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Epic Fail?........Or A Bump In The Road?......

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Just don't give up and go on at home. Much is possible but you found out that injuries can really ..... you up. I seen it with many people training.. an injury messing it all up.


Just don't give up and go on at home. Much is possible but you found out that injuries can really ..... you up. I seen it with many people training.. an injury messing it all up.

I agree,

I think sometemes a bump in the road can feel like an epic fail. Feelings are much stronger at that time of happening. You will be able to get back into the healthy mood. But perhaps, this time, you willl do it more gently. Gently, gently.

Ah, I just realied I have succeeded in ignoring the previous poster... Now that's an epic fail.sad.pnggiggle.gif


Has the OP ruled out bariatric surgery and if so, why? Bariatric surgery of course is an extreme measure and isn't for everyone but it is the most statistically effective long term solution for the morbidly obese by far.

Based on my reading an adult with chronic morbid obesity to try pedestrian "diet and exercise" measures, the long term success rate would be a few percent ...

Yes in "theory" it could work, but in the real world it generally doesn't.

Long term success meaning getting to normal weight and keeping it there for five years.

For those morbidly obese undergoing the surgery, success rates would be much, much higher:


Obesity isn't a moral problem. It's a MEDICAL problem.


I've actually had Bariatric surgery JT and that was an epic fail. A complete and utter nightmare of the first order. I still have a gastric band inside me to this very day.

I have contemplated the gastric bypass operation and it is on the cards at some point however due to my previous experience, it will be a true last resort. I'll do an extensive post tomorrow about the gastric band and what went wrong. A lot of people think it's a miracle cure, for some people it is but for me, ( and others ) wow what a calamity.


Sorry to hear that.

Yes you've pointed out there are different kinds of bariatric surgery with different implications and success isn't guaranteed.

Thanks JT, as i say I'll do a post tomorrow explaining where it went wrong for me, if it helps someone else then that's great.


Wait u were 6ft and 71kg at 17, 18? That's rather light mind you you sound like the wind could blow you away. Then you got the skin condition where somehow you got fluids into you and you ended up 20 kg heavier and nobody noticed? WOW!!!

Anyway to go up to 150kg and upwards damn you weigh as much as shaq or even more.


Buy a keyboard that mounts on the front of a walking machine.

You have spent at least 3 hours a day posting on TV since you arrived back in Thailand.

Forget all your psycho babble tosh.

Man up...exercise more and eat and drink less...simple.

I am also 47 and as fit as I have ever been in my life, despite having an incurable and chronic genetic blood disease.

Buy a surfboard and book a flight down here to Phuket. I will personally teach you to surf.

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Phronesis, I look forward to posting some photos of the surf on the east coast of Malaysia next year. Still haven't seen anything in Asia that compares to Sydney's surf beaches, much less the north-coast of NSW. (Indo has epic waves, but beaches ? Not so much, although places like Grajagan look very enticing)


@Phronesis, an offer I'll take you up on at some point.

@snake24, if you have nothing sensible to add, add nothing.

My pm threads are buzzing with members talking privately to me about their issues and experiences, and with excellent advice for me too. That's the strength of Thaivisa at work. Adults discussing issues in a sane and rational manner.

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hi blether,

when you get back to scotland, give me a shout ill still be here when you get back we,ll meet up for a glass of water,

have you tried swiming mate to take the presure of your legs?

take care mate and have a good flight back,


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right let me get out this office chair,,lol

my early years were spent welding,on sites all over the place, i do spend a lot of time office based now, but i still go for a walk round the site now and then,

but i will say when im at home i do work harder, doing the pigs and working on the farm, so what i put on now ill loose again when i get home,


@snake24, as always you seem to be able to type words and even sentences which, while often correctly spelt and grammatically correct, add nothing to the discussion.

What is your point? I was merely commenting on how small he was for his size at 6ft and 70 kilos soaking wet and then he suddenly just jumped upwards more than 2x his weight and how odd it was for him to have some type of liquid at his back which added 20kilos to his overall weight and he just simply ignored it.

I am just amazed how does someone just simply grow 2x his size and it's mostly all fat. I mean it's just hard to believe.


Blether what you need is gentle exercise like walking ( when the legs can stand it), surely you can find someone to walk with, ask the trolls???

My friend walks daily even now his 90's.


theblether ... power to you ... a man admits his mistakes and acknowledges the error of his ways ... not an easy thing to do ... wai.gif

The following YouTube is trite and more then a bit saccharine in it's presentation format, but there is an element of truth in the breaking of Bad Habits.

How to Hack the Habit Loop

For example, in my home country, with dinner, I'd have a few beers. In Thailand, usually they will drink water and focus on the taste of the food they are eating (and the gossip).

Now, when I have a beer, it's not related to food, more the social setting.

Same as when you sit at the table, for example, instead of instantly ordering a basket of chips to munch on while you peruse the menu.

Just some food for thought ...



Blether what you need is gentle exercise like walking ( when the legs can stand it), surely you can find someone to walk with, ask the trolls???

My friend walks daily even now his 90's.

Hydro therapy is a better solution as it places no weight on your knees and ankles. At the OPs weight, any exercise places undo stress on his already overworked ankles, knees and hips. Think of it as slow-motion aerobics in a swimming pool.


Absolutely, the pool is where I should be. I can't go in just now as I'm under Doctors orders re the motorcycle crash and have to avoid potential infection to my wounds. With a bit of luck I'll be in the pool later this week.


I'm noy sure about the exercise mantra.

In my youth I was a professional cyclist, back then I'd burn 3~4000 calories in a day training, much more in a long race.

These days I burn 800 calaries an hour - I might burn 2500 on a long Sunday ride.

But I question how many people can realistically burn 800 calories in a hour, do that more than a couple of days a week or even have the time to do so.

A 1 hour hard training session eats two hours in preperstion warm up, warm down and showering changing afterwards - its a serious commitment of time and effort.

Get home, have a cold beer and a snack and the calories are back on again.


Fans of 'Something about Mary' will get a kick out of this:


Hitchhiker: You heard of this thing, the 8-Minute Abs?

Ted: Yeah, sure, 8-Minute Abs. Yeah, the excercise video.

Hitchhiker: Yeah, this is going to blow that right out of the water. Listen to this: 7... Minute... Abs.

Ted: Right. Yes. OK, all right. I see where you're going.

Hitchhiker: Think about it. You walk into a video store, you see 8-Minute Abs sittin' there, there's 7-Minute Abs right beside it. Which one are you gonna pick, man?

Ted: I would go for the 7.

Hitchhiker: Bingo, man, bingo. 7-Minute Abs. And we guarantee just as good a workout as the 8-minute folk.

Ted: You guarantee it? That's… how do you do that?

Hitchhiker: If you're not happy with the first 7 minutes, we're gonna send you the extra minute free. You see? That's it. That's our motto. That's where we're comin' from. That's from "A" to "B".

Ted: That's right. That's… that's good. That's good. Unless, of course, somebody comes up with 6-Minute Abs. Then you're in trouble, huh?

Hitchhiker: No! No, no, not 6! I said 7. Nobody's comin' up with 6. Who works out in 6 minutes? You won't even get your heart goin, not even a mouse on a wheel.

Ted: That - good point. Hitchhiker: 7's the key number here. Think about it. 7-Elevens. 7 dwarves. 7, man, that's the number. 7 chipmunks twirlin' on a branch, eatin' lots of sunflowers on my uncle's ranch. You know that old children's tale from the sea. It's like you're dreamin' about Gorgonzola cheese when it's clearly Brie time, baby. Step into my office.

Ted: Why?

Hitchhiker: 'Cause you're f**n' fired!


mate, dont give up. At 38 after playing sport all my life I suffered a pretty bad back injury and beefed up a lot but refused to give up. I cant do too much without causing major problems but I was also a registered sports coach and had done all the necessary training so I set myself up with what I knew I could do. You do not need to do long walks etc, you need to do enough for your body to strengthen, even 10 minutes a day makes a huge difference. Make sure you eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner for a start and eat healthy, lots of fruit and vegetable and smaller amounts of meat, lots of water and only do what you are comfortable with. You do not want to suffer pain, you know your ankle is weak so adjust your training to suit, doing walking in a waist deep pool would be great and strengthen your ankle as well. There are a lot of excercises you can do in the water that will help you out and they will not tax your body too much, once you have them working for you you can start doing gym again, not anything heavy, 5 minutes on the walking machine at the start and finish(even 2 minutes at the finish), do excercises to strengthen your weaknesses and never do more than 10 repeats at a time, 2 to 3 sets are plenty if you have around 5 different excercises in them, start with one set thenas you get fitter do more sets but not too quick.

Ignore the crap in here, most of it is bulsh*t anyway, all in their heads or should I say they have it in their hands, be yourself and tell them to go .....themselves.biggrin.png

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Not an epic fail at all, tb, although I'd say it was more than one bump in the road!!!

You once said (in here or in a personal chat, I can't remember) that you suffered an addiction to food. I'd agree with that, based on first hand evidence and think that this an area to work on before you try any more fitness regimes that become negated by excessive calorific intake. Not another attack, believe me, but a piece of honest advice.

Not to rub salt in the wound (sorry, pun not intended.... well, maybe it was!) I lost 10 kgs in my first three months here by not continually snacking like I do back home. When I flew back, I put 3kgs back on in two weeks. Why? Because there were too many familiar temptations. Back in Thailand again, I have lost that and a bit more. What I would say to you is that you need to have a major change of mind-set, and attack the cause, ie your attraction/addiction to food, and not the symptoms, at least initially. Try to best that....if necessary by recourse to something akin to a rehab clinic while back home, and follow it up with your meditation idea when you return, to keep the mental momentum going. Have you tried hypnotherapy (sorry if you mentioned it somewhere, but 1. you know how long your posts can be, and 2. you know how short my attention span is....wink.png )

A really simple way would to be to keep a log of everything you eat and drink in a day (and night). Quite a hard task, (but we know you like to write a lot! facepalm.gif ). I think that if you could do that for a week, you would give yourself a severe shock, and aslo any therapist / doctor / whoever a significant document to work with in defining your eating habits.

Like others have said (in TV and in the hotel) aim for non weight-bearing exercise such as in a pool rather than doing what you did before. It was heart-rending watching you drag yourself down the road to the hotel looking like roadkill (NO pun intended this time). You deserve better than to look and feel like that, but I'm sure you'll agree in what you write next, that two or three big bottles of coke to replace lost energy are not the best way to go!

You've been a right royal pain in the a$$ with all of your antics here, but there hasn't been one single person who wasn't wishing you well, wanting to see you succeed and fit into the clothes you had targeted at the outset. Don't give up, mate, and try harder than ever to avoid the temptations of the wrong foods and drinks. If you really have an addiction (be it to food or whatever), there is no shame whatsoever in facing up to it and "doing re-hab" or seeing a hypnotist / or other form of mind-bender. If the end result becomes achievable, then who cares how you get there, but this time, <deleted> please make it a painless journey!!

(Just sayin'.....coffee1.gif ) HAAAA

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Buy a keyboard that mounts on the front of a walking machine.

You have spent at least 3 hours a day posting on TV since you arrived back in Thailand.

Forget all your psycho babble tosh.

Man up...exercise more and eat and drink less...simple.

I am also 47 and as fit as I have ever been in my life, despite having an incurable and chronic genetic blood disease.

Buy a surfboard and book a flight down here to Phuket. I will personally teach you to surf.

I heard the surf is relatively crap in Phuket.

Is that so ?

And only exists around monsoon season and is quite dangerous, particularly for beginners and kids.

Any of this correct ?

By the way to the other poster, Indo has excellent waves as you mentioned, but also some great beaches, exotic black sand etc, just got back from several.

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