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New to Chiang Mai? Beware of this scammer who says he needs bus fare to get home.


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New to Chiang Mai? Beware of this scammer who says he needs bus fare to get home.

He’ll tell you some sad story like he needs x# of baht to get back home to his village, but it's all a scam.

He lives in Chiang Mai and scams people for a living. He's been doing it for years.

Tell him you know he's a scammer because his photo is on the internet.


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This happens all over the world. Folks asking (begging) for money to get home. Couple of months ago I gave a monk (who was hitch hiking) a ride. He proceeded to ask me for money to get back home to Bangkok. When I just said I had no money he asked to get out of the car and I watched him wait for the next car to stop. So, beware of anyone asking for money. If you want to give, no problem.

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I knew a guy who had been pastoring a church near a busy highway in the US (Interstate 80, in Iowa). He regularly got stories of "my car just broke down, and if you could give/loan me $300 I can make it home to Colorado" or wherever. After a while he hit upon a strategy. He would tell them, "sure, I'll do that. But I have a hedge in back that needs to be trimmed. Will take you about an hour. You trim the hedge, I'll give you the money." He said in 10 years of using that line, the hedge never did get trimmed.

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As said, he's been around for years. I once said to him after about a year between encounters.... man you could have walked back to your village by now. He's harmless (as long as you don't take the bait) and certainly a lot more well mannered than the individuals asking for money on the streets of the cities in my home country of Canada.

Edited by habfan
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This happens all over the world. Folks asking (begging) for money to get home. Couple of months ago I gave a monk (who was hitch hiking) a ride. He proceeded to ask me for money to get back home to Bangkok. When I just said I had no money he asked to get out of the car and I watched him wait for the next car to stop.

At least they don't call you a <deleted> here. rolleyes.gif

Just avoid hitch-hikers altogether, robe or not. Anyone can bung a cloth on and say they're whoever. Nice to be a good samaritan and all that, but too many nutters about today.

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This happens all over the world. Folks asking (begging) for money to get home. Couple of months ago I gave a monk (who was hitch hiking) a ride. He proceeded to ask me for money to get back home to Bangkok. When I just said I had no money he asked to get out of the car and I watched him wait for the next car to stop. So, beware of anyone asking for money. If you want to give, no problem.

There is a guy who is dressed like a monk (kinda) who pops into 3 Little Pigs around the lunch hour or a little later. I've seem him in there twice now. He approaches people for money while they are eating which is rude. He approached me asking for money and I offered to buy him a meal. He gave me a look as cold as steel and walked out. I don't think he is a monk. His outfit is a bit unusual and the thing he carries to put money in is not like the monks carry. He could be Burmese or some other Asian nationality - not sure. Also it's unusual for monks to be out collecting at 13-14:00 in the afternoon.

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This happens all over the world. Folks asking (begging) for money to get home. Couple of months ago I gave a monk (who was hitch hiking) a ride. He proceeded to ask me for money to get back home to Bangkok. When I just said I had no money he asked to get out of the car and I watched him wait for the next car to stop. So, beware of anyone asking for money. If you want to give, no problem.

There is a guy who is dressed like a monk (kinda) who pops into 3 Little Pigs around the lunch hour or a little later. I've seem him in there twice now. He approaches people for money while they are eating which is rude. He approached me asking for money and I offered to buy him a meal. He gave me a look as cold as steel and walked out. I don't think he is a monk. His outfit is a bit unusual and the thing he carries to put money in is not like the monks carry. He could be Burmese or some other Asian nationality - not sure. Also it's unusual for monks to be out collecting at 13-14:00 in the afternoon.

A real monk doesn't ask or request for something. False monks don't represent Buddhism.

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There is no need to "beware" of him, he is harmless and polite - just a persistent nuisance.

After being regularly pestered by him (over many years) at the top end of Tha Pae, I said to him - "Look, look at my face, remember it, and remember that it always says 'no'." I said it with a gentle voice and a smile. He has not bothered me since. (btw, many years ago he used to tout for tour operators, not ask for money).

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This happens all over the world. Folks asking (begging) for money to get home. Couple of months ago I gave a monk (who was hitch hiking) a ride. He proceeded to ask me for money to get back home to Bangkok. When I just said I had no money he asked to get out of the car and I watched him wait for the next car to stop. So, beware of anyone asking for money. If you want to give, no problem.

Reminds me of when I was traveling by bus in Mexico. The bus stopped and let three guys get on with

musical instruments. They walked up and down the aisle for a bit playing and singing

in general entertaining. They then took up a collection the bus stopped and they went across

the street to wait for a bus to take them the other way. At least they provided some entertainment.

I saw that happen twice. A little farther of topic I used to eat at this one restaurant in Mexico.

A little kid 4 or 5 would come in walk all around selling bubble gum for one peso

and when he had visited all the diners the staff would run him out.

It was a daily occurrence.smile.pngsmile.png

Edited by hellodolly
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Maybe he commutes, but never has the bus fare wink.png

clap2.gif Spot on ! In fact he is often seen on the Songtaews down to Hang Dong/Sanpatong.

So in fact he is asking for the bus fare home. No one bothers to ask him if he's coming back the next day though!

He could be smarter than the average poster on here. wink.png

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must be a family member,of the thai lady ive been stopped in nimman,who asks are you a christian,err no.as i need money for bus fare home to lamphun.

There is one lady who is often at Tesco Kamthieng in the evenings. Her clothes are quite dirty. She looks at foreigners and once eye contact is made she asks if you are a Christian. She approaches and gives the same pitch that she is a Christian and needs bus money to get home to Lamphun or wherever. She asks if she can pray together. Her English is quite good. I've noticed a couple of farangs fall for it and give her money.

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I remember 3 years ago an obviously down and out chap came up to me asking for money. Had I been alone I would have told him to f*** off. However I was with my wife and did not want to appear as heartless. I gave him 100 bahts. Then he completely embarrassed my by dropping to his knees and kissed my feet for what seemed like an eternity. This being a very busy street people were stopping to stare. Frankly I was completely humiliated.

Edited by market trader
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10 years he's been asking for money around town, his English is very good by now I bet.

I would say closer to 20 and his English was really good when he first started. He knows me and always asks for money although I have never given him any. He is harmless, but annoying if you realize what he is up to.

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Ah.............the milk of human kindness of Thai Visa.

Personally i would like to post a picture of the OP naming him ( or her or it ) as a scaremongering fool.

And is it so hard to give away a few baht................

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Isn't wrong to declare someone a criminal and then post their picture all over the internet? This OP has also placed this person's picture on Reddit. Perhaps posted on other places online? But only one side of the story --- hers. Is the OP the judge and jury? In Thailand, she could easily have committed liable by posting this and defaming this person's character. This person that she claims is a scammer would win a big award in civil court.

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Isn't wrong to declare someone a criminal and then post their picture all over the internet? This OP has also placed this person's picture on Reddit. Perhaps posted on other places online? But only one side of the story --- hers. Is the OP the judge and jury? In Thailand, she could easily have committed liable by posting this and defaming this person's character. This person that she claims is a scammer would win a big award in civil court.

Good point.

I challenge the Op to post a picture of him or herself in order that we can all see the face of some one who defames another.

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