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Australian election: Early exit polls point to Tony Abbott win


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Bookman you should have been a politician talk talk talk...face it people don't agree with you, might surprise you were not all stupid and narrow minded.

A politician for Labor or Liberals?

I have no problem with people disagreeing, I encourage it. I do have a problem with unjustified whining, something so many Australians seem to do...which you have reinforced.

You also seem incorrectly informed about how well Australia and its people have done in recent years.

Please show me any data showing australians are worse off now than 5 years back.

So far you have only made comical personal attacks on me. Do you also cover your ears and say 'nyah nyah nyah' when u hear something that disagrees with what you heard on the Alan Jones show?


Good to read, forums are often used for debate "whining" you have a problem, yes I don't like it either, most of the criticism stems from a personal perspective, what your not getting is figures and data can look anything you like depending on your perspective...if your looking at the over all state of the economy the mining boom lifted the nation into the ethos unfortunately it didn't flow on to the rank and file "the real economy" (the one that has nothing to do with mining) has been so so for a long time, the fact that unemployment is rising and tipped to continue is a key barometer to the state of the economy.

Personal attacks? darling you started and and again with you reference to my ears, jones etc...

Your off topic in regard to how well we are off, this post is on the election, I suggest you start a topic on that if your keen to debate it.

I too am delighted that sugar mouth Rudd has gone and for the sake of his party retires sooner rather than later, hope he takes swan and a few others with him.

As for Abbot im sure in time they will get us moving again but do expect some pain, as for the carbon tax they now have a mandate for its removal as with the mining tax 2 very stupid taxes to say the least.

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Discovery of 1000 missing votes swings momentum away from Sophie Mirabella

The Australian Electoral Commission has discovered a missing bundle of 1003 votes for Indi candidate Cathy McGowan at a pre-polling centre in the north-east Victorian town of Wangaratta.

Before the discovery, Ms McGowan was leading Liberal MP Sophie Mirabella by just 771 votes, or 50.51 per cent of the vote to 49.49 per cent. By 3.39pm on Wednesday Ms McGowan's lead had narrowed to 494 votes - not including the 1003 "missing" votes.

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Discovery of 1000 missing votes swings momentum away from Sophie Mirabella

The Australian Electoral Commission has discovered a missing bundle of 1003 votes for Indi candidate Cathy McGowan at a pre-polling centre in the north-east Victorian town of Wangaratta.

Before the discovery, Ms McGowan was leading Liberal MP Sophie Mirabella by just 771 votes, or 50.51 per cent of the vote to 49.49 per cent. By 3.39pm on Wednesday Ms McGowan's lead had narrowed to 494 votes - not including the 1003 "missing" votes.

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Just so you know where my stripes where pinned this Election ... I voted for the Blue Ties.

BUT ... Liberal MP Sophie Mirabella, is a case in point why I swing sway my votes.

Is she goes, better for the Blue Ties ...


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Finally the overtly political in-fighting will be secondary to running the country.

Labor/Liberal . . . it's the people who run it, not necessarily the party. I think ti was very, very clear that neither Gillard nor Rudd had the country's best interests at heart . . . so let's see how Abbott will do.

One thing is for certain - he can't do any worse than the two previous clowns who made oz look like a real banana republic

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I've made a mistake.

Tim looks after the chooks,cooking and cleaning and does her hair.

Howard asked her on 6PR 'Is Tim gay'coffee1.gif

He got the fired but Tim had made a similar remark months earlier. (Have to say I agree with him!)

Julia Gillard has admitted that comments by her partner about prostate cancer and Asian women were in poor taste and it was right that he apologise.

But she defended Tim Mathieson's commitment to men's health causes, saying he did his best to persuade notoriously reluctant men to get health checks.

“It's important to get that message across,” the Prime Minister told ABC radio. “Obviously there's various ways of getting that message across but he's certainly acknowledged that the joke cracked last night was in poor taste.”Mr Mathieson made the joke last night to members of the West Indian cricket team at a reception at The Lodge in Canberra, as Ms Gillard stood behind him.

“We can get a blood test for it but the digital examination is the only true way to get a correct reading on your prostate so make sure you go and do that, and perhaps look for a small Asian female doctor is probably the best way,” he said, to laughter.

Mr Mathieson said today his comments were aimed at raising awareness about prostate cancer and the need for men to get regular checks.

“It was meant as a joke and on reflection I accept it was in poor taste,” he said in a brief statement issued by the Prime Minister's office.

Howard Sattler is suffering from Parkinsons disease.


And now he's an unemployed idiot with Parkinsons.

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After the election ... have the Boats stopped?

They've slowed down.

BUT, the good news is that some Iranians have flown to Malaysia, spoken

to others there and have flown back home.

So the message (Rudd's) seems to be getting through.

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After the election ... have the Boats stopped?

They've slowed down.

BUT, the good news is that some Iranians have flown to Malaysia, spoken

to others there and have flown back home.

So the message (Rudd's) seems to be getting through.

It has to be...NO ONE would willingly want to go and be re-settled in PNG

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After the election ... have the Boats stopped?

Did you expect them to? Glad you're being rational as it's already been . . . how long?

After the election ... have the Boats stopped?

They'd be crazy if they haven't...Abbott is going to buy them all so they will make more money just building them and leaving them at home

Ah, it's good to see American-style debate enter Aussie politics - nothing but the facts, we have become a FoxNews nation it seems

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After the election ... have the Boats stopped?

Did you expect them to? Glad you're being rational as it's already been . . . how long?

Sing_Sling ... I know you are a good poster here and didn't mean to be overtly sarcastic with your comment.

I'm not in Australia now and have asked the boys back home, through this, and the preceding thread, ever since the war on the Boats started with the change in leadership to Kevin Rudd ... "... have the Boats stopped?"

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After the election ... have the Boats stopped?

David, even taking into account your response to Sing_Sling, it is my opinion that you are being disingenuous with posing your regular question of numbers arriving by boat; just pushing your agenda.

You may be disappointed to know that Scott Morrison has allegedly proposed the government stop informing the Australian public when asylum boats arrive in Australia. In addition refugees could be held, processed and deported to another country (even repatriated to the country they fled) all in total secrecy. Whether these proposed policies are firm, just options for discussion or would hold under FOI challenges is the question.

On other matters raised in this topic:

Indonesia has refuted Abbott’s proposed boat buyback policy.


Iranians seeking asylum/refugee status are not permitted by the Iranian government to re-enter Iran if unable to obtain refuge. I cannot believe that in full knowledge of the Iranian government policy, they would be attempting to enter other countries, as suggested by some dismissive analysis, as economic refugees.

Australia supported the proposed US attack on Syria, at the same time Australia made it clear that not one Syrian refugee from the conflict would be permitted entry to Australia.

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After the election ... have the Boats stopped?

Did you expect them to? Glad you're being rational as it's already been . . . how long?

After the election ... have the Boats stopped?

They'd be crazy if they haven't...Abbott is going to buy them all so they will make more money just building them and leaving them at home

Ah, it's good to see American-style debate enter Aussie politics - nothing but the facts, we have become a FoxNews nation it seems

It's a good chance to make some easy money sing_sling. Chooka is already over there buying up old junks to re-sell.

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After the election ... have the Boats stopped?

You may be disappointed to know that Scott Morrison has allegedly proposed the government stop informing the Australian public when asylum boats arrive in Australia.

Ironic if that is the case. or 3 years...no, wait, 6 years, the Coalition have been using the Boat People line ad nauseum. Now they are suggesting having the Coalition government not inform the public about boat arrivals? laugh.png

Better to report the total arrival numbers every 3 years or so I expect....or is they are very low, every month wink.png

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After the election ... have the Boats stopped?

David, even taking into account your response to Sing_Sling, it is my opinion that you are being disingenuous with posing your regular question of numbers arriving by boat; just pushing your agenda.

I disagree.

Both major politicial parties presented, as one of their main platforms to the Australian Public that they would 'Stop the Boats'.

Indeed, it was probably one of the focus points ... if not the main point.

So, I disagree that it's being "disingenuous with posing your regular question of numbers arriving by boat".

As for... 'just pushing your agenda.' No agenda here ... just asking if the government followed up with it's election promise.

There is political rhetoric, political promise and political reality ... I am just curious where we were with them all.

So, no agenda here ... I'm as curious about the baby bonus, Tax rates, Employment incentives for the worker who has been without work for more then 12 months, return of the Budget to surplus, the reduction in welfare payments and the increased targeted infrastructure spend to increase business efficiency, the sale of public assets such as Medicare ... the list reflects the political promises made and, probably yet, unfulfilled.

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After the election ... have the Boats stopped?

David, even taking into account your response to Sing_Sling, it is my opinion that you are being disingenuous with posing your regular question of numbers arriving by boat; just pushing your agenda.

I disagree.

Both major politicial parties presented, as one of their main platforms to the Australian Public that they would 'Stop the Boats'.

Indeed, it was probably one of the focus points ... if not the main point.

So, I disagree that it's being "disingenuous with posing your regular question of numbers arriving by boat".

As for... 'just pushing your agenda.' No agenda here ... just asking if the government followed up with it's election promise.

There is political rhetoric, political promise and political reality ... I am just curious where we were with them all.

So, no agenda here ... I'm as curious about the baby bonus, Tax rates, Employment incentives for the worker who has been without work for more then 12 months, return of the Budget to surplus, the reduction in welfare payments and the increased targeted infrastructure spend to increase business efficiency, the sale of public assets such as Medicare ... the list reflects the political promises made and, probably yet, unfulfilled.

pull the other one it's got bells onsmile.png

BTW a group has claimed that people arriving by boat has dropped by 44%, but you may not like the rest of their message...


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After the election ... have the Boats stopped?

David, even taking into account your response to Sing_Sling, it is my opinion that you are being disingenuous with posing your regular question of numbers arriving by boat; just pushing your agenda.

I disagree.

Both major politicial parties presented, as one of their main platforms to the Australian Public that they would 'Stop the Boats'.

Indeed, it was probably one of the focus points ... if not the main point.

So, I disagree that it's being "disingenuous with posing your regular question of numbers arriving by boat".

As for... 'just pushing your agenda.' No agenda here ... just asking if the government followed up with it's election promise.

There is political rhetoric, political promise and political reality ... I am just curious where we were with them all.

So, no agenda here ... I'm as curious about the baby bonus, Tax rates, Employment incentives for the worker who has been without work for more then 12 months, return of the Budget to surplus, the reduction in welfare payments and the increased targeted infrastructure spend to increase business efficiency, the sale of public assets such as Medicare ... the list reflects the political promises made and, probably yet, unfulfilled.

pull the other one it's got bells onsmile.png

BTW a group has claimed that people arriving by boat has dropped by 44%, but you may not like the rest of their message...


I would not be surprised if Abbott simply keeps the PNG option and lets it run its course. It will do the job of no boat arrivals better for him than any of his own parties batty ideas.

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For the life of me I cannot understand what all the ho harr is about with "the boats"

You recon a couple of thousand refuges landing on our shores is a big deal?

To answer my own question, no one is kicking up a fuss about Burmese refuges that have been living in Thailand for years, or the hundreds of thousands of Syrians spread around the middle east and it goes on and on, Africa, middle east, Asia.

Lets put into perspective shall we.

ps a footnote, this garbage did take out mind away from a slow economy, rising unemployment and a former government that didn't have a clue how to get the place going.

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Bill Shorten and Anthony Albanese have both nominated for position of Labor party leader

Read Article on How the New voting system works

Shorten...the man who would be king, the hatchet man, former union man who is he? what is he?

Gillard had a few nice things to say about her party that was reported in the paper today.

They need someone to warm the seat for the next 6 ys after that a new broom with no union ties should be bought in.

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For the life of me I cannot understand what all the ho harr is about with "the boats"

You recon a couple of thousand refuges landing on our shores is a big deal?

To answer my own question, no one is kicking up a fuss about Burmese refuges that have been living in Thailand for years, or the hundreds of thousands of Syrians spread around the middle east and it goes on and on, Africa, middle east, Asia.

Lets put into perspective shall we.

ps a footnote, this garbage did take out mind away from a slow economy, rising unemployment and a former government that didn't have a clue how to get the place going.

Let's face it, unless Abbott decides that we send in a few thousand diggers to the ME then Syria affects Australia as much as the scab on my left finger I got from playing with my kids.

It doesn't. Not one bit. Nada. Nichts. Rien. Sweet FA

That is putting it in perspective.

Refugees heading towards Australia affects us directly.

Immigration has always been at the forefront of Australian politics - we are a nation of immigrants and our taxes will go to this issue.

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Bill Shorten and Anthony Albanese have both nominated for position of Labor party leader

Read Article on How the New voting system works

I'm actually a fan of Bill Shorten.

I didn't vote Labor this election ... but that did have some talent that will be missed not being in Government.

I'm not one for 'they are all cun*ts and can rot in hell' ... I worked in the political environment for 5 years and there is the good, bad and ugly ... but more good then the other two combined.

BTW ... I'm not an Abbott Fan ... but he kept his party disciplined and focused.

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Bill Shorten and Anthony Albanese have both nominated for position of Labor party leader

Read Article on How the New voting system works

Aaaah, the new dawn of Labor politics.

My bet:

Coalition for the next two elections

Reckon you are fairly close with that.

Most Political Parties get at least 2 terms.

So ... the blue ties for the next 6 years.

Don't know if Abbott will be leading them all that time ... who knows?

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Bill Shorten and Anthony Albanese have both nominated for position of Labor party leader

Read Article on How the New voting system works

Aaaah, the new dawn of Labor politics.

My bet:

Coalition for the next two elections

Reckon you are fairly close with that.

Most Political Parties get at least 2 terms.

So ... the blue ties for the next 6 years.

Don't know if Abbott will be leading them all that time ... who knows?

It won't be because of any greatness by the leadership, rather the inadequacies of the Labor Party. The years of Gough, Bob and even Keating are over

I'm Australian but have been working overseas fairly well since graduating - still have a dog in the fight, though

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