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How to handle Thais butting and cutting in public


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First, try to understand Thai thinking and the social hierarchy. If a 50 y/o walks into 7/11 that is full of 7 y/o s, he will most likely swick the queue.

"he will most likely swick the queue" ... is that a typo or a new phrase?

No David it is plain English. To "swick" means to cheat, and it has been in use for many, many years where proper English is

spoken. coffee1.gif

that must be in phuket i guess

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First, try to understand Thai thinking and the social hierarchy. If a 50 y/o walks into 7/11 that is full of 7 y/o s, he will most likely swick the queue.

"he will most likely swick the queue" ... is that a typo or a new phrase?

No David it is plain English. To "swick" means to cheat, and it has been in use for many, many years where proper English is

spoken. coffee1.gif

that must be in phuket i guess

Sadly not mamba too many septics and wife beater wearing antipodians in Phuket to hear proper English very often.


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I know you are frustrated I am too. But I have decided to just suck it up because all cultures are different and lining up is not an Asian culture. You either act like them, politely wait until you are the last person or go back to your country. You are NOT going to change the world, sorry.

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Well you have to learn how to deal with it, its good fun when you do, jump in front and slow down, observe.

The other day I was on my bike behind some very slow Thai woman as I approached 7-11 I nipped up the inside of her and took her parking place, marched off into the shop, I could see out of the corner of my eye she was surprised, but thats it, thats the way they are. You have to remember this that Thais are not aware of what is going on around them, so treat them as if they are not there, that is what they do to you, Tray it.

I used to get angry, now I play to their rules, its much more fun!

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I had a chap jump in front of me at an ATM with a big smile on his face. I pressed 'cancel' and threw his card away. I take no prisoners at Au Bon Pain either

Yeah right, of course you did, ...w00t.gif

Some people do actually do something unlike your good self by the sound of it??

I threw a drunk off the bus in the UK once, dragged him down the aisle told the driver to open the doors and shoved him out with my foot, the applause was funny as he had been abusing folk until I got on, and no Im not some big hero.

The thai apologists like "Banzai99", just bend over and take it

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I know you are frustrated I am too. But I have decided to just suck it up because all cultures are different and lining up is not an Asian culture. You either act like them, politely wait until you are the last person or go back to your country. You are NOT going to change the world, sorry.

Oh dear, the obligatory 'if you don't like it...' saai.gif


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It depends who is cutting in front.

If it is some guy, I'll just move forward and cut back in front. It'll be awkward and uncomfortable, but more so for him than for me. *

If it is a woman, I don't do that, but I do make some noise,some groans. Start loudly cursing her out in Italian 'minchia.. che cazzo sta facendo questa donna', etc. Enough to make her feel uncomfortable and shitty.

Queuing does seem to be different in Asia though, they queue a lot closer. I like my personal space so usually stand back a bit, but it seems like any opening and someone will try and swoop in front of me. Thais especially seem less aware of their surroundings, the amount that bash into me when im walking on the sidewalk, even though it clearly hurts them a lot more than me.

*obviously I don't do this if the guy is swole or looks like he could beat my ass.

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The Russians make Chinese and Thais else look like they have gone to charm school. The Russians push, they shove, they butt in, no excuse me, no i'm sorry

if you had said americans here your post would have been deleted quick smart, just goes to show how impolite and intolerant of free speech americans arewhistling.gif read fast because this post of mine WILL disappear.

The broad brush you paint "Americans" with, or any group, is a generalization and appears not to based on fact or research. There are over 330 million Americans and I've yet to meet all of them, so I can't comment about their impoliteness or intolerance of free speech. Same goes for other countries.

Specific examples of individual behaviors are an option and much more credible.

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Wait till you have to deal the Chinese en-mass ... you will find the Thai's quite orderly and polite.

No disrespect meant to the China folk (OCH) but their competitiveness at the counter has to be seen to be believed!

You are correct in this, I think.

But I do not mind it. It is just part of the culture.

Love it or leave it.

You are entirely correct, again I will say it.

And also, this is accepted behavior.

Try buying a train ticket in GuangDong just before Chinese Lunar New Year if you want a laugh.

I make no value judgement here.

I just accept it as being part of the norm.

It may seem frustrating to those who love waiting in neat orderly lines, as do the Japanese for example.

Don't let it bug you!

This is not directed at your personally.

And you are not a cop, I suppose.

Try being a bit more Sabai.

Edited by OldChinaHam
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Maybe I am just more laid back and don't notice people butting in front of me. I happily let people move in front of me because I'm ever pressed for time. I just figure if it was that important then I should have planned my time better. I have seen video and pictures of what happens in China and India and that makes me glad when I'm in Thailand. I've seen far bigger lineups at Canadian store tellers than I ever have in Thailand. However, I have noticed men in Australia being far pushier than the people in Canada. That was true where ever I went in Australia. But, the Kiwis in New Zealand were far more polite than Aussies were in Canada or Australia. Again, that was just a general observation and does not stand for everyone.

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It isn't just butting in line at the 7-11. My last verbal encounter came during a transaction at the bank with documents, passport, cash and other items spread out over the bank officer's desk and some Thai guy come up and starts asking her questions like I wasn't even there so I unloaded -- he looked like he had just seen a ghost. A few days later I encountered the same officer outside the bank and I apologized. But she said that that behavior really bugs her as well as she often has to start a money count or document preparation all over as someone interrupts her mid-stream.

Another recent outburst -- and really there are few -- was at a Pizza Hut where we had to re-adjust a bill for take-out pizzas bought for a large group and some girl comes up to the take-out register and, again, starts ordering like I wasn't even there. Gwei lo/white ghost look again.

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Sometimes at the 7-11 when a pushy someone comes up from behind while I'm at the counter and starts ordering -- usually cigarettes or a phone card -- I just tell them in my fractured Thai that things will go much faster if they pay for my stuff as well.

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Where does this happen? In 8 years of living in Bangkok it's genuinely not something I've noticed. Maybe it's a rural/suburban problem? Now, dawdling Thais who have a complete lack of spatial awareness, that still gets to me.

In the post-office everyone gets a number and waits, in the 711's never had them try to get past me. ATM's same story, maybe its me maybe its you but I don't see this happening. I might not get out as much as you.

Why are people pretending this doesn't happen when it's a common occurrence that happens EVERY day especially here in BKK.

And before anyone says that it must just be me then nonsense because even when I've yet to reach the queue and am browsing in the 7/11 or other stores I see Thai's doing it to other Thai's.

They just refuse to wait their turn and barge in to the front, stick their stuff down, and hand over cash.

I've never seen a cashier tell them to join the queue.

I've talked to the Thai's I know about it and they say it's common and happens to them all the time too.

Strangely I never see it happening much at the BTS stations when people are queuing for tickets or change. Seems like that is out of bounds but 7/11 and any other store is OK.

Maybe it just happens to people who look rather inconspicuous or are dithering in the queue? Or maybe they just live in areas that are frequented by ruder people than in other areas?

It very rarely happens to me.

Actually I probably do it more than it happens to me.

I do it at the bank when I have little time at the end of the month and it's very busy. Bad, I know but I am working on my self-importance problem

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It isn't just butting in line at the 7-11. My last verbal encounter came during a transaction at the bank with documents, passport, cash and other items spread out over the bank officer's desk and some Thai guy come up and starts asking her questions like I wasn't even there so I unloaded -- he looked like he had just seen a ghost. A few days later I encountered the same officer outside the bank and I apologized. But she said that that behavior really bugs her as well as she often has to start a money count or document preparation all over as someone interrupts her mid-stream.

Similar sort of thing a while back at BB Forex, but clerk had 100k in her hand midstream with my transaction and Thai bogun butts in wanting to deposit something like 20k, so she (supervisor) sets about doing it, now with money/documents/bank books of both parties everywhere. This is a large BB with plenty of tellers at the other end, btw. I kindly mention that could she please proceed with my transaction first... reply, 'yeah, yeah', though she still continued with his. Unbelievable, boguns all round.

Folk will have to agree this is slightly different from a 7-11 incident, not to be sniffed at, though those with the funny-coloured glasses on will no doubt pass it off as me being pedantic.

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It isn't just butting in line at the 7-11. My last verbal encounter came during a transaction at the bank with documents, passport, cash and other items spread out over the bank officer's desk and some Thai guy come up and starts asking her questions like I wasn't even there so I unloaded -- he looked like he had just seen a ghost. A few days later I encountered the same officer outside the bank and I apologized. But she said that that behavior really bugs her as well as she often has to start a money count or document preparation all over as someone interrupts her mid-stream.


Similar sort of thing a while back at BB Forex, but clerk had 100k in her hand midstream with my transaction and Thai bogun butts in wanting to deposit something like 20k, so she (supervisor) sets about doing it, now with money/documents/bank books of both parties everywhere. This is a large BB with plenty of tellers at the other end, btw. I kindly mention that could she please proceed with my transaction first... reply, 'yeah, yeah', though she still continued with his. Unbelievable, boguns all round.


Folk will have to agree this is slightly different from a 7-11 incident, not to be sniffed at, though those with the funny-coloured glasses on will no doubt pass it off as me being pedantic.

Maybe it was her friend. I help my friends.

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Now when I'm in the 7/11 and it's busy and a lot of people milling around the queue area but not really queuing in any orderly fashion I just pile in and get my stuff on the counter too before anyone else has the idea otherwise you can be waiting there forever if other people keep coming in the door.

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This hardly ever seems to happen to me, but then I would normally offer to let small kids and old people go in front of me anyway. My particular bugbear though, and I say this as a Thai person, is how few people acknowledge you if you hold the door for them and how many will slam the door in your face if they're passing through it first mad.gif

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This hardly ever seems to happen to me, but then I would normally offer to let small kids and old people go in front of me anyway. My particular bugbear though, and I say this as a Thai person, is how few people acknowledge you if you hold the door for them and how many will slam the door in your face if they're passing through it first mad.gif

I always look around at the next customer to see how many items they have. If they have just one or two, I indicate they can be served first, whether Thai or farang. As to the door slamming thing, I loudly say 'Thank you, thank you VERY much'. They look back in amazement. They truly don't understand that this too is rude. Now most Thais will wait/hold the door for you. Baby steps.

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This hardly ever seems to happen to me, but then I would normally offer to let small kids and old people go in front of me anyway. My particular bugbear though, and I say this as a Thai person, is how few people acknowledge you if you hold the door for them and how many will slam the door in your face if they're passing through it first mad.gif

if you didnt have any face, no-one would be able to, or you woudnt get, the door slammed into it.

also too, other things on the mind with other priorities.

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