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Probably a long shot, but does anyone know where you might get a schedule of all the NFL games that will air on TrueVisions this season?

Thanks in advance for any advice.




www.asn.tv all programs are Hong Kong time so subtract 1 hour. As said channel 113 on True DSTV. Baltimore lost to Denver this morning!


Not sure about all season but you can check here, just use "nfl regular" in the search box; shows through week 3, more or less.

ASN (113), TrueSport 3 (103), TrueSport HD (150), TrueSport HD2 (151)

watched Baltimore at Denver this morning in HD, Peyton Manning was impressive, also Red Sox at Yankees and U.S. Open, all in HD.





Between True and ASN a lot of NFL games are shown. It's usually the Sunday night and Monday night games that are broadcast nationally in the US, and usually a second game on Sunday. ASN then show other games 'as live' but without commercial breaks throughout the week. True is great for NFL and from next week ASN will also be in HD.


If NFL is your thing, but not much more, then the cheapest package from True carrying ASN is only 590 baht a month (including equipment charges) - the "Super Knowledge" package. No point in paying 2,155 baht a month for the True Platinum package (as a lot of American NFL-loving expats seem to do here) unless you want a lot more premium sport or some premium movies as well. There's plenty of cr@p American and the occasional good American series and sitcom on the cheaper packages from True and on CTH, if that's your bag.

ASN is not carried on the Gold package btw, just Platinum, Super Family (1,054 baht) and Super Knowledge.

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If you're interested in NFL games, you can watch all the games plus the superb Red Zone Channel by subscribing to the NFL Game Pass on the NFL site. It's about $300 for the season for every game over the Internet. It's the same as Directv's NFL ticket.

By the way, I'd like to thank the Ravens for at least staying through the first quarter of Thursday's game. An incredibly lame performance by the super bowl champions. Jeesh.


You can get NFL GamePass over the internet for $199.99 which gives you all the games plus the playoffs and Superbowl. For $129.99 you can get the whole season minus the playoffs and the Superbowl. That's good if you have Truevisions because they show the playoffs and Superbowl. Last you can pay $99.99 just to follow your team. They have apps for the iPad and Android if you own either of those devices.

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Outside of the ~ 30 day on-line schedule it will be challenging to predict which Sunday day games (1:00 PM/4:30 PM ET) might be shown live here on TrueVisions.

But it is probably safe to assume that the Sunday night (8:30 PM EDT) and both MNF (7:10 PM/10:20 PM ET for week 1 anyway) games will definitely be shown here live, in case you were looking for a specific game.

The on-line schedule seems to show September, as of today anyway, so not sure at what point they might start to display October (week 5) games?


You can get NFL GamePass over the internet for $199.99 which gives you all the games plus the playoffs and Superbowl. For $129.99 you can get the whole season minus the playoffs and the Superbowl. That's good if you have Truevisions because they show the playoffs and Superbowl. Last you can pay $99.99 just to follow your team. They have apps for the iPad and Android if you own either of those devices.

How about a season pass to the NFL Game Rewind service that, with a U.S. VPN or proxy, gives you on-demand, online streaming access to the full game (no commercials) video of every regular season game for every team... for $39.95.

I too watched the Denver-Baltimore game last night at my leisure, without having to worry about the time differences. The only minor downside to Game Rewind is that the games aren't broadcast live, but instead, posted within 24 hours of the completion of the live game, which never has been a problem for me here.

I like the option of having access to EVERY game and ANY game I want vs. paying more for the True/ASN versions and only getting the national network broadcast games and a few others sprinkled in during the week.

Game Rewind offers the full regular season and the playoffs and Super Bowl for $69.99. The regular season only is $39.99. But if you subscribe for the regular season, once inside, they then offer the Playoffs/Super Bowl add-on, for just $19.99 more, so that's a $10 discount.

BTW, the Game Rewind packages also include the same, full game, every game access to the prior 2009-2012 seasons on demand.

You need a U.S. VPN or proxy to view the link below:



With the NFL streamed offers can anyone comment:

1.) Are these in HD, SD or something less?

2.) Assuming you want to watch at your liesure, are there any bandwidth issues in the evening here in Thailand?

3.) Do you watch on a PC, notebook, tablet or TV? If a TV, can you describe the connections, and do you have "control" over the stream?

4.) Do you have the VPN configured in your router? Or on each/any device? What is the make/model.OS for the router?

5.) Which VPN provider are you using?

6.) For the playoffs and Superbowl, I assume 'Game Rewind' does not enable live viewing?

I am kind of used to HD - I only pay 800 baht/month for the full TrueVisions HD Platinum package via a legal 4-box 'share' - both here and on frequent visits to the U.S., so going back to SD or worse would not really be an option.

Ideally, I'd like to use Chromecast but they do not support the NFL, and I think I'd need a DD-WRT router?


For GameRewind....

It's an Adobe Flash-based player that supports/allows HD streaming up to 4500 Kbps and down to 400 Kbps, selectable by the user in increments in the player.

I watch it on a 32 in LCD TV connected to my laptop via Super Video cable connection. The video quality is OK, but with my True 16 Mbps cable connection and a PC-based proxy via GetFoxyProxy.org, it usually will only run reliably in the evenings at either 400 or 800 Kbps, the two lowest settings in the player. Actually, a lot of the time, I'll watch the games here the next morning after the Sunday game times in the U.S.

Once of the nice things about the NFL streaming, is it only verifies IP location upon your initial connection. So once a game is playing, you can switch to a regular direct Internet connection... though here in Thailand, that seems to make a bit of a difference, but not a huge difference in available quality.

All of the Game Rewind streamed games, including the playoffs and Super Bowl, are not "live" but within 24 hours after, and then of course available anytime the user wants to view them anytime thereafter.

Since the live games from the U.S. end up being in the midnight to 7 am timeframe here, the "live" issue is pretty irrelevant for me. Likewise, I'm more interested in seeing the games I want, having the original announcers, and not having the broadcasts chopped up and lengthened with endless ASN and/or TrueVisions promos vs. the SD-HD issue.




^ Thanks. Sounds useless for me. Cobbling together PC to TV connections, hogging my internet, etc. Meh. Glad to hear it works OK for you.

True is showing eight (8) games live (week 1 anyway) and/or replayed in SD/HD. The replays go fast, are available at many reasonable times, no too many breaks. Also enjoy NFL total Access, NFL Gameday, More than enough for me; I'm interested in the NFL but not bat-sh*t crazy for it.

If I must have a replay/game then I can torrent it.


Maybe it's changed since before when I had ASN via True... but they did a pretty poor job of handing the game broadcasts originally.

Sometimes they simply missed the beginning or endings of games. And sometimes they'd cut back into a game after a promo break and miss part of the actual game.

There were A LOT of ASN promos, and usually, the same exact one or two promos being repeated over and over and over again. And during the live games, if I remember right, they used to cut away from the halftime commentary/coverage and instead show canned ASN features on stuff totally unrelated to football, since apparently ASN didn't have the rights to the individual networks halftime content. Overall, it was a pretty amateur operation.

Perhaps they've gotten better since then. But I gave up on them long ago. And the even bigger reason was, they'd often not air the particular teams/games I wanted to see among the national network games chosen/shown for that particular week. Now, I can watch any game I choose, and am not subject to the vagaries of U.S. network programming decisions and/or ASN/True choices for replay games.


I watched the Baltimore at Denver kick-off game live on TrueSport HD (Ch. 150), in HD, and thought the coverage was absolutely brilliant. Granted the game was late kicking off, and I was switching between the Red Sox at Yankees (in HD) and the U.S. Open (in HD), but the NFL coverage seemed like I was back home, albeit without the commercials. I've just learned to tune out the commercials/breaks. And I get to use my PC as a PC, my TV as a TV and my internet for the internet. I think if I stayed permanently in the U.S., and had a 50 Mbps/10 Mbps internet connection I might go for one of the NFL offers, but I find it hard to go back down to anything after HD. With more and more video streaming consuming internet bandwidth - in the U.S. NetFlix consumes 1/3 of all internet bandwidth in the evenings, and peering imbalances, I think the odds of streaming decent quality from the U.S. will only get longer.

Later this week I think ASN moves to HD format on channel 157, which is perfect timing.

I just roped a nephew into digitally recording my home-town team's NFL games (720P/H264/MP4 ~ 4 GB) which he will upload to Google Drive for me, drop me an email with the link and then easy to download here.

I think I'd prefer to watch the playoffs and Superbowl live, thank you very much. wink.png

BTW, the Farmer's Almanac has predicted a Nor'easter for the Superbowl! Can you say "Snow Bowl". clap2.gif


An alternative for internet streamers is www.ustvnow.com They have a free package that shows all free to air channels, and a $19 mo package that also has espn USA as well as a number of other US cable channels. I just finished watching US sportscenter which you can't get here.


The True / ASN coverage of NFL is excellent and will be even better when ASN moves to HD in a few days.

I'm also looking forward to the baseball post-season, especially as we may get to see some Dodger games instead of the bloody Yankees!


In addition to ASN transitioning to HD this week, ASN also has decent college football coverage via ESPN.

Just today they had: Florida at Miami (great game), South Carolina at Georgia and Notre Dame at Michigan.

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