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Bangkok on mission to clear footpaths


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How will this horrendous plan affect Bangkok's claim to "Best Footpath Food City" claim?

kow-mung-gai doesn't taste the same inside a shop!

Take the dust pan out to the curb and sweep up some dust and debri and sprinkle it on your food, and if that doesn't do it ask people exiting the loo with dry unwashed hands to please fondle your food. There you go, always a way isn't there.

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In Bangkok only...what a pity.

In Phuket town, sidewalks are considered the best place to park motorbikes. Most of the time less sunny, less danger from being hit by rushing traffic...

Oh yes, pedestrians...well, there is always some room left on the roads right...

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There will always be talk of reform. Who will enforce the reform?

The only Thais that seem to get off their butt to do anything are Lumpini park homeless "protestors" and parking attendants with a whistle. These are the only relentless Thais I see in our society.

The food vendors are pretty relentless, which is exacerbated by the low hanging awnings and umbrellas at about 5' 9", just right for head bumps and eye pokes.

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I have never had a problem with an ad banner that I can remember. Traders with their stalls, food carts with their tables and chairs, uneven paving slabs, motorcycle taxis riding on the pavements, kerbs sometimes a foot high but none of these problems seem important to the BMA.

Ditto on that...

Meanwhile, this is another B.S. BMA announcement...

So they removed 3000+ banners... But then the same article notes:

Tridao said that the transport office has awarded permission to over 8,000 ad banners. The office is now working on the mapping and district offices will check if the banners are located accordingly to the mapping.

So it's OK if BMA approved banners -- double the number they supposedly removed -- clutter up the streets and pathways... But they clearly don't want non-approved banners doing the same.

Put this one into the same category as the prior promise to get the beggars off the streets, or to have legitimate bike paths, or to enforce the rules against taxi drives who refuse to use the meter or simply pass by customers, etc etc etc.

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In Bangkok only...what a pity.

In Phuket town, sidewalks are considered the best place to park motorbikes. Most of the time less sunny, less danger from being hit by rushing traffic...

Oh yes, pedestrians...well, there is always some room left on the roads right...

Same goes for everywhere, Pattaya beach road prime example (shops side) could be on par with BKK if not worse. Harry's dream is far from coming. apart from hotels and a few venues disabled persons are forbidden or who dares to try.

By the way it's alright saying we have facilities, how do you get to those facilities ?? suppose the powers that be think every disabled person has transport equipped with wheelchair fixtures.

Not everyone has a wheelchair, far from it MOST are without/ as they are the forgotten people, if you fall into this per cent you have no chance with a walking stick. If blind sorry stay at home and wait for ???? In my Thailand experience I have seen thousands in this position. It is I'm alright jack F U

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I would have though Khao San would be an exception.

But if they are serious about this, they should do something about the immoveable obstacles: phone boxes, service covers that stan proud of the footpath, light/power poles, trees, fire hydrants etc that are situated in the middle so pedestrians have to walk round them.

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Is this a class thing ?? how many well to do - blinding rich walk around these areas ??? Tourists- 'well we already have you here so--ha ha', local people, 'who cares about the workers' so we have to show we are doing something about the problem even if we don't act it out.

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And where are they going to put them? On the road?

In Chiang Mai, I learned about parking on the sidewalk from the locals. On the main roads, from 3pm to 6pm you move your vehicle from the road to the sidewalk. The BIB don't care so I assume it's legal. Basically: When in Rome do what the Roman's do.

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I have a dream.....a dream that one day I may travel along the sidewalks of Bangkok in a wheelchair.

I have a dream...a Honda Dream 125 that I park on the sidewalk when there is nowhere else to park.

It's just one of those things. Are you a person who wants more or less regulation in your life. I'm pretty happy with having less regulation imposed on me, so I now accept things like sidewalks being a place for car and motorcycle parking, planting large trees, public works appliances, vendors, tables, chairs, more vendors, potted plants, large signs promoting the latest and greatest in WiFi and Cellular Technology, garbage, castaways, drunks, dogs, and an occasional pedestrian.

I'm with it. I accept it. I embrace it. It's one thing in life that simply does not bother me. Thank god (and Buddha)!

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And a thai built and manned spaceship today docked at their moon landing base today in the first stage of their voyage to discover the origins of somtam pla lah smile.png

You may well find that current spaceships contain major thai built components.

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All of a sudden I think I,ll take a walk the next time I want to go anywhere !

And a thai built and manned spaceship today docked at their moon landing base today in the first stage of their voyage to discover the origins of somtam pla lah smile.png

You may well find that current spaceships contain major thai built components.
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I have a dream.....a dream that one day I may travel along the sidewalks of Bangkok in a wheelchair.


Are you wishing you become disabled?

Come up and try my wheelchair some time. You may learn something.

Guess he never thought about it, only tried to be clever.

see my post #37--feel for you mate, and understand.

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I think part of the answer is raised walkways above ground, on BTS level. If only there were a way to pass through a station without passing through a turnstilel I would happily walk the distance of Sukumvit above the vehicle exhausts, motored vehicles on the sidewalk and vendors.

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I'm fine with food vendors ... it wouldn't be Thailand without them. But the other stuff can definitely go. And a curse on all motorcycles ... moving & parked ... on the walkways.

Yes, let us by all means understand that this is the only way many Thai can afford to eat and live in Bangkok with the street vendors of food but they also need to be made to stop obstructing the walkway to such an extent. I was really angry the other morning when I noticed that behind the stalls was more room than in front and I could not pass. That is not acceptable. Good on them for making the decision, I will await action before I applaud too loud.

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Let's start it gently by removing all the plastic chairs etc that people put on the road side outside their shop house etc. I do my best and drive over them even if they do get stuck under the pick up. They don't do any damage and generally come out the back a few metres down the road.

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this is a non story. despite the khao san road pics, they ar cutting down on some iilegal advertising, some unwanted and unlicensed phone booth and some motorcycle taxis. They are not making any attempts to alleviate the real problem at all.

Same as it ever was.

the truth be told thy know they cannot simply put that many people out of a job without serious repercussions

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