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Good nomination material for the Darwin awards methinks smile.png

An old expression I have used for many years springs to mind; "I don't need to cut myself to know I'm going to bleed".

Thanks for the funny story though Krisb clap2.gif

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Cmon, course its not original. Thats why its in The Pub.

Fooled me at first, though. Then I wondered how you'd be able to buy a taser in a shop.

See plenty up at Mae Sai, don't know if legal or not.


Sounds like BS. Youtube is full of videos of guys applying these things to each other and to themselves for giggles. To encourage people to use one of these for self defense is irresponsible and dangerous to them. A real Taser, of course is very different and highly effective, but have nothing to do with what you describe in your post. Your attempt at humor and entertainment is duly noted.


You can buy these on Sukhumvit Road in Bangkok along with knuckle dusters and nasty looking knives. I wouldn't recommend trying to get any of these through UK customs no matter how much the the vendor assures you it is ok. On no account would I try to tazer myself either but did once mace myself after drinking jagerbombs. Very painful and I vomited.


I've seen drunk Aussies nail themselves and each other with them on Bangla Rd with little to no effect. Just a bunch of loud, scary noise. I'm sure the real ones can and do pack a punch like this, but I have yet to see one in Thailand.


They are just useless toys. They do tickle a bit but no affect unless you are big pussy.Normally pussies don't bother people.Waste of money!


I got the same story sent to me by a Special Forces buddy several years ago. One of the best stories I have ever read on the internet. You have to love the cat.


Cmon, course its not original. Thats why its in The Pub.

Fooled me at first, though. Then I wondered how you'd be able to buy a taser in a shop.

Quite easily. Only last week a shop owner was trying his best to sell me one.


I wonder if people do the same with those pepper spray aerosols you can buy, usually from the same people who sell the 'stun' guns.

I don't think there will be many stories around of people spraying pepper spray in their eyes just to see if it worked, for want of them coming across as retarded.


They aren't tasers, they are stun guns. Tasers shoot a wire connected dart and have been known to kill. I know the real ones work, saw videos of them and some kind of pepper spray that knocked a bull to his knees (doubt the rancher would have thought it funny) when I was in the New Mexico Law Enforcement Academy. Never had the occasion to use one or see one working. I had 2, the ex-wife stole both when I kicked her fat ass out.

A funny story, like many, I heard it in one form or another years ago.

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This is a funny story that has been floating around the internet since

2004 and the truth to it has not yet been determined (Snopes).

However...true or not...it's a funny read nonetheless...must have

been a redneck!

Some links below...




My missus carries a stun gun...packs 380Kv in a

package a tad larger than a pack of ciggies. She's

used it twice...not yet on me but on a couple

guys intent on grabbing her ass & boobs. Dropped

em like dead flies it did.

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LOL! and I am still laughing. Very funny story krisb.

I thank ya' kindly for the entertainment.

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