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Falang driving kids with no helmets.


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This is a depressing thing I have been seeing a lot of recently

Why does it depress you ? Do you get depressed about a lot of things that are no concern of yours ?

Yes you're correct, he should put his head in the sand with the rest of the populace.

It is also correct that a lot of 'farang' leave their brains in their country of origin or switch them off as they remove their seat belt when the landing gear makes contact with terra firma on arrival.

But like I say if it is not me or mine I do not (& will not) lose any sleep when they pull the white sheet over their faces.

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Many foreigners rapidly adapt to the Thai way upon arriving here.

It also pains me seeing so many kids with parents on motorcycles,foreign and locals alike,not taking basic precautions. Two people I knew have died in motorcycle accidents where helmets may have made a difference. The most recent a 16 year old!

I regularly see foreigners coming at me on the wrong side of the road no safety gear whatsoever and wearing the regulation flip flops.

I have no problem with them putting their own lives at risk, but mine,and hopefully their kids lives are more important but it does not appear to when Thainess takes hold!

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An adult can make their own choice about whether they should have to wear a helmet. I have ridden over 20 years, here in the US, in both metropolitan areas and rural. Been down once off of my Harley. Skinned my leg up bad. Sandy corner, doing about 35 miles per hour. But I refuse to ride in Thailand. Thai riders, drivers, and lack of obeying traffic laws, if any, scares the ever living crap out of me. If I have a child, anywhere in the world, and they wanna ride with me on a motorcycle, they will wear helmets and protective armor if I have the armor. To ride, especially a farang, around Thailand on a motorcycle with a kid and no protection, they are idiots when it comes to being responsible for the welfare of that child. If they die, it's their own stupid mistake and I don't feel bad.

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If I wanted to be told or forced what to do, as well as be forced to pay for it, I would move back to a western country...

Not only do you lack common sense, but you have a pretty stupid way of looking at life. If a country anywhere requires you to do something like wear a helmet, it is for your own good, but they don't want the bad press and other negative ramifications that come from accidents like reporting the deaths, dealing with the medical costs and scaring their tourism. If you die, it'll be a shame, because death is never good unless you're a murderer or child molester. But if you die or become permanently disabled/maimed from not wearing the required safety equipment, I'll be the first one to laugh about it, with your cocky attitude.

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This is a depressing thing I have been seeing a lot of recently

Why does it depress you ? Do you get depressed about a lot of things that are no concern of yours ?

It's called Reckless Endangerment of a Child and it is a felony in many places.

Of course, that is in the "nanny state" where sensible laws are enforced.

It's a "felony" in the United States. As is driving under the influence, marrying a member of another race or drinking from a water fountain marked "whites only".

Yes- nanny state indeed. If you need laws like that you are in the wrong country. Thailand whilst often being found wanting in some areas, at least makes YOU responsible for YOUR stupidity.

Not in Texas. We still don't have a helmet law oddly enough.

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This is a depressing thing I have been seeing a lot of recently

Why does it depress you ? Do you get depressed about a lot of things that are no concern of yours ?

I get really really angry why I see young obviously underage kids riding a motorbike, they can and do cause accidents and deaths on the road. But I do not care if people do not wear crash helmets, they are not risking my life on the roads.

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I get sick of hearing whinges from bikers who expect sympathy when one of their number dies in an accident while speeding/drink driving/wearing no helmet. "RIP, he was a great bloke", etc.

If you're dumb enough to hang your arse out of the window, expect it to get kicked

If you want sympathy, it's between sh*t and syphilis in the dictionary.

And if you recklessly endanger your own children, they should be removed from your care.

Edited by Chicog
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This is a depressing thing I have been seeing a lot of recently

Why does it depress you ? Do you get depressed about a lot of things that are no concern of yours ?

It's called Reckless Endangerment of a Child and it is a felony in many places.

Of course, that is in the "nanny state" where sensible laws are enforced.

or "nonsense" laws!!! It's all your perspective. Personally I'd prefer seeing motorbikes with full roll-cages and drivers and passengers both required to wear full body armour smile.png Seriously, where are the solid studies showing that helmets make a difference for careful drivers travelling at low speeds (or high speeds for that matter).

Here is a link to a CDC study that will give you all the data you could ever hope for:


And here's another report about what happened in Michigan after helmet laws were eased:


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some gets depressed so easy...

you know how many bathroom accidents are there? yet for your sake, i hope you take a shower once in a while.

walking in some cities here just as adventurous as driving around in no helmet, sometimes even more so.

the key is to decide the risk what you take, and act accordingly...ie. when i drive with no helmet, i dont race down the road ( anyway, i dont, but that isnt the point).

just as you decide that shower is a acceptable risk in your slippery bathroom.

life cant be lived in fear all the time, or just lose all the fun of it and become a robot slave of rules.

Quite inappropriate to compare showers to riding on motocy in Thai traffic using little children as "air bags" infront.

Okey, let the Thai people do it, they don't know any better and they can't care less. Farang should be wiser but many aren't.

Texting while riding or driving, speeding, don't keep distance...

You never use your safety belt in your car ? Are you still convinced that air bag and ABS are nonsense ?

Good luck to you all.

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If I wanted to be told or forced what to do, as well as be forced to pay for it, I would move back to a western country...

Guess you live in Thailand, right ?

As far as I know you are told to wear a helmet when riding a motorbike.

You are not forced to do so but are forced to pay a fine. Police is happy to collect.

And here we are not talking about you, we are talking of stupid and careless parents who are endangering their children.

Drive safely, all of you. And good luck where ever you go.

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some gets depressed so easy...

you know how many bathroom accidents are there? yet for your sake, i hope you take a shower once in a while.

walking in some cities here just as adventurous as driving around in no helmet, sometimes even more so.

the key is to decide the risk what you take, and act accordingly...ie. when i drive with no helmet, i dont race down the road ( anyway, i dont, but that isnt the point).

just as you decide that shower is a acceptable risk in your slippery bathroom.

life cant be lived in fear all the time, or just lose all the fun of it and become a robot slave of rules.

Nothing to do with rules at all,it's about responsibility to ones self and kids.Riding a bike in any country is dangerous enough without adding to it with a f... it attitude.We can survive most broken bones but a smashed head is a different matter and children in our care should always be safe until they are old enough to make their own decisions.Your analogy about showering is silly and anti slip can be applied.More people die in this country from electrocution in the shower and this can be solved as well with correct earthing.Stupidity can always be solved but some people choose not to,minimise the risk.

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This is a depressing thing I have been seeing a lot of recently

Why does it depress you ? Do you get depressed about a lot of things that are no concern of yours ?

It's called Reckless Endangerment of a Child and it is a felony in many places.

Of course, that is in the "nanny state" where sensible laws are enforced.

It's a "felony" in the United States. As is driving under the influence, marrying a member of another race or drinking from a water fountain marked "whites only".

Yes- nanny state indeed. If you need laws like that you are in the wrong country. Thailand whilst often being found wanting in some areas, at least makes YOU responsible for YOUR stupidity.

You cannot to be so black and white about such things. Some laws are sensible, some are stupid. But when it comes to the safety of children that's different, they are yet to learn how to look after themselves so parents, teachers, adults, the law, in fact everyone needs to ensure that they are protected. A law that prevents the potential needless death of a child is not only right it is crucial. Anyone who sees implementing such laws as the road to a nanny state is frankly an idiot.

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It's a "felony" in the United States. ....

Did you put felony in quotes to indicate that you didn't know what you were talking about?

Illinois and Iowa have no helmet law.

Nineteen states have a mandatory helmet law.

Twenty-seven states have a mandatory helmet law for those under a certain age (20 states are 18 and under; one state is 19 and under, and eight states are 21 and under).

Two states have an age limit (21) plus insurance law.

Some states require a passenger to wear a helmet if the driver is age-restricted and must wear a helmet.

In none of the states is riding against the helmet law a felony. It is a fine and/or points toward suspension of your driving licence.

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It's a "felony" in the United States. ....

Did you put felony in quotes to indicate that you didn't know what you were talking about?

Illinois and Iowa have no helmet law.

Nineteen states have a mandatory helmet law.

Twenty-seven states have a mandatory helmet law for those under a certain age (20 states are 18 and under; one state is 19 and under, and eight states are 21 and under).

Two states have an age limit (21) plus insurance law.

Some states require a passenger to wear a helmet if the driver is age-restricted and must wear a helmet.

In none of the states is riding against the helmet law a felony. It is a fine and/or points toward suspension of your driving licence.


You come here-you obey their laws!

Never mind what the locals do and do not do!

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This is a depressing thing I have been seeing a lot of recently

Why does it depress you ? Do you get depressed about a lot of things that are no concern of yours ?

Totally agree! Please explain why you wish other people who have nothing to do with you, to do what you want?

The world is mad enough with governments etc trying to control every aspect of our lives without (so called) do-gooders adding to it!

Why don’t you concentrate on writing letters, visiting to people who pass laws and ask them why the don’t stamp down on the cause of accidents, rather than compelling everyone to wear protective clothing in case we get knocked of a bike, by a (possibly drunk), non-licensed and un-educated drivers that are mainly here?

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This is a depressing thing I have been seeing a lot of recently

Why does it depress you ? Do you get depressed about a lot of things that are no concern of yours ?

It's called Reckless Endangerment of a Child and it is a felony in many places.

Of course, that is in the "nanny state" where sensible laws are enforced.

We're not in Kansas anymore Toto.


So no more need for responsible behaviour in the land of irresponsibility....

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This is a depressing thing I have been seeing a lot of recently

Why does it depress you ? Do you get depressed about a lot of things that are no concern of yours ?

Like Thai sounds like he's gone native. See no evil, speak no evil, hear no evil. Subai subai. No problem. Be happy. Smile.

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This is a depressing thing I have been seeing a lot of recently

Why does it depress you ? Do you get depressed about a lot of things that are no concern of yours ?

I, for one, find it very depressing to see a kids head split open in the middle of the road, just because it's parent couldn't be arsed to buy it a crash helmet. Even though it's no concern of mine.

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I shouldn't be... but I am. I'm amazed when I see someone make a posting about his feelings for children's safety, and the post gets torn apart for;

being in the wrong forum

taking about people's race and the terms for them

safety in the shower

that it's none of his business in the first place

HEY! He's sharing his feelings. You are sitting there telling him he has no right to feel them. That it's none of his business. Yet YOU tell him what his business should be?

Do you see the irony here?

so we should defer comment? i thought this was a discussion forum, and the ops world view almost bigotedly narrow, feelings or no.

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God I'm sick of hearing this same old thing over and over again. If I want to barrel down the street with my daughter on my bike without a helmet, it is my business, not yours. If you want to call the BiB, by all means do so. After spending 13 years as a firefighter, many of those as a fire inspector, I guarantee I can come into your house and find a dozen code violations, any of which could potentially cause horrible injuries or death to you and your family. If the police find me driving with my daughter, I pay a fine. If (as a fire inspector) i find you with your violations, you pay a fine. I hear the same thing every time I cite someone, oh it will never happen to me, what are the chances, blah blah blah. You don't want to hear my spiel about how each code is important, and I most definitely don't want to hear yours. I choose to assume the risk for my child, just like you assume the risk when you don't buy a grounded power strip when you plug in your child's night light. We are in Thailand, we obey Thai laws or face Thai punishment. You may not agree with it, and if YOU don't like it then YOU go somewhere else. Meanwhile, I will handle my own family's affairs; you needn't concern yourself.

It's remarkable how a man with your job can make such comments. During your duties I dare say you have probably prevented the deaths of hundreds of lives through enforcing legislation. (and i applaud you for that) I am sure you have upset many people whilst hitting them with a fine for violations. I also suspect you probably think there are some stupid people out there who take such unnecessary risks with their lives and the lives of their families with regards to fire protection. After all that's your chosen field.

Good to know that you don't need to understand about "grounded power strips" to prevent potential fatal injuries to your child when on a motorbike. It's simple, you get your daughter to wear a helmet, that's it. If only fire protection were so simple to understand.

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