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Human skull found on Koh Chang may be missing Briton

Lite Beer

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The family were over here on the island a couple of months back, although he had a already been missing for over 6 months. The body was found in a very secluded place, out past the Grand Laguna resort, so it would have taken a bit of finding. The ID and passport were all with the body, and there are pictures of the noose.

Very very sad end, and condolences to the family.

HMMM..?? Men typically use certain methods, do if it was truly a 'Hangman's Noose' then it should have been quick - too many make a simple slip knot and slowly strangle to death.

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I'm just wondering, should this matter point towards murder, will the police come clean and pursue the matter further or would they rather do the normal Thai-style and tell everybody that this sad incident was a result of suicide? My most sincere condolences to his family. Hopefully they'd be able to find peace of mind now that they know what had transpired.

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I'm just wondering, should this matter point towards murder, will the police come clean and pursue the matter further or would they rather do the normal Thai-style and tell everybody that this sad incident was a result of suicide? My most sincere condolences to his family. Hopefully they'd be able to find peace of mind now that they know what had transpired.

I wonder if the true findings might be negative for the tourist industry.

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I'm just wondering, should this matter point towards murder, will the police come clean and pursue the matter further or would they rather do the normal Thai-style and tell everybody that this sad incident was a result of suicide? My most sincere condolences to his family. Hopefully they'd be able to find peace of mind now that they know what had transpired.

I wonder if the true findings might be negative for the tourist industry.

There's a lot of things I wonder about Thailand.

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Alone, in a strange land . . . Maybe he planned to do it this way. How sad that he could not reach out. We have all felt like there is no way out of the depression. How sad no one could reach out to him. May God bless his soul.

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What a waste, if this really is a suicide. On the photo Paul looks like a very nice guy and just by the mere looks should have been able to wrap the world around his finger. He however appears sad on that particular photo. Such a shame he was not able to reach out and find a person to talk to about the problems or worries that drove him to the point of throwing his precious life away...

Given that the bag and all IDs were found close by, I very much doubt that he was killed by another person.

I hope that his soul and his family will find peace and closure. R.I.P., Paul - hope you are in a better place now.

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It is so sad to read nearly every day about someone offing themselves. My heart goes out to this tragic young man's family. Like (dingoh) said in an earlier post "Suicide is a terrible permanent solution to a temporary problem." My brother hanged himself when he was only 21 years old and it haunts me to this day. I would humbly ask everyone to pay attention to your friends and family members behavior and if you notice signs of isolation, depression or sadness, talk to them and try to pull whatever is bothering them out and discuss it. It could literally make the difference between life and death.

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I'm just wondering, should this matter point towards murder, will the police come clean and pursue the matter further or would they rather do the normal Thai-style and tell everybody that this sad incident was a result of suicide? My most sincere condolences to his family. Hopefully they'd be able to find peace of mind now that they know what had transpired.

I wonder if the true findings might be negative for the tourist industry.

They should but they probably won't be. The more that tourists discover that to the avenging Thai thug ( might be the cause but who knows ) finds your life meaningless and will off you for a mere pittance , the more that the tourist industry might be affected. But many people are not aware of the savagery that lies in wait for the unsuspecting.

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Don't think the Koh Chang branch of the BiB will have must appetite for investigating the possibility of foul play.

It could be like the nurse in Koh Samui who beat herself up and broke her own neck prior to hanging herself immediately following a violent row with her boyfriend. Result of police investigation - suicide.

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Regarding the secluded place where the poor mans remains were discovered why were the police there?

i understand that some locals were out walking in that area and found the remains. It really is very much off the beaten track though - not an easy place to get to.

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It is so sad to read nearly every day about someone offing themselves. My heart goes out to this tragic young man's family. Like (dingoh) said in an earlier post "Suicide is a terrible permanent solution to a temporary problem." My brother hanged himself when he was only 21 years old and it haunts me to this day. I would humbly ask everyone to pay attention to your friends and family members behavior and if you notice signs of isolation, depression or sadness, talk to them and try to pull whatever is bothering them out and discuss it. It could literally make the difference between life and death

Very true. In a past life I had a brother in law hang himself.

RIP Paul

What amazes me is how the cop bashers take the opportunity to get in their lick on a topic like this.

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Don't you just love the stupid head line " Human skull found ....", seeing as how what is probably a complete skeleton - shouldn't that be -- ' Human remains may be missing Briton ..... " -- but guess that is not as sensational as the former, and yes unfortunately what ever the cause it will be reported as "Suicide".

However at least the family can now get some relief that they have an answer to his disappearance if not a reason.

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I'm NOT too sure about this but somehow I remember reading somewhere that shortly before he was recorded "missing" he in fact DID make a final contact with his family during which he assured them that he was HAPPY as well as OKAY. So now my question would be, taking the above information into account, how does SUICIDE surface in any way regarding this very SAD incident?

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I'm NOT too sure about this but somehow I remember reading somewhere that shortly before he was recorded "missing" he in fact DID make a final contact with his family during which he assured them that he was HAPPY as well as OKAY. So now my question would be, taking the above information into account, how does SUICIDE surface in any way regarding this very SAD incident?

Many suicidal persons can look happy about life and then a day later without any warnings they hang themselves.

2 years ago the famous soccer player and Wales coach Gary Speed was found dead after hanging himself in the family garage. He was happily married with his wife and 2 young kids.

He performed in a TV show the day before and nobody suspected that he was depressed or had any suicidal thoughts , his nearest friends looked at him a s a happy man without problems in life.

To this day it is a mystery why he did it .

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Seems a lot of folks are speculating as to whether or not this was a suicide. I'll try not to be too graphic here but.......... The body was found in a remote tropical (read hot, humid) area. It is a very good possibility that if the fellow did commit suicide, the body was hanging there until it fully decomposed, at which time the head would have separated from the rest of the skeleton. I have seen pictures of the site and the rope appears to be positioned above the remains. This coupled with the fact that his possessions were found intact would seem to point to suicide. Just because he called his family and said he was fine indicates nothing. Many suicidal people will seem almost jovial and give no outward indication that they are contemplating such a desperate act.

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