all former colonies of the British are now successful economic powers. America, Australia,

Canada, and Singapore spring to mind. Because they left behind the greatest gift of all, the rule of law.

If the British had in fact colonized China, then China would most certainly would be most powerful country

in the world right now.

"However, I can appreciate their resentment of the French and British due to the 2nd Opium war, and I can certainly understand the hatred of the Japanese for what was done, and I can see the resentment of the USA because of the American

involvement in the Boxer Rebellion and its support of the corrupt Chinese Nationalist government."

Well, given the level of atrocities that the Japanese inflicted upon China in WW2, and the fact that America's entry into the war saved them from being a new colony of Japan, I would think that people in China would be singing praises of America. Ah gratitude, such a difficult thing to find. Oh wait did we enter that war too late too? Euro trash in bars are always telling me America entered the war against Hitler too late........

Interesting photo of the Chinese men in stocks. Here let me see if I can find a photo of Japanese soldiers during the rape of Nanking, throwing Chinese babies in the air and catching them on bayonets......

OH <deleted> to be honest here. You left out india. India is still a shithole and was probably better off under britain. Same with pakistan and bangaladesh.

Uk couldn't colonize china not because they didn't want to. It's also BS to say china would have been better as a colony of the UK. No way. If that was the case china shouldn't even amount to anything at all today and not be the biggest threat to the US the sole superpower in the world mind you. The UK today is the US lapdog how does it feel like becoming the servant of a former colony? That must be the biggest insult of all. Maybe you try to comfort yourselves hey they have the same white skin as us or at least the majority of them (DUH).

Oz, US were pretty mighty by themselves cos the british ppl themselves settled there. Same with the boers and south africa. Singapore became great cos the majority are chinese.

I am correct when threads come up about chinese you will always see white supermacy type of crap in them and of course racist insults. It's like seeing a pink unicorn if the 2 don't appear at all.

Edited by snake24
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"You left out india. India is still a shithole and was probably better off under britain"

Google is your friend. Well my friend anyway. India is the 10th largest economy in the world. Seems pretty dam_n

racist for you to refer to it as a " shit hole"..... Why are you dragging the moronic phrase of white " supermacy"

into the discussion ? My reference was to the rule of law, which clearly countries thrive under when it is just

and fair.. Ah it takes all kinds on TV.

Edited by EyesWideOpen
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