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Young Norwegian assaulted and Robbed on Pattaya Beach

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When will this stop?

And... NEVER get drunk in public, it is well know that groups of low class criminals want to take advantage of this. NEVER carry valubles of huge amounts of cash. TIT


A post discussing moderation has been removed, also a further one line Pattaya Bashing troll post that does not contribute anything to the topic in any way.

"Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast!"

Arnold Judas Rimmer of Jupiter Mining Corporation Ship Red Dwarf


When will this stop?

And... NEVER get drunk in public, it is well know that groups of low class criminals want to take advantage of this. NEVER carry valubles of huge amounts of cash. TIT

You think crime will stop? In Utopia maybe, but not on planet Earth and certainly not in Pattaya!


I agree with u navara, but I mostly go to Pataya beach just to chill alone on beach side , but no need to carry money and expensive mobile bcz now Pataya is a crime area government has to take a serious action against criminals .


When people ask me is it safe to come to Thailand, I reply just use common sense. Seems this guy didn't listen to me.

Common sense means in this example it isn't safe when you are intoxicated in an isolated area at night when you are alone.

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2 against one drunk guy ... typical here .... Well man , next time dont stay on the beach at 4.30am and drunk .....

Lets not be too quick to judge as we all know where wolves are just turning back into human form at that point of the morning

We have to allow for open minded


2 against one drunk guy ... typical here .... Well man , next time dont stay on the beach at 4.30am and drunk .....

Lets not be too quick to judge as we all know where wolves are just turning back into human form at that point of the morning

We have to allow for open minded

Sorry I am drunk on a beach at the moment

As for common sense forget U r drunk

Common sense has turned to common. Nonsense


Wow...I thought Norwegians were tall blonde viking looking chaps....

What a stupid comment. Where do you live? North Korea?

apparently there are a couple of posters here who have yet to recognize "tongue-in-cheek" or "dry humor", and take things way to serious.

My response to this particular one would be: "No, but may I ask, where do you live? A cave?"

Sorry, but I do tend to turn into something of a smarta** when confronted with abject ignorance. wai2.gif

I suspect alocacoc's observation is right on the money.

But your self-recognition is admirable.


2 against one drunk guy ... typical here .... Well man , next time dont stay on the beach at 4.30am and drunk .....

Good advice to everyone, everywhere.

It would be a shame if the muggings and street robberies found in more developed countries would start to be a regular occurance in Pattaya, but it is probably inevitable. Common sense is required.

Funny how you don't read of constant attacks on foreigners -- which are regular events in parts of this country -- in newspapers in the developed world. Hmm...must be some big conspiracy to make this country look bad -- no other possible answer, is there?

It would be an even greater shame if the cowardice and lack of honest policing found in the developing world made its way to the developed. Let's hope that's not inevitable.


When people ask me is it safe to come to Thailand, I reply just use common sense. Seems this guy didn't listen to me.

Yes, if you just use common sense and stay sober, Thailand is one of the safest countries in the world.

Particularly if you exercise normal caution and avoid tourist areas which in any country attract the less savoury elements in society regardless of where you are.

When over indulging in alcohol, one needs to ensure you are in company that will take care of you.

Not for one minute do I accept or excuse the behaviour by the assailants but the risk versus reward in a country like Thailand leads to these type of incidents. They do not have so many in places like Singapore where you cannot "buy" bail and flee and the punishment is real and harsh, good on them.

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Wow...I thought Norwegians were tall blonde viking looking chaps....

What a stupid comment. Where do you live? North Korea?

Most citizens of every country these days do not seem to have native names.

Our Norwegian man sounds more Vietnamese.


4.30 am, that means he has to wait 12 hours before the tourist court opens before he can report it. What do tourists do to feel safe and prevent this between the hours of 8.30 pm and 4.30 pm. The court was established so that tourists could feel safe and enjoy their holiday. Guess this guy was lured into a false sense of security.

Tourist Court was set up to mainly handle low level scams and disputes for quick resolution. Criminal matters such as robbery with violence should be reported to the Tourist Police/RTP and sentencing would be dealt with by the Provincial Court in Jomtien

Noooooooo it was set up to reassure travellers of their safety.

PATTAYA: -- Thailand's first tourist court will open tomorrow in the popular beach resort city of Pattaya as part of the government's move to reassure travellers of their "safety" while visiting the country.

From 4.30pm to 8.30pm, foreign tourists can come and lodge complaints, especially over unfair services and personal security.



Wow...I thought Norwegians were tall blonde viking looking chaps....

in case you did not know, in the USA, there are not only white people, but black people, asian people, native indians, etc.

Example of other Western countries with not only white people are:







and the list goes on and on...

You sir, have A LOT to learn...


Sadly, when drunk, people do unwise things.

Still I wouldn't tell tourists not to enjoy a few drinks in Thailand.

And being from Norway, (even if he doesn't look it), sitting on the beach watching the moonlight reflect off the sea in a balmy tropical climate might be something a tourist would like to do.

I am sure it happens in Hawai or Tahiti etc.

Silly tourist, expecting to be safe in the centre of town..........I don't think.

Shame on Pattaya not taking care of it's guests better.

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4.30 am, that means he has to wait 12 hours before the tourist court opens before he can report it. What do tourists do to feel safe and prevent this between the hours of 8.30 pm and 4.30 pm. The court was established so that tourists could feel safe and enjoy their holiday. Guess this guy was lured into a false sense of security.

I want to live in the country that you are from. Wow, when you are mugged at 4:30am, by 5:00am you are in a Tourist Court getting relief? Please tell me where this glorious land that your refer to is.

I actually said he has to wait 12 hours, not be in court in 30 minutes.facepalm.gifcrazy.gif.pagespeed.ce.dzDUUqYcHZ.gif

Thailand set up these courts to make tourists feel safe whilst holidaying.

it is actually documented on another topic on Thai Visa why these courts were set up. To make tourists "feel Safe"


Wow...I thought Norwegians were tall blonde viking looking chaps....

in case you did not know, in the USA, there are not only white people, but black people, asian people, native indians, etc.

.................and don't forget people of Hispanic origin now the 2nd largest minority in the USA. In California Hispanics make up 39% of the general population.


Would this be in the news if the scene of the crime was Manhattan, New York, Kings Cross, Berlin, Frankfurt or Amsterdam? coffee1.gif

if a tourist gets beaten and robbed in Kings Cross or any other part of Australia, the answer is YES

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well most unknowing tourists would just think the beach is like any other holiday resort a place to chill and relax day or night, but it`s a place to be careful around. randomly policed, many mafia operate along it, and basically out of bounds at night, many other countries I`ve visited make use of the beaches until late at night, turkey being one of my faves, can chill watch the sun go down, beer,shisha,coffee, beanbags, awesome, here all the beach ,deckchair,stalls must be shut around six, umbrella`s down , only on Friday Saturday they can leave umbrellas in place but folded down, no barbeques, well basically shutdown bar sitting on sand,


Would anyone go on Pattaya beach or any other tourist beach area at 4.30am and drunk too.

In a nice world my answer would be an idylic yes,but are we living in a nice world,forget Pattaya,just think of how many countries one would be safe in.

Obviously rational people do not go on the beach at 4:30 a.m. But how many people do you know who are rational.


the town is a spiders trap for westerners seeking fun, this crap goes on everywhere, crims bludging on the vunerable, but common sense isnt that common anymore, me i chatted to the ladies down the beach and had a great time plus, hopefully he learns from it
spell error


I'm glad the victim wasn't stabbed or worse. A warning to all that the vermin are out there preying on those who are vulnerable. They slink back into their holes during daylight and consume the bounties of their crimes.

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